Chapter 433

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:11:14
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Fobler’s New York office, Criminal Investigation Department.

Interrogation room.

Zhou Tiancheng was handcuffed to the interrogation chair.

The observation room next door was surrounded by a group of people, all coming to see this famous Southeast Asian gambling king.

“Cluck ……”

The door to the observation room pushed open, and Negan walked into the observation room.

“Hey, Boss.”

“Supervisor.” The crowd greeted.

Negan nodded and seemed to be in a good mood as he looked at Zhou Tiancheng in the interrogation room through the one-way glass.

“Luke, you and Lois are in charge of the interrogation.”

Luke was a bit surprised.

Michael, on the other hand, was envious and jealous, this big brother was also too biased, what about me? What about me! What about me!

However, thinking that Zhou Tiancheng was arrested by Luke, he had no temper.

New York was clearly their territory yet an outsider had caught the suspect.

In the interrogation room, Zhou Tiancheng leaned back on the recliner with his eyes closed, and he didn’t know if he was reminiscing about the past scenery again.

“Cluck ……” a door slammed, Luke and Louise walked into the interrogation room.

Zhou Tiancheng slowly opened his eyes and looked at Luke and Louise and asked, “How did you find me?”

“You sent someone to kill Zhang Qilong, right?”

Zhou Tiancheng said helplessly, “Two days, as long as you give me two more days, you guys will never be able to catch me.”

Luke said, “You found this cosmetic surgery clinic through Zhang Qilong’s connections and were worried that he would leak the news, so you killed him to silence him.”

“Who called Zhang Qilong, I don’t know this person you’re talking about.” Zhou Tiancheng’s tone was bland, without much fluctuation on his face.

Louise said, “Right now, all the countries in Southeast Asia are looking for you, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Myanmar, Vietnam, all these countries want to extradite you back.

We can leave you in the United States for trial, or we can hand you over to any of the countries above.

Your criminal files in all these countries could fill a truck, you should know very well what that means.”

Zhou Tiancheng laughed, “I have to be tried in the US even if I plead guilty, spoken as if I don’t have to go to jail.”

Louise said, “I feel the need to remind you that New York State has put a moratorium on the death penalty.

And, as long as you cooperate with the investigation, we can turn you into a tainted witness and get a nice plea deal.”

“You don’t seem to know much about Southeast Asia; Malaysia has abolished the death penalty, and Burma hasn’t had an execution in years, and the U.S. isn’t the only one that preaches human rights.”

“Then hand you over to countries that have the death penalty. Besides, even if these countries don’t have the death penalty, their transparency in law enforcement is far from being comparable to New York.

Your end might be even worse than being sentenced to death, shouldn’t need me to popularize it.”

“As far as I know, the transparency of law enforcement in the United States isn’t very high either.”

Louise said, “I don’t want to talk nonsense with you, I’ll give you five minutes to think for yourself.”

Zhou Tiancheng quickly made up his mind, perhaps he had thought about it before he was caught, “I want to trade.”

Luke replied, “Yes, but the premise of the deal is that you have to confess first.”

“Deal.” Zhou Tiancheng knew what Fo Boller really wanted.

Zhou Tiancheng was different from ordinary suspects, his real bargaining chip was the hundreds of millions of dollars of wealth he had stashed away.

“You’re right, I knew that you guys could find out about my relationship with Zheng Lagong, so instead of searching for the plastic surgery clinic through his channels, I found it through a rival gang of the Flying Dragons, a gangster named Zhang Qilong.”

Luke struck while the iron was hot: “How did you know Zhang Qilong?”

“I don’t know him, Song Jinbao introduced me, and Song Jinbao killed the man.

I just instructed Song Jinbao to find a ‘clean’ plastic surgery clinic.”

“How did Song Jinbao kill him?”

“I don’t know.

If I have to worry about this little thing, then what do I need him for.”

Luke marked his notebook, “Did you send someone to kill accountant Ma Jiansheng as well?”

“I know you have Mo Shaoxiong, he should have told you already.”

“I still want to hear it from your own mouth.”

“That’s right, it was me who told Mo Shaoxiong to kill accountant Ma Jiansheng.

He knows too much, and as long as he lives, my hidden assets will be exposed sooner or later.

He had to die.”

“Describe the process of killing accountant Ma Jiansheng.”

“You think I would do it myself?”

Zhou Tiancheng flicked his nails and said, “You guys better ask Mo Shaoxiong, I originally thought that he was a good killer, but it turned out that he was still caught by you guys.

Don’t tell me that he hasn’t confessed yet, then I will look down on you guys.”

Luke couldn’t be bothered to continue to pursue the matter and changed the topic, “Tell me about Zheng Lagong, how did he die?”

“Zheng Lagong was also killed by Mo Shaoxiong.”

“Zheng Lagong helped you smuggle to New York, for you have favor, why instructed Mo Shaoxiong to kill?”

“I did give Mo Shaoxiong a sum of money after he killed Zheng Lagong, but to say that I instructed him would be a bit of an injustice.”

“Don’t you think that statement contradicts itself? If you didn’t order it, why did you give Mo Shaoxiong money?”

Zhou Tiancheng yawned and said, “In fact, the one who really wanted to kill Zheng Lagong should be his good ‘helper’ Mo Shaoxiong, I was just blackmailed by Mo Shaoxiong in disguise.”

“Why did Mo Shaoxiong want to kill Zheng Lagong?”

“It’s a long story, Zheng Lagong and Mo Shaoxiong were both originally members of a Thai gang, about twelve or thirteen years ago, Zheng Lagong suddenly wanted to come to New York to develop.

At that time, I even asked him why, but he didn’t say.

He came to New York with a group of men, and the men and territory he left behind in Thailand were handed over to Mo Shaoxiong.

Shortly after he left, I heard that the boss of another gang had brought his men to sweep Mo Shaoxiong’s turf.

That’s when I realized that Cheng Lak Kung had offended the big man of another local gang and that’s why he ran away to New York.

He said he left his turf to Mo Shaoxiong, but in fact, he asked Mo Shaoxiong to break his back.

Zheng Lagong has run away, how can Mo Shaoxiong be the opponent of another gang big brother, not only the turf was robbed, but also be chased around.

Mo Shaoxiong had no choice but to go to me for help.

I gave him a sum of money, and he also ran to New York to join Zheng Lagong, in fact, the relationship between the two had already buried hidden dangers.” Zhou Tiancheng spoke with a somewhat dry mouth, “Can you give me a cup to drink? No coffee, water is fine.”

Luke pressed the microphone switch on the table, “Send in a cup of water.”

Not long after, an agent brought in a cup of water, Zhou Tiancheng moistened his throat and continued, “Of course, this matter has passed for a long time, even if Mo Shaoxiong has grievances in his heart, he won’t kill anyone because of this, the real reason that prompted Mo Shaoxiong to commit the murder was that he found out that Zheng Lagong had become an informant of the New York police.

This makes Mo Shaoxiong a little difficult to accept, he followed half of his life boss is actually the police undercover, the blow to him is too big, but also related to his own safety.

He was afraid that Zheng Lagong would sell himself to the NYPD, and he was even more worried that Zheng Lagong’s identity would be discovered by the Flying Dragon Gang, and he wouldn’t be able to gain a foothold in the gang.

His relationship with Zheng Lagong was too close, even if he said that he had no relationship with the NYPD, the gang could not believe him.

For him, Zheng Lagong’s death is the best solution.”

Luke asked, “So it wasn’t you who approached Mo Shaoxiong, but he took the initiative to kill Zheng Lagong?”

“That’s right.

Mo Shaoxiong found me and said that Zheng Lagong was an informant for the NYPD, I didn’t believe him originally, but he took out photos of Zheng Lagong’s joints.

He also said that Jung Lakung had told the police about my arrival in New York and might betray my whereabouts at any time.

I was worried that he was testing me and didn’t agree with him right away.

Then, he told his dissatisfaction with Zheng Lagong, since coming to New York to join the Flying Dragon Gang, the two of them did not develop very well.

Zheng Lagong has been mixing for so many years and is only a deputy head of the hall with no real power, and Mo Shaoxiong is even more so.

For coming to New York to join Zheng Lagong, Mo Shaoxiong had long regretted it.

With the old and new hatred combined, he decided to take out Zheng Lagong, and also pointed out the threat that Zheng Lagong poses to me.

Suggesting that we take out Jung Lakung together, with money to spare and power to spare.

To put it bluntly, this asshole wants to extort a sum of money from me in the name of taking out Zheng Lagong.”

Luke said, “You don’t look like someone who is easily extorted.”

Zhou Tiancheng smiled, “That’s just some small amount of money, it’s nothing to me, after all, this isn’t my territory, and I’m worried that Mo Shaoxiong will jump over the wall.

Moreover, I also have some things that I need Mo Shaoxiong to deal with, such as taking out accountant Ma Jiansheng, he knows about the assets that I’ve hidden, he must be removed.

And this matter is not convenient for Song Jinbao to do, he knows the whereabouts of these assets better than Ma Jiansheng, he will be alerted, I do not want to irritate him.

So it’s more appropriate for Mo Shaoxiong to come in, and the two of us will benefit from each other.

Killing Zheng Lagong is also considered a pitch, so I’m relieved to let him do his job.”

“Where is Zheng Lagong’s body?”

“I don’t know, nor am I interested.

Mo Shaoxiong wanted Jung Lagong to die more than I did, and there was no need for me to doubt the authenticity.

If everything required me to ask about everything, I would have died of exhaustion long ago.”

“What about Song Jinbao? Wasn’t he your beloved? Why did you kill him?”

Zhou Tiancheng raised his head, his eyes looking at the roof, “I wanted to kill him a long time ago, it must have been almost ten years.

To be exact, I sent him to New York at that time because I wanted to find an opportunity for Zheng Lagong to finish him off.”

“You have so much power in Southeast Asia, if you want to kill him why don’t you do it over there, wouldn’t it be more convenient?”

Zhou Tiancheng smiled, “Killing him is a small matter, face is a big matter.

Everyone knows that he is my beloved, if he dies, if I don’t trace him, what will the people under me think? Even if it’s to enlist my men, I still need to find the murderer who killed Song Jinbao.

I can’t go arresting myself.

In New York there are not so many scruples, I can just find a scapegoat, and my minions far away in Southeast Asia won’t know.”

“Why kill him?”

“That’s the second reason, I can’t let anyone know the reason for killing him.” Zhou Tiancheng shrugged and laughed at himself.

“However, there’s no need to hide it now, give me a cigarette and I’ll tell you.”

Luke lit a cigarette and handed it to Zhou Tiancheng.

Zhou Tiancheng took two puffs, “Hua Zi, you actually smoke this kind of cigarette.”

“A friend gave it to me.” To be exact, Luke took it from his dad’s house.

“You have Chinese ancestry, right?”

Luke said in Chinese, “Yes, my last name is Li.

But this is not the time to talk about old folks, let’s talk about you and Sung Kim Bo.”

“Hehe, can’t see that you’re quite nosy too.”

Zhou Tiancheng exhaled a mouthful of smoke, his tone flat, as if he was talking about someone else’s business, “That bastard got involved with my ex-wife Chen Yue, and got her pregnant, that’s the girl called Chen Ning.

Chen Yue thought I didn’t know, in fact, I noticed from the beginning that Chen Ning didn’t look like me at all, instead, she looked like Song Jinbao.

Who would not even recognize their own child?”

Louise curiously said, “Then why did you put up with it for so long? What special background does Chen Yue have?”


I was once so angry that I thought of killing them.

But one is my wife and the other is my beloved henchman, if both of them died together, even a fool would know what happened.

I would be a laughing stock in all of Southeast Asia.

I didn’t become the King of Gamblers but the King of Cuckolds.

So I didn’t rush to do it and prepared to dispatch Song Jinbao to New York to finish Song Jinbao off first.

Chen Yue is not a threat to me, I can kill her at any time.” Zhou Tiancheng flicked his cigarette ash and hummed.

“But then something happened that made me change my mind.

Internet betting is very lucrative, but it’s illegal, and it’s not easy to clear your name.

As my business grew bigger and bigger, and I controlled more and more money, this sense of crisis became more and more obvious.

I had to think about the way back in the future.

The best outcome would be to be able to successfully clear my name, go ashore, and transform myself into a successful businessman; I have been working towards this direction, but it is difficult, and I feel that I have been targeted.

If I can’t make it to shore, then there is only one way to run away.

But I know very well that I’ve made too much money over the years and moved too many people’s interests, and this group of people will be watching me to the death, and they will not only drain me of my wealth, but they will also screw me to death.

I don’t want to spend my whole life in hiding, the best way is to let the world think I’m dead, and change my identity to live again.

It is because of this that Song Jinbao has been able to live for so long.”

“You’ve been laying out this game today for ten years?”

“Pretty much.

I’m like a crippled fat sheep, there are too many people staring at me.

It’s impossible to hide the destruction of the body from everyone, at the very least it’s hard to fool Fobler and the police, you’ll still be looking for me.

And what you guys believe in most is science and evidence, I’ll give you the evidence, give you the most accurate evidence, DNA identification.

Chen Yue is my ex-wife, everyone thinks Chen Ning is my daughter, if I die and the body is unrecognizable, the police will definitely look for Chen Ning for DNA identification.

Therefore, Chen Ning’s biological father, Song Jinbao, is the best scapegoat.

I’ve made a lot of preparations for this, far more than you can imagine.

First, I had to make sure that Song Jinbao wouldn’t betray me for the time being.

Secondly, I asked Song Jinbao to find a gunman, and this gunman’s role was crucial.

When everything was ready, I deliberately went to Chen Yue’s restaurant and killed Song Jinbao that night, making his body unrecognizable.

I used Song Jinbao’s cell phone to call the gunmen to kill Chen Yue.

This was a crucial move.

If the police already knew Chen Yue’s identity and got rid of Chen Yue, no one would know that Chen Ning was Song Jinbao’s daughter and not my real daughter.

The second point is that if the police had not found out about Chen Yue, they would not have used Chen Ning’s DNA to make a comparison, and if I had killed Chen Yue, the police would definitely have found out Chen Yue’s true identity, and they would have linked the two cases together.

And then use Chen Ning’s DNA for comparison to confirm the truth of my death.

At the same time, the police will issue a wanted notice for Song Jinbao.

And I’ve already had plastic surgery and am living under a new identity, all of which has nothing to do with me.”

Luke nodded, “Your plan is impressive.”

“Thanks for the compliment, but you still caught me.”

“That’s because you met me.”

Zhou Tiancheng laughed, “Do you know Granny Wang?”

“I don’t sell melons, I’m serious.”

“OK, you are the winner when it comes to becoming a king.”

“Also, I have another question.” Luke took out a photo of his father, Li Zhaofeng: “Do you recognize him?”

Zhou Tiancheng looked at the photo: “It looks a bit familiar, I can’t remember. But what I can be sure of is that I didn’t let anyone kill him.”

“Think again, he is an accountant.”

“Right, some time ago, I wanted to hire an accountant to help me in order to dispose of some assets, and he was one of the candidates.

Song Jinbao approached him, but he refused.”

“And then?”

“There was no then. A twisted melon is not sweet, if he didn’t want to do it, I’ll hire someone else, I have money anyway, someone will always be impressed.”

“Did you send anyone to get back at him?”

“I’m not a homicidal maniac, this kind of small role can’t affect me, would you cross an ant?”

“What about Song Jinbao?”

“He didn’t have to do that either, at least I didn’t give a similar order, and it was completely unnecessary.”

Luke frowned slightly, could it be that his father being hit by a car was just an accident?

Or was there another reason?

Zhou Tiancheng’s expression didn’t look like he was lying, and this time and place wasn’t suitable for further questioning, Luke’s words changed, “OK, tell us about the assets you’ve hidden.”

“Oh, I’m tired. How about we talk at another time?”

Zhou Tiancheng was a smart man, knowing that his crime could not escape Fobol’s investigation, and even if he did not admit to the murder case in New York, his previous crimes in Southeast Asia were enough to warrant the death penalty a few times.

In fact, it didn’t matter whether he confessed or not anymore, and it wasn’t that bad of a crime.

Those hidden assets were the most important, and his means of preserving his life, related to the rest of his life.

“Cluck ……”

The door to the conference room opened.

Negan walked into the interrogation room, “I’ve come to talk to you.”

“Who are you?”

“Head of Fobler’s New York office.”

“OK, I suddenly don’t feel tired anymore.” Tien Chou immediately took on another attitude.

Negan said to Luke and Louise who were on the sidelines, “Get Mr. Zhou a cup of coffee, we may be talking for a long time.”

Luke and Louise both left the interrogation room.

Next door, Michael also brought his men out of the observation room, it was inconvenient for them to spectate as the big brother talked.

Michael suggested, “How about going out for a drink? This is the third time I’ve invited you.”

Luke laughed, “Your treat?”


“Then what are we waiting for? “Luke glanced at the interrogation room again.

Zhou Tiancheng was also considered a character.

Ten years of cuckolding, ten years of patience, ten years of planning just for this day.

Unfortunately, man’s plans are not as good as heaven’s plans, and in the end, it was a bad move.

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