Chapter 440

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:11:32
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Xiao Hei this is the first time to command the arrest operation, in order to ensure that everything is safe, Xiao Hei did not act rashly.

Blackie got off the car and went around to the suspect’s home not far away from the place to observe, the two black boys have been in the suspect’s home around the activities, and there is no fun in that neighborhood, for the two personality jumping out of the child is obviously some abnormal, Blackie more and more sure that these two people are stalking.

Xiao Hei’s plan was simple, first capture the two black boys and ask about the suspect from their mouths, this would maximize the safety of the arresting officers.

This is the first time he commanded the arrest operation, do not seek credit, but no fault, as long as you do not make a mistake there will be another opportunity, if because of his mistakes lead to injuries, even if Luke has the intention to cultivate him, in the future will have to weigh up.

After a while, one of the black boys rode away on his bike, leaving the other black boy staking out the neighborhood of the suspect’s house.

Sensing an opportunity, Blacky contacted Luke to prepare for action.

Blacky put a large gold chain around his neck, put on the sunglasses he borrowed from Luke, unbuttoned his shirt, rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, and walked down the neighborhood highway with a wobble.

At that moment, the black boy was standing by the community highway playing with his cell phone, and he glanced at Blackie without much reaction.

This was the advantage that Blacky had in the black community, he was protected, as long as he didn’t actively repress his nature, no one could tell that he was a police officer.

At that moment, a commercial vehicle drove up in the direction opposite of Blackie, catching the black boy’s attention.

The car drove towards the black boy, gradually slowing down, causing the black boy to raise his guard, and he turned to look at the business car just as his back was turned to Blackie.

Xiao Hei walked to the black boy not far away, his eyes turned sharp, no longer the previous hangers-on, violently pounced on the black boy, his right hand from behind to hold the black boy’s arms, his left hand to press down his mouth.

The business car driving from the opposite direction also stopped, the door opened, Jackson jumped down from the car and assisted Blackie to drag the black boy into the business car.

The doors slammed shut and the business car started up again and sped away.

Blackie handcuffed the black boy, searched him, and fished a black handgun out from behind him.

Blacky pinched the black boy’s chin, “What’s your name?”

“Rolman Barrow.”

“What’s your relationship to Darci Jordan?”

“No relation, I don’t know him.”

“Snap!” With a sound, Blackie directly gave him a big mouth, “If you lie again, I’ll waste you.”

“I didn’t lie.

You can’t do this to me, I’m still a child.” The black boy stared angrily at Xiao Hei, his face showing a viciousness that did not fit his age.

Blacky picked up the pistol that had been recovered from the black boy, “Normal kids don’t carry this, when you have a gun on you, you’re not a kid anymore.”

Blackie held the gun to his head, “Where’s Darci Jordan?”

Jackson frowned slightly, thinking that Blackie had gone a little too far.

The black boy’s eyes were fixed on the pistol and he said in a shaky voice, “I don’t know.”

Blackie turned on the safety of the pistol, “Wrong answer, last chance.

Where’s Darci Jordan?”

The black boy gulped and his eyes reddened, “He’s at home.”

“How many people are in his house? What’s doing?”

“I think there’s three of them, and I don’t know what they’re doing.”

“Why do you have you on sentry duty here?”

“They just pay me to keep an eye on the place and yell or whistle when someone comes.”

“Where exactly in the house are they?”

“They never let me in the house, they just let me keep watch outside.”

“What kind of weapons do they have?”

“I’ve seen them with pistols and rifles, and don’t say I said so, or they would have killed me.”

“Were any of the three men in the house white?”

“No, no white man has ever been here, it’s all negroes.”

“Where did the boy who was on sentry duty with you go?”

“He got hungry and went home for food.”

Luke looked at his cell phone, it was only four o’clock in the afternoon, “What kind of food is there at this hour? Don’t you dare lie.”

“I’m not lying, he’s a single child, his mother’s gone to work and there’s no one to cook for lunch, he eats when he’s hungry.”

“When will he be back?”

“I’m not sure, I don’t think it will be long, if he realizes I’m not here, he must know something is wrong.” The black boy prayed, “You let me go, I won’t say anything.”

The little black man said, “You better not be lying.”

“I swear to God, I’m telling the truth.” The black boy swore.

The boy was taken into custody by the other officers.

Blackie said, “Captain, I think we should make the arrest while the other black boy isn’t back and the suspect isn’t alerted.”

Luke was fine with that, “Are you sure?”

Blackie took a deep breath, “No problem.”

Luke looked at the suspect’s house, it was small and only had one floor, reducing the difficulty of searching, “Tell me about your arrest plan.”

Xiao Hei’s capture plan was simple, he and Luke each brought a group of people, he was responsible for attacking from the back door, Luke brought people to guard the outside of the yard, if the suspect took advantage of the chaos and escaped, it was just right for Luke to catch him.

This capture plan was moderate, after all, it was Blackie’s first time to make a capture plan, Luke didn’t discourage him.

The crowd began to put on their equipment, Jackson walked up to Luke, wanting to speak, “Captain …… I …… want to talk to you.”

“Is it related to the capture?”


“Then wait until the capture mission is over.”

Jackson nodded.

Luke tapped him on the shoulder, “Cheer up.”

“YES, Sir.”

The group moved according to the plan, with Luke leading the guard outside the yard of the suspect’s house.

Blacky, wearing a bulletproof vest and holding an M4A1 rifle in his right hand, led the crowd to block the back door of the suspect’s house.

Moving in with Blackie were Jackson, Porter, and three patrolmen who had arrived for backup.

Blackie gestured to the crowd, Jackson nodded slightly, and Porter raised his foot to the door and kicked it.

“Bang!” The door opened.

Blackie had a sense of intimacy.

At this point, he had no time to feel anything, and personally led the charge into the house.

Jackson followed closely behind, “LAPD!”

“Police, freeze!”

Blackie and his team rushed into the house through the back door, Porter led a search of the bedroom on the left side, and Blackie led a rush into the living room.

There were three young black men in the living room, all startled by the sudden scene, and all three reacted differently.

One of them, a bald black man, reached his right hand into the back of the sofa to feel out an assault rifle.

“Bang Bang Bang ……”

A burst of gunfire rang out, and the black man was directly taken out, and several holes were punched out of the couch.

The other two black men one rushed towards the window and took a flying leap out of it.

The last black man rushed into the bathroom.

Blacky ignored the black man who jumped out of the window, he couldn’t run away with Luke guarding him outside.

Instead, Blackie brought the man in and rushed into the toilet, kicking the door open.

“Bang!” The door opened.

“Put down your weapons.”

“Put your hands up or you’ll be shot.”

The young black man was pouring a bag of white powder into the toilet.

Porter kicked him over and snatched the bag out of his hand, which still had a good amount of white powder left in it.

“FUCK! I told you not to move, can’t you understand human language?”

Porter dipped his hand in the white powder and put it in his mouth: he spat it out with a “yuck”, “It’s drugs.”

Jackson’s knees pressed into the young black man’s back, cuffing his hands.

Blackie patted him on the head, “Hey man, congratulations, you won the lottery.”

The black youth showed a horrified look, “Why are you guys here?”

Xiao Hei asked without answering, “How many people are there in this house?”

“Three people.”

“What is your name?”

“Darcy Jordan.”

“Where were you between seven-thirty and eight o’clock this morning?”

Darci Jordan’s eyes rolled, “I was at home.”

“Wrong answer.” Black pinched his nose in some disgust, “Drag this asshole out of here, it stinks to high heaven and I don’t want to ask questions here.”

Luke led the way into the house as well, and Ramon walked in escorting a young black man, the same black man who had jumped out of the window.

Luke saw the handcuffed Darci Jordan and held out his right hand to touch fists with Blackie, “Good job.”

“That’s not hard to do, if I want to do it I can do it right.” Blacky smiled a smug, I’m-great look.

Luke walked over to the young black man and waved his hand signaling him to lift his chin, “What’s your name?”

“Darci Jordan.”

“Any idea why we’re looking for you?”

Darci Jordan lowered her head, her eyes glancing to the bag of white powder in Porter’s hand, and Luke followed her gaze.

Porter pointed to the bag in his hand and said, “Captain, when we came in, this kid ran into the bathroom and dumped the powder in the bag into the toilet, which I figure is probably drugs.”

Luke stared at Darcy Jordan and said, “Going to the supermarket to kill people in the morning and dumping drugs in the afternoon, you’re pretty busy.”

“What going to the supermarket and killing people? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Darcy Jordan shook his head in a hurry, “Don’t put it on me for something I didn’t do.”

Luke pointed to the white bag and asked, “Is this bag yours?”


“What’s in it?”

“It’s my medicine, I have mental problems …… need these.”

Luke said, “Seal the bag and turn it back to the tech team for identification.”

“YES, Sir.”

Luke looked at Darci Jordan again, “There was a shooting at Rogier’s Supermarket this morning, don’t tell me you didn’t know about it.”

“I heard about it, but I had nothing to do with it. Don’t put the blame on me just because you couldn’t catch anyone.”

Luke asked, “Do you have a tiktok live account?”

“Yes, a lot of people have tiktok accounts, what’s the problem?”

“The shooter is using your tiktok account to live stream the killings.”

“No, that’s impossible.”

Luke laughed, “Do I have to lie to you?”

“Jesus Christ, this has nothing to do with me, you guys must be mistaken.”

“Log into your account.”

Darci Jordan said, “My cell phone was taken by your people.”

Jackson took out his cell phone and handed it to Darci Jordan.

Darci Jordan tried to log in, but logged in twice in a row without success, “My account password has been tampered with.”

Blackie said, “You didn’t change it yourself.”

“The shooting at Rogier’s supermarket really has nothing to do with me, I’m not a madman, even if I killed someone, I wouldn’t open a live broadcast.”

Blackie asked back, “Then why would the crazy person you’re talking about use your tiktok account for live streaming?”

Darci Jordan shook her head, “I don’t know.”

Potter shook the sealed bag of white powder, “Even if you don’t tell us, we’ll arrest you just the same.

I’ll bet there are more drugs to be found in your house.

It would be in everyone’s best interest if you could tell us something valuable, don’t you think?”

“I’m telling the truth, I really had nothing to do with the Rogier’s Supermarket shooting, I don’t know anything about it.”

Luke saw that he didn’t look like he was lying and changed the question, “Who else has access to this account besides you?”

Darcy Jordan shook his head, “I’m the only one.”

“Then we’ll have to arrest you for drug harboring and suspicion of murder.”

Darci Jordan got anxious and backed up while shouting, “NoNoNo, I really didn’t kill anyone.

I don’t know why the shooter used my tiktok account, it’s possible he stole my number.”

“Why would he steal your number?”

“I’m not sure, it could be that he has a grudge against me and deliberately planted it on me.”

“Who have you offended recently?”

Darcy Jordan sighed, hesitant to speak.

Luke raised one eyebrow, “Can’t think of a single one?”

“No, it’s not that I can’t think of any, it’s too many.”

Luke “……”

Black got a pen and paper and put it in front of Darcy Jordan, “Write down everyone you’ve offended.”

Darci Jordan thought while writing, the names alone were listed nearly a dozen, and it looked as if he hadn’t finished writing.

With so many names, it wasn’t a good idea to rank them, Luke narrowed it down, “Are there no young white men here?”

“There are, one is Roger Pierce and one is Henry Sabina.”

Luke said, “Write out the details of these two men, identifying information, cell phone numbers, home addresses, schools, that sort of thing.”

Off to the side, Blackie came up to Luke and said, “The asshole on the couch isn’t working.”

“Call an ambulance, tech team and forensics.”

“YES, Sir.”

Darci Jordan finished writing down the identifying information of the two white men he had a grudge against.

Luke snapped a picture and sent it to the chat group and messaged Matthew again, “Check the profiles and pictures of these two men.”

The lieutenant asked in the group, “You guys got the guys?”

“Yes, we got Darci Jordan, but he won’t admit to being the shooter.

He claimed that tiktok’s account was stolen.”

The lieutenant sent a voice reply, “I figured this would happen, I’ve been saying for a while now that a lineup of all the people leaving the supermarket would be the best way to get the shooter’s identity.”

“You’re right, any progress on the lineup?”

“Yes, with Matthew’s assistance, we did find a few people suspected of having been in the supermarket and took high definition screenshots of the video. However, it’s going to take some time to get their identities.

I’ll send those photos to the chat group and you ask Darci Jordan to help identify them, if there is anyone he recognizes, it’s probably related to the shooting”

“I will, just send them over.”

Matthew then sent a few screenshots of the video to the chat group.

Blackie clicked on the photos to check them out, none of them were recognizable, and then took them to Darci Jordan who was at the side to identify them.

Darci Jordan looked at them and again didn’t recognize the people in the photos.

Luke also clicked on the photo to look at it, and his brow furrowed slightly as he saw a familiar face in the photo.

His informant – Annelec Lauer.

This made Luke also a little surprised, why would this guy appear near Rogier’s supermarket?

Could …… be going to Zero Dollar Shopping again!

Luke “……”

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