Chapter 444

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:11:43
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke turned on the car’s in-car radio and said, “Calling main station, this is 511K.”

The opposite side of the radio responded, “KJC625 copy, what can I do for you?”

“This is Captain Luke Lee, Squadron Leader 1, Robbery and Murder Division, I’m in charge of the investigation into a supermarket shooting, we’ve got a hit on the shooter, requesting backup.”

“Captain Lee, please tell us about the shooter.”

“The shooter is a young white male, most likely driving a white Volkswagen Arteon down Savito Street. I suspect that he may cause another shooting and the target may be the nearby Carmela’s Supermarket. In a moment, I’ll send a photo of the suspect.”

“Copy that. I’ll send the surrounding patrols and swat to rush for support, do you need a police helicopter please?

“No, there is no need to mobilize the police force on a large scale, I would suggest that the patrols should be the main ones to intercept. If there is too much commotion, it may cause the suspect to notice and escape in advance, and we may lose our target.”

“Roger that.”

“The suspect should be carrying a firearm, be careful.”

“I’ll notify the patrol officers patrolling nearby.”


In a moving sedan.

A person wearing a skull mask fixed his cell phone in front of the car and opened the live streaming software: “Hey, does anyone else remember me?”

There weren’t many people in the live broadcast room, but the number of people increased at an extremely fast rate, and some people also started to send pop-ups to interact, “You’re the one who was responsible for the shooting at Rogier’s Supermarket?”

The man in the skull mask laughed, “Haha, good morning guys.

Seeing how much you guys enjoyed the last broadcast, I decided to do another one, and happy hour is here again!

Today is going to be a day to remember, chant with me, niggers die!”

“FUCK! It’s you again you fucking pervert, the one who deserves to die!” A nigga popped in to yell at each other.

“Asshole, don’t you dare take off your mask. I promise not to beat you to death.”

“You won’t be able to be arrogant for long, the police will definitely catch you.”

“Where are those LAPDs? Usually when we black people have a little trouble, their noses are better than police dogs, why haven’t they caught this asshole yet! “The black people watching the live stream blew up and screamed madly at the live man.

“Haha …… you niggers are in a hurry!” The man in the skull mask grew more and more amused, sounding like a young man.

“Wooo……” Suddenly, a police siren sounded ahead, and the masked man was a bit surprised, “Wooooh, the road is a bit jammed right now, I’m going to turn it off for a while, and wait until I’m on the scene to continue the live broadcast.

Remember what I said, today is a happy day.

Nigga go die!”

Meanwhile, the walkie-talkie in Luke’s hand went off, “This is 213A to 511K.”

Luke responded, “511K copy.”

The intercom said, “My partner and I are patrolling on Savito Street, we saw a white Volkswagen Arteon with license plate number 8leb328, is it a suspect vehicle and do we need to stop it? Please respond if received.”

Luke didn’t answer right away, the location, color, and model were the same, but the license plate number was not correct, but considering that the shooter might be using a set of cars, he felt it was still necessary to check.

Luke replied, “The appearance of the car matches, but the license plate number is different, it may not be the suspect vehicle, or the gunman may be using a set of plates.

Suggest stopping, the gunman may be armed, be careful and keep in touch.”

“Copy that.”

The intercom went silent, and the car went quiet as everyone waited for the outcome of the interception.

A few minutes later, the intercom rang again, “This is 213A, calling 511K.”

Luke responded, “511K copy. What’s the situation?”

“We’ve successfully stopped, white Volkswagen Arteon with license plate number 8leb328, with a female driver in the cab, no weapons were found, and it’s not a set car.”

“Copy that, it should not be a suspect vehicle.”

“We’ll rush to Carmela’s Supermarket for backup, over.”

Jackson speculated, “Could the shooter have driven another vehicle to get to Carmela’s Supermarket?”

“Carmela Supermarket, Carmela Supermarket, everyone knows it’s Carmela Supermarket!” Luke muttered, suddenly having a bad feeling.

Blackie shouted from the back row, “Captain, the technical team has lost cell phone signal! Unable to continue tracking.”

“Where is the location of the missing signal?”

“Near Savito Street and John Dinh Road, not far from Carmela’s Supermarket.

We’re guessing we won’t be able to catch up to the shooter’s car, should we get the patrol to stake out the neighborhood of Carmela’s Supermarket.”

Luke lit a cigarette and took a drag, “No need, there should be quite a few patrolmen near Carmela’s Supermarket, what I’m worried about now is that he’s likely to change the target of his attack.”

Blackie also understood, “The gunman’s cell phone suddenly lost its signal, could it be that he has noticed that the police are tracking him. If he doesn’t go to Carmela Supermarket, where will he go?

Just run away?”

“If he just ran away, it’s not the worst possible outcome.” Luke pulled out his cell phone and began searching a map of the Savito Avenue street neighborhood, several black neighborhoods were in the vicinity of the street, it was hard to tell where the shooter would have gone?

Jackson guessed, “The shooter, Brown Bryant, didn’t have a good relationship with his family, would he have gone to attack his own family?”

Luke said, “I’ve got patrolmen rushing to his house.”

Jackson shrugged and looked aside at Black, “Don’t you know the black community? Any opinions?”

Blackie shook his head, “I do understand the black community, but that pervert is white and I’m not a pervert to understand what he’s thinking.”

Luke thought as he checked the map of Savito Street.

Brown Bryant, although a white man, grew up in the black community, but he didn’t like the black community, instead, he hated black people extremely, and this supermarket shooting wasn’t just against Rogier’s Supermarket, but against the entire black class.

A white kid who grew up in a black family, surrounded by black neighbors and playmates, and attended a high school named after Luther King, his upbringing must have been full of discrimination and loneliness, which may have been his real motive for the shooting.


Luther King III Middle School is also in the Savitto Street neighborhood.

There are more blacks here than at the supermarket, and in the event of a shooting the impact would be greater. Thinking about it differently, it’s definitely an excellent place to commit a crime.

Luther King III Middle School, guardhouse.

A large, black school guard is drinking coffee.

“Zip ……” the walkie-talkie pinned on him went off.

The black school police officer picked up the intercom, “This is the guard room at Luther King III Middle School, this is school police officer Kurt.

Hello sir, what can I do for you?

What! Can you confirm?

Roger that, I’ll be on alert, do you need to evacuate the students immediately?”

“Bang!” The bang.

There was a loud thud from outside, and Cooter, the school police officer, looked out through the window to see a black Ford sedan crashing through the doors of the school and storming into the school.

Cooter asked for backup on the intercom, pulled out his pistol, and rushed out of the guardhouse.

The black Ford sedan didn’t stop when it stormed into the school, instead it barreled into the crowd, causing an immediate gasp of surprise all around.


A black student who couldn’t dodge was knocked out by the car.

“Yeehaha ……” The window of the driver’s side of the black Volvo car came down, revealing a person wearing a skull mask, sounding like a man.

The skull masked man stepped out of the car, holding an AK47 in his hand, scaring the students who were originally unclear about the situation and ready to go up and theorize into scattering and running away.

“Bang Bang ……” The skull masked man swept his gun at the crowd, hitting a black student in the thigh.

The black student fell to the ground, wailing in pain and letting out a desperate hiss, “Ah …… help me, please help me.”

However, his cries for help didn’t work as the other students ran away, no one daring to risk being shot to come to his rescue.

“Ugly chimpanzee, I’m sending you to God.” Without any mercy, the skull masked man took a few steps forward and raised his AK47 ready to fill it.

“No, please don’t kill me!” The black classmate prayed again, crawling forward with difficulty, looking very pitiful.

The skull masked man hesitated slightly, but still aimed his gun at the injured black classmate.

“Police, don’t move!”

A voice rang out not far away, accompanied by a burst of gunfire, “Bang bang bang ……”

The skull-masked man was hit in the back, and the powerful inertia pushed him to the ground, however, he was wearing a bulletproof vest and was not harmed.

He rolled a few times on the ground and hid behind the Volvo, looking over at the person who had fired.

It was a black campus police officer, tall, fat and holding a pistol that looked like a toy.

“Bang, bang, bang ……”

The skull-masked man began to counterattack, his AK47 firing off a hail of gunfire.

Kurt, the black campus police officer, also attempted to counterattack, and a firefight ensued.

The skull masked man was using a rifle with more firepower, beating the school police officer Cooter who couldn’t lift his head up and hid behind a trash can.

“Bang!” A rifle bullet passed through the trash can and shot into the right shoulder of the school police officer.


The school police officer Cooter let out a scream and his pistol fell to the ground.

Cooter was a good shot and had tried his best, but his equipment was too inferior to the gunman’s, and he was wounded by the gunman instead.

The skull masked man rubbed his back, although it didn’t hurt the vitals, the pain was still unbearable, “FUCK! You chimpanzee dare to shoot at me, dead!”

The skull-masked man stepped out from behind the Volvo, ready to kill Cooter, the school police officer.

Kurt’s right shoulder was injured and his right hand was affected, he could no longer hold the pistol, he couldn’t care about the pain that was drilling his heart, he picked up the pistol on the ground with his left hand, his hit rate was pitifully low in this situation, even so, he didn’t want to sit around and wait for death.

“Wooo……” Just then, two cars drove into the middle school gate.


“Police, drop your guns!” Luke arrived at Luther King III Middle School in time with his men.

The black school police officer breathed a sigh of relief.

“BANG BANG BANG BANG ……” The skull masked man also gave an immediate response, firing back!

He hid behind the Volvo, his AK47 firing a burst at the police.

After a barrage of bullets, he switched to a new magazine and shot at the police again.

He was hiding behind the Volvo, with a bulletproof helmet, bulletproof vest and enough firepower, it wasn’t easy for the police to catch him.

Blackie probed and took a look and fired two shots, but because of the distance, it was not very effective, and said to Luke, “Captain, why don’t I bring someone around the back?”

Luke observed the terrain around, very see open, no cover or shelter, the most important thing to go around the back is concealment, otherwise once discovered by the gunman, it will become a living target instead.

Considering the safety issue, Luke rejected Xiao Hei’s proposal: ”There is no cover in this neighborhood, it’s hard to succeed in going around the back. Moreover, he is wearing a bulletproof vest, even if we go around the back, it will be difficult to subdue him.”

Luke got down on the ground to observe the gunman, this guy was very careful, directly sweeping with his gun, not even showing his head, only two feet under the car, but because of the angle, it was difficult to shoot.

Luke made an instant decision to use a precision card, ‘bang bang’ fired two shots at the gunman’s feet.

One of the shots hit the gunman’s left ankle: “Ah!” The gunman let out a scream and fell to the ground.

“Bang Bang Bang!”

Luke fired three more shots, one hit the AK47, one missed, and one hit the gunman’s wrist.

Taking advantage of the gunman’s loss of his weapon and his ability to fight back, Luke stood up and ran straight to the gunman, kicked the AK47 into the distance, pressed his knee into the gunman’s back, held down his left hand, and removed his skull mask, revealing a young white face.

The other officers gathered around.

Jackson looked at the gunshot wounds on the white man’s wrists and ankles, and was first speechless with surprise before revealing a look of admiration, “Captain, your marksmanship is also too accurate!”

Xiao Hei gave two thumbs up with both hands, “It is indeed much better than the vice squad.”

Lei Meng also secretly sighed, awesome.

Previously, Ramon had also taught Luke marksmanship at the training ground, at that time, Luke’s marksmanship was very novice, but he was progressing quickly and had good understanding, it had only been a year, Luke’s marksmanship was progressing so fast that it had already made Ramon feel ashamed of himself.

Ramon’s marksmanship was already very accurate, and ranked at the top of the detective bureau, but he couldn’t do what Luke did.

He asked himself that he hadn’t practiced his gun any less than anyone else, and the number of trips to the range definitely exceeded Luke’s, so he could only blame it on talent.

Luke asked to the white youth on the ground whose cheeks were twisted in pain, “What’s your name?”

“Bah, you’re the asshole who shot me, go to hell!” The white youth spat, a look of resentment on his face.

Luke’s face did not show, he directly pressed down the white youth’s right wrist wound, “Ah!”

The white youth let out a miserable scream, “Let go of me, it hurts like hell, let go of me!”

“Answer me, what’s your name?”

“Brown Bryant, my name is Brown Bryant.”

“Very well.”

“Do you have any other accomplices?” Brown Bryant’s origins made Luke worry that he would recruit other like-minded associates to join him in the crime.

“Carl Smith.”

Luke wasn’t entirely convinced that, in Carl Smith’s words, Brown Bryant was out of control. “Was there anyone else besides Carl Smith?”


“There really isn’t?”

“I swear to God!”

Luke stood up and said to Jackson, who had stepped aside, “Stop the bleeding.” Another pat on Black’s shoulder, “Call an ambulance, and the rest of you lock down the scene and evacuate the crowd to prevent any more panic from being caused by the students at the school.”

“YES, Sir.”

Luke walked over to the injured school police officer, a large, black man with a lot of blood coming out of his right shoulder, which looked a little scary, “How are you doing, man?”

Kurt, the black campus police officer, looked up, “I remember your voice, you’re the one who contacted me.”

“Yes, formal introductions, I’m Captain of Squadron One of the Robbery and Murder Division, Luke Lee, just call me Luke.”

“I know you, Commissioner Frank’s personally designated L.A. Sleuth. How did you know that asshole was going to attack the school?”

“You also said I was a Sleuth.” Luke smiled and turned the conversation around, “You’re very brave, did you take the bullet in him?”

“Yes, the guy was wearing body armor, otherwise, it would have been overpowered by me. I did the best I could.”

“I know, you did your best. If you hadn’t intercepted him, more students would have been injured.

How are your injuries?”

“Can’t die, this trash can saved my life.”

“You were lucky, but next time, find a sturdier cover.”

“I’ll suggest that the school get a sturdier trash can!” Kurt forced a smile, but accidentally pulled his wound and bared his teeth in pain.

“Not a bad idea, but you should get some rest now and leave the rest to us.”

Kurt, the school police officer, reminded, “I saw a student get hurt.”

“I know, I’ll take care of them.” Seeing that Kurt was in a lot of pain, Luke lit a cigarette and handed it to him.

Luke then went to visit two more injured students, one was hit by a Volvo car, this student wasn’t hurt too badly, just some skin abrasions that looked scary but didn’t hurt any bones.

The other student was not so lucky, was shot in the thigh, but fortunately did not hurt the artery, there are already police officers in his help to stop the bleeding.

Seeing the police controlling the scene, the students of the school were emboldened, and a number of them came over to see what was going on, while at the same time showing hostility towards Brown Bryant.

Brown Bryant had already been arrested, and Luke, not wanting any more trouble, had him escorted into a police car for the time being, and a cordon was drawn around the shooting scene.

Soon, more patrolmen arrived to provide support.

The reason why these patrolmen came later than Luke and his group was because they were mobilized by the main desk, and they all ran to the vicinity of Carmela’s Supermarket to provide support.

Ambulances also arrived at the scene.

And of course there must have been the TV station cars, swarming with reporters.

Luke searched Brown Bryant’s Volvo sedan and found that he was carrying a rifle, a shotgun, four magazines, and two grenades.

After seeing all this equipment, Luke couldn’t help but feel a little bit scared, luckily he had brought his men to the scene in time, otherwise it would have been another school massacre, and the dead would have probably exceeded the supermarket shooting.

At the same time, Luke’s mind also rose a question, Brown Bryant these equipment from where?

He was not yet an adult and could not have purchased it through the proper channels. The equipment that Carl Smith had helped purchase earlier had also been discarded by him.

This equipment would have been re-obtained by Brown Bryant.

The people who had supplied him with the equipment were also considered accomplices in this case. In some ways, these people who provided the gear were no less of a danger than the shooter.

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