Chapter 45

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:52:26
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Marriott Hotel.

The two rushed to the hotel, Daisy wanted a two bedroom suite, Luke didn’t think it was necessary.

In his words the two bedrooms were far away and it was not convenient to protect Daisy in case of danger.

Daisy think it makes sense, opened a one-room suite, the living room is closer to the bedroom, someone breaks in Luke can detect the first time.

Luke “……”

Is the double room bad?

Doesn’t a king room smell good?

Luke wasn’t fooling around, Daisy was a lawyer, not a dumb chick with big boobs.

Luke sat on the couch, tonight can only sleep here, the quality of the couch is good, but do not have to worry about insomnia.

Daisy took off her jacket, the curve of her chest became more and more full: “Luke, thank you for being by my side, if there is no you …… I don’t know what will happen.

It could have been monitored and not even know it, the thought of such a situation terrifies me …… I don’t know what would do such a thing, it’s horrible.”

“Relax, I’ll protect you. My colleagues are already investigating, I’m sure they’ll clue in soon.” Luke gave her a hug, it was soft and comforting.

“Can you have a drink with me?” Daisy broke away from Luke’s grip and pulled a bottle of red wine and two tall glasses from the liquor cabinet and poured one for Luke and one for herself.

“To you.” Daisy raised her glass in a gesture.

“Cheers.” Luke clinked glasses with the other man, and just after a small sip, Daisy drank it all down.

“Ooooh …… slow down, it’s a long night and I have a vigil, I can’t drink too much.”

Daisy poured another glass of wine, “I just want to forget about tonight as soon as possible. Someone sneaked into the house to install surveillance and it felt like it was scarier than a robbery on the street.”

Luke smoothly asked, “Do you have a suspect?”

Daisy said, “I’ve thought about a lot of possibilities since I last talked to you. My life is basically a two-point routine, law firm, home, and the occasional drink at the bar.

I don’t have any personal vendettas, and as you speculated earlier it’s likely related to my work.”

“Can you tell us about the case you’re working on?”

“Well, not in principle. But …… I’m only telling you about one, can you analyze it for me?”

Luke smiled, “Sure.”

“I have three cases in hand right now, two divorces and a probate case, which one do you want to hear first?”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Which case would you prefer to have to do with what happened today?”

“The probate case.”

“OK, then let’s start with that case.”

Daisy said, “A year ago, I accepted a testamentary mandate where the principal distributed the estate well according to his or her wishes, and there were two forms of wills, one was a written will, which I kept.

There was also an electronic will, and the client recorded a video in which he personally distributed the estate, which was a farewell to his family and friends.

Some time ago, the client was hospitalized and is still in a coma.

His family found the video will in a safe and played the contents of the will.

I suspect that someone may be trying to steal the written will from me.”

Luke wondered, “Why would they want to steal the written will from you when they’ve already seen the video and know what it says.”

“California does not recognize oral wills or video wills, a will must be set up in writing, it must also clearly show how the estate will be distributed, be dated, and signed by the person making the will.

If the will is in the testator’s own handwriting, it is called a ‘handwritten will’ and does not even require witnesses.

The one I have in my hand is an autograph will.”

Luke pressed, “What happens if the will you’re holding is stolen or destroyed?”

“That video will is ineffective, and once the client dies, the estate will be legally inherited according to California law.”

“What is the value of the estate?”

“At least a couple million dollars.”

“Wowowow, that’s very tantalizing indeed. Looks like you’ve got a lot of people’s interests at stake with that will in your hands.”

“Yea, and it was only after your reminder that it occurred to me that it might have something to do with this probate case.”

Luke went along with his analysis, “Suppose someone did try to steal this will, sneaking into your office to steal it on March 2, but failed to find it, and Tim attacked you with a Taser on March 3, preparing to take the items you had on you, but was unsuccessful.

Today someone broke into your home again and installed surveillance in your study to try to peek at the safe’s combination.

The logic makes sense.”

“I didn’t expect an ordinary probate commission to lead to so much trouble, and I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

“I’ll always be there for you.” Luke held Daisy’s white left hand in his right hand.

The two people sat closer and closer under the stimulation of alcohol, Luke looked at the beautiful person on his side and couldn’t help but embrace her into his arms.

Daisy figure is very material, body has a light fragrance, beautiful face, sexy red lips is very tempting.

Luke stroked Daisy’s cheek with his left hand and kissed her red lips sideways.

Daisy first froze, the body is a little stiff, in Luke’s passionate kiss, but also gradually relaxed down ……

A hot kiss atmosphere also became ambiguous.

“Buzz ……”

A burst of cell phone vibration, interrupting Luke further action.

Daisy came back to her senses, her body leaned back, her cheeks reddened: “SORRY…… I have to take a call.”

Daisy got up and went aside to take the call, Luke picked up his glass of red wine and took a sip, damn cell phone, next time make sure you turn it off.

After a while, Daisy finished answering the phone, “It’s the client.”

“The probate client.”

“I wish I could get a call from the probate client, but he’s still in a coma and is the client in the divorce case.”

Luke walked over to Daisy and put his arm around her waist, “It’s late, don’t think about work.”

Luke leaned in for a kiss and Daisy pressed her fingers to Luke’s lips, “You’re right, it’s getting late, I need to get some rest, I have a lot to take care of tomorrow.”

“Want me to stay with you?”

“No, not today, the camera thing scared me, just give me some time okay?”

Luke was a little disappointed, “Where does that divorce client live?”

“Why do you ask?”

“I want to go beat him up.”

Daisy let out a soft laugh and kissed Luke lightly on the cheek, “Good night.”

Luke laughed, “If you’re scared alone, you can always call me.”

“Sweet dreams.” Daisy turned and went into the bedroom.

Luke picked up the glass of wine on the coffee table and drained it in one gulp, not a step too far for the two of them.

Luke casually lay back, the leather couch was bouncy and felt pretty good.

Sleeping on the couch Luke also has no complaints, if not to come to the hotel, the probability will be all night to investigate the case, compared with colleagues has been very lucky.

“Ah cut ……” Luke sneezed, who’s thinking of me?

Mom? Or the little fat guy?

Luke just remembered that he had not reported to his mom.

Luke took out his cell phone and sent a text message to his mom, “Mom, I’m not coming home tonight.”

“You found a new place to live?”

“No, I love you guys and I am not moving.”

“Then get your ass back here.”

“I have a mission today.”

“You don’t look like you’re on a mission this afternoon, do you think I’m gullible?”

“I swear to God, there’s an emergency on the team.”

“Shut up! You don’t believe in God at all, are you with a woman?”


“The lawyer girlfriend?”

“I told you no.”

“We will, we will, rock you……” A music blared, a voice video from mom.

Luke closed it.

Mom sent another message, “I knew it.”

Luke tossed his phone aside, not bothering.

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