Chapter 453

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:12:05
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Luke asked, “How do you know this isn’t for trapping wild animals?”

“I am an expert in wilderness exploration, I followed my father in the wilderness to explore and hunt when I was less than ten years old, and there is no one who knows more about hunting than me.” The old man with the gray hair gritted his teeth and sucked in his breath in pain…

“Can you do me a favor first? I’ll tell you more slowly later.”

“Okay, what do I need to do?”

“Find some sticks and rocks, you’ll need them later.”

Worried that there were traps in front of him, Luke didn’t go forward, but retreated along the same path, looking for two thicker branches and two diamond-shaped stones.

Luke tapped the ground with the sticks to explore the path and walked over to the old white man.

Under the old white man’s guidance, the two men used the sticks and stones to pry the trap open, and the old white man took the opportunity to put his foot out.

“Thank you for saving me.” The old white man let out a sigh of relief and lay down on the ground, his whole body relaxing.

Luke originally wanted to explore the surroundings, but after seeing what happened to the old man, he gave up on that plan.

“How are your injuries?”

“Luckily my shoes are hard enough, although I hurt my feet, I didn’t hurt my bones, I can still hold up.” The old white man sweated a lot, his body was a bit weak, “My name is Morris Dwan, thank you again for saving me, I still don’t know your name.”

“Luke Lee, are you alone?”

“Yes, I’m used to moving alone.” Morris Dwan looked at his injured foot, “This time it was just an accident.

No, to be exact, someone deliberately set a trap, what a son of a bitch bastard.

If I ever find him, I’ll make him pay.”

Luke pressed, “What makes you so sure it was a trap?”

Morris Dwan said, “Things like traps are rarely used anymore, and if they are used, it’s in places with lush vegetation, like a forest. Not a bare canyon where there’s no cover and a gun is enough.

And usually the places where traps are laid are marked, just to prevent someone from accidentally touching the mechanism, but this place has absolutely nothing, and it’s also set in the middle of the canyon.

In my experience, this is used against people.

In the Moon War, many soldiers were disabled by these things.”

Luke felt that the old man had a few points, the neighborhood was bare and there were no beasts to be seen, like he said with such an open view, it would be better to just shoot and hunt, why bother with such a sinister trap, whether or not it would catch the beasts was two different things, and he himself could be touched by mistake.

“How did you get here?”

“You should have seen my ride, the black, off-center three-wheeled motorcycle.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty cool.”

“Yeah, that’s what everyone who sees it says. I’m super in love with it.”

“Can you still walk?”

Maurice Dwan looked at his injured foot, “I’m not sure.”

Luke helped him up off the ground and walked a few steps to a shady spot.

“You can’t exert force on your injured foot?”

“Yes.” Morris D’Avan’s forehead was already wet from taking those few steps.

Luke said, “If you trust me, give me the car keys and I’ll drive over and take you away.”

There was one more thing he didn’t say, if you don’t believe me, then crawl back in yourself.

Morris Dwan hesitated, “Sure, I trust you.” He pulled the car keys out of his pocket and handed them.

Luke took the car keys and stood up, “See you in a minute.”

Morris Dwan looked at Luke’s back and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn’t.

Luke rejoined Walker and jiggled the car keys, “Wanna try it?”

Walker asked, “Cool, what does he do?”

“He claims to be an outdoor adventure specialist, I didn’t ask him what he was doing here, doesn’t look like he’s traveling anyway.”

The partial three-wheeled motorcycle could seat three people, two on the bike and one in the right-hand bucket.

“You know what? That’s actually the seat I’d like to be in the most.” Walker sat in the bucket.

Luke drove the motorcycle to pick up Maurice Dwan.

“Wooo……,” Luke twisted the throttle, and the off-road three-wheeled motorcycle let out a roar.

The feeling was completely different from riding a Harley.

Luke caught the wind and asked, “How does it feel?”

Walker laughed and joked, “Mom doesn’t have to worry about me getting carsick anymore.”

“Haha ……” the two men laughed.

Luke rode the off-set three-wheeled motorcycle back again to where Maurice D’Avan was injured.

Morris Dwan smiled, “I’m here, nice to see you again.”

Luke laughed, “Your big baby sure does pull its weight, we almost left you here.”

“I know it’s a charmer.” Morris D’Avan looked aside to Walker, “Is this your companion?”

“You may call me Walker, I brought my medicine chest. I thought I should treat you before I left.”

“Thanks, you’re a good man.”

Walker walked over to Morris D’Avan and placed the medkit on the ground, “Anyone in their right mind would do the same.”

Morris D’Avan gave a bitter smile, “It seems I’ve met a lot of abnormal people in the first half of my life.”

Mollis Dhawan takes his shoes off.

Walker used scissors to cut open his sock, “Bear with me while I clean your wound, it might hurt a little.”

“Come on, it’s nothing for a tough guy who grew up outdoors.”

“I’ll be around, contact me if you need anything.” Luke mounted the off-road three-wheeled motorcycle and continued to scout ahead.

He rode forward for another ten minutes or so, taking out the treasure map from time to time to observe the surrounding terrain, and after carefully comparing it, he felt that this was not the location of the treasure he was looking for.

Luke gave up the search and rode the off-center motorcycle back to the place where Maurice Dhawan was injured.

Walker had already helped Morris Dwan bandage his foot injury.

Luke asked, “How’s the injury?”

Mollis Dhawan replied, “Much better, I feel that I didn’t hurt any bones, plus the timely treatment, I guess I’ll be fine after a few days of recuperation.

Thank you guys, if I hadn’t met you, I might have been accounted for here.

That damn trap!”

Walker said, “You’re welcome, there’s no chance you’ve helped us too.”

Morris Dwan was a bit puzzled, “What does that mean?”

Without answering, Walker joined Luke in helping Morris D’Avan into the bucket of the off-set three-wheeled motorcycle.

Luke drove and Walker sat on the back of the motorcycle.

The motorcycle didn’t go very fast, and the three of them returned to the vicinity of the RV.

Upon seeing the caravan, it was as if Morris Dwan understood, “Your caravan was attacked by wolves last night?”

“Yes, you were the one who fired the shot last night?”

“That’s right, I saw a pack of coyotes attacking the caravan, and fearing for your safety I shot to scare the wolves away.”

Luke nodded, the old man had unintentionally helped them once, they had saved the old man’s life today, life was that amazing.

Luke and Walker got off the off-side trike and handed the keys back to Maurice D’Avan, “Man, what are your plans?

I can put you in touch with the canyon warden if you need it.”

“Canyon rangers? Do they offer their help for free?”

“I don’t think so, a traveler’s car ran out of gas today and he contacted the Canyon Wardens, who also promised to deliver the gasoline, but there will be a fee of five hundred dollars.”

“It costs five hundred dollars to deliver a gasoline, and if I ask him to take me out, I guess it will cost at least a thousand dollars, and I don’t have that kind of money to give him.” Maurice Dwan scratched his head and looked again at the two Luke’s RVs.

“Can you guys take me in for the night? I’ll see how my foot is recovering tomorrow.”

Walker and Luke looked at each other.

Walker asked, “Can I ask what you’re doing in the canyon?”

Maurice Dwan licked his tongue and hesitated a little.

Luke picked up a beer and tossed it to him.

“Thanks.” Morris D’Avan opened the beer bottle and took a big swig, belching, “I’m here to explore.”

Walker wasn’t very happy with that answer, what was there to explore in this one bare canyon?

If you refuse to make clear your purpose for coming to the canyon, how can I feel comfortable letting you stay in the RV?

If the other party didn’t ask to stay in the RV, Walker might not have gotten to the bottom of it, but now that the other party asked to stay in the RV, Walker naturally had to ask the other party what they were doing, he didn’t want to lure the wolf into the house.

“Sorry, there are only two beds in the caravan.

If you need food, I can bring it to you, or I can contact the canyon keeper for you.”

“No, I don’t need it.

My foot injury doesn’t affect my motorcycle riding much, I’m just a little weak and need a day off.

And I have a tent in the box on the back of my trike, and would like to ask for your help in setting it up if possible, so I can sleep in it.”

Luke secretly said, this old man obviously has a tent, but just now he said he wants to live in the tricycle, is he testing us? Sometimes over-enthusiasm instead tends to cause the other party to be wary, people still need some boundaries.

Walker’s refusal, on the contrary, would make the other party’s heart solid.

“Welcome, our new neighbor.” As long as he didn’t live in his RV, Walker was still okay with it.

With the help of Walker and Luke, Maurice Dawan’s tent was set up a dozen meters away from the caravan, a certain distance from each other and not too far away to take care of each other.

After the tent was set up, it was already four o’clock in the afternoon, neither Walker nor Luke had eaten lunch, and their stomachs had long been hungry.

Too much had happened in the past two days, and the two of them didn’t have the heart to build a fire and roast meat, so they took out a bag of daliba and opened a few cans of meat.

Morris Dwan was also hungry, ate a piece of dalepa and a few pieces of canned meat, and with food in his stomach, asked, “What are you guys doing in Red Rock Canyon?”

Luke and Walker looked at each other.

Luke laughed, “Would you believe me if I said I was traveling?”

Morris Dwan smiled and didn’t say anything.

“We’re here on a treasure hunt.” Luke decided to tell the truth.

No one was a fool, even if Luke said he was here on a trip, Morris Dwan might not believe him. Just like Luke didn’t believe that he was simply here to explore.

The second point was that Luke suspected that the treasure map was incomplete.

The canyon was very large, and there were many similarities in the winding and rugged terrain, so without a complete map, he was afraid that it would be difficult to find the exact location of the treasure.

Luke guessed that Morris Dhawan’s so-called expedition was most likely to search for the treasure as well, so he might as well be open about it and test the other party’s reaction as well.

Morris D’Awan revealed a surprised look, as if he didn’t expect Luke to be so frank: “You’re here to search for treasure, what kind of treasure?”

Walker saw that Luke had opened up and had no intention to hide it anymore, “Have you heard of Forrest Fenn? He is a rich man who likes outdoor exploration and treasure hunting. Because he was too old to go out and hunt for treasure himself, he buried treasure all over the United States.

Then by writing a book and autobiography he distributed the treasure maps to those who shared his passion for treasure hunting, and we got his treasure maps.

What about you, what is the purpose of the expedition?”

Morris Davan hesitated for a long moment, “I am somewhat humbled by your candor.

I, too, am here on an expedition to find treasure, and the one treasure map I have is also connected to Forrest Fenn. How did you find your treasure map?”

Walker laughed and secretly said, “About a year ago, I bought a book of Forrest Fenn’s autobiography and found a treasure map from that autobiography.

After a few months of preparation, I embarked on an expedition to find the treasure alone. I was in danger that night when I happened to meet Luke, and the two of us worked together to find the Forrest Fenn buried treasure, a wooden chest hidden at the bottom of a lake, filled with gold jewelry and gold coins.

Luke and I split the treasure.

Later, Luke damaged the chest that held the gold coins by chance. He found a second treasure map in the chest, the one we’re using now, and after a period of time, I think the treasure location is probably in Red Rock Canyon.”

“Wow, I envy your friendship.

I also found my treasure map in Forrest Fenn’s autobiography, but I only have this one copy of the treasure map, how long have you guys been looking for it?” Morris D’Avan showed an envious look, and it was not clear if he envied the relationship between the two, or if he envied the fact that the two had obtained the treasure.

“It’s our second day in Red Rock Canyon. How about you?”

“I’ve been here for four or five days, and I’m almost out of food, so if I hadn’t met you guys, I guess I would have left the canyon soon.”

Luke guessed, “You went to the bottom of the canyon this afternoon to look for treasure as well.”

“Yes, but unfortunately instead of finding the treasure, I got my foot caught in an iron clip.

It is also because of this that I suspect that someone purposely set a trap there for the purpose of trapping the treasure hunters.” A touch of anger surfaced on Morris Dwan’s face.

Walker pursued, “Do you know what kind of person set the trap?”

“I don’t know, I’ve searched many places in the past few days, but I couldn’t find the location of the buried treasure. I even suspect that there is something wrong with that treasure map, it’s either fake or incomplete, and most likely inaccurate.” Morris Davan sighed softly and poured a mouthful of wine.

Both parties were silent for a while.

Walker suggested, “Why don’t we take out the treasure map to confirm how the two treasure maps are related? It’s better than us aimlessly continuing to search blindly.

Since we know that someone has deliberately set a trap waiting for the treasure hunters, we should be united and careful.”

Maurice Davan frowned and looked at Walker and then at Luke, “Can I trust you guys?”

Luke said, “Your foot is injured, and you can’t continue your search for the treasure without our help.

And we three may not be the only ones looking for the treasure, the man who set the trap may be looking for the treasure as well. Your leaving the canyon now to recuperate may be exactly what he wants, giving him enough time to search for the treasure.

By the time you’ve recovered from your injuries, the treasure will likely have been taken by him.”

Morris D’Avan raised an eyebrow and seemed to make a decision, “What if our treasure maps are the same?”

“Then we will still be looking for our own, and we will not affect or interfere with each other.”

Morris Dwan said, “And what if our treasure maps are not the same?”

Walker said, “Then maybe it could turn out to be a complete treasure map, and we could hunt for the treasure together and split it equally among the three of us. That’s the real beauty of a treasure hunting expedition, working as a team and sharing the treasure.”

Morris Davan shook his head, “NoNoNo, it’s not fair to distribute it like this, the two of you only have one treasure map, and I also have a treasure map, I should take half of it.

And I’ve been in the canyon for four or five days, I’m more familiar with the situation here.”

Luke said, “Your foot is injured, so the specific treasure hunting work still needs to be done by us.

In terms of contributing, there are two of us, while you are just one person. You have half of the treasure map, but we contribute more.

Treasure hunting ultimately relies on people, and cooperation is the only way to win.”

Morris Dwan thought for a long time, “Alright, let’s get the treasure map out together.”

Subsequently, Walker and Mollis Dhawan searched out the treasure map, and almost synchronized the treasure map on the table, the two treasure maps were not the same, but the edges of the edges were just right to be spliced together, and the whole terrain looked more complete.

Walker’s face revealed an excited look, “That’s right, the two treasure maps are put together, this time it’s a complete treasure map.”

Maurice Dawan also revealed an excited look, “No wonder I’ve been unable to find the treasure location, it turns out that the treasure map is incomplete.”

The three of them began to study the treasure map, Morris Dhawan had been here for a long time and was more familiar with the Red Rock Canyon’s situation, he named a few suspected treasure locations and the three of them were ready to go to the field tomorrow to check.

The sky gradually darkened.

Morris Dwan returned to the tent to rest with the treasure map that belonged to him.

Walker and Luke, on the other hand, returned to the caravan.

Walker glanced through the window, “Do you think he’s trustworthy?”

Luke stretched, “We’ll find out in the morning.”

Walker smiled and hid the half of the treasure map under his pillow, “Either way, we’re one step closer to the treasure.”

Luke, however, was not so optimistic, lying on his bed a little disturbed, he always felt that things were not that simple.

Canyon Ranger Carlos’ caution.

Black Junior’s gasoline was stolen.

Maurice Dwan had been caught in an animal trap.

The sequence of events was too coincidental.

And the man who set the trap, who was he?

And what was the purpose?

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