Chapter 457

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:12:15
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The last time Luke and Walker had dug up gold jewelry at Big Bear Lake it had similar craftsmanship.

He suspected that the gold watch also came from Forrest Fenn’s buried treasure.

“Where’s my treasure?”

The white middle-aged man with a scar on his face seemed confused by the question, “What treasure, I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

Luke said, “That black girl and the old man stole my treasure, you robbed them and the treasure must have fallen into your hands.”

“Haha …… another poor ghost looking for treasure.” The scarred man laughed and shook his head, “These two people you mentioned don’t have any treasure at all.”

“Then why did you kill them?”

“I want to make myself happy, killing makes me happy, it would be an honor for them to die at my hands.” The scarred man’s voice rose steeply, sending some shivers down his spine.

“It would be your honor to be captured by me as well.” Luke laughed and kicked his pocket watch into his pocket, “Say something, where did you hide my treasure?”

“Do you not understand American? I’ve had this pocket watch for a month and I have the nerve to say it’s yours?”

“So, you stole my treasure a month ago.”

Scarred man “……”

Luke swept his gaze around and advised, “Return the treasure to me, it will be good for everyone.”

The scarred man asked back, “What’s in it for me?”

“My companion has a medical kit with him, in a moment he rushes over and can bandage your wounds, and you’ll be able to survive.”

“And then what, hand me over to the police and spend the rest of my life in jail?”

“You sound like you’ve killed a lot of people.” Luke guessed, “You don’t have another case, do you?”

“Heh ……” the scarred man sneered, “You won’t get anything from me, not even if you kill me.”

Luke said softly, “I won’t kill you, I’ll heal your injuries and then let you know that prison isn’t the worst place to be, sometimes sending prisoners to prison is instead a kind of protection for them.”

Luke ripped off the scarred man’s shirt and shoved the sleeve into his mouth, his right foot stepped on his injured arm, “I’ll stop the bleeding, it’s a bit of a painful process but it’ll be very effective.”

“Uh huh ……” the scarred man let out a wail of pain.

“Don’t react so much, it’s only just beginning now ……” The scarred man twisted his body and struggled like a big shrimp, but he was unable to fight back effectively because both of his arms were injured and both of his feet were cuffed.

After a few minutes of time, the scarred man was deflated with pain, his cold sweat soaked through his clothes, and he was about to faint from the pain, Luke slowly moved his right foot away, “Where’s my treasure?

Sorry, forgot you were still gagged, you’re an experienced man, you should know what to do.”

Luke yanked the sleeve out of his mouth.

“FUCK, you pervert!” The scarred man let out a low growl and a lot of spit came out of his mouth.

Luke took two steps back, “That’s nothing, is it up to you to decide if it’s the beginning or the end?”

The scarred man breathed heavily, “You’re right, I was given a copy of the treasure, but it had nothing to do with the two of them.

I don’t know if they stole your treasure, and I don’t care about the treasure at all.

I can give you my treasure.

But what’s in it for me?”

“I’m a normal person, not a pervert, as long as you give me back the treasure that belongs to me.

I will have no reason to target you, and you won’t have to suffer this anymore.

You should know very well that those treasures don’t mean anything to you for the rest of your life.” Speaking of sensitive subjects, Luke used a probe card to prevent eavesdropping or recording.

It was unlikely, but it was better to be cautious; after all, Morris D’Avan was nowhere to be found, and might be somewhere nearby.

The probe card didn’t respond, and Luke was relieved.

The scarred man said, “Let me go and those treasures are yours.”

“What makes you think you’re qualified to bargain with me?” Luke shoved the sleeve of his shirt into his mouth and stomped his right foot on the arm he was holding again.

“Mmmmmm ……,” the scarred man let out another suppressed scream.

The screaming continued for a while before Luke felt him nearing his limit before he moved his right foot away and removed the sleeve of his shirt that was stuffed in his mouth, “Where is the treasure?”

“In my camp.”

“Is there anyone else in your camp?”

“Do dead people count?”

“You killed others.”

“Why else would the treasure be in my hands? Do I look like a treasure hunter to you?” The scarred man spat a mouthful of bloodied spit onto the ground.

Luke surveyed the scarred man’s face, “What is your name?”

“Malone Bacchus.”

“Got a record?” Luke was a little curious about the other party’s identity, an ordinary treasure hunter should leave the canyon after getting the treasure.

However, the scarred man did not leave, instead he continued to stay and slaughter the treasure hunters, that meant his real purpose was most likely not the treasure.

“Which case are you referring to?”

“How many cases have you committed?”

Malon Bacchus shook his head, “I can’t remember.”

“And what types of cases have you committed?”

“Murder. I just like killing, it’s the only thing I’m good at.”

“Like?” Luke frowned slightly, “I’ve met a lot of criminals, but very few of them say they like killing, are you a pervert?”

“Haha …… you’re not the first to say that, but I’m not.

I just like …… that feeling, it’s exciting.

Have you ever killed anyone?” Marlon Bacchus asked himself, “Yes, you’ve definitely killed people, you’re a great shot, I should have thought you weren’t average.

Who the hell are you, anyway?

Military? Cop? fbi? cia? or gangster?”

“I asked you to answer, don’t give yourself a hard time.

Are you a wanted fugitive?”

“Yes, not only am I a wanted man, I’m a murderous maniac, scared?”

Luke laughed, “You’re hiding in the canyon because you’re wanted, that’s why you’re afraid to go out.”

Malone Bacchus sighed, “I did think that at first, the canyon is deserted, no cell phones, no communication, maybe it’s a good place to hide out.

The only thing I regret is that it’s a bit boring.”

Malon Bacchus revealed a wry smile and licked his tongue, “But after living here for a while, I gradually realized that it wasn’t devoid of people, there would often be people who would come to the canyon and wander around, and at first I was a bit worried that I would be exposed.

Then I realized that these people were not interested in me at all, they came to the canyon to look for treasure.

They came from all over the country, and in order to prevent others from prying into the secrets of the treasure, they kept it a secret the entire time, and even those close to them didn’t know their exact location.

It was like a skylight had opened up in my otherwise bleak life, and wasn’t this the playground of my dreams?” The more Marlon Barks spoke, the more excited he became, “This place is filled with mountains, rocks and dirt, and no one can even find it if they kill someone and bury them in a random place.

There are no other residents here, there is no cell phone communication here, this is an isolated paradise.

It’s like a paradise that God prepared for me on purpose.

If you hadn’t stirred things up, I would have had a great time tonight.”

“The black woman and the old white man are your prey too?”

“Not only them, but the little black man, who has a strong body, and whose chest would be wonderful to cut open with a knife.”

“Did you steal his gasoline?”

Malone Bacchus nodded, “It was me, without the gasoline there was no way for him to get out of the canyon and I could take my time playing with him.

Too bad that canyon warden came along and messed up and gave that black guy gasoline.”

“Did you place those traps, too?”

“Yes, that was a little surprise, did you like it?”

“Liked it enough to want to kill you.”

Marlon Barks shook his head, “NoNoNo, there’s absolutely no need for that.

I’m a wanted man with a lot of cases on my back, and there’s no way I’m leaving this canyon, much less reaching out to the police.

Therefore, you don’t have to worry about me betraying you at all.

I’ll give you the treasure.

We won’t cross paths if you leave here, there’s no need to kill me.”

Luke said, “You took the initiative to make your charges known in the hope that I would let you go?”

“Yes. I won’t have any contact with the outside world and I won’t have any influence on you.

As long as you promise, I will immediately take you to the camp and all the treasures will be given to you.”

Without answering, Luke asked instead, “How did you get the treasure?”

Malon Bacchus smiled again, revealing a look of reminiscence, “It was a windfall.

I actually have little interest in treasure, and it’s something I can’t spend.

About a month or so ago, there were also two people who entered the canyon to hunt for treasure, and I can’t remember how many waves I encountered.

These two treasure hunters were very professional, they had drones, compressed cookies, cars, motorcycles, and by the way, the bulletproof vest I was wearing was also theirs.

These two were not easy to deal with, in fact I was a little hesitant to go after them.

I used binoculars to watch them around for a long time, and I didn’t dare to get close for fear that they would find out ……

They searched the canyon every day ……

One day, they came back from the treasure hunt a little different from before, they were very excited, took out a lot of food, alcohol, and had a small party.

As a result, the two guys were drunk, and I saw the opportunity …… to finish them off.

By the way, I took their equipment and treasures as well.

Actually compared to those treasures, I enjoyed that process more, they are both very powerful people, it is hard to deal with them if they are under normal circumstances.

Also, that old white guy tonight was pretty good too, if I hadn’t been wearing body armor ……”

Luke pressed, “How many treasure hunters have you killed?”

“I can’t remember, I don’t think there were more than ten. I rarely initiate contact with outsiders, and the canyon is so big it’s impossible to meet everyone.

I really like it here, looking at the expressions of those treasure hunters who are happy and sad, kneeling and praying for me to let go, and actively wanting to give me the treasure ……

They have no idea that it’s not the treasure I care about.” The corner of Malon Bacchus’s mouth hooked into a sneer, “They are a bunch of sheep that only stare at the grass on the ground.

And in my eyes, they are the best prey.

With them, let me live in Red Rock Canyon for the rest of my life.”

Luke said, “I can now be sure that you are not only a wanted man, but also a pervert.

I’m also sure that you won’t leave Red Rock Canyon to have contact with the outside world.

Give me the treasure and I can leave your affairs alone.”

“Can I take you at your word?”

“Do you have a choice?”

“I believe you, and I hope you can keep your word.”

Soon, Walker arrived as well, and the three of them rushed to Malone Bacchus’ camp together.

However, this time Luke didn’t drive a partial three-wheeled motorcycle, but drove Malone Bacchus’ blue pickup truck.

This vehicle had a high and powerful chassis, and was much more passable than the caravan.

Under the direction of Malone Bacchus, the three entered the bottom of the canyon and drove for half an hour in a winding and rugged way to a hidden canyon crevice.

It was said to be a gap, but it was also twenty meters wide, narrow for the entire canyon, and it was indeed called a gap, but it could already satisfy Marlon Bax’s life.

Getting out of the car, Luke swept his eyes around, “Where is the treasure?”

Malone Bacchus’ wrist was already bandaged, but his face was still a bit pale, he said breathlessly, “It’s in that cave on the east side of the canyon gap, I wasn’t very interested in that thing and threw it in the corner of the cave.”

“You lead the way.” Luke gave him a shove, took his pistol from his belt to keep watch, and said to Walker in the cab, “Stay in the car.”


Malone Bacchus and Luke walked toward the cave, one after the other.

By now, the sky had brightened, and with the light from the car’s lights, Luke could vaguely see inside the cave.

The two of them walked near the entrance of the cave, a figure suddenly flashed out from the side of the cave, holding an AK47 and firing at the two of them for a while: “Da da da da ……”

Luke hurriedly leapt to the side and dodged to the side of the stone wall, a trace of fear grew in his heart as he felt a bullet fly along his cheek.

Marlon Bacchus wasn’t so lucky and was knocked to the ground by a bullet.

“Da da da da ……”

The AK47’s firepower was fierce, and the bullets swept against the wall, splattering stone dust everywhere, and interspersed with a woman’s shout, “FUCK!, you assholes go to God!”

Luke hides on the side of the wall, not daring to show his head at all, just pressing his right hand against the wall and firing a few blind shots.

Luke considered whether or not to lie down on the ground and fire from a different position to finish off his opponent while he wasn’t looking.

“Bang!” A muffled sound.

Luke was able to hear that it was also the sound of a gunshot, but it didn’t sound like it was coming from the barrel of an AK47.

Then, the sound of the AK47’s gunshot crunched to a halt.

Luke guessed that the other party might be changing bullets and was preparing to go out to counterattack, but the number of bullets in his mind silently counted against it.

Could it be that ……

The gunman using the AK47 was killed.

“Luke, it’s okay to come out!” Walker’s voice sounded in the distance.

Luke stepped out of the wall and saw a white woman holding an AK47 on the ground, the area around her head already stained red.

And Walker stood beside the pickup truck, holding a sniper rifle in his hand, looking taller and taller under his figure in the headlights.

Luke gave a thumbs up, “Man, good job!”

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