Chapter 461

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:12:25
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Mary from the technical team just happened to come over and agreed, “You’re right, it is indeed an exhumation.”

Xiao Hei said, “But I don’t see that the corpse is badly decomposed, the deceased shouldn’t have been dead for a long time.”

Mary said, “I’m just objectively expressing the facts, the body was buried in the earth and then dug up.

As to when the deceased was killed and when he was buried in the ground, that’s the job of the coroner.

Sheila isn’t going to give me a cut of her paycheck, so don’t you dare try to find out from me.” Mary gave a you-know-what look.

The lieutenant said, “Tell us what you found.”

Seeing Luke looking at him as well, Mary said, “No identification for the suspected victim was found at the scene, nor was the deceased’s cell phone found, and we found at least four shoe prints of suspicious people around the scene.

Two of the more obvious tire tracks, one was a Tesla and the other had tire tracks that looked like a pickup truck.

Judging by the blood and other evidence, this is just the burial site, not the first crime scene.”

Blackie said, “It’s hard to find out the identity of the murderer with these clues alone, are there any more clues about the murderer?”

Mary spread her hands, “That would require you guys to find the first crime scene first, that’s all there is here.”

“Thanks, you guys have done a great job.” Luke encouraged, saying, “Help me collect the footprints of the person who reported the crime, there may be a copy of him in those four suspicious footprints to narrow down the suspects.”

“No problem.”

After Mary left, the crowd turned their attention to the medical examiner’s side.

Black looked at Harry Saber’s body and lamented, “What an unlucky guy, this time last year …… he was dumped by the best woman in the world.

Now it’s dead again for no apparent reason.

Although you are a loser in love, but it is not your fault, it is your opponent is too strong.

We’ll get your murderer, poor guy.”

Luke “……”

So bitchy.

Luke stepped aside and dialed David’s number, “Hey man, busy?”

“Same as always, what’s up with you?”

“Are you still in touch with Harry Saber?”

“Yeah, I let him poke around once in a while, are you going to use him?”

“I wouldn’t dare, he’s under God’s control now.”

“What the hell is that?”

“We just found his body.”

David was silent for a moment, “How did he die?”

“The coroner hasn’t finished identifying it yet, I’m still at the scene, I’ll talk to you when I get back in a bit.”

“Okay.” David’s tone was obviously a little down.

The two hung up their cell phones, and the coroner’s side finished the preliminary autopsy.

Sheila took off her goggles and gloves and said, “He was shot four times in the chest, and one of the shots hit his heart, causing him to bleed to death.

Time of death was between seven and twelve a.m. yesterday.”

Luke asked, “How long has the body been in the ground?”

“It’s impossible to tell the exact time, but it shouldn’t be too long.”

Black touched his chin, “According to the witness, when he found the body, a rat came out of the body’s mouth, the body’s time of death is not very long, and the time of burial is not long, the body’s decomposition should not be serious, why would a rat run into his mouth.”

“I found food residues in the dead man’s mouth, it should be something like cream and cake, it is likely that these sweets attracted the rats.

In addition, the dead body found multiple bruise wounds, some time before death should have suffered beatings.”

Luke pressed, “What was the approximate time?”

“It would have been between three and seven days before death.

That’s all for now, I’ll let you know if there are any developments in the autopsy.”

Luke nodded, there was more than three days between the time the victim was beaten and the time of death, so it was uncertain if there was a relationship between the two.

Jackson asked, “Captain, what do we need to do?”

Luke didn’t answer and looked to the side of the lieutenant, “Lieutenant, what do you think?”

The lieutenant swept his gaze around, “It’s unlikely that we’ll find witnesses in the middle of the night in this hellhole.

I suggest checking the surveillance to find the car that dumped the body and track down the identity of the person who dumped the body.

In the meantime, launch an investigation into Harry Szabo’s identity, whereabouts and look for the first crime scene, maybe there will be more clues there.”

Luke said smoothly, “Lieutenant, you are responsible for investigating Harry Saber’s whereabouts and looking for the first crime scene.

Ramon, Jenny, you track the car that dumped the body.”

“YES, Sir.”

As for Luke himself, he returned to the police station and prepared to talk to David.

From the meaning of David’s words, he and Harry Saber should be in contact and might be able to provide some valuable clues.

Luke returned to the Robbery and Murder Division of the Detective Bureau, where David was already waiting in his office, his shiny bald head shining brightly in the sunlight.

“Luke, I’m here.”

“Come in and talk.” Luke entered the captain’s office.

David followed, closing the office door behind him and asked, “Can you confirm that it was Harry Saber who died?”

Luke asked back, “Can you still contact him?”

David sat across the desk, “I just contacted him, but no response. That asshole rarely gets back to me first, he’s always careful.”

Luke pulled out his tablet and tapped on a few photos, “Here’s a picture of the body, identify it.”

David took the tablet, examined it carefully and sighed, “Yes, it’s him, I just met him the other day.

We’ve been getting along pretty well lately, it’s a shame ……”

Luke took out a carton of cigarettes, handed David one and took one himself, “I just took over the case, I haven’t gotten to know him yet, do you have any leads?”

David took the cigarettes, “In recent times, a group of drug sellers have come to the territory of the Drag Racers, a new type of drug.

This drug is very exciting and addictive, but it’s just as easy to overdose and die, as far as I know there are two students lying in intensive care right now because of an overdose of the new drug, their lives haven’t really started yet, but they’re probably going to end as well.

Harry was also part of the Drag Racers and hung out in that neighborhood a lot, I wanted him to ask around about the new drugs and take that gang down with a bang, Captain Jones knew about it too.

If he was really killed because of this, I’ll apply for a pension for him.

Can you tell me about the scene? Were there any other injuries on his body besides the gunshot wound?”

Luke said, “Last night, a couple drove to the suburbs for a date, saw a figure outside their car, got out of the car to check and found a large pit, where Harry Saber’s body was.

According to our speculation, the dark figure that appeared last night should be digging up his body.

This is not the first crime scene, Harry Szabo was shot and transported here to bury his body, only somehow it was dug up again.

The time of the murder would have been last night, also, there were some bruise wounds found on his body, which according to the coroner’s speculation should have been caused three to seven days before his death.”

David pondered for a moment muttering, “Shooting and burying the body, it’s very much like a gang feud.

Should we hand it over to our Anti-Triad and Narcotics Division for investigation.”

Luke to, “Let’s see, if it really involves gangs, I’ll apply for a joint investigation.

Since you’re connected to Harry Saber, tell us your opinion.”

David said, “Harry Sabo is now an official member of the Drag Race Party, and he has recently gotten very close to a man named Nke Dumart.

I think it would be a good idea to talk to Nke Dumart, maybe he’ll know something.”

Luke asked, “Is Nke Dumart also a member of the Drag Racers?”

“Yes, but the local biker gang members are looser and not bound by many gang rules. It’s not as strict as other gangs, but a lot of people just like the atmosphere and will feel a little more free.

Of course, there are some cliques within the Drag Racing Party, and Harry Szabo and Nke Dumart are among the more close-knit ones.”

“Do you have the details of Nke Dumart?”

“Follow me.”

Sturgeon neighborhood.

A black Dodge and a black Ford SUV drove into the neighborhood.

Luke sat in the driver’s side, peering through the window at the door numbers outside, while David sat at the wheel and drove.

David casually asked, “How’s the vice squad and their investigation going?”

“No news yet.” Luke shook his head and asked rhetorically, “Has Harry Saber been in any trouble lately?”

“Come on, we’re not friends, and you expect him to talk to me?”

David bristled and added, “The guy is very cautious and afraid of revealing his identity, so we don’t meet for long at a time.”

Luke looked out the window, “Slow down, we’re almost at Nke Dumart’s house up ahead.”

With a few flirtatious tones, David responded, “YES, Sir.”

The two cars pulled up outside a two-story house with a gray roof.

Luke and David both got out one after the other.

The black SUV in the back also stepped out of two men, both of beefy build, who were Agents Henry and Kevin from the Vice and Narcotics Division.

David said, “I’ll go in with Captain Lee, you two wait outside of here and keep a lookout.”

“Okay, Lieutenant.”

Luke and David both walked into the yard, which was small, with a lawn on the left and a garage on the right.

David asked, “Did you call the door, or me?”

“Are you sure it’s calling the door, not kicking it in?” Luke smiled and walked to the door and rang the bell.

A few moments later, the door opened and there was a white woman in her thirties standing in the doorway, dressed in a housecoat, with disheveled hair that didn’t seem to have been washed.

“Who are you?”

Luke flashed his badge, “LAPD, is this the home of Nke Dumart?”

“Yes, what can I do for you?”

“We’d like to get some information from him.”

“What kind of information?”

Luke didn’t answer, “What’s your name, ma’am? What’s the relationship with Nko Dumart?”

“I am his wife.”

“Please call Nke Dumart out, we want to talk to him face to face.”

Mrs. Dumart hesitated for a moment, “He is not at home.”

“Do you know where he is?”

Mrs. Dumart shrugged, “That’s what I was going to ask, can you help me find him? Thanks.”

“Do you have his contact information?”

“It’s no use, his cell phone never works, I never expect to be able to reach him on it.”

“Ma’am, if you don’t mind, I’d like to try it myself.”

“Suit yourself, his cell phone number is 629 319 1519, if you get through, tell that bastard not to come back, there is no place for him in this house anymore.

His only chance of returning to this home is to pack up his stuff and get the hell out of here for good.”

Luke took out a pen and paper and just recorded the cell phone number.

“Bang!” The woman closed the door to the room with a straight face.

“Whoa whoa, super hot, heh heh.” David laughed.

Luke glared at him, “Are you here to watch the fun, or to investigate?”

“I’m not good at dealing with these kinds of scenes, you know that.” David spread his hands in a what do you want me to do look.

Luke glanced at the house and turned back to the car.

David got into the driver’s side, “What are you going to do?”

Luke looked out the window again, “I have a feeling this woman is a little nervous and should be hiding something.”

“It’s only a problem if a family like theirs doesn’t get nervous when they see a cop, and as far as you saying there’s something to hide, either he knows where Nke Dumart is?

Either that or Nke Dumat is hiding in the house.

I bet she’s watching us from the window, and as long as we don’t leave, she’ll keep staring, and I hate that feeling.” David stepped on the gas and the car slowly left.

Luke said, “Could Harry Sabo’s murder and Nke Dumart’s playing the disappearing act be a deliberate attempt to hide from the police.

He likely knows something.”

David said, “Didn’t she give you a cell phone number? Why don’t you try it?”

Luke didn’t hold out much hope for a cell phone number, but it was still something to try according to investigative procedures.

Luke took out his cell phone and dialed the number, “SORRY, the cell phone number you have dialed does not exist, please verify and dial again.”

Luke redialed again against his laptop, 629 319 1519.

It still prompted an incorrect cell phone number.

David was a little chagrined, “That woman of ours is playing tricks on us, should we turn around?”

“Don’t turn around, keep driving.” Luke revealed a thoughtful look and repeated the cell phone number, 629 319 1519.

Removing the first four numbers, the last six were 191519.

Luke wrote the six numbers down in a separate notebook and mulled them over for a moment, “This woman may not be playing us, but asking for help.”

David lowered the speed of the car, frowned in thought for a moment, and guessed, “SOS.”

Luke wrote out the letters of the alphabet in his notebook, where a par 19 was an S and a par 15 was an O.

Together, 19, 15, and 19 were SOS.

Saving Of Soul.

David looked aside at Luke, had to be convinced, this guy is just better than his own brain, if he can not get through to the cell phone number, either directly into the trash, or turn around and go back to question, when it is likely to happen uncontrollable situation.

When he chose to come to the Black and Narcotics Division, he was right, and he can play his role better here, “What do we do now?”

Luke thought for a moment and said, “Split up.

Have two of your men stake out the car and call for backup.

The two of us sneak into the perimeter of the house to check out the situation, focus on reconnaissance and don’t make any sudden moves without figuring out what’s going on inside the house.”

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