Chapter 462

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:12:28
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Nke Dumart’s house.

The garage door opened and a Chevrolet SUV pulled out of the garage and sped off onto the neighborhood highway.

Luke and David peeked out from behind the house diagonally across the street and watched the Chevy SUV.

David asked, “Gonna stop that car?”

Luke countered, “Do you know what’s inside the car?”

“The people in that car are probably robbers, we can get the patrol to assist in the stop, we LAPD hasn’t lost yet compared to firepower.” David was wearing body armor with a pistol at his waist and a shotgun in his hand.

Luke said, “According to the information, Nke Dumart is not only married, but has an eight year old daughter.

If Mrs. Dumart was really asking for help just now, we are already at the doorstep of the house and the other party still doesn’t dare to run or even show abnormality to her face, it means that she is likely to be threatened, and this threat is likely to come from her daughter.

In the case of the robbers have two hostages and are not clear about the other side of the firepower, the arrangement of the situation is best not to act rashly.

If the hostages are torn apart, even if we capture all the robbers, this operation still fails.”

“OK, You’re the Boss,” David took out his walkie-talkie and said to his two henchmen who were staking out the car.

“This is David to Henry.”

“This is Henry.”

“A black Chevy SUV is heading your way, license plate 4tee475, with a possible hostage inside.

Follow that vehicle without being spotted by the other side, OVER.”

“Copy that.”

David put away his walkie-talkie and asked, “What’s your plan?”

Luke asked, “Why do you think Mrs. Dumart was hijacked? What was the purpose of the hijackers?”

David guessed, “I reckon it could be because of Nke Dumart.

One scenario, Nke Dumart is at home and he has been taken.

In the second scenario, Nke Dumart is not at home and the robbers have either left on their own or kidnapped his wife and daughter.”

Luke said, “If it is the first scenario, Nke Dumat’s wife and daughter should still be in the house.

If it’s the second case, even if the wife and daughter were taken, the robbers would have left contact information in the house so that Nke Dumat could find them and ransom his wife and daughter.

In either case, it is necessary to enter the house to investigate.”

David agreed with Luke’s speculation, and the two men crept quietly into the yard of Nke Dumart’s house, went under the base of the wall, and peered through the window to see what was going on inside.

It was a bedroom window, which was half-open, and Luke peered into it; no one could be seen in the bedroom.

Luke gestured with David, who nodded.

David then alerted the perimeter, and Luke climbed through the window into the bedroom, gingerly and trying not to make a sound.

David also attempted to climb in through the window, except that he was wearing a bulletproof vest and had some difficulty moving, and Luke, fearing that he would make a loud noise, helped him with his hand.

After both men entered the bedroom, they both went to the bedroom door and pressed themselves against it to listen quietly.

The two men stayed still and listened for a good two minutes without any movement.

Luke breathed hard and didn’t smell blood, indicating that the hostages were not in danger for the time being.

Had the robbers all left already?

David got a little impatient and gave Luke a gesture to open the door, Luke gestured for him to open the door and go out to have a look himself first.

David shook his head and pointed to his body armor, indicating that he wanted to go out and scout first.

Luke had a bulletproof card that was going to be safer than a bulletproof vest, there was just no way to tell the other man that, so he could only nod his head in agreement.

Luke then slowly opened the bedroom door, David poked his head through the doorway and looked outside, outside was the living room on the first floor, from where he could see where the couch was.

There were two people sitting on the couch, looking at the heads they looked like a man and a woman, but both had their backs to him and couldn’t see this side of the bedroom.

The door opened to a width wide enough to pass through, and David and Luke stepped out of the bedroom one after the other.

The two didn’t move immediately, watching the living room for a while, and there was no movement in the other rooms.

Luke stepped forward with his gun and walked closer to the couch where he could see clearly that there was a woman sitting on the couch, bound with rope and her mouth taped shut, the same Mrs. Dumart who had just opened the door.

Diagonally across the small couch sat a black man who was playing with his cell phone with his head down and an AK on his right hand, he seemed to notice something and looked up.

“LAPD!!! don’t move!” Luke pointed his gun with both hands at the black man on the couch.

“Hands on your head, slow down.” David chirped, walking over to the woman and removing the tape from her mouth, “There’s two of them and one upstairs ……”

“Ta-da-da-da ……” The words fell as a rifle shot rang out.

“Bang ……” Luke flung himself onto the couch and returned fire upstairs.

[Bullet avoidance card activated, used].

“FUCK!” cursed Luke, using an accuracy card and firing several shots at the second floor.

“Ah……” the man upstairs let out a scream.

“Knock knock ……” the shotgun went off as well.

The black man by the couch took advantage of the chaos and prepared to counterattack with his gun, but just as his right hand touched the gun, he was knocked to the ground by the shotgun shells: “Ah ……”

A mournful cry escaped from his mouth.

“Bang bang bang ……” Luke was still shooting at the second floor, because of the angle problem, he couldn’t see the situation of the robbers on the second floor, in order to make sure of the safety, he could only shoot continuously.

“Thud thud thud ……” David also fired a few shots at the second floor.

Luke switched magazines, held his gun on guard, and slowly ascended to the second floor.

Upstairs was a middle-aged black man, shot in his right arm, shoulder, and leg, lying on the floor breathing heavily.

Luke walked closer and kicked his AK47 away, the gunshot wounds in his right arm and shoulder were from Luke, his leg looked like it had been hit by a stray bullet, the wounds weren’t too serious, probably from a shotgun wound.

Luke looked downward and asked, “How are you guys doing?”

David said, “I took a stray bullet in the back, not a big problem.

Mrs. Dumart took a stray bullet in the leg and needs to stop the bleeding.

How are you doing? Any injuries?”


In this kind of narrow space it was easy to ricochet, the bullet bounced back irregularly, although the power was not as powerful as a normal bullet, hitting the vitals would kill just as much, which was also the reason why helmets were worn on the battlefield.

Luke looked at the black man next to the couch, this one was hit by a shotgun, he was not hit by a stray bullet, but a direct hit on the bullseye, a fist-sized crater appeared in his chest, and he couldn’t die anymore.

Mrs. Dumart couldn’t care less about her leg wound and prayed, “My daughter, please save my daughter.”

David asked, “Where is your daughter?”

“They have taken my daughter, there are four of them, two are here watching me and waiting for my husband to return.

Two more took my daughter, they said that if my husband didn’t pay back the money, they would sell my daughter to a brothel.

My daughter is only eight years old, please, you must save her.”

David asked, “How many of them are there?”

“This morning, a total of four people broke into my home, saying they were looking for my husband, but my husband wasn’t even at home, so they threatened me and told me to call to bring him back, but I couldn’t reach him at all.

Then I heard a knock on the door and they told me to open it.

At that time, they were standing on the inside of the door with a gun in their hands, and my daughter was in their hands.

When I heard that you were the police, I wanted to call the police.

But I didn’t dare ……

I didn’t dare.”

David comforted, “You did the right thing, don’t be too emotional.

As long as we haven’t found your husband, your daughter won’t be in danger for a while, I’ll help you bandage your wound first.”

David stopped the bleeding while asking, “Why are they looking for your husband?”

“They said my husband took the goods and didn’t pay for them, and asked my husband for money.”

“What goods?”

“I don’t know, and I’m afraid to ask.”

“Do you know where Nke Dumart is?”

“I don’t know and I can’t reach him. All that asshole knows how to do is race cars and drink all day, I’d rather him get hit by a car one day than get killed by him now.

My poor daughter …… you must save her.”

“When was the last time you saw Nke Dumart?”

“Yesterday morning, he left the house and didn’t come back, I called him but I couldn’t get through.”

David could hear that the woman didn’t know much about Nke Dumart.

Second Floor.

Luke indifferently looked at the middle-aged black man lying on the floor and did not immediately treat him.

“Save me!

I don’t want to die!” The black middle-aged man revealed a prayerful look.

Luke asked, “What’s your name?”

The black man hesitated.

Luke didn’t say anything either, so he waited quietly.

But the black man couldn’t afford to wait, the blood kept pouring out of him, “My name is Ryder Kramer, please, help me.”

Luke helped him stop the blood on his arm and let him hold down the wound on his shoulder himself, as for the wound on his leg it was shallow and not a big problem.

“How many of you are there?”

“Six, but only four came, the other two took off with the little girl, and only the two of us stayed behind to wait for Enko Dumat.”

“Waiting for Nke Dumart to do what?”

“To get him to pay back the money.”

“Be specific.”

“They took our goods and promised to pay us afterward, but the money never came, so we had to go to the door and get it ourselves.”

“What goods did they take from you?”


“Who is the other man you mean by them?”

“Harry Szabo.”

“They both took the goods together?”


“Then why didn’t you look for Harry Sabo?”

“We couldn’t find him.”

“Couldn’t find him, or had already taken him out.”

Ryder Kramer shook his head, “No, we didn’t take him out.”

Seeing that the other man didn’t look like he was lying, Luke pressed, “How much was the shipment worth?”

“Two hundred thousand dollars.”

“Where’s the little girl?”

“The Davral neighborhood.”

“Is that your lair?”


“How many people are in there? What kind of weapons?”

“Four men with pistols, rifles, grenades, body armor, and two cars.”

Luke made note of the equipment, “What will you do with the little girl?”

“We don’t want to hurt her, we just want the money that belongs to us, if everyone took goods and didn’t pay for them like they did, we wouldn’t be able to do business.”

“Have they taken goods from you before?”

“No, this is the first time we work together, because we know they are drag racing party, this piece belongs to them before we agree to them to take goods first and pay later, but I didn’t expect them to talk but not count.

Although we don’t have many people, we are not something to be messed with.”

“What will you do with the little girl if you never find Nke Dumart?”

“I don’t know, my word doesn’t count.”

Luke tried, “What would have happened if the police had raided your lair to free the little girl?”

Ryder Kramer hesitated for a moment and said, “It’s best not to; the little girl will definitely be taken hostage, and if my associates die, so will she.”

“Then how do you think you can save the little girl.”

Ryder Kramer replied, “The best thing to do is to find Enko Dumat, we just want our money back, that’s all.

Get Enko Dumart to make up the money and we will naturally release his daughter.”

David shouted, “bullshit!

Don’t fool people with your shit, you guys won’t let Nke Dumart go easily even if he pays back the money. You guys will definitely teach him a lesson and may even still finish him off.

I know you assholes too well.”

“Wooo……” Just then, David’s cell phone rang.

David pressed the answer button, “Hey, it’s me.

What? Lost him.

What are you two idiots doing?

You two are dead, I said.” David hung up his cell phone and said helplessly, “They lost the target.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Were they spotted?”

“I don’t think so, they are just afraid of being discovered, so they don’t dare to follow too closely.

And that group of people has a strong sense of anti-surveillance ……,” David was somewhat helpless.

Luke looked at Ryder Kramer again, “Are you sure the little girl was taken to the D’Havillard neighborhood?”

Ryder Kramer said breathlessly, “Yes, that was our plan before.”

“Tell us about your subsequent plans.”

“Our mission is to watch Enco Dumart’s wife and have him withdraw the money to ransom his daughter when Enco Dumart returns home.

I will contact our boss when the time comes.”

“What is your boss’s name?”

“Edel Owen.”

“Where is he now?”

“He left with the little girl.”

“What’s his cell phone number?”

“I can’t remember, the backup contact on my cell phone is Boss.”

“Is that the cell phone number to contact him?”


“Good.” Luke handcuffed him.

At the same time, sirens sounded outside.

Luke was trying to keep a low profile, after all, he was afraid of alerting the rest of the robbers.

But there was a gunfight in the house, and the surrounding neighbors must have heard it, so they could only hope that the group of robbers didn’t have any other eyes in the area.

David rejoined Luke and took off his body armor, “Help me with my back.”

Luke lifted his clothes, the right back side hit a green piece: “Fortunately, the problem is not very serious, turn around and find a Chinese medicine practitioner to help you massage can be better faster.”

Chinese medicine in the United States is not the only Chinese will patronize, similar to acupuncture, massage, a type of Chinese medicine in the United States is more popular, many foreigners will also carry out similar treatment, especially military police and other more dangerous, easy to injure the industry.

“Let’s take some painkillers first.” David put his clothes back on and moved slowly, “What’s the next plan?”

“Ryder Kramer volunteered that his lair was in the Davillard neighborhood, it’s unlikely that he lied.

But it’s impossible to say if his boss, Edel Irving, lied to him.

So we’re going to do a double take and have the tech team locate Edel Owen’s cell phone to confirm that he’s in the Davillard community.

The little girl should be with him.

Also, call in SWAT support. Leave the raid to them.

You go to the scene and keep an eye on it.

I expect Chief Reed may be there by then as well.”

Detectives’ duties were biased towards investigating cases, Luke had found out where the robbers had landed, and no one could take that credit, the grunt work was just left to SWAT.

David asked rhetorically, “What about you? Not coming along?”

“I’m going to find Nke Dumat.

Since he’s the one who caused the trouble, he has to step in and fix it. The chances of rescuing the hostages will be higher with him around.”

David asked rhetorically, “Do you know where he is?”

“No, but someone knows.”

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