Chapter 464

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:12:38
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Inside a black Ford SUV.

Jackson was at the wheel and Luke was sitting in the back watching over Nke Dumart.

Luke sized up the other man and tried, “Who was that Harry you were talking about?”

Enko Dumat twisted his head to look at Luke and replied, “His name is Harry Sabo, also a member of the Drag Race Party, and the two of us are relatively close.

He bought me a drink a while back and said he wanted my help.

I trusted him enough to just say yes.” Nko Dumat let out a sigh and scratched his head with his hand, “Then I realized that asshole screwed me over and I didn’t know he was going to buy drugs until the actual deal.

That fucking guy got me killed.

I thought about backing out then, but it was too late ……

I swear to God, I was really just an errand boy.”

Luke pressed, “Who did you buy the drugs from?”

“Edel Irving.”

“How was the deal made?”

“This area is all under our Drag Racing Party, Harry knew that Edel Owen was selling drugs in the neighborhood with a group of men, so he used his Drag Racing Party status to get the goods from that man at a low price and then paid when the goods were sold.”

“Did the rest of the Drag Racers know about this?”

“No. It was entirely Harry’s idea alone.”

“When did you make the deal?”

“Picked it up on February 25th and we had an appointment to pay by March 1st.”

Luke jotted down in his notebook, “How much did you take for the shipment?”

“Two hundred thousand dollars.”

“What are you going to do with the shipment?”

“I don’t know, Harry handled all the shipments, I was just pulled into a stand by him when I bought the drugs, that’s all.”

Nko Dumart’s eyes flickered, and Luke, sensing signs that he was lying, said in a hushed voice, “You know what? I hate it when people lie to me.

A lot of suspects like to be smart and evasive, putting the blame on their accomplices.

Especially those dead accomplices.”

Enko Dumat lowered his head, not daring to meet Luke’s eyes.

Luke waited for a while, and Nke Dumat still had no intention of speaking.

He tried, “Why did you kill Harry Saber? Was it because of the unequal sharing of the spoils?”

Nke Dumat hurriedly shook his head, “I really didn’t kill him, his death has nothing to do with me.”

“Then who did it have anything to do with? Don’t say you don’t know, if you continue to lie, then no one can help you.”

Nko Dumart said, “Edel Irving, he is supposed to have sent someone to kill Harry Sabo, and he tried to send someone to kill me.”

“What was the purpose of his killing?”

“We screwed up so bad we couldn’t pay for the drugs we bought.

On the day of February 28th, Edel Irving contacted us for the money, but we simply didn’t have it and tried to get him to give us some more grace.

He disagreed and said we were trying to swallow his goods and threatened to chop us both up and feed us to the dogs if we didn’t pay the money at the agreed time.”

“Where did the drugs you purchased go?”

Nke Dumart sighed, “Harry had already found his next buyer before he bought the drugs and made an appointment for the transaction on February 27th.

The day before the deal, Harry approached me again and begged me to go with him.

For the sake of my brother, I reluctantly agreed.

We arrived at the agreed place and met the buyer, who examined the goods and we counted the money.

At this time, suddenly rushed over a group of people, the money and goods all robbed, but also beat us up.

Fuck! It’s just bad luck.

We lost everything.”

Luke said, “You took the goods from Edel Owen and then sold them to another group of people at a high price, making the difference.”


Luke calculated that today was March 3, and their transaction was on February 27, coinciding with the time of Harry Sabo’s autopsy-produced injuries.

“Who was the man who purchased the drugs from you?”

“William Moses, Jr.”

“Any idea who robbed you guys?”

“I don’t know, they were masked, had AK47’s in their hands, sounded like locals, and were very hard hitting.” Nke Dumart pulled open his shirt, and there was a bruise above his chest, “This is what they smashed with the handle of the AK47.

If we had dared to resist then, they would have killed.”

“How many people were there in total for the robbery?”

“Three men, all white men I think.”

“Did anyone else know about your transaction?”

“No, at least I didn’t tell anyone else, I’m not sure about Harry’s side.”

“How do you plan to settle this?”

“Harry’s idea was to find Edel Owen first, tell him about our being robbed, and ask him for some more time to grace us with his presence, and then we’d try to find a way to retrieve the robbed goods.

But it wasn’t that simple at all; Edel Owen wouldn’t listen to our explanations, and Harry was killed by them.

If I had been found by them and couldn’t get the money, I would have been taken out too.”

“How do you know it was Edel Owen who killed Harry?”

Nko Dumart shook his head, “I’m not sure, just a guess. But I can’t think of anyone other than Edel Irving?”

Luke tried, “Where’s Harry’s body?”

“Outside of Los Angeles, in a barren field east of Stradivarius Avenue Road.”

The location was the same as where Luke and the others had found Harry’s body, “How did you know his body was there?”

“Last night, Harry and I had an appointment to meet, and just as I was driving up near the appointment I heard gunshots, I stopped the car and quietly walked over to check it out.

Saw someone carrying a body into a pickup truck that belonged to Harry.

I was horrified.

Figuring that Harry might have been killed, I followed the car at a distance and saw it drive to the outskirts of Los Angeles near Stevenage Street and dig a hole to bury the body.”

“Did you see the men who carried the body?”

“It was already ten o’clock at night, it was very dark and I didn’t dare to get too close, I only knew that there were two murderers, but I couldn’t see the appearance of the murderers, not to mention that they were wearing masks.”

Luke continued his inquiry, “What else did you do after that?”

“After they left, I wanted to dig up the body to make sure it was Harry.

I had just dug up his body when a Tesla sedan drove by and I just left for fear of being spotted.

They killed Harry and they will definitely not spare me, so I hid in that temporary shelter until you came to my door.”

Nke Dumart’s description largely matched the circumstances of Harry Saber’s murder.

Luke despised this bastard even more in his heart, he knew to hide when he got into trouble, but his wife and children at home didn’t care, if they hadn’t come to the door, Mrs. Dumart and her daughter would have ended up in a miserable situation.

In the middle of the conversation, Luke’s trio rushed to the vicinity of the Davilar neighborhood by car.

Reed also arrived to take command of the scene, and David and Lieutenant Vince were also there.

Luke took the initiative to greet them and said, “Chief.”

Reed nodded and gazed over at Nke Dumart, “He’s the girl’s father?”

“His name is Enko Dumat.

He took two hundred thousand dollars in drugs from the robber, Edel Owen, some time ago and didn’t pay, and Edel Owen kidnapped his daughter to get the money for the drugs.” Luke asked, rhetorically, after a brief introduction.

“Chief, have you tracked down the little girl yet?”

“With the identification of the robber you captured, Ryder Kramer, we have located the robber’s stronghold just east of the Davillard neighborhood.

I’ve got agents staking out the area around the house.

The swat team has also arrived on the scene and is ready to enter the house to free the hostages as soon as we figure out what’s going on in the rooms.

Here’s a structural diagram of the house.” Reed pointed to a drawing that lay flat in front of the car.

Luke walked over to view it and inquired, “Are they sure they can subdue the thugs without harming the hostages?”

Reed shook his head, “It’s not difficult to subdue the thugs, and they can force an attack at any time, but …… once there’s a firefight, they won’t be able to guarantee the absolute safety of the hostages.

So, I want to hear your plan.”

Luke’s gaze glanced at Nke Dumart, “There are four robbers in the house right now, and even the swat team will have a hard time subduing all four of them at the same time, so the hostages’ situation will be more dangerous.

Doesn’t the robber boss, Edel Owen, want to get back the two hundred thousand dollars for the goods?

Then let’s have Nke Dumart contact him and promise to deliver the ransom and redeem the little girl at the same time.

From my experience, the robber boss will definitely not deal in his own lair and will definitely go to another place.

At that time, it will be possible to separate the robbers and also ambush the location where the ransom was delivered in advance, reducing the difficulty of rescuing the hostage.”

Reed pondered for a moment, “The plan is good, but I’m afraid it will be recognized by the robbers and botched.”

Luke said, “Didn’t we capture a hijacker, Ryder Kramer? Have him make a call with Encore Dumart, this will minimize the robbers’ suspicion.”

The lieutenant agreed, “Good idea.

Reed don’t hesitate, one minute of delay is one more minute of danger for the kid, those bastards will do anything.”

Reed said, “OK, I’ll contact the swat team, you guys get ready and don’t show any signs of weakness when you make the call.”

Vice Squad said, “With us watching, nothing can go wrong.”

Soon, Luke, Vice Squad, and David got together to discuss how to talk to the robbers and how to avoid the robbers’ suspicion while dividing their forces as much as possible.

Once everything was ready, the group went to an ambulance where the robber, Ryder Kramer, had been treated for his gunshot wounds, and the nurse had given him a painkilling injection to make sure that he would be overheard on the phone.

Luke personally instructed the robber, Ryder Kramer, and then it was up to the robber, Ryder Kramer, to call the cell phone of the robber’s boss, Edel Irving.

A few moments later, the cell phone was connected, and Ryder Kramer said, “Boss, that bastard Nke Dumart is back, you guessed it right, that guy does have money.”

A low voice sounded on the other side of the phone, “Got the money?”

“That guy wants to talk to you.”

“Give him the phone.”

Nko Dumat took the phone and took a deep breath, “Edel, I’m sorry I didn’t get the money to you on time.

I wasn’t trying to renege on the debt, something did go wrong.

I’ve got the money back now and I’m on my way to send it to you.”

“Very well, anything is fine as long as the money is paid, I’m a businessman and I don’t want a fight. Just give the money to Ryder Cramer and tell him to bring it back.”

“I want to see my daughter, and I won’t give the money to anyone until I see my daughter?”

Edel Irving sneered, “Are you threatening me?”

“No, I am asking you, don’t hurt my daughter.

You return my daughter to me, I will give you the money, it’s fair.”

“Huh.” Edel Irving smiled, “OK, your daughter is cute, and I have no intention of hurting her.

Meet me in half an hour at the last trading place, you give me the money and I’ll return your daughter to you.”

“No problem, I’ll be there with the money. I want to talk to her now.”

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few moments, then a voice rang out, “Dad, is that you? Help me, I don’t want to stay here, I want to go home, oooh ……”

A little girl’s cry came from the cell phone, and Nke Dumart’s eyes also reddened a bit as he said, “Baby, it’s me.

Don’t be afraid, daddy will take you home soon, be brave, you are the best girl.”

“You better not be pulling any tricks!” The man’s low voice rang again on the other end of his hand before he hung up his cell phone.

Nko Dumart looked at Luke, “Captain Lee, is that okay?”

Luke nodded, “Where was the location of your last transaction?”

Nko Dumat said, “It’s not very far from here, about two blocks away, that area belongs to the black community, it’s quite isolated and there are no cameras.”

Luke then communicated with Reed, who stayed in the Davillard neighborhood, and Luke led the team to the trading site, both staying in contact and moving at the same time.

At the same time, the police were also deploying controls along the way, always keeping an eye on the robbers’ movements.

Ten minutes later, the garage door of the robbers’ stronghold opened and a black Chevrolet SUV pulled out of the garage and onto the community highway.

The Chevy SUV traveled along the west side at a fast pace and drove two blocks before reducing its speed and pulling into an isolated alley.

A gray sedan was parked across the alley.

The Chevy SUV blared its horn.

The door of the gray sedan opened and Nke Dumart stepped out with his suitcase.

The door of the Chevy SUV also opened and two black men stepped out from the driver’s side and the passenger side, the man on the passenger side wearing black sunglasses and with his right hand on the handle of a pistol at his waist, “Why are you alone? Where’s Ryder Cramer?”

Meanwhile, Luke and Jackson quietly approached the Chevy SUV car from the rear, searching for the little girl.

Luke looked inside through the car’s glass, but saw no sign of the little girl.

At this time, the two black men also noticed the abnormality, the black man wearing sunglasses immediately pulled out a pistol: “If you dare to play tricks, you’re dead.”

The other black man turned around and just happened to see Luke and Jackson, raising his pistol to shoot.


“LAPD! don’t move!”

“Drop your pistols and put your hands up!”

“Bang bang ……” The shots continued to ring out again.

The black man who had fired first had already been shot into a sieve.

Numerous police officers came up from all around.

The black man wearing sunglasses raised his hands, very consciously threw away his pistol, knelt on the ground, and clasped his head with both hands, “I don’t have a weapon, don’t shoot!”

The man was none other than the robber, Edel Irving, who was handcuffed and searched.

Luke opened the door and searched the car carefully, still no sign of the little girl, walked over to Edel Owen and questioned, “Where is Nke Dumart’s daughter?”

Nke Dumart also showed a worried look, “You said you would bring my daughter, what have you done with her?”

Aidel Owen sneered, “You also promised me to return the payment for the goods.”

Luke grabbed Edel Irving by the hair and questioned, “Look at me, where is she?”

“What’s in it for me to tell you?” Edel Irving’s sunglasses had been taken away and a look of resentment appeared in his eyes.

On the side, Black came over and said, “Captain, there’s news from Director Reed’s side.

The swat team also launched a raid, and they found Nke Dumart’s daughter in a bedroom.

The girl had a cut on her calf from a stray bullet and was in some shock, no major physical damage.”

“God bless!” Nke Dumart rushed to Edel Irving’s side and viciously kicked him, “You damn bastard actually dared to kidnap my daughter, I @#$%……”

The surrounding police officers rushed to pull him away.

Hearing that the little girl was successfully rescued, Luke also breathed a sigh of relief, finally, it was not a waste of time.

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