Chapter 465

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:12:41
A+ A- Turn Off Light

By now, it was already dark outside, but the Robbery and Murder Division interrogation room was still brightly lit.

A tall black man was handcuffed to the interrogation chair, he frowned and squinted his eyes, seemingly not quite used to the light in the room.

“Cackle ……” came the door as Luke and David walked into the interrogation room with a smile on their faces.

Even when they were partners the two rarely interrogated together, David’s short temper wasn’t really suited to this kind of work.

But today was different, this case involved drugs and people from the Anti-Terrorism and Narcotics Division (ATND) were involved in the investigation, David was attending the interrogation together as a representative of ATND.

The three men sized each other up, and the anger on Edel Irving’s face was gone from when he was first caught.

Luke opened his binder and asked, “What’s your name?”

Edel Owen shrugged, “Same question every time, aren’t you guys tired?”

Luke said, “Don’t pretend to be relaxed in front of me, answer whatever you’re asked, this is not the place for you to show your personality.

Also a kind reminder, there is an associate of yours in the interrogation room next door who is also being interrogated.”

Edel Irving asked rhetorically, “And then what, if I cooperate with your investigation, you’ll let me go?”

Luke took a sip of his coffee to moisten his throat, “Let’s be practical, you’re like encountering a brown bear with your bare hands right now, there’s no way you can beat it. But as long as you run faster than your companion, you can still survive.”

Edel Irving grunted, “I hate that analogy, and I hate brown bears even more.”

David laughed, “Look on the bright side, today will be the happiest day of the rest of your life.”

Edel Irving looked at David angrily, “Thanks for the reminder, that’s very sweet of you.”

“OK, counseling over, let’s get down to business.” Luke got right to the point, “Do you know Harry Saber?”

“Yes, that son of a bitch swallowed my load, and if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be sitting here.”

“So you admit to the fact that you killed Harry Sabo?”

Edel Irving froze for a moment, “What? You’re saying that Harry Saber is dead?”

“Don’t act like you’re innocent, you had motive, Harry Sabo and Nke Dumart swallowed your goods. You killed Harry Sabo and then kidnapped Nke Dumart’s daughter to get back at them.”

“I didn’t kill Harry Sabo, I was trying to get back the money for that shipment and that’s why I kidnapped Nke Dumart’s daughter.

But that doesn’t mean I’m going to kill anyone, if I kill both Harry Sabo and Nke Dumart, who’s going to give me the money?

Besides, I haven’t found Harry Szabo at all.

I don’t know if he’s dead or not, but it has absolutely nothing to do with me.”

Luke reconfirmed, “Did you ever see Harry Sabo on March 2nd?”


“Was there any shooting at Harry Saab?”


Luke stared at the other man’s expression, seeing no obvious signs of lying.

Could he really not be the murderer?

Then who could it be?

Thinking again of the robbery of Harry Sabo and Nke Dumart during the deal, Luke asked, “Did you rob Harry Sabo and Nke Dumart?”

“Come on, I am in business and this business brings far more long term benefits than robbery, I am out of my mind to do such a thing.

I know something might have gone wrong after they took the goods but it has nothing to do with me.

It’s common to get blackmailed in this business, and if they didn’t even have that defense, then they didn’t die in vain at all.” Speaking of this, Edel Owen revealed an angry look and

“I shouldn’t have worked with them, two inexperienced rookies.”

Luke took a sip from his coffee cup and gave David a wink.

David yawned and took out a few photos from his folder, “The swat team raided your stronghold and searched it for a large amount of drugs, enough of which to warrant your death sentence.”

Edel Irving picked up the photos and sighed, “That’s right, these drugs are mine.”

David pressed, “Where did these drugs come from?”

Edel Irving pointed his right index finger at the photo, “I’m the only one who knows where the drugs came from, so if you want to know, show some sincerity.”

David asked back, “What sincerity do you want?”

“I want to turn tainted witness.”

David smiled, “And what is your sincerity?”

“I can help you catch the upline who sells the drugs and is also the manufacturer of the drugs, that’s a really big fish, he has at least something like four to five ‘dealers’ like me, once you catch that big fish, you can uproot the entire drug trafficking network. ”

“That doesn’t sound too bad.”

“Trust me, it’ll definitely be worth your while ……”

Half an hour later, Luke and the two of them walked out of the interrogation room, and Edel Irving admitted to drug trafficking, but not to murder.

It was also true that the police had no evidence linking him to Harry Saber’s death.

The two men discuss the situation, and Edel Irving is temporarily handed over to the Racketeer Influenced and Narcotics Division for investigation.

Luke continued to investigate Harry Sabo’s murderer.

The following morning.

Luke held a case summarization meeting in his office.

The purpose of the meeting was to determine the direction of the next investigation.

In the case of Harry Sabo’s murder, Nke Dumart was a key figure.

He and Harry Sabo were very close, the two men sold drugs together, and the two men had arranged to meet at the crime scene on the night Harry Sabo was killed.

Harry Sabo was killed by the two suspects as soon as he arrived at the appointed place, Nke Dumat heard the gunshots, but was unable to determine the physical description of the killers because of the distance and the darkness.

However, Nke Dumat knows the location of the scene where Harry Sabo was shot and has been there, and he plays a vital role in the investigation of this case.

After some meeting and discussion, Luke decided to start by surveying the scene.

Previously, the police had only surveyed the scene of the body dump.

In addition to that, there were two other very important scenes of Harry Saber’s murder.

The first scene, the place where Harry Sabo was killed, this was the first scene of the crime, even more important than the body dumping scene.

The other is the scene of the drug deal.

Harry Sabo and Nke Dumart were going to sell drugs to a man named William Moses Jr. but were robbed on the way to the deal, and there was something unusual about this incident anyhow, probably related to Harry Sabo’s death.

These two scenes could leave key clues to solving the case and could not be ignored.

The police then escorted Nke Dumat to the scene where Harry Sabo was killed.

This was not very far from the burial site, just less than five miles apart.

Nke Dumart got out of his car and described what he saw, pointing out the general location where Harry Sabo was killed, that Harry Sabo had already been shot when he arrived nearby, and that he only saw two men carrying Harry Sabo to the pickup truck.

The technical team found dried blood and bullet casings near the killing site identified by Nke Dumart.

The lieutenant, wearing a visor, frowned, “A date to meet in a remote place like this is surely not going to lead to anything good.

Likewise, there’s no surveillance or witnesses in such a place, perfect for a killing spree.”

Luke analyzed, “According to Nke Dumart’s description, he only found a pickup truck at the murder scene, the same pickup truck was used to dump the body, and the owner of the pickup truck was none other than the deceased Harry Sabo.

So how did the two killers get to this neighborhood?

Did they park the car in another location? Or did they come in Harry Sabo’s pickup truck.”

The lieutenant said, “I think the first is more likely.

Because Harry Saab and Nke Dumat had an appointment to meet here, it is unlikely that Harry Saab would have invited anyone else without Nke Dumat’s consent.”

On the sidelines, Blackie asked, “Where would the two murderers have parked the car?”

The lieutenant shook his head, “I don’t think it matters where they parked it.

According to my speculation, they should have followed Harry Saab here by car, the distance between the two cars can’t be too far, investigating the road surveillance along the way might have some clues.”

Luke snapped his fingers, “Good idea, Lieutenant, I’ll leave this lead to you to investigate.

I’ll escort Nke Dumart to identify the location of their dealings with William Moses Jr.”

“OK,” the vice squad responded, in his opinion it was still the clue of the murder scene that was more important.

Luke then led the team to escort Nke Dumart to the trading place.

The trading place was in an abandoned factory building.

Luke really admired these guys, always finding these nooks and crannies where even stray dogs didn’t come.

After getting out of the car, Nke Dumart began to describe the robbery that day in vivid colors: “At that time, we drove Harry’s pickup truck and parked the car at this location, and yes, I was driving the car at that time.

When we arrived, there was a gray Ford sedan across the street, and I saw William Moses, Jr. get out of the car, and Harry followed.

The two men chatted for a few moments, Harry beckoned me over with the goods, and William Moses, Jr. pulled a case out of the trunk of the car, which he opened to show, and I opened the bag containing the drugs.

He checked the goods and we checked the money.

There was no problem with the money, it was all fifty dollars in non-consecutive numbers, and just when we thought the transaction was going to end well, three men appeared out of nowhere with masks and AK47’s in their hands, and surrounded the three of us from a distance.

There was no way for us to resist in that situation, we could only hand over the money and goods to them obediently.”

Luke pursued, “Were there any characteristics of these three men?”

“There was one man who always stood in the distance, staring at us with an AK47, and he told us to crouch down on the ground with our hands on our heads and not to look up, or he would kill us.

So I didn’t dare to look at them.

The other two were in charge of robbing money and goods.

The one I remember the most was a small man who hit us the hardest, towering over us with an AK47.” Nke Dumart said while gesturing a smashing motion.

Luke pressed, “William Moses Jr. came to the deal alone?”


“Did William Moses Jr. get beat up?”

“Yes, that cargo was not beaten lightly either, he directly spat out blood.

I originally had some suspicions about him, but seeing that miserable look …… of his at least I wouldn t lay that hard a hand on myself.”

Luke carefully surveyed the surrounding scene according to Enko Dumat’s description.

He found shoe prints on the standing position of one of the robbers identified by Nke Dumat, which he thought looked somewhat familiar.

He asked the technical team to collect the shoe print and compare it with the shoe print at the scene of the dumping of the body, and it was a general match with the traces of the shoe print of one of the robbers.

Luke immediately used an identification card.

[Shoe print number 18, mesh sole sneakers

Sex, male

Height, 182-187cm.

Weight, 180-190 lbs.

Age, between 33 and 38 years old.]

A total of four sets of shoe prints were found at the scene of the body dumping, including the shoe prints of the informant and Nke Dumart’s shoe prints, the suspicion of these two people can be ruled out for the time being, and the remaining two sets of shoe prints are likely to be left by the murderer.

One of the shoe prints left by the suspected murderer happened to match the shoe prints at the scene of the transaction.

This suggests that the robbers who robbed the drugs and $200,000 that day were the same group of people who killed Harry Sabo.

This is a bit intriguing, this group could have killed Harry Szabo on the day of the robbery, but they didn’t do it, instead they killed Harry Szabo a few days after the robbery, which is a bit redundant in any case.

What exactly is the conflict between them?

It also showed that Luke’s investigation was on the right track, and that Harry Saber’s death was closely related to that robbery.

Luke thought again about William Moses Jr. who had purchased drugs from Harry Sabo and Nke Dumart.

The man’s behavior struck Luke as somewhat suspicious; first, he had the audacity to come alone to make a deal, a deal accompanied by high stakes that rarely went to appointments alone.

Secondly, apart from Harry Szabo and Nke Dumart, William Moses Jr. was also the only one who knew the time and place of the deal.

Then was it possible that he wanted to make a blackmail and directed a bitter trick with the others.

Luke felt the need to focus on investigating this William Moses Jr.

Demar Community.

Through investigating William Moses Jr.’s information, Luke found his residence.

Because William Moses Jr. was suspected of drug trafficking, Luke had the tech team locate his cell phone and the location matched his residence.

Luke parked his car on the side of the road and observed for some time, and did not see William Moses Jr. except for a white woman in her fifties or sixties entering and exiting the house from time to time.

Luke glanced at his watch, it was two o’clock in the afternoon and he decided not to wait.

He sent his men to surround the house and prepare for a courtesy call.

Luke and Jackson both got out of the car and walked up to the door of William Moses Jr.’s house, Luke took the initiative to greet them, “Good afternoon, ma’am.”

The woman sized up the two, “Good afternoon, I don’t think I’ve seen you guys before.”

Luke smiled, “I’m a friend of William Moses Jr. Is he home?”

“Yes, he’s home. But you guys don’t look like his friends.

I’ve met some of his friends, awful.”

“Ma’am, thank you for the compliment.” Luke flashed his badge, “LAPD, we’re investigating a criminal case and would like to ask him for some information.”

“Jesus Christ, you guys are finally here.” The white woman gave an expectant look.

Luke was a little puzzled by the woman’s attitude, “Ma’am, what is your relationship to William Moses, Jr.”

“I am his mother.”

“We would like to speak with William Moses Jr.”

“Of course, I’ll show you in.” Mrs. Moses took it upon herself to invite the two men into the house.

Both Luke and Jackson were a little puzzled as Luke gestured to his coworkers who had stayed outside and walked into the house full of wariness.

Once inside the house, Mrs. Moses cried out with a big grin, “William, my dear baby, you’ve finally figured it out, I’m so proud of you.”

A man sitting on the couch in the living room stood up with some difficulty and slowly turned around, “Mom, what are you up to again? Why are you bringing in outsiders.”

Luke was also confused when he saw the man, the man had white bandages on his face and shoulders and was moving slowly, he looked like he had been injured.

Luke flashed his badge, “LAPD, who are you?”

“William Moses Jr.” The bandaged man gave a wary look, “Why are you in my house if you don’t know my name?”

Luke shook his head, “It’s not that I don’t know your name, it’s just that half of your face is wrapped in bandages and I needed to make sure.”

Mrs. Moses frowned slightly, “Hey baby, weren’t you the one who reported it? I thought they were here to investigate your injury.”

William Moses Jr. shrugged, “No, I didn’t call the police.

What can I do for you, officers?”

“We are investigating a criminal case and would like to get some information from you.”

“What case?”

“Do you know Harry Szabo?”

“Yes. What happened to him?”

“What’s your relationship?”

“Not much of a relationship, just acquaintances.”

Luke tried, “When was the last time you saw each other?”

“I can’t remember.”

Luke changed the question, “How did you get hurt?”

“Can I not answer that?

Or tell me the exact purpose of your visit to my home, I’m not exactly looking forward to entertaining you right now.

If there’s nothing else, please leave.”

Luke got right to the point, “Harry Saber is dead.”

William Moses Jr. was surprised, “When?”

Luke smoothly inquired, “The night of March 2nd, where were you at the time?”

“You don’t suspect I killed him, do you?” William Moses, Jr. laughed, as if he’d heard the funniest joke ever, and

“I had not the power to kill him, even if I had wanted to.

On the night of March 1, I was attacked, shot twice, and almost died.

I’d like to know, too, who the hell is trying to kill me?”

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