Chapter 47

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:52:32
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Knock knock ……”

A knock came from outside.

Susan looked at the door, “Come in.”

Creak ……” The door pushed open.

Mary Sue from the scene investigation team walked in, “Captain Susan, the investigation report of last night’s break-in case is out.”

“Thanks for your hard work.” Susan took the report and glanced at it, then handed it back, “Well, there are quite a few specialized terms, it’s better to ‘translate’ them.”

“OK, I’ll pick up the salient points and go over them.”

Mary sat down at the conference table and read into the report, “The first thing is that the camera in the study is transmitting signals through a wireless device, but we have not been able to detect the receiving device. It’s likely that the other party has sensed an early departure.

Secondly, we collected the room’s biological traces, including but not limited to fingerprints, hair, DNA, and footprints. But no biotraces of the suspicious person were found.

Thirdly, the window on the east side of the house had pry marks and the window’s snap lock was newly replaced. The suspect most likely entered the house through the window and replaced it with a new snap lock in order to avoid being discovered by the house owner.

Unfortunately, a survey of the scene revealed no valuable clues.”

Susan said, “No, the lack of discovery is a discovery in itself. It shows that the suspect is a veteran.

Hard work, Mary.”

“Duty calls, my job is done, I’ll leave it to you next.” Mary got up and left the conference room.

Marcus was a little disheartened, “We tossed and turned most of last night, only to have the trail break again.”

“No need to be so pessimistic.” Luke changed his mindset and said, “I think we should re-arraign Tim, if our speculation is correct, he is also a participant in the probate case.

As long as he’s willing to be a tainted witness, the case mystery can be solved, it’s the most direct way.”

The lieutenant gestured with his coffee cup, “Good idea, I’ll go with you.”

Susan instructed, “OK, the vice squad and Luke are in charge of re-arraigning Tim.

Matthew investigate the family status of the testator, Lawn.

The others organize the Taser robbery files and reports.”

“Yes, captain.”

Robbery-Murder Division interrogation room.

Half an hour later.

Tim was escorted into the interrogation room, dressed in an orange prison uniform with chains on his hands and feet, much slimmer than when he was brought in earlier.

Luke sat across the interrogation table from the lieutenant, the two men exchanging something in a low voice.

After a moment, the lieutenant looked up, “Hey Tim, recognize us?”

Tim looked up at the two men with an expressionless face, “I remember you from ashes, old guy with gray hair, my grandmother was younger than you.

And the rookie who grabbed me.”

Luke laughed, “Are you talking about me?”

Tim teased, “Yea, only rookies arrest people by the rules and regulations of a board.”

It had to be said that this guy’s eyes were quite poisonous, and that day was indeed the first time Luke had arrested someone since he crossed over, “I’d like to ask Mr. Tim, how does it feel to be arrested by a rookie?”

Tim’s cold face showed his anger, “FUCK!”

Luke warned, “Hey, this isn’t your house, watch what you say and don’t make yourself uncomfortable.”

Tim closed his eyes and let out a long breath, “I’ve said what I needed to say, I’ve confessed what I needed to confess, what are you guys still doing here? Just to taunt me?”

“To offer you a reduced sentence.”

“You guys would be so kind? I don’t believe it.”

The lieutenant waved his hand, “Look, like you just said, I’m old and my time is very precious. Not interested in coming to fight with you.

Let’s talk calmly, it’ll be good for you, and for us.”

Tim leaned forward, “OK, I’d like to hear what tricks you can come up with too.”

“Do you want to reduce your sentence?”

“Would you believe me if I said I didn’t want to?”

The lieutenant asked, “If you want to, why did you lie about the robbery?”

“I’ve already admitted to the robbery, and I don’t see the point of so-called lying.”

“Do you have another accomplice?”

“That rookie was right there on the scene, so if I had any other accomplices, how could he have caught me.”

“I’m not just referring to the robbery that night.”

“Whoa …… you guys are still trying to add new charges on me, this is what you call a reduced sentence, I’m not an idiot.”

“Since we’re looking for you, we have new leads, cooperating with the police is your only chance to reduce your sentence, you don’t really want to spend a couple years or a dozen in jail.”

Tim was silent for a moment, “I don’t want to talk to you, I want to talk to the rookie.”

“Are you discriminating against older people?”

“I don’t trust you.”

The lieutenant pointed to Luke, “You trust him?”

“No, but he can’t fool me.”

The lieutenant snickered, “Luke, you’re getting a bad rap.”

Luke smiled, this little mental game didn’t do much for him, “OK, I’ll talk to you.

Why did you rob Daisy?”

Tim hesitated slightly, “Who’s Daisy? First time I’ve heard that name.”

“Don’t you think it’s too deliberate? I’ve asked so explicitly and you have to make a point of pointing out that you don’t know Daisy.”

“Maybe I’ve been cooped up for so long that my brain isn’t working well.”

“Why did you sneak into Daisy’s office on March 2?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was just robbing, not a thief.”

“Who instructed you to rob Daisy? What did you want from her?”

“No one instructed me, I just saw the Taser robbery on the news and wanted to copy the crime to escape the police, who knew I’d have the bad luck to run into you.”

“Why did you pick her as a target?”

“Good looking, stylishly dressed like a rich person, I have no reason not to pick her.”

“You’d rather go to a heavy-duty prison and go to jail than to die?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“As long as you cooperate with the police and give up the mastermind behind the scene, we can turn you into a tainted witness and you can have your sentence reduced or even waived.”

“Wow wow, I’m heartened. But …… I don’t have a mastermind behind the scenes, there’s no way to make something out of nothing.”

“Is it worth it?”

“I’m telling the truth.”

Luke craned his head to look at the lieutenant and spread his hands.

The lieutenant continued, “Tim, don’t be impulsive, think about your family. Even if you’re tough and you can hold out, your family doesn’t want you to go to jail.”

Tim shook his head, “I don’t have a family anymore.”

“Think about your girlfriend.”

“She has other boyfriends, there’s no shortage of me.”

The lieutenant lamented, “Oh, you’ve had a miserable life, that’s why you want to go to prison, to find happiness inside.

With any luck, you’ll even get a boyfriend.”

Tim smiled, “I wouldn’t mind trying if someone was actively pursuing.”

“Remember to write when you get married and I’ll send you lube.” The lieutenant left a comment and got up to leave.

“Happy wedding in advance!” Luke grinned and exited the interrogation room as well.

“What do you think, Lieutenant?”

“Judging from Tim’s attitude, he should be hiding something.”

“You’re experienced, do you have a way to pry his mouth open?”

“Kid, don’t try to kiss my ass, I’m not the captain.”

“I’m telling the truth.”

The lieutenant stroked his chin, “We’ve made it so clear and extended the olive branch, but Tim won’t take the bait.

Either he has scruples and is threatened by an accomplice.

Either he has a bigger case and is worried that his accomplice will give him up after he is caught.

Either he was close to his accomplice and was reluctant to pull the other guy down.

He’s adamant, and I’m afraid it’s going to be hard to get him to talk until we figure out why.”

Luke gave a thumbs up, “There’s a Chinese proverb ‘Ginger is still old and hot’.”

The lieutenant looked confused, “I prefer onions.”

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