Chapter 470

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:12:59
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Early morning.

A white Toyota pulled into the parking lot of the police detective bureau.

A black man with a smile on his face and big white teeth bared stepped out of the car and walked towards the police station building with small bumpy steps.

Mary from the tech team also got down from a red sedan next to her and took the initiative to greet the black man when she saw him, “Hey Marcus, I heard your wife gave birth to a little princess.”

“Yeah, she gave birth the night before last, she’s super cute, do you want to see a picture?”

“I can’t wait.” How could she say no?

Marcus pulled out his phone and clicked on the picture, grinning his thick lips, “Here’s a picture of her when she first came out.

Jesus Christ, look at her little mouth doesn’t she look exactly like me.”

Mary nodded, “Yes, it’s cute.”

“And this picture, how can I tell you how it feels to have his little hand holding my fingertips the whole time?

Super awesome!

I was thinking, this little life is worth protecting for the rest of my life.”

Mary said with a serious look on her face, “You’d make a great father.”

Black clicked on another picture, “This was taken with our family, at first Julianne didn’t want to take it, she didn’t think she was pretty enough right now.

But I think she’s the most beautiful at this time.

We wanted to record the truest moment, that’s why we took this picture, look at this little person lying in the middle of us.

It’s like she was born to be here, and we’re all super in love with her.”

Marcus was getting more and more excited as he spoke, not noticing the change in Mary’s face, “And this one, my mom holding her, their noses literally look exactly alike, hehehe ……”

Mary nodded again and had to interrupt, “Marcus, you have a happy family, why don’t you take a few more days off?

Spend some quality time with your wife and kids at the hospital, now is when they need you right now.”

“I’d like to be with them too, but I was kicked out. In Julian’s words, I’m going to earn formula money for the baby.

Otherwise, I would never leave that cute little person.”

“That’s right, and Julian’s right.” Mary glanced at her watch, “OK, good to see you.

I should get to work, so I’ll talk to you some other time.”


Marcus didn’t take a few steps before he ran into Henry from the Gang and Narcotics Control Division again and took the initiative to greet him, “Hey man, I heard you guys had a big day yesterday, no injuries?”

Henry spread his hands, “Do I look like I did?”

Marcus said in a serious voice, “No, you look more like a big dummy, haha.”

Henry waved his hand, “I knew you guys wouldn’t have anything good coming out of your mouth.

From what Lieutenant David said, your wife is having a baby?”

“Yes, my wife gave birth to a super cute daughter, do you want to take a look ……”

It took Blackie ten minutes of walking down an otherwise short stretch of road to get to the Robbery and Murder Division office.

“Hey guys, I’m back.Surprise!”

The crowd greeted as well.

“Hey Marcus.”

“What brings you to work so early? I thought you’d have a few more days off.”

“How are things with Julian and the baby?”

“Congratulations on becoming a father.”

Black smiled and responded to the crowd one by one, “Julian and the baby are fine.

My mom is taking care of them in the hospital and she kicked me out because she thought I was too clumsy to help.” Black said, taking out his cell phone, “Would you guys like to see a picture of my daughter?”

Not waiting for the crowd to answer, Marcus continued, “I know you guys can’t wait, Come on.”

“Hey guys, look at this picture, her eyes are as big as mine, they look like a jewel.

And this picture, I was so nervous when I held her, she was so small and soft, I didn’t know how to lay my hands on her ……”

Blacky took the picture of his daughter and shared it with a joyful look, chatting for almost ten minutes.

Luke saw that he had no intention of stopping and slapped his palm, “Guys, it’s getting late, we should have a meeting.”

Although Luke and Xiao Hei were on good terms, this kind of excessive sunbathing behavior was really annoying, not everyone likes children.

The lieutenant said, “Marcus a word of advice, don’t show family pictures to others so easily, ever.”

“Thanks, I was the one who was so happy I couldn’t wait to share it with you guys, it won’t happen again.” Black put his cell phone away.

Luke took a sip of his coffee to moisten his throat, “OK, let’s talk about the progress of the case investigation yesterday.

Yesterday, Porter and I participated in the operation to capture the drug dealers, two of them were killed on the spot and one was brought back to the police station for interrogation.

According to the confessions of the drug dealers, their drugs were indeed snatched from Harry Sabo in a blackout.

They knew exactly when and where the drugs were being traded because they had a mole.

And that inside man was the buyer of the drugs, William Moses Jr. who was also the victim of the second shooting.”

Luke paused and continued, “On the night of March 1st, William Moses Jr. was shot and seriously injured.

because he had just blackballed and robbed Harry Szabo of his drugs.

He was vain enough to think that his blackmail had been exposed and thought that Harry Sabo was taking revenge on him.

For his own safety, he decided to retaliate back by instructing two drug dealers to kill Harry Sabo.

After they killed Harry Sabo, they also tried to kill Harry Sabo’s accomplice, Nke Dumat, but never found each other.”

Marcus laughed, “So, Harry Sabo was an unlucky man who was counted out.”

The Vice Squad said, “If you want to deal in drugs you have to be mentally prepared to take all kinds of risks, if the drug business was that good there would be no poor people in this world.”

Luke said, “The two drug dealers who killed Harry Sabo have been killed, and Harry Sabo’s case is sort of closed.

What I need to do now is to put a manhunt out for William Moses Jr. and at the same time find the person who shot William Moses Jr.”

The vice squad gathered their white hair with a comb, “According to our previous investigation, the gunman who shot and attacked William Moses Jr. was driving a white Honda.

And the owner of this white Honda has an alibi, instead, the owner’s daughter, Danielle Winter, has some connection to William Moses Jr.

Danielle Winter was convicted of dangerous driving after she was involved in an accident with her car last year.

At the time, William Moses Jr. was riding in the same car as her, and the two were supposedly acquainted.

After that, Danielle Winter was sentenced to jail and according to the information, Danielle Winter just got out of jail not long ago.

And this time William Moses Jr. happened to be shot, and the gunman was driving Danielle Winter’s mother’s car.

From the above clues, Danielle Winter is most likely the gunman who attacked William Moses Jr.

As for the reason why he attacked William Moses Jr, it is likely to be related to the traffic accident case back then.

I think it’s necessary to re-investigate that traffic accident case.

It might be able to solve the mystery of William Moses Jr.’s attack.”

Luke agreed, “That’s a good direction for the investigation, Lieutenant, and it’s in your hands.”

Marcus said, “Didn’t we catch William Moses Jr? Wouldn’t it be fine to interrogate William Moses Jr. directly? Why make it so troublesome?”

Jenny replied, “You haven’t been here for the past two days, so you don’t really know about William Moses Jr.’s disappearance.”

“Disappeared! Such a coincidence?” Marcus rubbed his chin and guessed big, “He ordered the murder of Harry Saber and was also involved in robbery and drug trafficking.

I think the guy must have fled in fear of his life.”

“That’s a possibility.” Luke responded and looked aside at Ramon, “Did you guys investigate at the hospital yesterday, and did you find any sign of William Moses Jr.’s whereabouts?”

Raymond replied, “Jenny convinced the head of the hospital to let us check the hospital’s surveillance video.

We found that William Moses Jr. got into a white BMW after leaving the hospital.

We zoomed in on the surveillance screenshots and found the license plate number of the BMW.”

Owner of the car, Ivoni David

Gender, male

Height, 183cm

Weight, 155 pounds

Eye color, blue.

Hair color, black

Date of birth, March 16, 1992

Cell phone number, 626 836 9870

License plate number, 3eew634

Address, 308 Custer Apartments.

Prior convictions, auto theft burglary, vandalism

Luke reads the information, “So what are we waiting for? Let’s go meet the owner of this car and find out what his relationship is to William Moses Jr.

Lieutenant, you stay behind and investigate that automobile accident from last year.

The rest of you come with me.”

“YES, Sir.”

Custer’s apartment was not far from the detective bureau.

Ten minutes later, Luke arrived at the apartment building with his men.

After parking the car, Luke led the team into the apartment lobby and waited at the elevator door.

“Ding-dong ……”

With a bang, the elevator doors opened.

A white man in his mid-thirties stepped off the elevator.

Luke stood around the elevator blocking the white man in the elevator doorway.

“Down before up.” The white man revealed a dissatisfied look, but seeing that Luke and the others were so crowded that they had no intention of giving way, he helplessly said, “OK, you guys go in first.”

The white man stepped aside.

But Luke and the others still didn’t move.

The white man felt that Luke’s several people’s faces were not good, revealing a wary look, and forced out a smile, “Hey, it’s daytime now, and the Detective Bureau is only three blocks away from here.”

Blackie flashed his badge and laughed, “No need for you to remind us, that’s where we came from.”

The white man spread his hands, “You’re cops?”

“Yes.” Blackie asked back, “What’s your name?”

The white man took a step back and leaned against the elevator door, “What can I do for you?”

Luke said, “I’m Luke Lee, Captain of Squadron One of the Robbery and Murder Division, you don’t have to be nervous, we just want to talk to you.

What’s your name?”

“Ivoni David.”

“Do you know Danielle Winter?”

“Yes, she’s my girlfriend, what’s the problem?”

Luke pressed, “Where is she?”

“Uh ……” Ivoni David shook his head, “I don’t know.”

Luke raised one eyebrow, “Lying is not a good habit.”

Ivoni David licked his tongue and bowed his head, “I really don’t know where she is right now.

I haven’t seen her since she left yesterday morning.

I’ve tried her phone, but I never got through.

I can’t reach her now either and am fretting about it.”

“Ding dong ……” The elevator doors opened and someone got off the elevator.

Luke suggested, “Mr. Ivoni David, how about we talk somewhere else?”

Ivoni David perfunctorily said, “Actually, I still have things to do today, can we make an appointment to talk some other time.”

Luke laughed, “Do you not realize the seriousness of the problem, or do you want to run away?”

“No, I’m not trying to run away, I really have something to do.”

“If you are not willing to assist the police in their investigation, I will have no choice but to arrest you according to the law.”

Ivoni David questioned, “What? Why should I be arrested? What crime have I committed?”

“Do you have a white BMW car?”

“Yes, there are a lot of people who have white BMW cars, is that illegal?”

“What is the license plate number of your BMW?”


Luke nodded, “That’s right, that’s the car, and as far as we know it assisted in the escape of a wanted man yesterday morning.

This car belongs to you.

Mr. Ivoni David, explain yourself, where did you hide the wanted man?

Are you his accomplice?”

“Hey, there must be a misunderstanding here, I don’t know any wanted man at all, I’m a good man, I never do anything illegal.

You guys must be mistaken.”

Luke took out a screenshot of the security camera taken at the hospital, “So how do you explain this?”

Ivoni David looked at the photo and frowned, “Where was this taken? When was it?”

“Yesterday morning, your car went to the hospital to pick up the wanted man.”

“Jesus Christ, that’s really none of my business, I wasn’t even at the hospital yesterday, I didn’t even drive the car.”

“What do you mean? The car was stolen? Did you call the police?”

“No, my car was not stolen but …… driven away by my girlfriend.” Ivoni David said somewhat helplessly, “Like I said before, she took off in my car yesterday morning. I haven’t seen her since and I can’t reach her.”

Luke pulled out another high resolution screenshot photo of William Moses Jr, “Do you recognize him?”

Ivoni David looked at it and shook his head, “No.”

Luke stared at him, clearly seeing signs of lying, “I’ll give you one more chance, do you recognize him?”

“Uh …… let me look again.” Ivoni David saw sweat on his forehead and wiped it away, “Yes, I do seem to have seen a picture of him.

He’s my girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend, a total scumbag.”

“How did he scum your girlfriend?”

“I’m not really sure, but my girlfriend hates him, and my girlfriend is a very nice person, so if even she doesn’t like someone, then this one is a total scumbag.”

Luke pulled out the picture of the white Honda again, “Do you recognize this car?”

Ivoni David’s eyes flickered, “No, don’t recognize it.”

“The owner of this car is your girlfriend’s mother, and this car was stolen some time ago. The surrounding neighbors saw you and Danielle Winter near the scene ……

What do you think Danielle Winter will say when we find her?”

Ivoni David held out his hands with an apology and said, “I’m sorry I lied.

No, actually, I was lied to as well.

My girlfriend told me that the car belonged to her and that her mother took it away because she had been in an accident, preferring to park it in the garage and not letting her drive it.

She asked me to help get the car back and I really thought it belonged to her.

I just wanted to help.”

“Where is this white Honda?”

“I don’t know, my girlfriend took it and I haven’t seen the car since.”

“When did she drive it away?”

“I think it was around March 1st.”

“Did your girlfriend have a gun?”

“Not that I know of, I don’t think so.”

“Then you have a gun?”

“Yes, I have a revolver.”

“Where is the gun?”

Ivoni David pointed up, “In the apartment.”

Luke offered, “Take me up there and look.”

“Are you searching my home?” Ivoni David gave a resistant look, “Do you have a warrant? Or do I need a lawyer?”

Blackie laughed, “Hey man, don’t complicate things, we just want to see your revolver now, if we come with a warrant, your house is searched and maybe we’ll find a video of you jerking off, haha.”

“That’s not funny.” Ivoni David rolled his eyes and sighed, “Come on, I’ll take you guys to the gun.

I haven’t used that thing in a long time, I think it’s in the drawer under the nightstand.”

Luke asked, “Does your girlfriend know you have a revolver?”

“I don’t think so, I haven’t told her.”

“Do you live together?”

“Yes, she’s not on good terms with her mother so she’s staying at my place, we’re made for each other, very compatible, I’m super in love with her.” Ivoni David got a sweet look on his face, “Wait, what the hell are you guys investigating? What the hell is wrong with my girlfriend?”

Luke was perfunctory, “We can’t say right now, we’re still investigating.”

Ivoni David entered the elevator as if guessing something, “You said my girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend is a wanted man, did he kidnap my girlfriend?

Tell me honestly guys, was my girlfriend kidnapped?”

Blackie shook his head, “It was your girlfriend who took the initiative to drive to the hospital, is there anyone else who delivers to the door for someone to kidnap her?”

Ivoni David was disgruntled, “What do you mean by that? Are you implying that I’m being green? No, my girlfriend wouldn’t do that to me.”

Luke pondered for a moment, if what Ivoni David said was true, William Moses Jr. and Danielle Winter were once in a relationship, then the node at which their relationship changed was probably the car accident.

“How did your girlfriend get into a car accident in the first place?”

Ivoni David shook his head, “I’m not really sure.

All I know is that the two got a little upset over that incident, and after my girlfriend went to jail, the guy didn’t care about her or see her at all, and she got sad, and the two broke up for good.”

“When did Danielle Winter get out of jail?”

“Last month, my girlfriend got out early after doing well in prison.”

“How did you and Danielle Winter meet?”

Ivoni David smiled a sweet smile, “We’re pen pals. We loved each other not just physically, but in our souls.

To me, she was the one.

When she got out of jail, we were together.”

As they talked, the elevator stopped and the group arrived at the door of Ivoni David’s apartment.

“Can you guys wait outside for a while? My place isn’t that big and too many people would be inconvenient to get in.”

Luke nodded, “You’re right.” He pointed at Black, “We’ll both follow you in.”

Seeing Luke’s firm look, Ivoni David could only nod helplessly, “OK, come in. But don’t move anything around. My girlfriend hates it when people move her things.”

Ivoni David opened the door, and the two of Luke followed into the apartment.

The apartment was small, only one room, but it was fully equipped with appliances and looked quite cozy.

Ivoni David walked over to the bed and opened the nightstand to rummage around, “Where is it? I usually put it under the nightstand.” Ivoni David finished searching the drawer under the nightstand and started searching the top drawer, but still couldn’t find it.

Ivoni David started rummaging around the house, going through all the places where he kept things, and his face turned a little hard, “My gun is gone!”

Luke said, “Guns don’t have long legs, so how could they disappear on their own? Did you give it to someone else?”

Ivoni David seemed to think of something and his face became very ugly, “Can you guys find my girlfriend?

Where is she? Will she be in danger?”

“The reason we came to see you is to find Danielle Winter, if you want to ensure her safety, then assist the police to find her as soon as possible.”

Ivoni David bit the nails of his right hand, “Yesterday morning, she took my car when she said she was going to meet a friend.

But when I called last night and could not reach her, I had a bad feeling.” Ivoni David seemed to think of something, “By the way, my car has a locator device, I can locate the car’s position through my cell phone software.”

Luke cocked his head, “Then what are you waiting for?”

Ivoni David reached for his cell phone, “I’ve never used it before, it seems like I need to download a software ……”

Blackie chimed in, “Dude, your girlfriend is probably with a wanted man right now, and every minute more is a minute more dangerous.”

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