Chapter 471

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:13:03
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Inside a black Chevy SUV car.

Luke was holding his cell phone and looking at the navigation, Jackson was driving on the side.

Blackie was sitting in the back, his hands on the front seat, and probed, “Luke, why do you think Danielle Winter drove to pick up William Moses Jr?

Is she going to assist William Moses Jr. in his escape, or is she going to kill William Moses Jr.

who is really in danger?”

Luke analyzed, “Based on the clues and evidence that have been obtained, Danielle Winter is most likely the gunman who attacked William Moses Jr. but William Moses Jr. doesn’t know this.

My guess is that Danielle Winter drove and picked up William Moses Jr. probably with the intention of killing him a second time.”

Black asked rhetorically, “Then why did you just say Danielle Winter was in danger?”

“If I hadn’t said that, would Ivoni David have done everything he could to help find out what happened to Danielle Winter?”

“Hey, hey, you bad boy.” Black smiled, his eyes twinkling, “I think there’s something wrong with this Ivoni David, he didn’t tell many lies just now.”

Jackson shook his head, “No suspect is going to tell the truth right off the bat, avoiding the truth is sort of a suspect’s instinct.”

“Rookie, don’t just interrupt the officer, understand?” Black rolled his eyes and continued, “I have a guess, is it possible that the one who attacked William Moses Jr. last time was not Danielle Winter, but Danielle Winter’s current boyfriend, Ivoni David.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Why do you think that? Motive?”

Blackie rubbed his chin and continued to analyze, “Danielle Winter and William Moses Jr. were originally a couple, after Danielle Winter was sent to jail for dangerous driving, there were some conflicts between the two and they broke up, but Danielle Winter is actually still in love with William Moses Jr.

After Danielle Winter was released from prison, because the relationship with her mother is not good, and broke up with her ex-boyfriend William Moses Jr. so it is reluctantly and pen pal backup Ivoni David together.

But the heart really like is still William Moses Jr. and the two still have the possibility of rekindling old feelings.

When Ivoni David found out about this, Ivoni David shot William Moses Jr. out of jealousy.

That’s right, the gunman who attacked William Moses Jr. used a revolver, and Ivoni David happened to have one.

Danielle Winter learned about the shooting of William Moses Jr. and speculated that it might have been Ivoni David.

So it was that she drove off in Ivoni David’s BMW without saying goodbye, and the two have probably eloped by now.”

“Inspector Marcus, you have such a vivid imagination, you can consider turning into a screenwriter and making movies.” Jackson joked.

Marcus gave a middle finger.

Luke listened attentively, this speculation of Marcus’s is theoretically possible, this is a bit on the side of a melodrama, however, Blackie’s willingness to use his brain is a good thing: “Your analysis is a bit interesting, but speculation and motivation alone won’t do it, you’ll have to find the relevant evidence.”

“I will, isn’t that what we came for?” Xiao Hei was confident.

Twenty minutes later, the convoy drove into the vicinity of an abandoned factory building, and according to the cell phone’s location hint, the white BMW was nearby.

Jackson stopped the car, and Luke and Blackie stepped down from the car one after another.

Xiao Hei’s big eyes scanned the surroundings, “This is a good place to kill and bury a corpse, if it was me, I would choose this place too.”

Jackson snickered, “I thought you were going to say that this was a good place to elope? Heh heh.”

Blackie cocked his head to the side, directly ignoring Jackson.

Luke clapped his hands together and said to the officers who were stepping out of the car one by one, “Guys, search in all directions with this place as the center and report back when you find clues.”

“YES, Sir.”

Soon, a black police officer spotted the situation not far away, “Sir, we found a white BMW.”

The officers heard the voice and all headed in the direction of the black officer.

Luke waved his hand to stop them, “Don’t go over there, it might destroy the traces of the scene.”

Luke personally walked over to the white BMW to check it out, the front and rear license plates had been removed, but there was a scratch on the right rear side of the car that matched the description of the owner, Ivoni David, basically identifying the car as the suspect car that had picked up William Moses Jr. from the hospital.

Luke circled around the car, the driver’s door was open, no one was seen inside the car, and there was no visible blood or hazardous materials.

The car was found, but the person was missing.

Luke felt that there were two possibilities, the first one, it was really like what Blackie said, Danielle Winter and William Moses Jr. had met, rekindled and reunited their old feelings, and were planning to dump Ivoni David and William Moses Jr. to run away.

In the second scenario, Danielle Winter still holds a grudge against William Moses Jr. and tries to trick him into killing him, where the two get into an argument, one of them is killed, and the other abandons the car and flees.

Luke preferred the second guess.

Luke put on gloves and searched inside the car, the car was clean, this cleanness did not refer to the hygiene, but the absence of items and documents that could prove the identity of the car and its owner.

This place is very remote, decent people usually don’t come here, and improper people who come here won’t do any good, and even less likely to think of calling the police in the first place, the probability is that they will sell this car to the black car market.

In other words, if not through the cell phone software positioning, the police arrived in time, this car will not take long to be sold to extinguish the trace of the car, once it is changed, the clues will also be destroyed.

Luke got out of the car and continued to check the surrounding situation, the vicinity of the car dumping site is also very clean, this cleanliness again does not refer to hygiene, but the scene should have been cleaned up by someone, this cleanup does not only include blood stains and items, there are even some traces such as footprints and dragging traces.

This indicated that the suspect wanted to hide something.

In Luke’s experience, the other party was either trying to hide the direction and trail of the escape.

Either they were covering up some other items, such as corpses, bloodstains, etc.

Luke swept his gaze around and thought differently, if he was the murderer, what would he do?

He quietly pondered for a moment, and then walked around, his eyes fell on the corner of the wall not far away, where there are a few stones piled up, looking like intentionally bashed up, he moved away a few stones, and found that the soil underneath has the traces of being turned over.

Luke greeted the men and brought shovels over to dig the place up.

Soon two police officers came over and dug at the place Luke pointed to.

These two officers were both younger, strong guys, perfect for this kind of work.

The two patrolmen dug quickly, and as Luke had surmised, the soil underneath was soft, and should have been dug recently.

After a few more minutes, the large pit had been dug half a meter deep, one of the Mexican police officers plunged his shovel down twice and frowned, “Sir, there seems to be something down there, I can’t dig anymore.”

Luke walked over to check, there was a lot of dirt scattered in the pit, which had to be thrown away in order to see what was underneath, “Continue.”

The two officers continued digging, but this time with much more careful movements, and pushed the dirt away from the top of the item, revealing a humanoid object.

It was a person.

A woman to be exact.

The woman’s face was twisted and appeared to be in great pain, her eyes were glazed over with defiance written all over them.

Luke looked closely and recognized the body, “Danielle Winter.

She’s been killed.”

Luke took a shovel and cleared the dirt around the body and found an iron object near Danielle Winter’s head that looked like a handcuff by its shape.

Luke snapped a picture, plowed through the dirt, and pulled out the handcuff, with the key stuck in it.

Luke observed Danielle Winter’s body, there was no obvious blood found, looking at the decomposition of the body should not be dead for a long time.

Luke pondered for a moment, digging the dirt next to the dead man’s neck, found that there were obvious strangulation marks on the neck, looking at the shape is very similar to the handcuffs.

He guessed that the handcuffs were probably the murder weapon that killed Danielle Winter.

With the clues and evidence he had just found, Luke roughly modeled the scene of the crime.

Danielle Winter drove to the hospital to pick up William Moses Jr. Halfway there, she used that revolver to hold the other person hostage, handcuffed the other person, and drove to the vicinity of the factory building wanting to ‘settle the score’ with the other person!

However, from the last time she shot and attacked William Moses Jr, Danielle Winter wasn’t very good at killing people.

The same was true this time.

William Moses Jr. most likely suddenly counterattacked and strangled her neck with handcuffs, causing Danielle Winter to suffocate to death.

William Moses Jr. then unlocked the handcuffs, dug a hole and buried Danielle Winter, removed the license plate, cleaned up the scene, and left.

Of course, these were only Luke’s guesses, and the truth would depend on the results of the DNA identification on the handcuffs.

Shortly afterward, the coroner and tech team arrive at the scene, and Luke tells the tech team to immediately send the handcuffs to the detective bureau for identification.

Meanwhile, Luke urges Reed to issue a BOLO for William Moses Jr. as soon as possible, so that a member of the public can provide more clues.

South Precinct.

The vice squad was in charge of investigating Danielle Winter’s traffic accident last year, which occurred in the Southern Precinct’s jurisdiction, and the case was handled by the Southern Precinct’s patrol officers.

He rushed to the Southern Precinct with Porter in tow.

Porter used to work in the southern precinct and was more familiar with the situation here.

With this relationship with Porter, the vice squad smoothly met the patrolman who handled the traffic accident case back then, Rafiq Bentley, a strong white man in his thirties.

After both sides introduced each other, the vice squad said, “I saw on the file that there was another officer along with the law enforcement at that time, is he still in the southern division?”

Patrolman Rafik Bentley replied, “He has retired and moved to live in another city. I haven’t seen him in a long time. And I remember that case from back in the day, just ask me.”

The lieutenant continued, “I’d like you to describe the crime scene at the time so I can get a full picture.”

Patrolman Rafik Bentley gave a reminiscent look, “On that day, we received a dispatch call from the answering desk that there had been a traffic accident on Pierce Street and someone had been injured. We were in that neighborhood at the time and my coworkers and I drove there.”

Rafik Bentley’s brow furrowed, “The scene was very gruesome, a woman was lying on the ground covered in blood, I ran over to check on her, there was no more sniffling.

Not far from her was a bicycle, which was also crashed beyond recognition.

There was also a red Mercedes a dozen meters away, it was beautiful, and you couldn’t tell if it was blood, or its original color.”

Danielle Winter was sitting next to the car holding her knees and crying, “My colleague who was there went over to ask her how she was doing and that she was okay and not seriously injured.

Shortly thereafter, an ambulance arrived on the scene to pronounce the female victim of the collision dead.

She was still in her twenties …… should have had a great life ……

I still remember that scene so vividly now ……”

The lieutenant pressed, “Why was there an automobile accident?”

Rafiq Bentley replied, “We also questioned Danielle Winter, however, she was in shock and burst into tears shaking her head saying she didn’t see her, saying she was terrified and wasn’t sure how she could have hit anyone.

We then sent the car for testing and found that it was speeding and the perpetrator was guilty of dangerous driving, only because she was seventeen at the time and not an adult, the sentence wasn’t long.”

The lieutenant flipped through his notes and continued, “I’ve read about this traffic collision, and I’m told that there was another passenger in the car at the time, William Moses, Jr?”

“Yes. William Moses Jr. is Danielle Winter’s boyfriend, and he was also sitting in the car that night, and he was injured in the crash and rushed to a nearby clinic for treatment first thing.

We didn’t find him until the next day to give his statement, and his description was basically the same as what happened at the scene.”

The lieutenant asked, “Is there any doubt about this traffic accident?”

Rafik Bentley shook his head, “No, William Moses Jr. and Danielle Winter’s statements were consistent, and we followed procedure.”

Procedure, the vice squad knew all too well about procedure, the victim had died instantly, if William Moses Jr. and Danielle Winter had colluded on their confessions, it couldn’t have been easier to deal with the so-called procedure.

The vice squad asked, “Was William Moses Jr. seriously injured at the time?”

“Because it was a bicycle that was hit, neither William Moses Jr. nor Danielle Winter were seriously injured.”

“Can it be determined that Danielle Winter was driving the vehicle involved in the crash?”

“The vehicle belonged to Danielle Winter in the first place, and since she admitted it herself, and even her boyfriend testified to it, we have no reason to doubt it.”

After making a note in his book, the lieutenant said, “What do you know about the victim?”

“The victim’s name is Kaya Ray.

She was wearing a white dress that night that was stained with red blood and looked eerie.

I found identification and a cell phone on her person and contacted her parents.

Their house wasn’t far from the crime scene and her parents arrived soon after. “Rafiq Bentley showed a helpless look.

“They were crying very hard.

They only have this one daughter, and it is also their reliance and hope, the scene at that time was …… unbearable.”

The vice squad nodded, “I can understand. There is nothing purer than the love of a parent for their child.

How are her parents now? Still living in Los Angeles?”

Rafik Bentley shook his head, “Not really.

I heard that shortly after the crash, the victim, Kaya Ray’s mother, passed away as well.

As for his father it seems he still lives in Los Angeles.”

“How did the victim’s mother die?”

“Not sure, and I haven’t asked in detail.” Rafik Bentley sighed.

“But my guess would be that it had something to do with the victim’s death, she probably couldn’t accept it and was physically and mentally crushed.

In fact, I think the one who suffered the most instead was the victim’s father, losing two of his favorite women in a short period of time.

Sometimes death isn’t scary, it’s the living one that suffers the most.”

The vice squad vaguely felt that they had caught something, a desperate and helpless old man, what was his motivation to live on?

Could there be a better motive for murder?

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