Chapter 475

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:13:14
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Early morning.

Luke loaded his luggage into the trunk and drove his Mercedes G500 to his mother’s house.

He parked the car outside the yard and saw that Robert and Val had also arrived.

The little fat man stood in the yard and was gaily chatting with the two men by crossing his arms.

Linda tugged a large suitcase out of the house and locked the door upside down, “Jack, come give us a hand.”

“Mom, I’m coming.” The little chubby boy nimbly ran over, he had made a lot of promises in order to be able to get his mom to agree to his trip to Hawaii.

Robert shouted, “OK, Luke’s here too, we’re ready to go.

Everyone check to see if anything else is left behind.”

Little Fatty dragged his suitcase over to the Mercedes and responded, “It was packed last night, Grandpa hurry up and get in the car, we’re off.”

Luke opened the trunk of the car and loaded his mother, uncle, and grandfather’s luggage into it, and the entire trunk was stuffed to the brim.

The crowd got into Luke’s Mercedes to rush to LAX.

After arriving at LAX to check in, security check, it was smooth to reach the waiting hall.

The family had bought the earliest airfare, and it was only six o’clock in the morning.

The boarding time is six thirty.

Because they woke up earlier, Little Fatty and Val kept yawning.

Little Fatty asked, “Which one of you wants coffee? I’ll go buy it.”

Robert said, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.

I know you guys are sleepy right now, but it’s best to hold off until we get on the plane and get some rest.

You’ll also be refreshed by the time you get off the plane and can have a good time in Hawaii.”

Little Fatty asked, “Grandpa, how long do we have to take the plane?”

“If the plane is on time, you’ll be in Hawaii in five hours, enough time for you to rest on the plane.”

“And if it’s not on time?”

Robert slapped him on the head, “Don’t ever say things like that, you don’t want to know.”

The little fat man shrugged.

Val yawned, “I’m so sleepy I need to get some sleep now, remember to call me when we get on the plane.”

“You youngsters aren’t nearly as spry as an old man like me.” Robert yanked the suitcase in front of Val over and watched the TV in the terminal hall with some boredom.

At that moment, a news item was being broadcast on the television…

“Good morning viewers, I’m Charlemagne, a news reporter for CBS.

I’m going to broadcast an urgent news, according to the news we just got, Gary Sane Jr, the son of real estate tycoon Gary Sane, has been kidnapped from a luxury private yacht near the waters of Los Angeles.

At this point, it is not unknown what the kidnappers’ motives are, but according to reliable sources, the hijackers have demanded an astronomical ransom for Gary Sané, which may even set a new record.

We will keep tracking the report ……”

Robert frowned and said, “Gary Sane, I know this guy, the Bekaa community is developed by his company, a very business-minded guy.”

Fatty pulled out his cell phone and looked at it, “If it’s been on the news, why no Amber Alert?”

Val yawned, the noisy airport lobby was impossible to sleep in, “That means his son is an adult. Originally I heard his son had been kidnapped and had some sympathy.

But then I heard that his son was kidnapped on a luxury private yacht, and I felt that my sympathy was a bit redundant.

People like me are simply not qualified to sympathize with each other.”

Linda’s expression was serious as she said thoughtfully, “From the news it seems that this case has a lot of commotion, Luke, the police department won’t notify you to go back to investigate the case, right?”

“Mom, I’m on paid vacation, this case has nothing to do with me, I’m not the only cop in Los Angeles.”

Linda was still a little uneasy, “But you’re the best one, I wouldn’t want your name blaring on the radio just as we’re about to board the plane.”

Luke waved his hand, “Just because I’m the best one, I can’t do everything, I have to leave the rest of my coworkers something to show for it.

I swear to God I’m not going anywhere but Hawaii today.”

“OK,” Linda responded, but didn’t look entirely reassured.

Half an hour later, Luke and his group boarded the plane without incident.

The plane took off and flew through the clouds to the Hawaiian Islands.

Luke closed his eyes and began to rest, in order to catch the plane, he woke up before five o’clock this morning, and now he did feel a little sleepy.

Catch up on his sleep, and only have the energy to play when he gets to Hawaii.

The journey was very smooth, not even a bumpy air current was encountered.

Eat a meal on the airplane, and squinted for a while, it is almost time to get off the plane.

When the plane landed, it was a little bumpy and tinnitus.

Although he had already been on many airplanes, he would definitely be a little nervous when he was floating in the sky.

“Dang!” The airplane landed smoothly at Honolulu International Airport.

Luke also breathed a sigh of relief and looked at his watch, it was now eight thirty Hawaii time.

There was a three hour time difference between Los Angeles and Hawaii.

This was the reason why they took the earliest flight, it was not even nine o’clock when they got off the plane, so they could have a full day of fun.

The state of Hawaii consisted of several islands, and airplanes were also used as the main means of transportation between the islands.

Luke was a first time visitor to Hawaii, and the main place to visit this time was Oahu, which was also known as the heart of Hawaii, with Honolulu as the capital.

Five people get on the hotel bus, directly to the Hilton Hotel, all the way to browse the beautiful scenery out of the window, just the scenery along the way makes people feel that it is not a vain trip.

After arriving at the hotel, the five people checked in, Linda a room.

Robert and Val had a room.

Little Fatty followed Luke to stay.

After the people settled their luggage, they rented an open-top Jeep Wrangler at the hotel and rushed to the first tourist attraction of the trip – Dinosaur Bay.

This is a famous spot on Oahu and the only beach in Hawaii that charges a fee.

The water at Dinosaur Bay is very shallow and the sea is very calm, so it’s perfect for snorkeling and swimming, and it’s said that the Oguanhai family is a regular visitor here.

Luke they bought tickets in advance, rushed to Dinosaur Bay after listening to the staff explanation, rented snorkeling equipment, five people went into the sea.

Seawater is sparkling blue-green, the water is very shallow, very clear, fish turtles in the body shuttle, the most beautiful is the colorful tropical coral, Luke family also underwater photo commemoration.

By noon, the snorkeling was over and everyone was hungry, so Luke drove them to dinner.

Luke drove the car downtown and found a local restaurant to sample Hawaii Island specialties.

Garlic shrimp, luncheon meat rice balls, moon fish, grilled pork, salmon fried rice, hot grilled pancakes, seafood ramen, etc. Luke found that the local food was similar to some Japanese cuisine, with a somewhat strange texture, and not very tasty.

After eating, Luke and his group left the restaurant.

Luke had just gotten into the car when Little Fatty poked his head into the front and pointed at a house not far away, “Older brother, is that a thief?”

Ahead was a three-story building, the first floor was a store, and the second and third floors were residences.

A man came out of a window on the second floor, stepped on the slanted roof of the store and walked to the second floor of another house and went through the window.

Val took a bite of sticky dough ice cream, and I don’t know whether he was cooled down or surprised, “Wow wow, this thief’s guts are too big, he dares to burglarize a house during the daytime, and he even steals from one house, doesn’t anyone care?”

Seeing this kind of situation, Luke’s heart is also uncomfortable, but it can’t be managed, he can’t leave his family to catch the thief.

If he did, this vacation would be ruined for him.

And this was Hawaii, not Los Angeles.

Luke and his group then rushed to the second place to visit, the Polynesian Cultural Center.

This was a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of Polynesian culture.

There are seven indigenous villages, and you can roam around the villages in a canoe, experiencing the different cultures of each tribe.

In the evening, there is a sumptuous buffet dinner and a folkloric song and dance show.

Afterwards, Luke and his group return to the hotel to rest and the first day’s tour ends.

Early in the morning of the second day.

They rushed to Diamond Mountain and hiked up the mountain.

It was an extinct volcano, kind of like a crater on the moon.

The mountain wasn’t very high, and the scenery along the way was beautiful, and it took about an hour for Luke and his group to reach the top of the mountain, from which they could have a panoramic view of the south coast of Oahu, and the view was very beautiful, and it was worth the trip.

In the afternoon, the family went to Waikiki Beach, riding on a boat to watch the sunset, the sea and the sky meet, like a wonderland.

The beauty of this moment gave Luke a feeling of settling here.

“Jingle bells ……”

Suddenly, a discordant sound rang.

Luke took out his cell phone to take a look, and the number displayed on the screen was Reed’s number.

Luke hesitated for a moment, but pressed the answer button, “Hi Boss, good afternoon.”

Reed asked, “Is Hawaii beautiful?”

“Yes, I’m tempted to transfer here for work.”

“Haha, come back to reality early, you belong in LA.”

“It’s not very safe here, I think there’s a lot of potential here.”

“Have you seen the news about LA in the last two days? Policing here has gotten bad too, L.A. needs you.”

“No, I’ve spent the last two days just having fun, what’s going on in L.A.?”

“Did you hear about the kidnapping of real estate mogul Gary Sane’s son?”

“That I know, I saw it on TV at the airport the day I left L.A. Did the real estate mogul’s son get rescued?”

“No, not only was he not rescued, there’s been a new kidnapping in L.A., another tycoon’s daughter has been kidnapped.”

Luke said, “Suddenly poverty isn’t such a bad thing.”

“That’s right, the kidnappers had a clear goal, to demand ransom, a lot of ransom.”

“You expect me to return to Los Angeles to participate in the kidnapping investigation?”

“It’s not that I wish, it’s that the victim’s family strongly requested or demanded it.”

“Why?” Luke queried.

“Is it hard to understand? You have a reputation now as the detective with the highest success rate in solving major crimes in Los Angeles, and you’ve won the highest honor award for public safety officers.

Having you around will make them feel more secure in their minds, and they expect you to work miracles and rescue the victims.”

Luke sighed, “Boss, you should know very well that I’m a human being, not a god.

There is no way I can guarantee that I can solve every case, and even if I do solve the case, I may not be able to rescue the kidnapped person.”

“I know, but that doesn’t stop them from wanting you to participate in the investigation of the case.

It’s like going to the doctor, anyone would want to be attended by the best doctor.”

“I appreciate their trust, but I’m in Hawaii right now and it will take me some time to get back to L.A. and not knowing the case at all, it may not be the best time to take over.

Why don’t you ask Anthony, don’t they FBI take over kidnapping cases all the time?”

Reed said, “If it were anywhere else, the FBI would naturally be a good choice.

But in L.A., Luke Lee, Division of Robbery and Murder, is the one guaranteed to solve the case.

You may not trust the morals of the rich, but they can’t be wrong in their vision.

They want to do their best to save their children.”

Luke said, “I’ll think about it and get back to you tomorrow.”

Reed responded, “OK, say hi to your family for me.”

“Better not, I can’t guarantee my mom won’t yell at you.”

Reed laughed bitterly, “I didn’t want to make the call either, you know.”

Luke hung up his cell phone and continued to enjoy the view of the beach.

In the evening, the family dined at the restaurant next to the beach, drinking wine and blowing the sea breeze, very cozy.

Val asked, “Luke, are you going back to LA early?”

“Uncle, when will you break your eavesdropping habit.”

Val revealed a look of wrongdoing, “I wasn’t eavesdropping, it’s just that I was standing downwind and the sound blew along with the wind.”

Linda was concerned, “Why did you go back early?”

Little Fatty was also disgruntled, “Didn’t we have an appointment to go to the Gulan Ranch? I want you to come along, it’s our Family time!”

Luke said, “I know, I want to go too, but Reed called today and the police department wants me to go back to work on a case.”

Robert asked, “Is it about that kidnapping case of the real estate tycoon’s son?”

“Grandpa, how do you know about that?”

Robert bristled, “Poor people don’t get to pick the police officers on the case. Much less hire a detective of your reputation.”

“A kidnapping case?” The little fat man muttered, “Well, if it’s about rescuing people …… then you can go back.”

Val offered a different opinion, “No, why go back? Just because the victim’s dad has money?

That’s not fair.

You’re on vacation now, you bought your own ticket, you booked your own hotel.

If you return now, who will pay the bills?

The richer they are, the meaner they are. They won’t share a cent with you even if they’re rich, much less reimburse you for your return airfare.

Don’t be stupid, stay.

There are so many cops in L.A., there’s no shortage of you.

But to the family, you’re the only one.”

Luke looked aside to Linda, “Mom, what do you think?”

Linda shrugged, “I respect your opinion.”

“OK, everyone go to bed early tonight.

Tomorrow we’ll go to the Gulen Ranch.” Luke waved his hand, screw the case, family is what matters.

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