Chapter 476

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:13:16
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Gulan Ranch.

This was the focus of Luke’s tour for their trip, not only did Little Fatty want to go, Luke also wanted to come here to play.

Gulan Ranch is located in the northeastern part of Oahu, the scenery is very magnificent, because of the beautiful and vast natural environment is famous, many American blockbusters are filmed here.

Although he had already seen the pictures, Luke was still shocked by the beauty of Gulan Ranch when he drove to the place, with overlapping and lush mountains, endless forests and turquoise blue waters.

Little Fatty’s eyes went wide and he grinned widely, “Jesus Christ, is this heaven?”

Val snickered, “There’s no charge for paradise.”

Linda surrounded the surrounding beauty and said in an excited tone, “I feel familiar …… with this place Yes, this is the filming site of Fifty Times First Love.

I remember that mountain where the hero and heroine stood to take pictures at that time.

There was also that white pier where the female lead was wearing a pair of white pants and standing under the pavilion crying ……

I felt like I was in the movie.”

Linda, seeing that the other four didn’t have the slightest reaction, asked rhetorically, “Haven’t you guys seen it?”

Robert said, “Does Windtalkers count?”

Fatty: “I’ve seen Adventures in the Center of the Earth, which was also filmed here.”

Val: “Jurassic Park.”

Luke: “Lost.”

Everyone could find their favorite movie or TV show here.

The four switched to a six-wheeled military jeep and set out to explore the pristine Hakipu Mist Valley, following jungle trails through riverbeds and steep hills, experiencing a truly pristine Hawaiian landscape.

Fatty pointed to the valley not far away with some anticipation, “Hey, there are people riding horses over there, should we try it later?”

“Trust me, those are old horses that have been tamed, their speed is a match for a snail, it’s not any fun.” Val pointed to the ATV quads on the hillside and laughed.

“That’s what men should be playing with.”

Luke pointed to the high ropes and said, “Anyone want to try this? It should be exciting.”

Robert shook his head, “You guys have fun, these are too unfriendly to older people, I’ll take care of taking pictures for you.”

A lot of movies were filmed here, but the Gulani Ranch was very well protected, no private buildings could be seen, no modern buildings that were not coordinated with nature.

It is completely an original and most authentic and natural environment, with blue sky, white clouds, sea, high mountains, green grass, pastures, dense plants, clear streams, and leisurely cows and sheep on the hillside ……

The family of five had a great time and didn’t finish until 1:00 p.m. Luke was already hungry and returned to the Jeep Wrangler to get something to eat.

The food was simple, sandwiches, milk and coffee.

The five of them ate and laughed about the experience of the tour they had just had, and were pleased with the trip.

“Ringing ……”

Luke’s cell phone rang.

Everyone looked at Luke and Linda asked, “Reed?”

Luke pulled out his cell phone and shook his head, “It’s a friend.”

Luke got out of the car and sat down on the sloping lawn not far away to answer the call, “Hello beautiful, good afternoon.”

Orty’s voice came over the phone, “It’s supposed to be noon in Hawaii now, isn’t it?”

“How did you know I was in Hawaii? So concerned about me?”

“I saw the Facebook post you made.”

Luke smiled, “Which picture did you like?”

“The one of the snorkeling under the ocean, I actually kinda want to snorkel, I just haven’t had the time to.”

Luke laughed, “I don’t suppose you called today just to tell me that you wanted to snorkel.”

“You guessed right, I’m here to act as a lobbyist this time.”

“When did you change careers, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

“I didn’t change careers, it was someone who posted a commission at the Pinkerton Detective Agency in hopes of finding you and convincing you to return to Los Angeles and work.”

“Huh. ……” Luke laughed, “Is the commission substantial?”

“One million dollars.”

“Wow wow, wouldn’t that make you a rich woman in no time.”

Orty asked rhetorically, “Do you think I can accomplish that?”

“Sure, but it’ll have to wait a little while …… I’m still on vacation with my family. When I get back to L.A. in a few days, I’ll be the first to tell you, and you alone.”

Orty sighed, “But the deadline for the mission is tomorrow.”

“That’s a bit of an imposition, and my little old man would be so disappointed if I left now.

My mom would never help him pay for the extra excursions.”

“If you have time, I mean without interfering with you spending time with your family, could we meet?”

Luke was a little taken aback, “You’re in Hawaii?”

“Yes. I was going to wait for you at the hotel, but I didn’t think it would be polite.

So, sunbathing on this side of Waikiki Beach, got a minute?”

Luke glanced at his watch, “OK, I can probably make it there around two.”

Waikiki Beach.

This was the most famous beach in the world, with blue sea and blue sky, fine soft white sand and swaying coconut trees, it was an ideal place for families to relax on vacation.

Under the umbrella on the easternmost side of the beach, a Latin beauty in a swimsuit sits on a lounge chair applying sunscreen, her delicate face, dimpled curves, and slender legs attracting many people’s attention.

Not only men like to see beautiful women, but women do too.

Luke rushed to Waikiki Beach just sweeping a glance and spotted the shapely Orty from the crowd.

“Hi beautiful, long time no see.” Luke smiled and walked over to her, seeing that she was applying sunscreen to her legs, and laughed, “Need any help?”

Orty looked up and smiled, “You’re just in time to help me with my back.”

Looking at her bare and delicate back, how could Luke refuse.

He took the sunscreen and evenly applied it to Orty’s shoulders, back, and hindquarters, attracting a lot of envious and jealous gazes from men and women.

The men’s stares he could understand, what the hell was with the women?

Luke applied the sunscreen, handed it to Orty on one side, and laid himself down on the recliner on the other side, he was a little tired after a morning of fun at the Gulan Ranch.

“When did you get to Hawaii?”

“Noon today, an hour before I called you.”

“Why didn’t you say so on your cell phone instead of making a special trip?” Luke asked rhetorically.

“Don’t say anything stupid, I can’t invite you on the cell phone. You’re worth the trip.

Besides, the deadline isn’t until tomorrow.

I can still enjoy the scenery of Hawaii for one more day, even if you turn me down, I didn’t come here for nothing.”

Luke laughed, “I like your mentality.

Who commissioned you to come to me? What kind of job was I referred to when I was asked to return to Los Angeles for a job?”

Orty blinked her big eyes and playfully said, “It seems the commission piqued your interest.”

“They’re the ones who got the right lobbyist.”

“Thank you for recognizing that.” Orty smiled and continued.

“The client’s name is Bruce Redman, and his daughter was kidnapped on the night of March 11th, and the kidnappers demanded 5,000 ounces of gold, which is equivalent to about ten million dollars.”

Luke confirmed, “The kidnappers wanted gold, not dollars.”

“That’s right, this is a rare situation indeed.”

“That’s a lot of work to redeem all that gold, the client has his hands full.”

Ortie sighed, “What’s more crucial is that the client doesn’t trust the suspect, he feels that even if he delivers the gold, his daughter may be torn apart, so he hired Pinkerton Detective Agency to act as a lobbyist, wanting to ask you to participate in the case and save his daughter.

This is also the purpose of my coming.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “There are nearly ten thousand police officers in L.A., and four squadrons in the Robbery and Murder Division, and even the FBI. why does it have to be me?”

Orty sat up and faced Luke squarely, the semicircle on his chest heavy and eye catching, “I asked him the same thing, two reasons.

The first reason, you have a reputation for being involved in solving many big cases, and he even cited the case of the vice mayor’s daughter being kidnapped, and it was you who saved her daughter.

The second reason, your crime solving rate is currently one hundred percent, and they feel that you are the most likely to save the hostage.”

Luke said, “I suddenly feel the pressure multiply.

Besides, I can solve cases a lot of the time by luck, and even if I take over the investigation of the case, there is no guarantee that I will solve the case, much less save his daughter.”

“I told him that, but he still still wants you to participate in the investigation of the case.

He feels that you are the most suitable person to investigate the case, and as long as he can hire you, he will have fulfilled his responsibility as a father.

Even if the end result is not good, he has tried his best and at least he won’t leave any regrets.”

Seeing that Luke was a bit shaken, Orty continued, “I know that you’re on vacation, and it’s a bit hard to ask you to leave your family to investigate the case.

Therefore, I have applied for a subsidy from the Pinkerton Detective Agency as a way to make up for your loss.

As long as you’re willing to return to Los Angeles to work on the case, the allowance is yours.”

Luke stared at Orty, who was wearing less but still covered, and considering that the next topic would involve some sensitive issues, Luke directly used a detection card to make sure that there were no eavesdropping and surveillance electronic devices, and continued.

“What if the case cannot be solved?”

“The commission received by the detective agency is only to convince you to return to Los Angeles to participate in the investigation of the kidnapping case, as for how the case will develop, it is not within the scope of the commission.

I only need to bring you back to Los Angeles by tomorrow night, and that will be considered the completion of the commission.

As for the subsidy and this commission is not directly related, the subsidy is issued because you are a consultant of the Pinkerton Detective Agency.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the amount of the subsidy is eight hundred thousand dollars.”

The so-called subsidy was actually a commission disguised as a commission for asking Luke to investigate the case, but because the client was clearly coming at Luke, the Pinkerton Detective Agency only charged twenty percent.

This fee percentage was quite reasonable, Luke also needed a similar platform, without the relationship of Pinkerton, Bruce Redman even if he wanted to ask Luke to help, he did not have a doorway, Luke as a serving police officer could not directly receive the other party’s favor fee.

Pinkerton is like an intermediary platform that helps Luke build another network of relationships that can cash in on Luke’s fame.

As Luke’s fame increased, this external platform would be more useful.

Luke thought for a moment, “Forget about subsidies.

I have opened a new detective agency called Lee’s Detective Agency, I hope to dock business in the name of Lee’s Detective Agency and Pinkerton Detective Agency in the future.

I suggest that you can use eight hundred thousand dollars to purchase the services of Lee’s Detective Agency, such as business consulting services, security services, outsourcing services, there will always be one that you need.”

Orty smiled, “How about security services?”

“Yes, but only for you alone.”

“Wow wow, I didn’t realize I was actually worth that much, how long is the expiration date?”

“Ten days.”

“I’ll report back to my superiors and see if they’re willing to pay for this expensive security for me. But, at least in my case it’s agreed.” Orty’s words changed.

“So, you’re willing to come back to L.A. with me and participate in the kidnapping investigation.”

“I’m impressed by your sincerity, but I still have to talk to my family.”

“You’re right, the family’s understanding is important.”

The two didn’t settle on anything, but they had basically talked about it.

Orty was so sincere that it was hard for Luke to say no.

Luke agreed to return to Los Angeles early to investigate the case, partly because of the money, but not all.

Money not only represented benefits, but likewise an attitude.

This is the same reason as raising a dog, if you can’t afford to continue to raise a dog and want to find a new owner for the dog, you’d rather sell it than just give it away.

The easier it is to get, the less you will cherish it.

Luke asked, “Which hotel are you staying at?”

Orty laughed, “Security service before you even sign up?”

Luke laughed as well and was about to say something when his cell phone rang, “Ringing ……”

Luke took out his cell phone and glanced at the screen, “What’s wrong?”

Little Fatty’s voice rang from his cell phone, “Older brother, our hotel room was burglarized, the cash and documents were stolen.”

Luke frowned slightly, “When was it stolen?”

“I don’t know, we just got back to the hotel.”

“All three rooms were stolen? Or was it just our room that was stolen?”

“Our room and Grandpa’s room were burglarized, nothing was missing from Mom’s room. I’m dying of depression, I’m not even in the mood to play anymore.”

“Did you guys call the police?”

“Yes, Grandpa has notified the hotel, and the hotel people said they would call the police. I guess it’s already coming soon.”

“I know, I’ll rush back to the hotel now.” Luke hung up his cell phone, revealing a thoughtful look.

Luke didn’t answer the phone behind Orty’s back.

Orty guessed that something should have happened and said with concern, “What’s wrong?”

“The hotel room my family and I stayed in was burglarized, and our documents and cash were stolen.”

Orty raised an eyebrow, “Such a coincidence?”

Luke shook his head, “Hawaii really isn’t well policed. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not.

I’ll go back to the hotel and call.”

Orty stood up, her chest shaking, “I’ll go with you, maybe I can help.”

Luke looked at the beautiful person in front of him, the sexy bikini couldn’t even cover the perfect body, “Then you better change your clothes.”

Orty “……”

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