Chapter 477

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:13:19
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Hawaii, Hilton Hotel.

Two police cars drove into the Hilton Hotel and parked underneath the hotel’s apartment building, and four police officers came out of the cars.

The leader was a black middle-aged police officer.

He got out of the car and looked left and right, and walked into the lobby of the hotel without any haste, if not wearing a police uniform, it would be easy to be taken as a tourist taking a leisurely stroll.

The four officers took the elevator to the 3rd floor.

A waiter was already standing at the elevator door waiting, making a please gesture, “Sir, the guests who lost their things are staying in rooms 306 and 308, let me take you there.”

The black police officer nodded, still taking a scattered pace.

At this time, Robert, Linda, Val, and Little Fatty were standing in the corridor, with somewhat unsightly looks on their faces, never mind the fact that whoever it was had encountered this kind of thing while traveling was pretty bad.

The black police officer scanned the crowd and asked, “Who called the police?”

Robert pointed to room 306 and said, “Sir, my name is Robert, it was my room that was burglarized and the hotel helped call the police.”

“My name is Martin George.” The black officer briefly introduced himself and then asked rhetorically, “When were your things stolen?”

Robert shook his head, “We’re not sure exactly what time.

We left the hotel at eight o’clock in the morning for a trip to the Gulen Ranch, and returned around two o’clock, ready to change our clothes and go out again.

I saw signs that the room had been rummaged …… and then checked and found that cash and documents had been stolen.”

Martin George frowned slightly, “The papers were stolen too?”


“Where were the papers and cash kept?”

“The safe.”

“Was the combination changed?”

“No, I didn’t see the need for that at the time ……”

Martin George didn’t say anything, he had seen too many similar situations, many customers would use the safe, but for various reasons would not change the safe combination, it was a nullity, and it was often these types of tourists who were stolen.

“Are you traveling to Hawaii?”


“Who’s staying in room 308?”

Robert said, “Two of my grandsons are staying in room 308, and their rooms were burglarized, same as ours.”

“How many of you are there in total?”

“There are five of us in the family, my daughter lives in room 307.”

Martin George looked aside to Linda, “Ma’am, are there any signs of burglary in your room?”


“Did you change the combination on your safe?”

“I did not use the safe.”

“Did you see anyone suspicious before or after leaving the hotel?”

Robert thought for a moment, “No recollection, we were just having fun and thought we would be safe at the hotel.”

Martin George glanced around the corridor, “Where did your other companion go?”

“He went to meet a friend.” Robert glanced at his watch, “Should be back soon.”

“Can you guys get in touch with him? Make sure it wasn’t him who took the contents of the room?”

Robert shook his head, “We made contact and he didn’t take anything from the room.”

Martin George nodded and said to a patrolman on the sidelines, “Record the specific items they lost.”

After saying that, Martin George walked into room 306, he swept his eyes over all corners of the room and saw that the cabinets in the room were opened, some items were scattered on the floor, and a black safe was placed under the closet, the safe door was open, and no items were found inside.

He squatted down and took a breath on the armrest of the safe, using a flashlight to illuminate the surface of the armrest, he could vaguely see fingerprints on the armrest, as to whether it was the fingerprints of the tourists or the fingerprints of the thieves that was unknown.

He stood up, his eyes swept through the room again, and found that the door of the hotel balcony was open, he walked into the balcony to check it out, the scenery outside the balcony is very beautiful, not far away is the sea, sitting on the balcony can enjoy the sea view.

He laid his hands on the edge of the balcony, to his left was room 306, the balconies of the two rooms were right next to each other, it was perfectly possible to jump from one balcony to the other.

Martin George walked out of room 308 and said to the young patrolman who had just finished his statement, “Has the scene investigator arrived yet?”

The young officer said, “I just made contact and they will be here shortly.”

Martin George nodded and walked into room 306 on the side, the cabinet door of this room was also open, the safe door inside was also open, almost the same situation as the other room, the fingerprints on the two safes could be compared, if the fingerprints on the safes were the same, it was likely that they were left by the thief.

Martin George vaguely felt that something was wrong, it seemed that he heard an unusual noise, he stood up, his right hand pressed down on the handle of the gun, slowly walked towards the balcony, and saw a dark-haired youth standing on the balcony: “Who are you?”

“My name is Luke, I’m a guest staying in this room.

I got a call from a family member that the hotel room had been burglarized and I came in to check for missing items.

You were probably investigating the other room when I came over.”

Martin George’s hand moved away from the pistol, “What items did you lose?”

“Identification and cash.”

Martin George continued, “Did you see any suspicious persons in the vicinity of the room today?”


Luke asked, “Sir, is there any progress in the investigation? About when will the missing documents be recovered.

I had planned to leave Hawaii tomorrow.”

Martin George spread his hands, “I’ve just taken over the case and I don’t have an answer to that question. All I can tell you is that I will do my best to find it.”

Luke pressed, “Are there many similar cases in Hawaii? What are the chances of recovering the documents?”

Martin George perfunctorily said, “That’s hard to say, it depends on the circumstances.”

“Sir, at the risk of asking, do you have any clues about the thief now?”

Martin George glanced at Luke and frowned, “The five of you stayed in three rooms, namely rooms 306, 308 and 307, where room 307 is on the east side of the hotel, while rooms 306 and 308 are on the west side of the hotel.

Among them, there was no sign of theft in room 307.

And the balcony doors of both rooms 306 and 308 were open, I suspect that the suspect climbed into the rooms from the balcony on the west side of the hotel.”

Luke nodded and praised, “You have a point.

Also, I’d like to make a small suggestion, you can ask the hotel to contact the other guests on the same floor to see if any other rooms have been burglarized.

That would confirm your suspicions as soon as possible.”

Martin George smiled, “Are you teaching me to investigate? I had already arranged for my colleagues to make inquiries before I entered the room.”

Luke smiled back, “Looks like I’ll be able to retrieve my credentials soon.”

The smile on Martin George’s face tightened and he pointed at Luke, “Leave immediately after confirming the missing items and do not touch or destroy the traces in the room.”


Martin George went out of the room and called the two police officers to the side and said to a young patrolman, “Go to the person in charge of the hotel and ask them to notify the guests in the other rooms of the hotel to see if there are any more rooms that have been burglarized.

Especially those on this floor must be asked.”

“Okay, Instructor.”

Then, Martin George pointed to the female patrolman on the side: “You go to retrieve the hotel’s surveillance …… Forget it, it’s better for me to speak to them personally.

You keep an eye here and don’t let anyone enter the scene.”

Inside room 308.

Luke stood on the balcony, just like Martin George guessed, he also felt that the suspect climbed into the room through the balcony, that’s why he didn’t enter Linda’s room to steal.

The advantage of climbing from the balcony was that you didn’t have to break down the door, and the surveillance in the hotel lobby and hallways couldn’t catch the suspect on camera.

He found a shoe print on the balcony floor that looked like a mark left by climbing, but it was a mutilated shoe print and the mark was relatively shallow, only about a quarter of the way down to the toe.

Luke tried to use the identification card, and perhaps because the shoeprint was so shallow and large and missing, the card did not take effect.

It could not be used.

Luke went to room 306 again, however, did not find any obvious shoe prints on that balcony, and he guessed that the suspect should have come to room 308 first, and then went to room 306 for the burglary.

Luke’s eyes looked downstairs, the suspect should have climbed to the third floor from below, so is it possible that footprints were left below?

Luke out of the room, walked directly to the first floor of the hotel outside the balcony of room 108, surrounded by a small garden, seems to have watered today, the ground is a little wet.

Luke in the 108 balcony outside the careful observation, and indeed found a set of more clear shoe prints, small garden with automatic watering sprinkler facilities, normal people will not leave footprints here, it is likely to be the suspect left the shoe prints.

Luke used an identification card and a set of data appeared in his brain.

[Shoes, cross grain rubber soled shoes

Gender, female

Height, 164-169CM

Weight, 110 to 120 lbs.

Age, between 16 and 21 years old.

Characteristics, rotundity]

“It’s a female thief.” Luke was a little surprised, his mind recalling if he had seen a similar female recently.

Although Orty came coincidentally, she was over 170cm tall and did not fit the characteristics of a female thief.

Just as he thought of Orty, her voice sounded next to him, “Luke, did you get a lead on the thief?”

Luke pointed to the shoe prints on the ground, “This is most likely the shoe prints left by the burglar.”

The small garden is not paved, Orty didn’t walk closer in order to avoid stepping on the mud, his eyes scanning around, “There is no surveillance in this neighborhood, I’m afraid that it’s hard to find out the thief just based on this shoe print.”

Luke laughed, “You can’t underestimate this set of shoe prints, it can provide quite a few clues.”

Olti glanced at the shoe prints again and didn’t feel anything special.

Luke didn’t explain much and laughed, “I’m going to meet the police officer in charge of investigating the case.”

Olty laughed, “Did they recognize you?”

Luke shook his head, “I’m not an idol star, how can I be recognized everywhere I go.”

Olty, however, disagreed with Luke’s words, “You are indeed a star in the police and detective industry. The fact that they didn’t recognize you only shows that they’re not on the up and up.”

Luke laughed, “What about you, do you have that much admiration for me?”

“Sorry to disappoint you, I’m an unmotivated detective.”

“Are you coming along?”

Orty turned slightly sideways, “Do you think I’m okay in this outfit?”

Orty was wearing a dark red slash-neck strapless dress with a curvy figure, showing off her two long, sexy legs.

Luke took a closer look and revealed a look of appreciation, “Very good.”

The two returned to the hotel lobby together.

Luke asked the hotel manager and learned that the police officer in charge of the investigation was checking the surveillance, under the hotel manager’s leadership Luke’s two men also went to the surveillance room.

“Knock knock ……”

The hotel manager knocked on the door and led the two Luke into the surveillance room.

Constable Martin George looked up and over, “Can I help you?”

“Officer, I’d like to inquire about the progress of the case.”

Martin George got up and said, “I’m checking the surveillance corridors and I don’t see any suspicious people going to rooms 308 and 306.

As I suspected earlier, the suspect may have entered the room through the balcony. But there’s no surveillance on the balcony the other time, so we’re lining up the rest of the hotel’s surveillance to see if there are any suspicious people.

I’ll let you guys know to collect your stuff when we catch the suspect.”

Luke said, “I found a shoe print outside the balcony of room 108, and I’m guessing it’s probably the burglar’s.”

Martin George stretched, “OK, take me over there and maybe we can track down a lead on the suspect.”

“No need to go, I’ve already scrutinized that set of tracks.” Luke introduced, “The suspect is supposed to be a female, wearing a pair of cross-grain rubber-soled shoes, the material of which is very suitable for climbing.

The woman is between 164 cm and 169 cm tall, weighs between 110 and 120 pounds, and is between 16 and 21 years old.

Also, she has a bit of a rolly-polly.”

Are you a superhero?”

“No, I’m not a superhero.” Luke flashed his FBI credentials, “For the record, my name is Luke Lee, FBI Criminal Investigation Counselor.”

Martin George took the ID and examined it before handing it back to him, “I didn’t expect to see you on this occasion, Sir.”

“It does seem a little awkward, where I live no suspect dares to come within a mile of me.” Luke was also a little bemused, the burglary had indeed been careless.

Martin George thought for a moment, “Sir, I’ve actually found something else.”

“What findings?”

“There aren’t a lot of thefts in Hawaii, but most of them are are just stealing cash, jewelry, and other belongings, and very few thieves will steal the tourists’ documents.

First, the papers don’t give them a profit.

Secondly, if it’s just cash that’s lost, it doesn’t affect many of our customers much, but the loss of documents can cause a lot of trouble for tourists, resulting in tourists not being able to leave Hawaii, and a lot of pressure on our police, and it doesn’t do the thieves any favors when things get out of hand.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “You think someone is targeting me?”

Martin George spread his hands, “I can’t be sure, just a guess.”

In fact, what he said had occurred to Luke, and combined with the purpose of Orty’s visit, Luke had already come to a conclusion in his mind.

“Among those habitual thieves with previous convictions, are there any who meet my criteria?”

Knowing Luke’s identity, Martin George also paid a little more attention to Luke’s description, and re-read it in his head, “A young female thief who is over six meters tall and has some roly-poly legs.” ‘

“That’s right.”

“Sir, are you sure about these physical data?”

“Of course.” Luke sounded certain.

“I …… do know of a female thief with a similar body type who frequents this generation of the neighborhood.” Martin George glanced at his watch, “It’s four o’clock in the afternoon.

Give me four hours and I’ll be able to find her.”

“Hard work.”

“I hope your lead is accurate, Sir,” Martin George said and left the surveillance room.

Orty walked over to Luke and wondered, “You can really identify a suspect based on a shoe print?”

Luke smiled, “Isn’t there some admiration for me?”

The corners of Orty’s mouth rose slightly as she playfully said, “It won’t be too late to worship when you really catch someone.

But it’ll be fun if we catch the wrong person, Sir.”

“Why do I get the impression you’re gloating a bit?”

“The hell I’m not.

I was hoping you’d find your papers early and come back to L.A. with me.” Orty clasped his hands to his chest, his rounded profile holding his shirt taut as he did so.

“Where are we going now?”

Luke raised one eyebrow, “Wanna meet my family?”

Orty “……”

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