Chapter 48

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:52:35
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Seven o’clock in the evening.

Daisy’s house.

Daisy is busy in the kitchen, wearing a pink apron still hard to hide her shapely figure.

“Dingdong ……”

A doorbell rings.

Daisy walks to the door, checks the access video, and with a sigh of relief, opens the door to her room.

Luke stood in the doorway, pulling out a bouquet of roses from behind his back, “For you.”

“Wow wow ……,” Daisy took the roses and smelled the flowers, “Thanks, I didn’t realize you had a romantic side.”

“As long as you don’t think it’s corny.”

“No, women love flowers no matter what.” Daisy stepped aside, “Come on in, dinner will be ready soon.”

“Do you need any help?”

“Can you help me set the dishes?”

“Sure.” Luke washed his hands and helped Daisy with the dinner preparations.

Pan-seared steak, grilled tuna, veggie salad, mashed potatoes, mushroom soup, daikon, and red wine.

The two sat on either side of the table and Daisy picked up the red wine, “Here’s to you.”

“I should be the one toasting you for preparing such a sumptuous dinner.”

The two clinked glasses and Daisy said, “It’s been a long time since I’ve cooked, how does it taste?”

Luke cut a piece of steak and tasted it, “It’s tender and tastes good, I like it.”

The two of them ate while chatting about their ideals, hobbies, and interesting things.

When they finished eating, Luke took the initiative to brush the dishes, a thoughtful gesture that added a few more points in Daisy’s mind.

Luke washed the dishes and walked out of the kitchen, Daisy had already prepared a fruit plate and red wine.

Luke took the red wine glass, clinked it with Daisy and took a sip, “Want to talk about the case?”

“Can we talk? I know you have a confidentiality agreement.”

Luke snickered, “Not as strict as your lawyers.”

Daisy laughed softly, “Any progress on the investigation?”

“We re-arraigned Tim, the robber, and he’s biting his confession to death, refusing to admit to any other accomplices.”

“Why? He won’t turn tainted witness?”

“It’s too soon to tell, but he’s so adamant that we’ll have to investigate in other directions.”

Daisy pursed her red lips, “Do you need my help?”

“Tomorrow we’ll go to the hospital where Lawn was staying to investigate and talk to his family on the way, preferably calling the beneficiaries of the will to the hospital.”

Daisy nodded, “I’ll try.”

Ome Hospital.

It was a private hospital in a beautiful setting on the outskirts of Los Angeles, no group wards, just double, single and deluxe rooms.

Daisy led both Luke and David into the inpatient building.

David looked at the hospital’s facilities and lamented, “This place surpasses the hotel I vacationed in.”

“Maybe that’s the joy of being rich.” Luke smiled and asked Daisy, who was beside him, “Has Lawn’s family arrived yet?”

“I contacted Lawn’s wife and asked her to bring her children to the hospital, there’s something to talk to them about regarding the will. I believe they will come.”

David asked, “How many will beneficiaries are there?”

“I don’t know the specifics of the video will either.” Daisy led the two men up to the third floor and stopped at the door to room 302, “Lawn is in this room.”

Luke whispered a reminder to David, “Try to talk as little as possible in a minute.”

This big brother was sure to stir up trouble when his temper came up.

David was disgruntled, “I don’t think you’re a Detective Inspector yet, are you?”

“Soon will be.” Luke followed Daisy into the ward.

The ward was an open room of more than thirty square meters, on the right hand side was the bathroom, inside there were hospital beds, cupboards, tables, televisions, and the ward smelled faintly of medicine.

On the hospital bed lay a man in his fifties, brown hair, medium build, wearing a light blue spotted hospital gown, with an oxygen mask fastened over his face.

On the left side of the bed sat a bejeweled middle-aged woman, and on the right stood a woman in her twenties.

At the bed stood a young doctor in a white coat and stethoscope.

Luke had read about Lawn Bull and understood his family situation.

Lawn’s wife’s name was Caroline Bull, and the two belonged to a remarried family.

Lawn brought a daughter, Sophia, and Caroline brought a son, Brooke Pierce.

Lawn and Caroline remarried and had another young daughter, Emma.

The bejeweled middle-aged woman asked, “Attorney Daisy, what did you want to see us about?”

“SORRY, I didn’t make it clear on the phone, but it’s actually that I’m in some trouble and would like to ask for your help.” Daisy showed an apologetic look, pointing to Luke and David on the side, she introduced.

“This is Detective Luke, and that’s Detective David.”

The middle-aged woman frowned slightly and questioned, “Daisy, what do you mean by calling the detectives here? Better give me a reasonable explanation.”

Daisy walked over to the hospital bed and said with concern, “How is Mr. Lawn doing? Is it getting better?”

The middle-aged woman replied, “Please don’t change the subject.”

Daisy sighed softly, “I’ve had some bad things happen to me in the time since Mr. Lawn was hospitalized.

On March 2nd, someone broke into my office to steal documents.

On March 3rd, I was robbed on the street.

On March 15, someone sneaked into my house to install a surveillance camera in my study to take pictures.

I called the police, who thought it might be related to Mr. Lawn’s testamentary mandate, and wanted to invite you over for a chat.”

The young woman showed a surprised look, “Even if I buy it, are you telling the truth? This is too scary.”

“Ms. Sophia, these two are agents from the ‘Robbery and Murder Division’, they can prove my words.”

Luke smoothly asked, “Miss Sophia, you are Mr. Boone’s oldest daughter?”

“Yes.” Sophia answered and pointed to the middle-aged woman and the man in the white coat, “This is my stepmother, Caroline, and Brooke.”

Luke looked over at Brooke, “You’re a doctor at this hospital?”

Without waiting for Brooke to answer, her mother Caroline said with a proud look on her face, “My son is a resident in this hospital and my husband’s attending physician, thanks to him …… Lawn’s condition is getting better.”

Luke asked, “How is Mr. Lawn’s condition? What kind of disease did he have?”

Brooke replied, “Lack of oxygen to the brain led to a coma, fainted and then fell and injured his head, the brain stem suffered some damage to the coma, the situation is rather tricky.”

Luke offered, “Can I see the diagnostic report?”

Brooke froze for a moment, “SORRY, it’s a matter of patient privacy.”

Luke looked aside to Sophia, “I heard your father left a video will, may I see it?”

Without waiting for Sofia to answer, Caroline, his stepmother, refused, “No, that’s something very private, it’s Lawn’s farewell to his family, what right do you have to ask for that?”

Luke said, “It’s not a request, it’s just a chat.”

“We have nothing to talk about.” Caroline turned to Daisy, who had stepped aside, and said, “Counselor, please take these two detectives away. Also, please respect your profession and I will sue you if you reveal my husband’s other will to the police.”

“I won’t show it to anyone without Mr. Lawn’s permission. I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve caused you because of my personal reasons.” Daisy finished, looking aside to Luke.

“Let’s go.”

Exiting the hospital room, David said faintly, “I didn’t say anything.”

Luke put his arm around David’s shoulder, “I’m proud of you.”

David gave a middle finger, “You’re just going to leave in the dust?”

“So what’s your bright idea?”

“Follow me.” David walked over to the triage desk and turned to a female nurse and asked, “Excuse me, what floor is the dean’s office on?”

The little nurse asked back, “What can I do for you?”

David flashed his badge.

“5th floor, far east side.”

“Thanks.” David finished and took the elevator up to the fifth floor.

Daisy stood next to Luke and asked softly, “Your coworkers know Dean?”

Luke was in a mixed mood, “Soon enough.”

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