Chapter 480

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:13:27
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Jackson said, “Could Sandy Pope be lying because it’s related to the kidnapping?

Deliberately misleading the police to investigate the case.”

Blackie suggested, “Should we bring her back to the police station? Regardless of whether she is related to the kidnapping case or not, she should know who Isha Redman’s new boyfriend is.”

The lieutenant thought about it and shook his head, “I don’t think that’s a good idea, there are three possibilities as to why Sandy Pope lied.

The first possibility, she drank a lot that night, had a good time, forgot what the victim, Isha Redman, said, and didn’t mean to lie.

The second possibility, Sandy Pope and Issa Redman have a good relationship on the surface, but in reality Sandy Pope doesn’t like Issa Redman very much, can’t wait for the other to be kidnapped and torn apart, and may even secretly gloat about it.

I’ve seen too many similar ‘best sisters’ who have horrible inner thoughts that simply cannot be seen.

The third possibility is that Sandy Pope did have something to do with the kidnapping, and may even have been a participant in the kidnapping.

But we don’t have the evidence to convict her now, even if we bring her back to the police station for questioning, she will still explain with the first or second possibility.

At that time, we can only let her go, and we will only end up spooking her.”

Luke nodded, “The vice squad is right, it’s really not appropriate to bring Sandy Pope to the police station for questioning at this stage.

I think we can secretly investigate Sandy Pope first to confirm whether she is related to the kidnapping case, Chief, what do you think?”

Reed said, “It’s right to be cautious, but the investigation can’t be tied up.

It’s been more than 48 hours since Isha Redman was kidnapped, and this case must find a breakthrough in the investigation as soon as possible.”

Luke continued his analysis, “Since Issa Redman didn’t tell her parents about her new boyfriend, either the relationship was short or there was some other reason.

This means that not many people should know that she has a new boyfriend.

However, just because she didn’t tell them doesn’t mean no one knows about it, like that Korean student Park Jae-young.

He’s been following Isha Redman’s every move.

I think if Issa Redman has a new boyfriend, he might be aware of it and maybe know the identity of the new boyfriend.”

The vice team said, “I’ve also been following that Korean student, Park Jae-young. Issa Redman left the party at eleven o’clock at night, and the Korean student left after the party was over.

He shouldn’t have had the time to commit the crime, and I think we can try to make contact with him.”

“OK, so what are we waiting for?” Black stood up, “I was the one who gave him a statement yesterday, I know where to find him.”

Dajin Supermarket.

A black Ford commercial car was parked in front of the entrance.

Luke habitually observed the situation outside through the car window and made sure there were no suspicious people before stepping out of the car.

According to the information Black got, Park Jae-young would often come to this supermarket to do part-time jobs in addition to going to school.

And it wasn’t appropriate to go to the school to investigate now, it would probably expose the police.

If the news reached the robbers’ ears, it would increase the possibility of ripping off the ticket.

Therefore, Luke chose the place of inquiry in the supermarket.

In order to avoid a large number of people and a large target, Luke only brought Blackie alone into the supermarket.

This was a Korean supermarket, and there were a lot of Asian faces in the supermarket, and Xiao Hei’s ability to differentiate suddenly dropped a lot.

The two circled around the supermarket and saw an Asian youth standing near the kimchi cooler, Blackie stared at the other person for a while, “That’s right, that’s him.”

Luke gave a slight sideways glance, signaling for Blackie to hit the front.

Blacky waddled over to him, looking very casual, “Hey man, recognize me?”

Park Jae-young looked over at Marcus and nodded, “Yes, you’re Detective Marcus.”

“That’s right, it’s easy to remember a man with style like me

Man, can I talk to you for a second?”

Park Jae-young glanced at Luke, “Are you guys asking about Isa Redman?”

“Yes, we’d like to know something about her.”

Park Jae-young nodded, “Wait for me, I’ll go talk to the store manager.”

A few minutes later, the two Luke’s took Park Jae-young to the business car.

Park Jae-young couldn’t wait to ask, “Any news on Issa Redman? Is she still safe?”

“I’m sorry, it’s not that we don’t trust you, but for the safety of Issa Redman, we can’t disclose the case to the public.”

“OK, I can understand that, what can I do to help you?”

There was more room in the business car and Luke leaned back into a comfortable position, “Do you know Sandy Pope?”

“Sure, we all went to school together.”

“How is Sandy Pope’s relationship with Isla Redman?”

“Pretty good, the two of them spend a lot of time together.”

Luke’s eyes were fixed on the other’s expression and he tried, “Do they have any conflicts between them?”

“Uh …… that I’m not too sure about.”

“Does Issa Redman have a boyfriend?”

“She had a boyfriend before, but, it’s been broken up for a while.”

“What I want to inquire is, does she have a new boyfriend now?”

Park Zaiyong bit his lip and nodded slightly, “I don’t know what to say …… She did get close to a man recently.

But she hasn’t made it public, and I’m not sure if they’ll continue ……”

Luke pressed, “Do you know the man?”

“Yes, I’ve met him a couple of times, he’s from our school too, older than us, on the varsity football team.”

“What was his name?”

“Rodney Jacobs.”

“Do you know anything else about Rodney Jacobs? Like contact information or his home address?”

“I know his Facebook. I added him and we’re friends now, and he’s a very talkative guy.”

Luke affirmed, “That’s an important clue, can I see his Facebook?”


Park Jae-young took his phone and found Rodney Jacobs’ Facebook.

It was a young black guy in his twenties, tall and fit, with a full smile and a big white grin.

Luke tapped on his personal updates and Blackie watched.

Most of these dynamics were taken at school, and there were quite a few pictures of rugby training.

There were also some family photos.

Blackie pointed to a family photo and said, “The background of this photo is familiar.” He took his phone and zoomed in on the picture to take a closer look, “Yes, this background looks a lot like the neighborhood where Issa Redman’s partying classmates are from, the Mormon neighborhood.”

Luke also looked closely at the picture, it should have been taken in the yard of Rodney Jacobs’ house, which meant that Rodney Jacobs also lived in the Mormont neighborhood.

That explained why the police hadn’t detected the suspect vehicle in the surveillance, because Isa Redman probably didn’t take a car and went straight to Rodney Jacobs’ house.

Park Jae-young gritted his teeth and said, “Did Rodney Jacobs kidnap Issa Redman? Why did he do that?”

Luke gave him a look, the bastard was probably fond of Issa Redman, considering he was prone to doing impulsive things at his age.

Luke explained, “We were just investigating Issa Redman’s whereabouts. Even if Issa Redman met with Rodney Jacobs, it doesn’t mean that Rodney Jacobs had anything to do with the kidnapping.”

Park Jae-young took a deep breath, “Issa Redman went to Rodney Jacobs’ house that night?”

“We’re not sure, we won’t know until we confirm it.”

Park Jae-young shrugged it off with a self-deprecating expression, “There’s no need to confirm it, it’s definitely the case.”

Black patted his shoulder, “Man, are you into Issa Redman?”

“Does it even matter now? She’s got a new boyfriend.” Park Jae-young shook his head.

Blackie said, “Look, I don’t know you or Issa Redman well enough to know how you guys get along.

However, I know one thing very well, if you love someone, you have to be brave and say it.

You’re not dating anyway, so even if she rejects you, you have nothing to lose.

And you will feel much better in your heart.

On the contrary, if you don’t take the initiative, other guys will take the initiative, and how do you know she won’t choose you if you haven’t even said it.”

Park Jae Young sighed, “I understand what you’re saying, but understanding and doing are two completely different things, and it really isn’t that easy.

Also, Issa Redman is now kidnapped and I’m really worried about her.

If, she comes back safely, I will definitely tell her and let her know …… that I’ve liked her for a long time.”

“You did the right thing.” Black reached out and made a high-five gesture.

Nay, Park Jae-young was in a bad mood and didn’t respond.

Blacky withdrew his hand somewhat awkwardly, “OK, you can continue with your part-time job, and we’ll get back to the case.”

Park Jae-young nodded and got out of the car, glancing back afterward, “Hey, if there’s anything you guys need me to do, just ask.”

“We will.” Black closed the car door and shook his head, “Guy with no understanding or affection. I wouldn’t like him in his place.”

Luke contacted Matthew to confirm the exact location of Rodney Jacobs’ house and then drove to Rodney Jacobs’ house.

Rodney Jacob’s house was only a few hundred meters in a straight line from the location where the party was held, a few minutes’ walk away, which was the reason why the police had not been able to find out the missing trajectory of Issa Redman.

Rodney Jacob’s house was a gray two-story villa with a model of a rugby ball in the yard, Luke had seen it on his Facebook page and could be sure that this was his house.

At this point, it was already evening, and the villa was lit up.

Blackie stood at the entrance of the courtyard and pressed the doorbell: “Dingdong.”

A moment later, the visual doorbell opened, revealing the face of a black man: “This is Jacob’s house, who are you looking for?”

Blackie flashed his badge, “LAPD, Mr. Jacobs, we’d like to talk to you.”

Rodney Jacobs shrugged, “What do you want to talk to me about?”

Black suggested, “Why don’t you open the door and we’ll talk in person.”

“OK, come on in.”

The yard door opened and Luke and Blacky stepped into the yard and walked along the stone tiles towards the door.

Meanwhile, Luke was watching the yard, a blue sports car sitting at the door.

The door opened and Rodney Jacobs stood in the doorway, “What is it that you two officers want with me? I have a date for the evening and I’m going out in a few minutes.”

Luke flashed his badge, “Mr. Rodney Jacobs, do you know Isa Redman?”

“Yes, we went to the same school, what happened to her?”

“What’s your relationship?”

Rodney Jacobs shrugged, “Friends, what’s the problem?”

“When was the last time you saw her?”

“Hey ……” Rodney Jacobs waved his hand and took a step back, “What the hell is going on? I don’t like the way you guys are asking questions.

Why on earth did you guys come to my house? If you don’t tell me, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

Luke said, “We’re trying to find out something about Isa Redman.”

“Then why didn’t you guys just go to her instead of coming to my house to inquire about it, which strikes me as odd.”

Luke stared at his expression, “Issa Redman has been kidnapped.”

“What? Kidnapped!

Jesus Christ, are you telling the truth?” Rodney Jacobs gave a look of shock that Luke didn’t feel like faking.

“Yes, that’s why we’re here. When was the last time you saw her?”

Rodney Jacobs thought for a moment and sighed, “March 11th.”

“Exact time? Where did you meet? What did you guys do then?”

“Hey, I really don’t like this line of questioning, do I need to call a lawyer?”

Black scanned his eyes around and whispered, “Man, Issa Redman has been kidnapped, and every minute of delay is another minute of danger.

Are you trying to get your own lawyer to get her killed?”

“Look, I had nothing to do with her being kidnapped.”

“We didn’t say it had anything to do with you, we’re just looking into her whereabouts before she disappeared.” Luke raised one eyebrow and pointed to the police car outside, “If we thought you had anything to do with it, we’d already have you in the police car.

All you have to do is tell us about meeting and spending time with Isa Redman.”

Rodney Jacobs thought about it and stepped aside, “Come on in.”

Luke and Blackie entered Rodney Jacobs’ house, the living room was decorated very luxuriously.

Blackie revealed an envious look, “Man, what do you do? Can you live in such a nice house?”

“You should ask what my dad does.” Rodney Jacobs pointed to the photo on the coffee table, “This is a picture of us together.”

Black glanced at the picture, “Mattrie Jacobs, the Rams wide receiver, I remember seeing him play when I was a teenager and I haven’t seen him since.”

“He retired, he should be on vacation on an island somewhere right now.” Rodney Jacobs sat down on the couch, “OK, let’s talk about Isla Redman. When was she kidnapped?”

“That’s what we’re going to investigate.” Luke explained in an effort to lower his guard, “We’re checking in with Issa Redman’s friends, and you’re one of them.

That’s why we’re asking about how you two have been spending time together.

It’s important to her, and we hope you’ll answer truthfully.”

Rodney Jacobs licked his thick lips, “She arrived at my house around eleven o’clock on the night of March 11th.

We chatted for a while, drank some wine, and then started clapping for love.

It was a crazy night.

The next morning, we had breakfast together, and around nine, I drove her away.”

“Did you see her again after that?”


“Is there still contact between you?”

“No. I contacted her, but I could never reach her, and I thought I had been blackballed by her.”

“You and Isha Redman separated on the morning of March 12th and it’s now March 14th in the evening.

You couldn’t reach her for so long, and as her boyfriend you weren’t worried at all? Didn’t you think of calling the police?”

“No, I’m not her boyfriend.

I admit …… that we had a good time, we did it, and that’s all it was, we hadn’t established a relationship yet.

I …… thought she wasn’t satisfied that night and that’s why she pulled the plug on me.

A woman who ignored me, why should I care about her.

I didn’t think she would be kidnapped ……

If I knew she was in danger, I would not have stood by.”

“Do you have surveillance at your house?”


“Can we look at it?”

“Do you have a search warrant?”


“I refuse, I don’t like having my life spied on.”

Luke explained, “We’re not trying to pry into your life, but we’d like to see the last images of Isla Redman before she was abducted.”

“She wasn’t abducted from my house, and as I said, I sympathize with what happened to her, but it’s none of my business.” Rodney Jacobs stood up and waved his arms in a desperate attempt to explain that

“I drove her to the gym that morning, you guys want to check the surveillance, go there, not my house.

It makes me feel offended and I really, really don’t like it.”

“What gym did you drop her off at?”

“Tesoro Gym, she said she parked her car at that gym and asked me to just drop her off at the gym.

We haven’t seen each other since.

If you guys don’t believe me, go to the gym and investigate.

That’s all I can do to help you.

Close the door for me when you leave, please.”

Through the conversation he had just had with Rodney Jacobs, Luke hadn’t detected any obvious signs of lying from the other man.

Luke and Blackie left Rodney Jacob’s house, and Blackie glanced back, “This guy can be so cold-blooded, I really feel bad for Isha Redman.”

After saying that, Blacky was a bit helpless again, “But there are a lot of women who just like this type and think they’re cool.”

Seeing Luke walking away, Blackie hurriedly chased after him, “Where are we going now? Tesoro Gym?”

“Yeah.” Luke answered and got into the passenger side of the car as he began to review the kidnapping case in his head.

The reason for the lack of progress in the investigation of the case was, in Luke’s opinion, twofold; the first was that the police had been under the mistaken impression that Isa Redman had been abducted on the night of March 11th, but according to Rodney Jacobs, Isa Redman was still free on the morning of March 12th.

The time of the abduction is not accurate.

In fact, it was the location of the abduction that was also wrong; the police had always assumed that Issa Redman had been abducted within the community of Mormon, and had been lining up cars that had passed through during the time period of the disappearance, but Issa Redman had not left the community in a car, but had gone directly to the home of Rodney Jacob, so naturally it was impossible to trace the suspect vehicle.

The time and place of the abduction were not identified, so naturally it was impossible to look into the abduction.

I hope it’s not too late to correct it.

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