Chapter 490

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:13:52
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“It was Gary Sane Jr. who killed Colleen Lopez?”

Mohan Wald nodded, “Yes.”

“Whose idea was it to stage his own kidnapping?”

“It was also Gary Sane Jr.”

Luke laughed, “You’re picking yourself off pretty clean.”

“I’m telling the truth, the two of us are nominally friends, but really I’m just a little follower of his, and I listen to him in all things.

He’s the one who enjoys anything good first, and I can only pick up what he has left.”

Mohan Wald sighed, “I know that sounds a bit humiliating, but it’s the truth.”

“So, he offered to sleep with your girlfriend and you agreed?”

Mohan Wald spread his hands, “The yacht belongs to Gary Sane Jr. and the food is provided by Gary Sane Jr. We’re all out to have fun, no one gets something for nothing, there’s always something to give, and adults should understand that.”

Luke said, “Then have you ever thought that Corinne Lopez, as your girlfriend, may also be attending the yacht party out of trust for you.”

Mohan Wald shook his head, “I didn’t want it to be that way, and I didn’t want Colleen to get hurt, it was Gary Sane Jr. who forced me to do it.”

“What did he force you with?”

“Friendship, I didn’t want to lose him as a friend.”

Luke shook his head and lost his smile, how could a guy who could even give away his girlfriend care about so-called friendship, “Hey, don’t wear out my patience, look me in the eye, I want the truth.”

Mohan Wald rubbed his nose and laughed at himself, “Over the years, I’ve been following him around and barely blended into his circle, I know I don’t have a high status in this circle, but I can always get some resources and benefits.

If I fall out with Gary Sane Jr, he will definitely kick me out of this circle, and all my hard work and effort over the years will come to nothing.”

That reasoning made sense, and Luke continued to inquire, “Who all knew about your self-directed kidnapping?”

“Gary Sane Jr, myself, and Mrs. Sane, Gary Sane Jr’s mother.”

“Why did Gary Sane Jr. tell Mrs. Sane?”

“We saw on the news that Gary Sane Jr. had been kidnapped and we all panicked at the time.

This situation was not in our plans.

The news media had already broadcast it, so how could the FBI and the police not know about it, and we didn’t dare make any more ransom calls, let alone ask for ransom money.

And without the ‘kidnappers’ receiving the ransom, there was no way the hostages could be released, and we were no longer justified in being ‘released’.

We had no experience with similar crimes and were all a bit overwhelmed, and then Gary Sane Jr. offered to contact his mother and tell Mrs. Sane what had happened, and he was sure that Mrs. Sane would help him.”

Luke pressed, “What did Mrs. Sané do?”

“Our information about the outside world comes from two sources, the news on the one hand and Mrs. Sané on the other.

Mrs. Sane was delighted when she got a call from Gary Sane Jr. asking what had happened, and Gary Sane Jr. told her all about what had happened on the yacht.

She was worried and scared and at first urged Gary Sané Jr. to turn himself in.

But Gary Sané Jr. had killed someone and there was no turning back; he didn’t want to go to jail and begged Mrs. Sané to help him.

Mrs. Sané was still persuaded and agreed to act as an inside man.

According to Mrs. Sane, Gary Sane Jr.’s father had already called the police, and the FBI had already begun investigating the case, so we were told to be careful and hide, not to be exposed.

With Mrs. Sane delivering the news, we were much more solid in our hearts before we hid inside this motel.”

Luke couldn’t help but feel that it was true that a loving mother is more than a child, “What other news did Mrs. Sane tell you guys?”

“Mrs. Sane said that because of the kidnapping case being exposed by the media, Gary Sane Jr.’s father was very angry and felt that it was the FBI that didn’t get the case right.

He wants to hire the most famous detective in the LAPD to investigate the kidnapping and get Gary Sane Jr. out.

Mrs. Sane looked up the detective’s profile and found that he had worked on many major cases in Los Angeles and had a 100% clearance rate and had never failed to solve a case.

Mrs. Sane was worried that this detective would get to the bottom of Gary Sane Jr.’s murder if he took over the case, so she hired the detective to stop the other man from returning to Los Angeles.”

That explained it, and Luke continued, “And Gary Sane Jr. never thought to tell his father about it?”

“Mrs. Sane suggested the idea as well, and Gary Sane Jr. thought it over and didn’t tell his father about it.

One, because he was afraid of his father, and two, because he felt that his father had been in contact with the FBI and might reveal himself once he knew the truth, so he didn’t dare to say anything.”

Luke smiled, this one was kind of crooked, with Anthony’s abilities it was indeed a possibility.

Mohan Wald choked back a sob, “Sir, that’s all I know.

I really had nothing to do with Colleen’s death, I just made a mistake and went this far as a favor to a friend.”

Luke felt more and more disgusted as he watched the other man’s ambling gesture, the guy had sacrificed his girlfriend and claimed it was a favor for a friend, that line of reasoning wouldn’t work in front of a jury.

The question now was how to find Colleen Lopez’s body.

Earlier, Luke’s claim that he found Colleen Lopez’s body was a complete bluff, he had no idea where Colleen Lopez’s body was?

He needed to get some clues from Mohan Wald, but he couldn’t ask directly, otherwise Mohan Wald would know that he was lying.

“Describe exactly how you committed the crime.”

Mohan Wald thought about it and shook his head, “Colleen was already dead when I arrived, she was killed by Gary Sane Jr. and only Gary Sane Jr. is aware of the detailed process of the murder.”

“And after that? What did you do with the body?”

“I was terrified, too, because I had never experienced anything like this at all.

Gary Sane Jr. told me to get a large plastic bag for the body, but I looked all over the yacht and there was nothing.

When I got back to my room, Gary Sane Jr. had wrapped Colleen Lopez’s body in a quilt and he called me a loser.

He also told me to get a toolbox, a big heavy iron box, and to tie the body and the toolbox together and throw them into the ocean.

Gary Sane Jr. also said that as long as our kidnapping was sitting ducks, the police, even if they found Colleen’s body, could blame it on the kidnappers and have nothing to do with us.”

“What does that blood letter V mean?”

“Gary Sane Jr. wrote that V character in his own blood in order to confuse the police and make them think he was really kidnapped. It doesn’t mean anything, it’s just to interfere with the police investigation.”

“Who all knows about this?”

“Just me and Gary Sane Jr.”

Luke frowned in thought because in the case of Isha Redman’s abduction, the kidnapper, Hugo Chowdhury, claimed to be Mr. V. The police did initially think that the two cases were connected.

But from Mohan Ward’s description, the two kidnappings were not directly related.

Then the kidnapper, Hugo Chowdhury, calling himself Mr. V was either a coincidence, or he knew about the yacht crime scene, again to confuse the police, and purposely called himself Mr. V to link the two kidnappings.

The only people who knew about the yacht scene, besides Gary Sane Jr. and Mohan Wald, were FBI agents.

In other words, Anthony’s suspicion that there was a mole in the FBI was not an empty rumor, but had some basis.

Luke suppressed the thoughts in his mind and asked, “What would you have done if you hadn’t been caught by the FBI?”

“Gary Sane Jr. is preparing a plan, he is going to find a remote place and fake a kidnapping scene.

Then, we’ll fake some wounds on our bodies and find a suitable opportunity to appear in front of the public.

Let’s say we escaped when the kidnappers weren’t looking.

I think it’s a bit risky and have been urging them to turn themselves in, but he wouldn’t listen.

I’ve figured it out now. Colleen was killed by him. I shouldn’t have aided and abetted.

I’m going to identify him, he’s a murderer!”

Luke laughed, this bastard picked himself really clean, the people were killed by Gary Sane Jr. and the idea came from Gary Sane Jr. as if he was totally coerced.

In Luke’s opinion, this cargo is worse than Gary Sane Jr.

It wouldn’t be so easy for him to get off the hook.

Juries in the United States tended to favor the underdog, and for the same felony, the underdog might be acquitted by the jury.

But this underdog wasn’t referring to Mohan Wald.

Rather, it was Colleen Lopez.

Although Colleen Lopez was killed by Gary Sane, Jr, Mohan Wald, as Colleen Lopez’s boyfriend, not only did nothing, but even became an accomplice, an act that is easily resented and loathed by the public.

As long as Mohan Wald is unable to secure a favorable plea deal, he will surely be punished severely.

Speaking of which, it was important to mention Sophia, who was sympathetic and the ‘underdog’ in the eyes of the jury, and although she was indeed involved in the kidnapping, she was also a victim and would most likely be found not guilty by the jury.

At eight o’clock in the morning, the trial was over.

Luke and Anthony met in the motel courtyard.

Anthony handed Luke a cigarette, “How did the trial go on your end?”

Luke lit the cigarette and took a drag, “According to Mohan Wald’s confession, Gary Sane Jr. had a crush on his girlfriend, Colleen Lopez, and purposely got Colleen Lopez drunk and then forced her to applaud her love, during which time Colleen Lopez woke up, the two had a struggle, and Gary Sane Jr. killed Colleen Lopez.

Not wanting to go to jail, Gary Sane Jr. sank Colleen Lopez’s body into the ocean.

The two then staged their own kidnapping in an attempt to evade the police investigation in such a way as to blame the ‘kidnappers’ for Colleen Lopez’s death.

According to Mohan Wald, Mrs. Sane was also in the know and was secretly passing messages to them.”

Anthony nodded, “Gary Sane Jr. admitted to killing Colleen Lopez, we found some scratches and bite marks on him and I’ve had the teeth marks identified.

According to him, at first he wanted to turn himself in, but was stopped by his friend Mohan Wald.

In the words of Mohan Wald, even if Gary Sane Jr. had turned himself in, he would have been found guilty and would have gone to jail just the same, and his life would have been ruined.

Gary Sane Jr. was convinced by him and did not choose to turn himself in.

Later, Mohan Wald proposed to escape the police investigation by directing his own kidnapping, Gary Sane Jr. thought this plan was not bad, and was very grateful to this good friend, and felt that Mohan Wald was looking out for himself.

Later, Gary Sane Jr. impersonates the kidnapper and makes a blackmail call to his father, and Mohan Wald offers to split half of the ransom.

It was only then that Gary Sane Jr. sensed Mohan Wald’s ambition.

For the past two days, he had been thinking about this matter, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized that Mohan Varde had ulterior motives.

The reason why Mohan Varde didn’t let him turn himself in was that he wanted to use this matter to control him and gain benefits from him for a long time.

And parting with the five million dollars ransom was just the beginning, he might have more unreasonable demands in the future.

Only by this time, Gary Sane Jr. no longer had the courage to turn himself in.

Even if he figured it out, it would be hard for him to get out of Mohan Wald’s control again, and even if they fooled the FBI this time and didn’t have to go to jail, he’d probably spend the rest of his life being sucked out of Mohan Wald’s blood all the time.”

Luke laughed, “Both of those guys are pretty good at excusing themselves.”

Anthony exhaled a puff of smoke, “Yep, and the most pathetic of them all is the murdered woman, Colleen Lopez.”

“Any chance of finding her body?”

“Depends on luck.”

“Oooh ……”

Just then, a helicopter flew in the distance.

Luke looked up at the sky and wondered a little, “What the hell.”

Anthony smiled, “You’ll know in a moment.”

The plane landed near the motel.

It didn’t take long for a few more cars to drive towards the motel, all of them were TV station interview cars.

Luke frowned, “Did you inform the reporters?”

“The news of the kidnapping of the real estate tycoon’s son is flying all over the place, seriously affecting the FBI’s image, and there should be an end to this matter.

I don’t want these assholes to broadcast some news that mocks the FBI anymore.” There was some dissatisfaction in Anthony’s tone.

Luke also stubbed out his cigarette, the news of the kidnapping of the real estate tycoon’s son was still the headline in Los Angeles, it really should be cooled down.

“Come on, let’s go meet them.” Anthony patted Luke on the shoulder.

The two walked outside the hotel and were immediately dominated by a group of reporters.

A white male reporter was the fastest and was the first to run closer, inquiring, “Agent Anthony, I got a message that the FBI has successfully rescued the real estate tycoon’s son, Gary Sane Jr. Is that true?”

“Yes, it was a bit of a complicated process, but we found Gary Sane Jr.” Anthony equivocated, and pointing to a camera on the side, he asked, “Is this live?”

“That’s right, do you have anything to say? Or tell us about the arrest.”

Anthony’s tone was stern as he scanned the crowd of reporters around him, “I do have something to say, the media didn’t notify the FBI or the police when they got the news of Gary Sane Jr.’s kidnapping, but instead broadcasted and dramatized it in a big way, causing a huge hindrance to the FBI’s investigation.

I know this is your job, but this kind of behavior on your part could also get the hostages killed.

Once the hostages are torn apart, you are all murderers!”

The reporters in the room were a bit embarrassed, and one of the female reporters changed the topic, “Agent Anthony, may I ask if this hostage rescue operation went well? Were any FBI agents injured?”

Anthony was confident, “It went well, no one was injured.”

Another Asian female reporter asked, “May I ask, is that Captain Lee from the Robbery and Murder Division standing next to you? Is he also involved in the investigation of this kidnapping case?”

“Huh.” Anthony laughed, “To formally introduce you guys, Luke is not only the captain of the Robbery-Murder Division, but also a criminal investigation consultant of the FBI.

This kidnapping case was able to be successfully solved, and he provided key clues.

This guy was originally from the FBI.”

The Asian female reporter said, placing the microphone in front of Luke, “Captain Lee, what do you think about this case?”

Luke cleared his throat, it wasn’t the first time he had faced a reporter, and he didn’t have the same nervousness he had earlier, “This case could not be successfully solved without the hard work and dedication of every FBI agent.

In addition, I respect the profession of reporter and the freedom of the press.

However, kidnapping cases are different in nature from other cases, hostages are in danger every moment, I hope that you will be cautious in reporting similar cases when you encounter them again.”

The two chatted briefly and ended the interview without revealing too many details of the case.

After leaving the motel, Luke and Anthony drove to a Mexican restaurant and packed food to eat in the car.

Luke tried, “Gary Sane Jr. and Mohan Wald have both been arrested and it’s clear exactly how the crime was committed.

Who do you think leaked the news of Gary Sane Jr.’s abduction to the press?”

Anthony took a sip of his coffee and said, “Before I found Gary Sane Jr. and Mohan Wald, I just guessed that there might be a mole.

But now I’m more certain that there should be a mole within the FBI.

And I don’t want to suspect one of my own ……

But all the other links have been ruled out, leaving only this possibility.”

Luke also voiced out his own speculations and summarized, “If there really is a mole within the FBI, then this mole is most likely related to Hugo Chowdhury, the mastermind of the Issa Redman kidnapping case.

This can be investigated as a lead.”

“How many kidnappers were there in the Issa Redman kidnapping case?”


“Send me information on all four kidnappers.”

Luke nodded, “No problem, besides, this kidnapping case also involves a kidnapping case from ten years ago.”

“Is that the file you asked for?”


Anthony was curious, “How are the two cases involved?”

“Sophia, the victim of that kidnapping ten years ago, is still alive and became one of the kidnappers in the Issa Redman kidnapping.”

“Wow wow …… that’s so sad, another tragic story.” Anthony lamented, “But that’s the real world, don’t you think?”

Luke said thoughtfully, “If there really is a mole in the FBI, is it possible that it has something to do with the kidnapping ten years ago?”

Anthony felt that this idea was a bit bold, if a mole was hiding in the FBI for ten years ……

that would definitely be a scary guy.

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