Chapter 492

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:13:57
A+ A- Turn Off Light

It was just after four o’clock in the afternoon.

The door to the captain’s office was knocked on again.

Anthony walked into the office.

Luke got up to greet him, “Just in time, I was trying to reach you.”

Anthony pulled out his chair and sat down, “OK, tell me what’s upsetting me and cheer me up.”

Luke said, “This morning the police notified Sophia’s stepmother and nanny to come and identify her, but they both feel that Sophia was not the victim of the kidnapping ten years ago.”

“Come on, what’s the point of the stepmother not identifying herself when the DNA test has already established it?

I think you police are being a bit redundant.”

Luke explained, “Sophia was the victim of a kidnapping ten years ago and the police have now found her. Notifying the family is a necessary procedure, and since her father is dead, we can only notify her stepmother.”

“Then what’s the hesitation, DNA identification is much more reliable than stepmother talk.”

“You’re right, determining Sophia’s identity is still based on DNA identification and does not require the stepmother’s acknowledgement.

However, she has the right to challenge it as a family member and the police cannot gag her from speaking.

What the police have to find out now is whether her questioning was done in good faith or out of interest.”

Anthony pressed, “Then why call the nanny again?”

“This nanny took care of Sofia when she was very young, and they are close enough to help her recall the details of the kidnapping ten years ago.”

Anthony pulled out a cigarette and lit it, “I came over to see you to also ask about the progress of the investigation into the kidnapping ten years ago.”

Luke asked, “You found out the connection between the FBI mole and the kidnapping ten years ago?”

Anthony put his lighter in his pocket, “There was indeed that one guy that struck me as a bit suspicious.”

“Can you tell me about it?”

“Of course, you’re one of us at the FBI, I wouldn’t have gotten you if I didn’t believe you.”

Luke smiled, it was more taboo to investigate something like a mole, perhaps it was because of Luke’s transcendent status that Anthony was more willing to communicate with him.

Anthony slowly said, “That guy’s name is Craigie Hosking, he is the team leader of the Information Resources Department of the FBI’s Los Angeles office, and his main job content is to integrate information data, and all the cases handled by the FBI will be archived in the computer.

He has been in this department for over ten years and has worked his way up from an ordinary clerk to a team leader and knows the entire department like the back of his hand.

The reason I’m suspicious is because he’s the only one who has utilized his access to the Gary Sane Jr. kidnapping, the Issa Redman kidnapping, and the kidnapping ten years ago.”

Luke said, “I’ve been the one investigating the Issa Redman kidnapping, so why was it deposited in the FBI’s computer files?”

Anthony laughed, “Ever since I suspected that there was a mole in the FBI, I’ve been thinking about how to catch that mole, and the first thing I did was rule out the field agents, and guessed that it was likely that there was a problem on the inside.

That’s why I declared within the department that I was going to jointly investigate the Issa Redman kidnapping case with you, and this morning, we even appeared on the news together, so everyone knows we’re close.

I wanted the mole to think that I got the information about the Issa Redman kidnapping through your connections.

If he was related to the kidnapper, he would definitely care about the case and check the information.

So, I had my men follow the procedure of transferring the kidnapping information to the FBI’s database, and he viewed that information at noon today.”

Luke asked, “Isn’t his job to integrate information materials? Could he have viewed it because of his job?”

Anthony laughed, “You see them as too diligent, generally speaking, if the case is not closed, they will not upload the case information and data to the database.

Now that neither kidnapping case is closed, checking it now is completely unnecessary and out of order.”

Anthony stubbed out his cigarette and continued, “Moreover, I also found out a situation.

Half a year ago, the Information Resources Department’s network was hacked, and the entire Information Resources Department cut off its connection to the main network for a regional antivirus.

A lot of data was lost at that time.

At that time, he was the one directly in charge, which increased my suspicion of him.”

Luke asked, “What is his motive?”

“After finding out the above two suspicions, I sent someone to investigate his financial situation, and this guy was on the verge of bankruptcy after maxing out his credit cards.

What’s even sadder is that his ex-wife divorced him four months ago.” Anthony sighed, “It’s entirely possible that this guy is desperate enough to do something irrational, I’ve seen too many people like this.”

Luke was curious, “Why did his ex-wife get divorced?”

Anthony shrugged, “That’s what I want to know.”

“Since his ex-wife chose to get divorced, it means that his ex-wife should know something, and I think we should talk to his ex-wife.”

Anthony nodded, “Good idea, do you have time? Let’s talk to his ex-wife together.”

“Why me?”

Anthony opened his mouth, “Because you know about the three kidnappings and are the best person for the job.”

“You’re not going to convince me with that reason.”

“OK, I don’t know what to say to his ex-wife, do I tell her, I’m FBI, I’m here to check on your ex-husband.

His ex-wife replied, my ex-husband is FBI too.

Come on, this is embarrassing.

His ex-wife won’t trust me either.

But not you, you can talk to his ex-wife as a cop.”

Luke laughed, “Having a cop check out the FBI, I don’t think that’s a good idea either, no chance it’ll cause conflict between the two departments.”

“You’re right, it’s also taboo to ask an outsider to investigate one of your own.

That’s why this matter can only be handled by you, you are both the FBI and the LAPD, use whichever identity is appropriate.”

Luke smiled, “So that’s why you came to me, to get me to go with you to meet the mole’s ex-wife?”

“Luke, there’s no one better than you.”

Valdeen neighborhood.

Luke and Anthony drove into the neighborhood, the car swerved right and slowed to a stop in front of a white house with a beautifully tended green lawn.

The two men got out of the car and walked to the door of the house, one after the other, Anthony rang the doorbell and there was no answer.

Anthony glanced at his watch, “I think she might not be off duty yet, we’d better wait.”

Luke walked over to the window and looked inside the house, “What kind of work does she do?”

“A nurse at a hospital. I don’t think she’d have time for us even if we found the hospital.”

Luke suggested, “Why don’t we go to dinner first.”

Anthony countered, “Your treat?”

“You Scrooge, you obviously asked me for a favor, so of course you’re buying.”

The two went to a nearby steakhouse.

Luke ordered a steak, a side of fries, and a seafood risotto.

Anthony asked, “Can you eat that much?”

Luke looked at the table, “Oh, I almost forgot, get me another vegetable salad.”

Anthony “……”

After eating, the two returned to the Valdin neighborhood once again.

This time, there was a red Honda parked in the yard, so someone should be home.

The two stepped out of the car, walked up to the door of the house, and rang the doorbell.

A few moments later, a white woman appeared on the video of the visual doorbell, “This is Britney Winter’s house, what can I do for you?”

Luke said, “Hello, Ms. Winter.

LAPD, can you open the door for a chat?”

Britney Winter frowned slightly, “I didn’t call the police.”

“I know, it’s that we have a little something we want to talk to you about.”

“What is it?”

“I’d like you to open the door if you can, it’s better to talk face to face.”

After a moment the door opened and Britney Winter stared at Luke, “I’ve seen you on the news, come on in.”

“My pleasure.” Luke glanced at Anthony next to him.

Anthony bristled, seemingly a little unconvinced, I’m on TV a lot too alright!

The living room was neatly packed with little furniture.

Britney Winter made a gesture of invitation to the sofa, “Would you like something to drink?”

“Thanks, no. We just wanted to talk to you.”

“OK,” Britney Winter clasped her hands to her chest and sat down on the side couch, “I’m also curious as to what you guys can talk to me about. I’ve never done anything illegal.”

“Ms. Winter, may I ask if you know Craigie Hosking?”

“Huh.” Britney Winter sneered, “That asshole is my ex-husband, but we are divorced and have nothing to do with each other anymore.”

“Can I ask the reason for your divorce?”

“Of course not, it’s my privacy. If that’s all you guys want to ask, then you can get out.”

“OK, we respect you. We’d like to ask you to help us identify a few people.”

“Wait, before that I want to ask, do you guys know that my husband is FBI?”

“Of course, he’s a team leader in the FBI’s Information Resources Division.”

“If you guys know he’s FBI, why are you investigating him? Could he be a spy?”

“Why would you think that?”

“Isn’t that what they all show in the movies? Would I be in danger.”

“No, things aren’t used to be that serious, he’s just involved in a case.

Since he’s kind of one of our own, we wanted to keep it low-key and rule him out.”

“Then why don’t we just ask him?”

“As you said, he’s FBI.

It’s hard to get real answers from him if he won’t tell us.”

“So, you guys came to me because you thought I’d be nice to talk to.”

“Exactly, we prefer to talk to an honest, attractive lady than a slick FBI.”

Britney Winter smiled, “It doesn’t matter if I’m an honest person or not, but I do want to bring this asshole down.

OK, go ahead and ask.”

Luke pulled out a picture of Hugo and asked, “Ms. Winter, do you recognize the man in the picture?”

Britney Winter picked up the photo and examined it carefully, shaking her head, “No.”

“Are you sure?”


Luke pulled out another photo of Tom, the other kidnapper, “What about him?”

“Not recognizable.”

Luke pulled out another picture of the Chicano kidnapper.


Finally, Luke pulled out a picture of Sophia.

Britney Winter picked up the photo, raised her eyebrows, bit her lip, and a grunt escaped her lips, “Sure enough, I knew he’d die on this bimbo is.”

“You’ve seen her?”

“Yes, I don’t know her name but I’m impressed.”

“What’s the relationship between Craigie Hoskin and the woman in the picture?”

Britney Winter let out a long sigh and recalled, “Craigie Hoskin liked to invest but always failed, I always advised him not to invest but he always refused to listen.

There was some tension between us as a couple and for a long time I ignored him.

One day, I smelled a very strong perfume on him, and I would never use that kind of perfume.

I guessed that this asshole was probably having an affair.

Instead of asking him, I secretly observed his every move.

This asshole is worthy of the FBI, after a long time I did not find out ……

It wasn’t until six months ago that I caught him taking a young woman into a hotel, the woman in the photo.

We both had a big family fight over it and a divorce ensued.

I kicked the asshole out of the house.” Ms. Winter finished and wiped the corners of her eyes, “What happened with him and the short-haired woman? Why are the police investigating them?”

Luke said perfunctorily, “The situation is a little complicated and we’re not investigating it at the moment.”

“Will he go to jail?”


Ms. Winter’s face was a bit complicated, “You guys go, that’s all I know.”

“Thanks.” Luke and Anthony left the house.

The two got into the car and Luke muttered, “It wasn’t Hugo Choudhury who was connected to the mole, it was Sophia.

It looks like we were all fooled by her.”

Anthony said, “Since Craigie Hoskin and Sofia know each other, that means my guess was correct that he is the mole.

What do you think is the relationship between the two of them and who is behind it?”

Luke was also a bit puzzled to guess what had happened to Sophia.

If Sophia didn’t have amnesia, then why didn’t she go home? Even if her father had died, he had left her a considerable fortune, so why would she need to be a kidnapper.

Assuming Sophia really had amnesia, then she shouldn’t remember the kidnapping back then, so why did they kidnap Isa Redman in the same way as they did ten years ago.

By the way, it should be Craigie Hoskin told her, Craigie Hoskin has been working in the FBI, he has the authority to view the kidnapping case file ten years ago ……

Luke still felt something vaguely wrong.

He looked at Anthony who was on the side, “Were you involved in the investigation of the kidnapping case ten years ago?”

“No, I was in other departments at the time, you wouldn’t be suspecting me, would you?”

Luke laughed, “That’s not accurate, who knows if you’re a thief.”

“That’s not a funny joke, I’m not short of money and I’m not mentally ill, why would I do something like that?”

Luke snickered, “Maybe you’re a pervert.”

Anthony held out his hand, “So, are you going to arrest me?”

Luke waved his hand, “Seriously, in your experience, could the kidnapping ten years ago have something to do with Sophia’s stepmother?”

Anthony shook his head, “It’s highly unlikely. Although we won’t admit it, once a child is kidnapped, either the stepfather or stepmother will be listed as a potential lineup by the FBI.

There’s no way the FBI wouldn’t investigate Sophia’s stepmother.”

Luke nodded, “When do you want to apprehend Krejci Hoskin?”

“Wait a little longer, I don’t want to spook anyone until I have enough evidence.” After all, he was going to lay hands on his own colleague, Anthony was still a bit hesitant, “How about this, let’s still divide up the work, I’ll investigate the mole, you investigate Sophia.

We’ll share intelligence in time, and when we have enough evidence, then we’ll showdown with the two of them.”

The next morning.

Luke invited the nanny to the Robbery and Murder Division.

Luke introduced himself, “Hello, I’m the captain of Squadron One of the Robbery Murder Division, Luke Lee.

Sophia’s case is under my investigation, and I asked you to come over today to find out more about Sophia’s situation.”

The nanny nodded, “I wish I could help that child.”

“Yesterday, Jenny brought you to meet Sophia, do you think she is the same ‘Sophia’ who was kidnapped ten years ago?”

The nanny sounded certain, “She’s not.”

Jenny shrugged, “Sara, you didn’t seem so sure yesterday.”

“Yes, I saw the kid for the first time yesterday and wasn’t sure.

When I got back to the hotel, I looked through old pictures of Sophia again, and the more I looked, the more I realized it wasn’t a person.

I took care of Sophia for five years, and even though Sophia has grown up, that feeling doesn’t change.”

Luke said, “It’s been a hard ten years for Sofia, and those experiences will likely change his character.”

Sara Santos said, “But Sofia has a red mole on her back, she doesn’t.”

“Are you sure the real Sofia has a red mole on her back?”


Luke tried, “Ma’am, when did you come to L.A.?”

“The day before yesterday.”

“Did you meet Kelly Larks before coming to the station?”

“Yes, we had dinner together the night before.

I know what you’re trying to say.

Do you suspect the two of us of collusion, or that I was paid off by Kelly Lax?

I don’t, I’m telling the truth.

We were just catching up the other night, that’s all.”

Luke stared at the other man, seeing no obvious signs of lying.

“Okay, thanks.”

Luke personally escorted Sara Santos away.

Half an hour later, Kelly Lax was also invited to the Robbery and Murder Division.

“Mrs. Lax, do you still stand by your judgment?”

“Yes, I don’t think she’s the Sophia I remember.”

“But we’ve already done a DNA test.”

“I know my words can’t change the DNA test, but I also have the right to say what I think, she’s not the Sophia I remember.

How did you determine that?”

“Feelings, she doesn’t look like my husband even though she has the same hair color as Sophia.”

“Mrs. Lax, do you have a more objective way of judging?”

“Do you think that I’m afraid that Sophia will share my property and that’s why I’m deliberately disowning her.” Kelly Lax shook her head, “My husband is a very smart man.

He loves his daughter very much.

It also occurred to him that his daughter might still be alive and that family members would prevent his daughter from recognizing her.

So, before he died, he set up a family trust, which is not under my control.

I just get a monthly payment from the trust, and that’s a lot of money, enough for me to live a good life.

Sophia has her own share as well, and even if I recognize her, it doesn’t affect me.

I just don’t want an outsider posing as my husband’s daughter.”

“Mrs. Lax, I heard that your husband was buried in the ground?”

Kelly Lax frowned, “Yes, what do you want?”

“If you agree, we would like to use your husband’s bones for DNA identification with Sophia.”

Kelly Larks held a hand to her forehead, “I don’t agree.

My husband has a sister who could be used for DNA identification with Sophia.”

“I understand your feelings, but even if it is identified that your husband’s sister is not related to Sofia, it is not certain that Sofia is not your husband’s daughter, there is a layer of separation here after all.

There are holes in the law and logical relationships.”

Kelly Lax took a deep breath, “Is that the only way?”

Luke didn’t answer, just looked at her quietly.

Kelly Lax pondered for a long time and helplessly said, “OK, I agree.”

“Thank you for your cooperation, I know this decision was not easy.”

Kelly Lax’s eyes reddened, “Still, I do want you to get the real Sophia back, but I don’t want anyone pretending to be my husband’s daughter.”

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