Chapter 497

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:14:10
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“I like your eyes, not only are they beautiful, they’re discerning.” Luke handed the gold earrings back, “It suits you.”

Lilith put the earrings back on and asked, “Captain Luke, can you tell me about the treasure hunt? The collection will become more meaningful if I can know where these gold jewelry came from.”

Luke swept his gaze over the party guests, “It’s a bit inappropriate here, another time.”

Lilith didn’t seem to want to let go of this opportunity, or maybe she was afraid that Luke was perfunctorily talking to her, and said, “We can talk somewhere else.”

“I’m here for the party, it’s not good to leave in the middle of it.”

“We’ll talk right next door to the party, we can always come back.” Lilith stood up and made an inviting gesture.

Having said that, Luke didn’t believe that it was some chance encounter or coincidence, this girl was most likely running towards himself, but looking at her temperament and clothes, she didn’t look like someone who lacked money, so what exactly was her purpose?

Simply want to know the treasure hunting process of that batch of gold jewelry?

Luke felt afraid that it was not that simple.

The two of them left the party with the waiter in tow.

Reed noticed the scene and said with some envy, “It’s good to be young!”

The two went to the lounge next door, where the waiter brought red wine and a plate of fruit.

The fruit plate was sumptuous, there were blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, grapes, cherries, kiwis, and it looked appetizing.

Luke was not polite and tasted each fruit, it was fresh.

Lilith said, “Captain Luke, I really like this batch of gold jewelry and want to collect them, that’s why I’m curious about the origin of the gold jewelry.

Imagine, decades from now, I will pass this gold jewelry on to my granddaughters and then, tell them that it was a treasure found by a valiant detective, it will be very meaningful.”

Luke ate as he listened to her ghost, “How did you find out I was the seller of the gold jewelry?”

“Can I …… not answer that?”

“Of course, anyone has the right not to answer questions, and so do I.”

“Captain Luke ……”

Luke interrupted her, “Luke, just call me by my first name.”

“I don’t mean any harm, I’m just trying to find out where this gold jewelry came from.”

“I don’t know if you mean any harm? Not sure what your full name is? Not even sure how you found out about me? Nor do I know if today’s coincidence was deliberately arranged by you.

You can’t ask too much of me while maintaining your own mystery, it’s not fair.”

Lilith was momentarily speechless at the words and sighed, “You’re right, it’s my fault, I apologize.

“My name is Lilith Finn.

That’s right, Forrest Finn is my grandfather, he loved exploring and treasure hunting, but now that he’s getting older, his health isn’t very good and he stays at home most of the time.

I grew up listening to my grandfather’s adventure stories, he loved outdoor adventure treasure hunting, and every time he talked about outdoor adventure, the corners of his mouth would turn up involuntarily.

I can feel his despondency now.

I love him and want to make him happy.

That’s why I photographed the treasure he buried back then, and I also want to tell him the story of your adventure treasure hunt, I’m sure he’ll be very happy.” Speaking of this, Lilith revealed a touch of apology, and

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have investigated you privately, it was rude.

I apologize for what I did.”

The fruit was almost eaten, Luke wiped his mouth, “For your piece of filial piety, I forgive you.”

“Thanks.” Lilith Finn revealed a fan girl look, “Luke, can you tell me about the adventure treasure hunt? I’m really curious.

I grew up listening to my grandfather’s stories of adventure, but I’ve never been there myself.”

Luke spread his hands, “Red Rock Canyon is full of gorges and it’s boring all the way there, so there really isn’t much worth telling.”

Lilith Finn refused to give up, “But from what I’ve heard, a lot of people like to tell about the adventure treasure hunting they’ve done and are proud of the experience.”

Luke laughed, “Then you’ve met a liar, or they’re bragging. People who have really found treasure would never talk about it outside the house so easily.

If you really want to make Grandfather happy, you shouldn’t tell about other people’s adventure treasure hunting experiences, but tell about your own.

I think that would be more vivid and meaningful.”

Lilith Finn was a little puzzled, “Luke, if you are willing to share your own adventure, you must be the most popular person at the party, why are you so resistant.

Could it be that something indescribable happened during the treasure hunt?”

Luke’s face remained unchanged, but in his heart he was a bit unhappy, perhaps for professional reasons, he did resist a bit in describing his adventure treasure hunting experience.

Some unpleasant things did happen during the treasure hunt in Red Rock Canyon, he and Walker encountered psychopathic murderers, after which, he and Walker teamed up to kill a pair of psychopathic murderers.

The treasure was also found from their cave, none of which was convenient to tell to outsiders.

What’s more, Luke met her for the first time and was neither familiar with her nor knew whether her identity was real or not, who knew if she had another purpose to try to extract some information through this way.

Whichever reason it was, Luke wouldn’t just tell it to a stranger.

“And what about you?

Going through the trouble of finding me and trying to get the inside scoop on the treasure hunt from me, do you really just want to make Grandfather happy, or do you want to curry favor with him in this way, with the deliberate intention of getting more of the property.”

A flash of anger rose in Lilith Finn’s white cheeks, “I am offended by this suspicion of yours.”

“So do I.” Luke said, getting up and leaving the lounge.

After the door to the room closed, Lilith Finn sighed, “No manners at all.”

After a moment, another whispered, “Is it that obvious?”

Luke guessed correctly that Lilith Finn was doing all of this precisely to try to please her grandfather; she was younger among her family peers, and wasn’t competitive with her siblings who were older and had made something of themselves.

She wanted to gain her grandfather’s favor in this way, and perhaps get a larger share of the inheritance, even if it was a billion points.

Originally, she wanted to meet with Luke through the manager of the auction house, which was the easiest way, but Luke refused.

Later, when she learned that Luke might attend this party, she wanted to take the opportunity to prepare a chance encounter, but she didn’t expect to be seen through by Luke, and what was even more annoying was that the other party didn’t buy it.

It was the first time in her twenty years of living that she had felt such intense frustration.

Unlike Lilith Finn, these hiccups didn’t affect Luke, as if the incident hadn’t happened at all.

Back at the party, it was still drinking and talking, and through Reed and Li Mei, some new friends were made.

It wasn’t until after ten at night that the party ended.

During that time, Lilith Finn never appeared again, perhaps because of her young age, this arrogant girl didn’t have enough of a city yet.

Or maybe, she didn’t bother to hide her true nature.

That wasn’t a bad thing for Luke.

Luke said goodbye to Reed and drove back home.

Along the way, Luke was still thinking about how Lilith Finn had found out his identity, generally speaking, large auction houses would not easily leak information about sellers without the permission of their customers.

But what if it was really the auction house that leaked it?

That would be interesting, shouldn’t he ask Daisy for a meeting tomorrow to see how it would be defined legally?

Thinking about it, Luke returned to the Rideau neighborhood.

He pulled up to the front of the garage and got out of the car.

He had just walked up to the door of his room when he noticed that the doorway’s footrest was slightly bulging, as if something had been placed underneath it.

Luke revealed a wary look, and his eyes scanned the surrounding area and did not find any suspicious circumstances or suspicious people.

Afterwards, Luke slowly lifted the foot mat, took out a square towel from the pocket of his jacket, and returned home with the envelope in the square towel.

Once inside the house, Luke once again looked out through the window and still did not see any suspicious figure.

In fact, Luke’s house is installed with surveillance, only the surveillance is more hidden, it is difficult for the general public to find.

Luke opened the computer surveillance interface, checking the surveillance video, and found that around 10:00 pm, a suspicious figure appeared in the surveillance.

This figure, wearing a gray sweatshirt with a hood on top and blue jeans underneath, put the envelope under the footrest at the door and left.

The person had his head down the whole time, the camera didn’t get a frontal photo, he was thin, over 5’8″ tall, and should have been a man based on his body shape and walking posture.

Surveillance video did not find too many valuable clues, Luke put on gloves and opened the envelope, which contained five photos.

The photos showed a man and a woman walking on the beach, the woman had her arm around the man’s shoulder and looked very close, there was also a photo of a kiss.

The man was white, medium, stocky, and Luke hadn’t seen him before.

The woman was wearing a blue swimsuit, tall, with brown hair, like Daisy.

Luke frowned slightly, the joke wasn’t funny.

He scrutinized each photo and vaguely felt that something was wrong, the woman in the photos looked a lot like Daisy, but her body was a little different.

The brunette’s height was similar to Daisy’s, but Daisy’s body was a bit better proportioned and her legs were straighter.

Moreover, Daisy was so busy with her work that it was unlikely that she would go to the beach.

With Luke’s knowledge of Daisy, the woman in this photo should not be her.

Why would such a photo appear at the entrance of his own house?

Was it directed at himself, or was it directed at Daisy, this kind of disgusting way was really shitty.

Luke picked up the photo again to view it, who the hell was the woman in the photo?

Was it someone who looked similar to Daisy, or was it a composite photo?

Luke’s mind conjured up a blonde beauty, could it be a prank by Lilith Finn?

If it was, then it was a bit much.

But when he thought about it, he felt that it was extremely unlikely, that woman, even if she had a grudge against herself, should and wouldn’t involve Daisy in this.

Besides, she wouldn’t have to.

Then who could it be?

Why would they use such a cheap tactic?

Luke carefully recalled his experience during this period of time, and did not think of anyone suspicious.

Not being able to think of a suspicious person, Luke began to guess the purpose of the other party.

If he saw the photo and mistook the woman in the photo for Daisy, he would probably do something irrational under his anger.

For example, he would get Daisy into a big fight, or he would just cut off his relationship with her.

Who would benefit from such an outcome?

All sorts of possibilities came to mind at once, but because there was so little evidence and clues, Luke couldn’t be sure.

But there was one thing, this person who had put the envelope out was probably using himself as a pawn.

This made Luke furious.

Luke thought for a moment and took out his cell phone to make a call.

Afterward, he took the envelope out and drove to Daisy’s house.

The Mercedes-Benz drove rapidly on the road, on the one hand, he was worried about Daisy’s safety, on the other hand, he was worried that someone was staring in the dark, at this time, he was too calm, instead of being normal, and it would be easy for the other party to see the clues.

Luke drove the car to the door of Daisy’s house and called her to come out to meet.

The night in Los Angeles was a little more cool, Daisy opened the door of her room, wearing a jacket and walked out, sitting in the passenger side of the Mercedes, “Luke, what happened?”

Daisy gave a concerned look, wondering why Luke had suddenly come to see her.

Luke handed Daisy the envelope, “I had just returned home from a friend’s party when I found it under the footrest by the door.”

Daisy opens the envelope and sees the photos inside with a shocked look on her face, “Why are there these photos? I don’t recognize the man in the photos and I haven’t been to the beach recently.”

Daisy turned on the roof light of the car and looked at it again carefully, “This woman looks like me but I have slightly narrower shoulders and a thinner waist.

Who is she?

Why does she look so much like me?”

“Do you have any sisters of a similar age?”

“No, absolutely not. This is supposed to be a composite photo, who would do something so disgusting as to move my avatar to someone else.”

Luke asked, “Have you offended anyone lately?”

“Isn’t it my job to offend people instead of my clients?”

Luke opened his phone and found the surveillance screenshot, “This is the person who put the photo in my house, do you recognize him?”

Daisy took her phone and looked at it, “There’s no positive surveillance screenshot?”


Daisy shook her head, “I don’t recognize it. Do you think whoever put the pictures up is out to get you, or me?”

Luke laughed, “Have you had a suitor lately?”

“You’re still in the mood for jokes? I don’t need an idiot suitor like that.” Daisy sighed softly, “What are you going to do?”

“It’s not a big deal, but it’s disgusting, and we need to find this man as soon as possible before he spreads the pictures around.”

“That’s right, I don’t want those pictures in the law office.

How do we get him?”

This question, Luke had considered before he came here, this man’s modus operandi was not very clever, it was not difficult to catch him in a loophole.

“In a moment, you open the passenger door and make a show of getting out of the car.

Then, I’ll drag you up and drive out of the neighborhood, and if someone is watching from the shadows, they’ll definitely think we’ve had a confrontation and that I might turn on you.

Maybe make a move.”

Daisy looked out of the car, “You think someone is watching us?”

“Not sure, but how do you know unless you try?”


Daisy took a deep breath and opened the car door as Luke instructed, both feet had just hit the ground when Luke yanked them back and slammed the door hard.

With a kick of the gas, the Mercedes sped off.

Shortly after the Mercedes left, a gray Ford sedan followed.

This car didn’t follow too closely, it just trailed from a distance and didn’t turn on its lights.

The Mercedes circled around and returned to the Ruidu community once again.

Luke got out of the car, opened the driver’s door, and somewhat rudely ‘grabbed’ Daisy into the house.

The gray Ford sedan also drove into the community and parked near Luke’s house, the car still had no lights on and was inconspicuous in the dark night.

Inside the car, a white man in a bodysuit parked the car and took his binoculars out of the compartment, showing excitement and muttering.

“There’s a good show ……”

“Knock knock ……”

Just at this time, the car glass was violently knocked.

The man in the bodysuit turned his head and was startled, and a black face was plastered on the car glass ……

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