Chapter 504

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:14:29
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke slumped to the ground at the first opportunity, a wave of heat passing over his side, his ears ringing from the explosion.

Blackie patted Luke’s shoulder, “Captain, you’re not hurt, are you?”

Luke pointed to his ears and checked Blacky again, relieved that he showed no signs of injury.

Luke used hand signals to communicate briefly with Kuro, and then looked at Inoue Naomi next to him, who was too scared to move on the ground and showed no signs of injury.

As for Lucy, she wriggled her obese body to get under the table.

The large office area was already a mess, with many people screaming and scattering in all directions.

Luke could not do much now, the sound of the explosion blew the crowd’s ears buzzing, coupled with the surrounding chaos, screams and cries one after another, his voice louder, others may not hear.

In this kind of critical situation, even if they heard, they might not listen to him.

So Luke stayed where he was, firstly, he was not sure if there was still a bomb, it was more dangerous to move around, and secondly, to prevent someone from destroying the explosion scene.

After a while, the surrounding gradually quiet, and no more explosions, Luke then stood up and Blackie together to evacuate the crowd and maintain order.

Luke walked to the window of the supervisor’s office and looked inside, the office was in a state of disarray, a man collapsed beside the desk, covered in blood, his body was extensively traumatized, the scene was a bit horrifying.

Luke opens the door to the office and sweeps his eyes over the contents of the office, not finding anything suspiciously dangerous.

Luke walked over to the injured man and checked his condition, having lost his vital signs.

From the scene, the traces of the explosion around the desk were the most obvious, and the wounds of the deceased were mainly centered on the front side of his body.

Luke guessed that when the explosion occurred, the explosives should be placed on the desk.

Because of the explosion, the office was badly damaged, a mess, even if there are clues is also difficult to find.

Luke took a few photos of the scene and temporarily exited the supervisor’s office.

Blackie was still maintaining order.

Luke took out his cell phone and dialed Reed’s number, telling him about the scene.

And then, Luke called Matthew and asked him to investigate if there were any retired soldiers among the employees of the bankrupt slaughterhouse?

Nami Inoue came over and asked, “Captain Lee, how is Supervisor Javier Hagen?”

Luke shook his head, “He was too close to the bomb and has lost his vitals.

Find someone bold and familiar with Javier Hagen, I need him to assist in identifying the dead.”

Nami Inoue said, “Sorry, I don’t have much contact with Supervisor Javier Hagen, her eyes looked over at Lucy, the chubby negress.”

Lucy said with a trill, “I can find a picture of him if you need it.”

Luke shook his head, “Javier Hagen’s facial damage is so severe that photo comparison alone will not confirm it; it will take someone who knows him well.”

Of course, the most accurate is definitely to identify the DNA, but as the person in charge of the first-line case, Luke can’t keep waiting for the identification report, before the identification report comes out, he needs to have a judgment of his own, so as to control the direction of the investigation of the case.

Lucy took a deep breath, “Okay, I am willing to assist you in the identification.”

“You are very brave.” Luke gave her a mental precaution ahead of time, “The scene inside the office may be a bit gory, I want you to be mentally prepared.”

Lucy looked in the direction of the office and winced a little, “Actually, there’s absolutely no need for identification, I just delivered a package to Supervisor Javier Hagen and I’m sure he’s in there and he’s the only one.”

Luke raised an eyebrow, “You said you just delivered a package to him.”


“What package?”

“It was his delivery, black bag over the outside, I helped him put it on the table and then he let me leave.”

“How long after you brought the package in did the explosion happen?”

“About ten minutes.” Lucy gave a wary look, “Oh my God, you guys don’t suspect me of setting the bomb!

I swear, I absolutely didn’t.”

Luke soothed, “Lucy, don’t get excited, I’m just making a routine inquiry, I’m not saying that the package must have been a bomb, you just have to tell me where that package came from, OK?”

Lucy sat on her butt in the chair, her right hand covering her forehead, “I went to the mailroom today to get my paperwork, and the guy in the mailroom said there were two couriers from the news department, so I helped bring them back.

One of the couriers was addressed to Supervisor Javier Hagen, and then I delivered it into his office, it was that simple.

Even if I hadn’t delivered it, someone else would have.

Even if that package really was a bomb, it’s none of my business.”

Luke kept his eyes on Lucy’s expression, seeing no obvious signs of lying, but heard another key point: “You were bringing back two deliveries.”

“Yes, but the other delivery was not addressed to Supervisor Javier Hagen.”

“Was the sender the same person?”

“I wasn’t paying attention.”

“As you carefully recall, are there any similarities between the two packages?”

“Yes. They were both wrapped in black plastic.”

Luke realized something new, two couriers, probably two bombs, and pursued, asking.

“Where is the other courier?”

“The courier was addressed to the Ministry of Information, but I didn’t recognize the recipient, I thought it was some new trainee reporter, so I just dropped it off at the front desk.”

Luke looked in the direction of the front desk and asked, “Who was the recipient?”

“I don’t remember exactly, I think it was called …… Mike.”

Luke looked aside to Nami Inoue, “Do you know someone named Mike?”

Nami Inoue thought for a moment, “I don’t think so, and besides, the name is too popular, could it be a fake name?”

Luke thought of that possibility as well.

Lucy said, “If it’s a fake name, why don’t they all just write the supervisor’s name?”

Nami Inoue replied, “He’s targeting the Ministry of Information, but wants to keep the two bombs separate.”

Luke echoed Nami Inoue’s guess, “Lucy, I need your help finding the other package.”

Lucy shuddered violently and said in a trembling voice, “Will it …… suddenly explode?”

“As soon as you find it, you can leave right away, I’ll be standing by your side the whole time, and I’ll take care of the rest.”

Lucy nodded, took a deep breath, and walked in the direction of the front desk, she walked slowly, her steps light, as if she was worried that her heavy footsteps would trigger an explosion.

Lucy walked to a position four or five meters away from the front desk, circled around to the back of the front desk, and pointed to a black package underneath the front desk, “That’s the black bag, no one should have touched it.”

“Are you sure it’s that one?”

“Yes, I’m sure.” Lucy said as she stepped back.

After a few short steps, it was as if she was about to collapse, and Nami Inoue rushed to help her from behind.

Luke used a probe card on the black package and did not detect any electronic devices in use inside.

Luke breathed a sigh of relief, indicating that even if there was a bomb inside the package, it wasn’t a timed or remote controlled bomb.

It was most likely a trigger bomb, which should not trigger an explosion as long as it was not touched.

Luke waved his hand, “Everyone back off and wait for the bomb disposal experts to come.”

It was better to leave this stuff to the professionals.

Patrol officers and ambulances arrived at the scene one after another.

Because there might still be a bomb, Luke didn’t let them enter.

When the bomb disposal experts arrived, Luke retreated outside as well.

Reed also arrived and sized up Luke and Blackie, “How are you two doing? No injuries?”

Blacky shrugged his shoulders, unimpressed, “Come on, that’s all the commotion, not as loud as my mom’s voice.”

Reed said seriously, “I can understand your mom, she is loud for a reason.”

Blackie “…….”

Reed looked over at Luke, “Were there many casualties from the explosion?”

Luke said, “The explosion was located in the supervisor’s office, a little away from the main office area.

The supervisor is the only one known to have died so far.

A few desks close to the supervisor’s office were affected by the blast, with varying degrees of damage to those in the seats, but none of them are fatal.

Most of the other personnel are in shock and don’t have too many problems.”

Reed nodded and asked, “Do you think the explosion was related to the chemical material found in the slaughterhouse?”

“Arnett Stone used to work here and still has contacts with well-connected coworkers here, so I think it’s entirely possible.

I suspect that Supervisor Javier Hagen may have known something about Arnett Stone’s investigation as well, and perhaps that’s why he was killed.”

While the conversation was going on, the bomb disposal expert was getting ready.

Dressed in a heavy dark blue bomb disposal suit, with a detector in his hand, he walked at a slow, steady pace toward the black package.

He placed the detector on top of the package and probed it.

After a while, he put the detector aside, took out his tools, and began to dismantle the package.

The people in front of the monitor screen took a deep breath, all showing nervous expressions.

Luke frowned slightly and said to Reed, who was at the side, “This procedure seems a bit off, doesn’t it.”

Reed rubbed his chin, “The program is simplified, it doesn’t look like it’s a big problem.”

Through the monitor, Luke could also see the process of disassembling the black package.

Inside the package was a cardboard box, and when he opened the lid of the cardboard box, there was a whoosh sound, and an item popped out, startling both the bomb disposal officer and the people in front of the monitor screen.

Luke fixed his eyes, it is a spring loaded clown bouncing toy.

A false alarm.

Or maybe it was a prank.

The bomb disposal crew then pulled out a black hard drive at the bottom of the case.

The bomb disposal officer shouted, “Bomb disarmed.”


The crowd was completely relieved.

The black hard disk was delivered to Reed, who held it in his hand and observed that there was nothing special about it.

Reed handed the hard disk to Black, “Find a disconnected computer and see what’s on it.”

“Okay, Chief.”

Blacky found a laptop, plugged in the hard disk, and opened the video file in the hard disk.

The background of the video was somewhat dark, and the video had a somewhat eerie looking man in a black cloak with a hood and a white mask over his face.

“Hey, I apologize for meeting you guys this way, but it was the only way to get your attention.

Killing is not an end in itself, it’s a way to fight for a lasting peace.

I have many more bombs similar to today’s, and more powerful and deadly, and I hope they are never used.

But that does not depend on me, it depends on you.

My demands are simple.

Within 12 hours, release L338, who is being held in the Tanamo prison.

If it is not released within the agreed time, there will be a new attack, wider in scope and more damaging.

Do not test my bottom line, that will result in you getting a Los Angeles full of holes.

And more innocent citizens will die because of your decisions.

You have only 12 hours.”

The video ended.

Reed glanced at his watch and said, “It’s 7:00 p.m. Even though it’s recorded and the attackers have no control over the exact time we watched the video, it’s roughly assumed that a new round of attacks will most likely be tomorrow morning.”

Blackie was curious, “Chief, do you know who the L338 in the video is who is asking to be released?”

“It’s most likely the codename of the leader of a Middle Eastern terrorist sub, an extremely dangerous guy.

He was just held in the Tanamo prison at the end of last year, and his men have been trying to rescue him.”

“Is he likely to be released?”

Reed shook his head, “That’s not for us to decide.”

Luke also felt a little tricky, never having been in a similar situation before, “Do we continue to investigate this case or turn it over to the FBI?”

“I’ve already contacted the FBI Counterterrorism Department before I came here, they should be here soon.”

“Then do we continue to investigate the shredded body case?”

Before Reed could answer Luke’s cell phone rang.

“It’s Matthew calling, there may be a new lead.” Luke finished and pressed the answer button, “This is Luke.”

“Captain, I sifted through the identities of the slaughterhouse employee personnel and there is a retired soldier by the name of Honey Lister.”

Luke asked, “Where did he serve?”

“Middle East.”

Luke said, “Send me the information on this guy.”

“Okay, Captain.”

Luke hung up his cell phone and said, “Matthew’s got a lead on the shredder, he’s worked in a slaughterhouse before and has experience serving in the Middle East.”

Reed thought for a moment and said, “Find a way to locate this man and keep an eye on his whereabouts, but don’t make an immediate arrest.”

“I know, when Matthew sends over the information, I’ll bring someone to investigate near the suspect’s home.” Luke, this was the first time he had faced Fear of Dividing, and his heart was a little unsure.

Reed was still a bit uneasy, pulling Luke aside and whispering, “This case is too big and the credit is too big for us LAPD alone to eat.

And it’s likely that we’re dealing with Dreadpoints, who are going to be even more vicious and cruel than the previous suspects.

I know you and your people don’t want to give up this credit, and neither do I.

But all you have to do is investigate, just leave the rest to the FBI, they are more experienced in this area, we just have to assist them, this case is a big credit, enough for us to share.”

“I understand, I’m only responsible for the investigation, leave the arrest task to the FBI.”

Reed patted Luke on the shoulder, “Be safe!”

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