Chapter 507

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:14:37
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Jackson walked over, looked at Honey Lister, and said to Luke, “Captain, we checked that cell phone number, good news and bad news.”

Jackson didn’t sell the story and continued, “The good news is that we found out exactly who Tapani Reagan is.

However, his cell phone has been suspended and cannot be located.”

Luke wasn’t surprised by this news; it wouldn’t be Dreadpoint’s style to be even that vigilant.

Luke looked at Honey Lister next to him, “Man, I need your help.”

“No problem, give me an M4 and I’ll help you get that guy back.” Retired soldiers needed more than material security, but more importantly, respect.

Jackson was a bit surprised, “I thought you would pity this guy.”

“Yes, I do pity him, but that doesn’t mean I agree, I’ve had a hard time living in this city, but there are people in this city that I need to watch over, and I don’t want them to get hurt, and that’s the only thing I can do for them.”

Luke didn’t fully trust him although he thought he probably wasn’t Dreadpoint, and naturally he wouldn’t involve him in the capture, “I appreciate your courage, and I’ll call on you if I need to, but right now there’s something else I need you to assist in doing.”

“What is it?”

“You and Tapani Reagan are both retired soldiers with similar experiences, and you’ve met and communicated with him, you’re considered to be someone who knows him better, I want you to help me analyze who you’d choose as a target or location if you were in his shoes and had to create the next round of terror attacks.”

Honey Lister thought for a moment, “He’s always been bitter about the betrayal of his friends and wife, and feels that it was the incident that ruined his life.

If I were him, I would have taken those two out in passing, and believe me, any bullshit terror attack would have been in passing.

He’s essentially a soldier, not a brain-dead terror score.

However, Tapani Reagan loves his children, who are still young, and there’s no way he’s going to let them lose their mother at the same time they’re most likely going to lose their father.

So even if he hated his ex-wife, he would probably spare her for the sake of his child.

That’s why I think his target is probably the adulterer.”

Luke still agreed with Honey Lister’s speculation.

Honey Lister and Tapani Reagan had similar life experiences, and their views and approaches to some things would be more similar, only that Honey Lister was a bit more fortunate to have an old mom who had always loved him.

Luke then gathered his subordinate team members together and assigned tasks.

“Although we have found the suspected subject of the Fear of Dividing, Tapani Reagan, his cell phone can’t be located, so we’ll have to use other ways to track him down.

Our next task is simple, find Tapani Reagan’s wife and ask for the identity of the adulterer, Tapani Reagan will most likely use the bombing attack to get back at the adulterer.”

The lieutenant said, “I basically agree with your speculation, but speculation is speculation after all, it doesn’t mean that Tapani Reagan won’t choose another target or location for the attack.

What if we only tracked the adulterer and let him get away with it?”

Luke explained, “This case is primarily in the hands of the FBI, we don’t need to coordinate the whole picture, we just need to investigate the most likely leads.

Just leave the rest to the FBI, Ok?”

The lieutenant smiled, “It’s a bit irresponsible to say that, but I like it.”

In cases like this terror attack, the FBI was the main person in charge and the LAPD was just assisting, and after catching the terror points, the FBI got more credit and naturally had to take more responsibility.

And the good thing about Luke is that he is both LAPD and FBI, and can get double credit.

Luke wouldn’t have that benefit if the case was turned over to another department.

The police then found out the address of Tapani Reagan’s ex-wife and arrived at her home late at night and knocked on the door.

Luke didn’t take any nonsense and asked her, straight away, about the identity of the adulterer.

But the woman doesn’t admit to having an affair.

That is, until Luke tells her that her ex-husband, Tapani Reagan, is likely to attack the other man.

Tapani Reagan’s ex-wife finally relented and admitted to having an affair, revealing the identity of the other man – Yordan Reddy.

At the same time, Matthew also checked Tapani Reagan’s criminal file within the police department, and he has a charge of intentional injury, and the victim is none other than Jordyn Reddy, both lines match up.

This man could very well be the target of Tapani Reagan’s attack.

At the request of Tapani Reagan’s ex-wife, the police left two officers behind for protection.

Luke then led the team to Yordan Reddy’s house.

It was 10:00 p.m. The lights were still on in the living room of Jordyn Reddy’s house, and Luke personally walked over to the living room window to check it out.

A white middle-aged man was sitting on the couch with his arm around a Latina woman watching TV.

Luke scrutinized the man for a moment, and the man was none other than Yordan Reddy.

Judging by his state, there was no threat.

Luke backed up to the door and pressed the doorbell, “Ding dong.”

A moment later the door opened and Yordan Reddy stood in the doorway and asked, “Who are you looking for?”

Blackie flashed his badge, “LAPD, we’d like to talk to you, can we talk inside?”

“I’m sorry, I don’t like strangers coming into my house, let’s talk about what’s going on here!”

“Do you know Tapani Reagan?”

“Yes.” Yordan Reddy glanced into the house, closed the door to the room, stood outside the door and said, “I don’t want to bring up this man right now, his business is none of my business, and if you’re here to see me because of what happened to him, then you can go.”

“OK, good luck.” Luke said and turned to leave.

The LAPD didn’t have a duty to protect its citizens.

To put it bluntly, as long as the case could be solved, it was none of the police’s business even if he died.

He himself didn’t care about his safety, so why should Luke worry about it for him.

“Wait.” Seeing Luke turn to leave, Yordan Reddy’s heart again instead a little unsure, rushed to call Luke, some people are so bitchy, you ignore him, he rushes on instead.

“There is something you guys directly say.”

“Either go to your house to talk about it, or come back to the police station with us.” Luke was adamant.

Tapani Reagan, if he had selected Yordan Reddy as the target of the attack.

He would most likely come over to step on the spot in advance, and if he saw someone standing in front of Yordan Reddy’s house and talking, he would most likely be alerted and change the target and location of the attack.

Instead of that, Luke would rather not have much contact with Yordan Reddy.

“OK, you guys come in.” Yordan Reddy eventually gave in and stepped aside, inviting Luke and Blackie inside.

“Who are they, dear?” The Latin-clad woman stood up from the couch in her pajamas with a bewildered look on her face.

Jordyn Reddy said perfunctorily, “They’re friends of mine ……”

Not waiting for him to finish his sentence, Blackie got right in his face and flashed his badge, “LAPD, ma’am, we need to talk to Mr. Jordyn Reddy, please excuse yourself.”

The Latina woman gave a puzzled look, “Honey, what’s going on? Why are the police looking for you?”

“Honey, go back to the bedroom and I’ll tell you afterward.”

The Latina woman was a little disgruntled and chagrined, “I’ll trust you one more time and I hope you don’t lie to me again, ever.”

The Latina-clad woman finished and walked up the stairs to the second floor.

Yordan Reddy called after her, “I promise I never will.”

After watching the Latina woman walk up the stairs, Yordan Reddy sighed and sat his ass down on the couch, “Okay, you guys can talk, what is that asshole going to do again? He broke my head last time and he’s not going to try to kill me this time.”

Luke didn’t say anything to him about the terror attack, if he scared the other man, it might spoil things instead, and said perfunctorily, “You’re right, we’ve gotten word that Tapani Reagan might be making a move to retaliate against the community, and you might be one of the targets.”

“FUCK, is this asshole ever going to finish?”

Black looked at the bastard with some disdain, “I heard you two used to be close friends?”

Yordan Reddy shrugged, “Sort of!”

“Then why did you sleep with his ex-wife?”

“His ex-wife initiated it ……

She had been drinking that day and said she was having a hard time with the kids alone and was lonely …… took the initiative to hug me, and I didn’t hold back, so it just happened naturally.

It was an accident.”

“If it was a one time thing, it might have been an accident like you said.

But according to Tapani Reagan’s ex-wife, the relationship lasted you a long time. It still didn’t end even after Tapani Reagan retired.”

Jordán Reddy looked to the second floor and lowered his voice, “What’s it got to do with you, why do you need to get to the bottom of it, now that the police are even in charge of this?”

“You’re right, it does have nothing to do with me, but it does have to do with Tapani Reagan.

We’re here to protect you, put on a better attitude, OK?”

“Can’t you guys just grab him?”

Luke said, “We’d like to get him too, but the problem right now is that we can’t find him, so we’re going to have to ask you some questions to determine his whereabouts.”

“Okay, you guys hurry up and ask.”

“What is your job?”

“I work at a community college.”

“What are your plans for tomorrow morning?”

“Going to school.”

“What’s the name of the school?”

“Steven’s Community College.”

“What’s your regular daily schedule?”

“My girlfriend’s been watching me pretty closely lately, so I’ve been traveling from home to school and school to home, no other regular schedule.”

“Have you seen any suspicious people or cars lately?”


“What is your mode of transportation?”


“Who are the people you live with on a regular basis?”

“My girlfriend, as you just saw.”

“OK, from now on, the police will secretly protect you until they catch Tapani Reagan.”

“Thank you.”

Finally, Luke and Blackie left Jordyn Reddy’s house.

At the same time, the police force was also set up around the area.

After learning about Yordan Reddy’s situation, Luke had a new step of speculation about the location of the terror attack.

If Tapani Reagan was going to kill Yordan Reddy while creating a terror attack, then he would most likely plant a bomb at a fixed place that Yordan Reddy frequented.

If the bomb was installed in a home, then it would be too targeted and he would be easily exposed.

Then the biggest possibility is to install the bomb in the school, the school has a lot of people, the people are mixed, the police will be very difficult to detect.

Finally Luke began to arrange the task, the task is mainly divided into three aspects, the first aspect, in the Yordan Reddy’s home around the deployment of control, once Tapani Reagan in the Yordan Reddy’s home around the surface, immediately implement the arrest.

The second aspect is to contact the head of Steven’s Community College and arrange for the police to enter the community college in advance to set up controls.

On the third aspect, retrieve the surveillance around the community college and Yordan Reddy’s house, if Tapani Reagan really used these two locations as the location of the terror attack, it was likely that he would have stepped in these two locations in advance.

After Luke finished arranging the tasks, the people split up.

Because the case was major and required more police force, people from the Robbery and Murder Division’s Second Squadron came to support them, and in addition, Luke could also call on the patrolmen for support at any time.

Tonight is definitely going to be a night struggle, Luke treats the crowd to coffee and late night snacks, spending a little money to harvest a wave of people’s hearts is still cost-effective.

At three o’clock in the morning, Luke was sitting in the car napping.

Blackie pulled open the door of the business car, “Captain, found a lead on Tapani Reagan.”

Luke immediately woke up and scratched his head, “What lead?”

“We found Tapani Reagan on the neighborhood road surveillance of Yordan Reddy’s house, he was driving a black Volkswagen.

The license plate number is 2agw387.

The owner’s name is Amro Bones, a black retired veteran, got his home address.”

“Very good.” Luke thought for a moment and once again gave a new order.

First, he notified all Los Angeles patrolmen to look for the black Volkswagen driven by Tapani Reagan.

Tapani Reagan was erratic and had a certain sense of counter-surveillance, so Luke could only cast a wide net now.

Subsequently, Luke took people to the owner’s home to investigate, the owner admitted to knowing Tapani Reagan, also admitted to lending the car to Tapani Reagan, but did not admit to having anything to do with the terrorist attack.

Time passes by.

It was dawn and there were more cars and pedestrians on the road.

There had been no leads on Tapani Reagan from the FBI side either.

Time was running out before the terror branch demanded the release of the terror branch leader, and a new round of terror attacks could happen at any time.

Tension descended once more.

And there has been no sign of Tapani Reagan in the vicinity of Yordan Reddy’s home or at Steven’s Community College, where he works.

Tapani Reagan’s previous presence near Jordyn Reddy’s home indicated that he might indeed have targeted Jordyn Reddy before, but his late appearance today was likely a temporary change of location for the attack.

Just when Luke thought his setup hadn’t worked, a patrolman spotted the black Volkswagen with license plate 2agw387 in the North Spring Street parking lot.

It was inconvenient not to have a car in Los Angeles, not to mention the fact that Tapani Reagan could be carrying a bomb, so it was likely that Tapani Reagan was in the neighborhood, in other words, the location and target of his attack was nearby.

Luke rushed to North Spring Street in his car while opening his cell phone and checking the map, looking for buildings around him that had terror attack value.

200 North Spring Street, where the Los Angeles City Hall was located.

If the Los Angeles City Hall was bombed, then the news headlines around the world would be booked.

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