Chapter 509

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:14:43
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Twenty minutes later.

LAPD Chief Frank also arrived at the city hall.

After seeing Luke, Frank looked up and down and said with concern, “How’s your health?”

Luke pointed to his ear, “Sir, a grenade just exploded next to me, you need to speak louder.”

Frank pointed to Luke’s cheek, “Is it badly hurt?”

Luke said, “A bullet nicked his face, not a big problem.”

“I heard you captured that Dreadpoint yourself?”

“Yes. He was wounded by me and then took a tourist hostage before being surrounded by my colleagues who rushed to support him and took poison to kill himself, knowing he couldn’t escape.

There’s something wrong with his body, I wouldn’t recommend you get too close.”

Frank patted him on the shoulder, “Nice work, the mayor called me just now and said that the conference room where they were meeting had been hit by a bombing, luckily someone had pressed the alarm and they were able to leave the room early or they would probably have been the victims of a bombing.”

Luke said, “I saw Dreadpoint leave through the side door of city hall and felt that he should have planted a bomb, so I arranged for Jackson to organize the evacuation of the building.

He was the one who pressed the alarm.”

“I see, thanks to you guys this time, I don’t think they’ll cut the police department this time.”

Luke laughed, “So I get the credit.”

“Sure, I’ll have to go talk to them, wait for my good news.”

Shortly after watching Frank leave, Reed arrived on the scene.

The two men whispered a few words and Luke briefly described the capture of Tapani Reagan.

Coroner Sheila approached, “Chief, Captain Lee, there’s a situation that needs you to come over here.”

Reed asked, “What’s the situation?”

“We found gunshot wounds on the body’s shoulders and legs, but they weren’t fatal.

The real cause of death of the body was death by poisoning, the toxicity is very strong, but it doesn’t match the common symptoms of potent poisons, for the time being it’s not clear what kind of poison it is, I suspect it’s most likely a new type of poison.”

Luke asked, “Is it possible to investigate the source of the poison?”

“Theoretically it is possible, but before that, it’s important to figure out the type and composition of the poison.”

Reed asked, “Is there anything I need to do?”

“I’m a forensic scientist, not a virus or chemical expert.

I can extract the tissue cells from the body and still need to send it to a more specialized department for identification.”

Reed nodded, “Just do your job, I’ll take care of the rest.”


Luke said, “Chief, I suspect that Tapani Reagan likely has accomplices.”

Reed said, “It’s unlikely that a similar terrorist attack would be carried out alone, I understand what you mean, I’ll push for the identification of this new type of poison as soon as possible, and see if we can find Tapani Reagan’s accomplices along with this new type of poison.”

With Reed’s assurance, Luke naturally wouldn’t say anything else.

At this moment, it was chaotic outside, with a large number of reporters pouring into the city hall, trying to get first-hand information about the bombing.

“These guys are like vultures waiting for an opportunity, they will never leave without getting the news they want, they might even make things up for the sake of ratings, I’m going to deal with them for a while.” He glanced at Luke again, “Do you want to come along?”

“No, I’d like to take a break.” Luke politely declined, it was never good to brag about yourself in front of the reporters.

With Reed as the public spokesperson, there would always be no less credit for himself, he had already made a big splash this time, it would be hard not to be noticed.

There was no need to be the one to stand out again.

Reed walked towards the group of reporters and gave a brief description of the bombing, mainly highlighting the credit for the robbery and murder division, and incidentally bringing up the FBI.

Among other things, Luke’s personal arrest of the Dread Division was also truthfully stated by him; Luke couldn’t conveniently praise himself, he could.

Besides, he was Luke’s top boss, and there was a part of him in this.

Just as Luke guessed, the bombing attack on the Los Angeles City Hall managed to make headlines on major websites around the world, and a number of them also mentioned Luke, the valiant detective.

Luke’s fame had gone to another level and was no longer confined to Los Angeles.

Although Reed did not state the details of the arrest, American reporters were indeed powerful, and they had their own means and channels to dig up news.

Among them, most of the reports were positive, praising the LAPD’s heroic behavior.

But there were some who sang the opposite, even taking the injured homeless man to task.

A reporter named Laura also viewed the issue from a tricky angle, in her words, the LAPD’s job is to catch criminals, there is no need to take the job of the FBI and Homeland Security.

Counter-terrorism operations are too dangerous for ordinary police officers, and the fear of subterfuge is so tricky that it is likely to take advantage of the vulnerability of police officers to harm innocent citizens.

Just like this mission, the fearful sub knocked out an officer who was arresting him, put on the officer’s uniform and tricked a homeless man into shooting at the real officer, which led to the homeless man being injured by the police, and the police are also responsible in this issue.

Reporter Laura also called for the LAPD to stop interfering in anti-terrorism missions, which should be handed over to the FBI and Homeland Security, with each department doing its own job, so that power is not centralized in the hands of one department.

When this voice appeared, a group of supporters immediately emerged.

But more netizens still feel that the LAPD has taken credit for protecting the city this time, and Laura’s viewpoint is a bit of an unloading.

The supporters of the two different points of view quarreled online.

Robbery and Murder Division, Squadron One.

News of the bombing of Los Angeles City Hall swept the internet.

The Heist Murder Division followed the fire.

Xiao Hei looked at the online comments, and at first was a little complacent, as a member of the Robbery and Murder Division, there was a share of honor that belonged to him.

But looking at it, he felt that there was something wrong, he said with dissatisfaction: “Are these guys’ brains in trouble? We’ve already managed to catch the terror points and evacuate the crowd, and they’re actually picking on us.

Bringing up the injured police officers and the homeless to make an issue out of it, it’s just shameless.”

The lieutenant said, “There’s nothing to be angry about, this is America, there’s always someone who likes to stand up and sing the opposite.”

Blacky was a bit surprised, “Vice Squad, this is not like your temper.”

The old man smiled, “Just thinking that there are still people who think the earth is flat now, I can let it go.”

“When you say it like that, it seems to be true.” Black felt his anger subside quite a bit, there was never a shortage of lifters in this world.

Luke didn’t take it too seriously either, “They can say whatever they want, it’s not like we’re going to lose a sweat.”

Jackson asked, “Captain, with Tapani Reagan dead and the trail broken, do we need to keep looking into it?”

Luke had also thought about this, in the last moments of his confrontation with Tapani Reagan, Tapani Reagan’s words made him feel that this matter was not that simple, I’m afraid.

But counterterrorism really wasn’t the LAPD’s main job if they continued to investigate.

“Knock, knock ……” the office door slammed.

Reed pushed open the door and walked into the office, “Guys, I have two announcements to make.”

The lieutenant snaps, “I don’t want to hear the bad news.”

“There’s no bad news, it’s all good news, first news, the city has decided that the LAPD’s funding for this year will be increased by ten percent from last year.”

Jackson laughed, “Cool, aren’t we getting a raise?”

Jenny said, “How dare you think that, I’d be happy with a little overtime increase.”

The lieutenant gave a mocking look, “They cut funding every year, this year is a tough one.”

Blackie laughed and smiled, “Doesn’t the entire LAPD have to thank us?”

Everyone knew in their hearts that if the police hadn’t notified the city government to evacuate straight away, they would have probably turned into shovelfuls of dust, the LAPD could save you this time and not next time, and for the sake of their own safety considerations, they had to show something as well.

Of course, that’s what Frank was actively fighting for.

Jackson had more than a hint of anticipation, “Chief, what’s the second piece of good news?”

“Everyone has worked hard to capture Dreadpoint this time, so I’ve decided to give everyone five days of paid vacation.”

Blackie said, “But the shredding case is still open, there is still the case of the terrorist attack, and Tapani Reagan most likely still has accomplices.”

Reed said, “I know, but the top brass at Homeland Security approached Director Frank about having them take over the terrorist attack case.”

Luke asked, “Frank agreed?”

Reed spoke, “Why wouldn’t he agree? We’ve gotten enough credit this time, we have to give some to the other departments. Besides, capturing terrorists isn’t part of our job, and if we take all the credit, it’s like slapping Homeland Security and the FBI in the face.

We’ve captured a terrorist and managed to rescue a key member of the city government, so we can already take credit for what we’ve done and see it through.”

The lieutenant said, “While you have a point, it’s not our style to hand over a case to another department halfway through.”

“I know that everyone may feel some regret in their hearts.

That’s why I will also actively fight for some rewards for everyone.” Reid pacified.

Blackie asked, “Such as what?”

“In honor of this operation to capture Dread Points, all those who participated in the operation will receive a customized model pistol.

There may also be medals and promotions to police rank for those who have distinguished themselves in this case.

Everyone will get what they deserve.” Reed glanced at Luke, “Luke, what do you think?”

Luke was still looking forward to the customized model of pistol, the other thing was the promotion in rank, he was now a Detective Grade 2, one step up would be Detective Grade 3.

The next step up would be Superintendent.

Although there was no clear alignment between the position and the police rank.

But the promotion of some important positions still depends on the police rank and seniority.

Luke was now the Captain of the Robbery and Murder Division, and further up was the Deputy Director of the Robbery and Murder Division.

Luke’s own seniority was relatively shallow, so if he wanted to be promoted to Deputy Director, it would be best if he first promoted his rank to Superintendent.

Thinking of this, Luke said, “Director, I’ll obey the arrangement.”

“Very well.” Reed looked at the vice squad, “Anyone else have any thoughts?”

The lieutenant waved his hand, “Man, don’t look at me, I don’t call anyone else, and besides, I’m my age, what else is there to think about?”

Reed laughed a little awkwardly.

Blackie licked his lips, “Chief, is there a bonus?”

Reed’s smile stretched, “There has to be.”

Kurokatsu shrugged, “That’s fine with me.”

“Okay, problem solved.” Reed’s words changed, “Guys, work hard and take a few days off.”

Reed waved goodbye to the crowd and left the Heist and Murder Division.

The lieutenant grunted, “Looks like those damn media outlets played a role after all.”

Blacky chimed in, “I’d like to see how much better those Homeland Security guys can be than us, too.”

The lieutenant cautioned, “Don’t underestimate them, those guys do have some tricks up their sleeves, I’d rather deal with the FBI than them.”

Luke didn’t have too deep of an obsession with the case, and even more so with the fear of points, and since he had a paid vacation, he was just going to enjoy it.

Luke returned to his office and briefly packed up the case file, the shredded body case could not be finished for the time being, it was estimated that this case could only be completely finished after the remaining Dread Points were caught.

Luke was also considering whether to take a vacation now, or wait for a few more days?

Almost at the end of the day, his cell phone rang, took out his cell phone and looked at it, a little surprised, the screen showed Inoue Naomi’s cell phone number.

Luke pressed the answer button, “Hello, this is Luke.”

“Captain Lee, this is Nami Inoue.”

“What can I do for you?”

“Congratulations on catching the Dread Points, I went to City Hall as well but didn’t manage to squeeze in, as confident as I am in my figure, I don’t have much of an advantage with my physique.”

“Thanks, I don’t think you called just to congratulate me.”

“That’s right, I did have something I wanted to tell you, I found a nice bar recently, how about buying you a drink after work?”

Luke smiled, “That depends on whether it’s business or personal.”

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone before Naomi Inoue said, “This evening, our TV station received another threatening video, and I wasn’t sure if you knew about it, so I wanted to tell you the news.”

Luke frowned slightly, this kind of words shouldn’t be said over the cell phone, of course, it couldn’t be ruled out that this woman was afraid of her refusal and deliberately aroused her interest.

Luke said, “The LAPD is now off the case of this terrorist attack.”

Nami Inoue said, “Captain Lee, it seems that you are not aware of that new terrorizing video.

Terrorist Points mentioned you in the video.”

Luke wasn’t a nosy person and wasn’t stupid enough to investigate Dread Branch privately.

But if Dreadpoints had mentioned him in the threatening video, that was a different matter.

After all, he was the one who forced Tapani Reagan to die, and he was the one who sabotaged the explosion at City Hall, and Luke was now in a position to make a name for himself.

Who knew if the Dreadnought would retaliate against him?

Luke’s face was grave: “Let’s have a drink together tonight, I happen to have some personal matters I want to talk to you about.”

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