Chapter 510

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:14:50
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Robbery and Murder Division, Squadron One.

Six o’clock in the evening.

Luke packed up his things for his shift.

He packed his things, exited the captain’s office, and greeted the crowd, “See you tomorrow, guys.”

The lieutenant asked, “Are you sure you’ll see you tomorrow? I thought you couldn’t wait for your vacation.”

Luke bristled, the old man was squeezing again, he didn’t even have a wife, he had to spend time looking for one, what’s wrong with taking a few more days off? What’s wrong?

“Knock knock ……” a knock sounded outside.

“Come in.”

“Cluck ……” a door slammed.

Reed pushed his way in, he was followed by a white man.

The man was very distinctive, tall, with a country face, and wearing a straight black suit, but there was something about how he looked that didn’t fit.

“Everyone, let me introduce you, this is the Assistant Director of the Department of Homeland Security, Tan Sri Cobus.” Seeing that the crowd was dumbfounded, Reed said to Jenny on the side, “Jenny, you go ahead and take Assistant Superintendent Kobes to the rest room.”


Sir, follow me.” Jenny stood up and led Tan Sri Cobbs into the lounge.

After seeing the other man into the lounge, Luke walked over to Reed and asked softly, “Chief, what’s going on here?”

Reed explained, “The Department of Homeland Security has taken over the bombing attack case and wants to get the case file from us.”

“Then why didn’t they say so ahead of time?”

“I didn’t expect them to come so quickly either.”

Luke confirmed, “Are we really going to hand over the dossier?”

Reed spread his hands.

Luke walked over to Jackson’s desk, “Make a copy of the case file and bring the original to the break room.”

“Okay, Captain.”

Reed glanced at his watch, “OK, now that you’re up to speed, I’ll be on my way.”

Luke pointed to the lounge, “Aren’t you going to help with introductions?”

“I’m sure …… you’ll get along just fine.” Reed’s tone was a bit frail as he turned and left the Robbery and Murder Division.

Luke didn’t want to do anything like that either, and looked aside to his lieutenant, “Lieutenant, I’ve got an appointment in a few minutes, so I’ll leave it to you.”

“Don’t even think about it, they don’t care about a lieutenant, it’ll have to be you personally.” The vice squad seemed to be a bit resistant as well.

No capable police officer would be willing to hand over a case they were working on in their own hands.

The vice squad refused to help, so Luke could only enter the break room to greet them personally.

He pushed open the door of the conference room and said to Tan Sri Cobbs, “Captain of Squadron One of the Robbery and Murder Division, Luke Lee.”

Dansley Cobbs stood up and shook Luke’s hand, “I saw you on the news, Captain Lee, you’re very photogenic.”

Luke shrugged, “Everyone says I’m more stylish in person.”

“Maybe.” Tan Sri Cobbs shrugged, not wanting to continue the issue and turned the conversation around, “OK, let’s talk about the terrorist attack case.”

“What does your Department of Homeland Security know about this case?”

Desiree Cobbs said, “More than you think.”

Luke felt the other man was bluffing a bit, “Like what? What don’t I know?”

“I’m sorry, the LAPD is no longer in charge of terrorist attack cases, so there are some things I can’t reveal to the public.”

“So do you think Tapani Reagan, who took poison to kill himself, had any accomplices?” Luke wanted to test if he knew about the threatening video from this afternoon.

Tan Sri Cobus thought for a moment and said, “Tapani Reagan’s purpose in creating the terrorist attack was to threaten the U.S. government into releasing the terrorist sub-leaders in the Middle East.

From this point of view, Tapani Reagan should belong to a certain organization, and it wouldn’t surprise me at all if he has accomplices.”

Luke was not satisfied with this answer and felt that Dansley Cobbs was giving himself the runaround and was obviously being perfunctory.

Luke continued to test, “Do you think Tapani Reagan’s associates will continue to create terrorist attacks?”

“That’s a strong possibility.”

“I took out Tapani Reagan and sabotaged their plan to blow up the city hall, do you think they will retaliate against me?”

“I don’t know, that’s why it’s still wise for the LAPD to pull out of the investigation of the terrorist attack early, the higher ups in the department probably took that into consideration.”

Luke smiled, “Assistant Chief Cobbs, it’s been a pleasure talking to you.”

Tan Sri Cobbs smiled, “That’s what everyone says.”

“Cackle ……” came a door slam.

Jackson pushed his way in, “Captain, the dossier on the terrorist attack case is here.”

Luke pointed across the room, signaling him to hand it to Dansley Cobbs.

Tan Sri Cobbs took the information and turned to Luke, “I’d like to borrow your lounge for a moment to go over the dossier first, and if I have any questions, I can ask them in person as well.”

Luke glanced at his watch, there was no problem with borrowing the lounge, “But I’m going to be off duty, call if you need anything.” Luke got up and prepared to leave.

Tan Sri Cobbs asked, “Captain Lee, did Tapani Reagan say anything before he died?”

“He said he had another accomplice, a more dangerous guy than he was, so you guys better be careful when you investigate.”

“Thanks, we’ll be careful.” Desiree Cobbs said, if anything.

“You too.”

Luke gave him a look and turned to leave.

Milos Bar.

Unlike most noisy bars, it was a small tavern open on the beach, not many people and no loud music, more like a place for friends to talk and drink.

When Luke arrived, Nami Inoue was already here.

“Captain Lee this way.” An exquisite East Asian beauty like Inoue Naomi was still relatively eye-catching in the crowd, and a few foreigners glanced at her from time to time.

Luke walked over and pulled out a chair to sit across from him, “It’s a nice setting here.”

“The wine is great too, what would you like to drink, my treat.”

Luke turned to the waiter on the side, “A whiskey, please.”

“Captain Lee, what’s it like to catch a fear score?” Naomi Inoue asked with a smile, the table next to theirs was empty, so they weren’t worried about being overheard.

Luke recalled, “He was cunning, knocked out a patrolman and was about to flee in his patrolman’s clothes, almost let him get away.”

Nami Inoue asked, “I heard he also encouraged a homeless man to shoot you.”

“Yes. Fear Point was wounded by me and hid behind the homeless man’s tent, and because he was wearing a police uniform, the homeless man thought he was a police officer, so the homeless man shot me under his compulsion.”

Nami Inoue showed her admiration, “Wow, that’s exciting to hear, I wish I was there.”

Luke laughed, “What would you have done if you were there?”

“I haven’t thought about it either, but at least I wouldn’t have held you back.”

Just then, the waiter came over and handed Luke a glass of whiskey.

“Thanks.” Luke handed the other man fifty dollars, “That’s for both of our drinks, the rest is your tip.”

“Thank you for your generosity, sir.” The waiter took some money and left.

Nami Inoue said, “I agreed that I would be the one to treat you today, but instead, you’re the one who’s treating me.”

“I’m not used to letting women treat me, especially pretty women.” Luke raised his glass and clinked it with the other’s cocktail glass.

“Then next time I’ll treat you to Japanese food.”

“That can be had, make sure you take me to an authentic one.” Luke responded with a smile, then put down his glass and said, “Tell me about the intimidation video!”

Nami Inoue teased, “Captain Lee, didn’t you say you were looking for me on a personal matter?”

Luke looked around and whispered, “I was worried about the phone being tapped, and in the future, if it involves something private, it would be best for us to talk face-to-face.”

Inoue Naomi smoothly said, “That means if I have something to do in the future, I can always ask you out.”

“Of course, you can also ask me out for a drink if you have nothing to do.”

Inoue Naomi’s willow eyebrows arched upwards, “This is a little different from what I imagined.”

“What’s different?”

“I heard before that you were difficult, but now that I’m actually getting in touch I realize …… that you’re nice.”

Luke was a little taken aback, “I’m difficult, where did that come from?”

Nami Inoue hesitated for a moment and said, “Pari Jones, I heard that because she offended you, she is now in a bad place, and she even lost her job at the news station.”

“You know her.”

“Can’t say I know her, but I’ve heard of her, she’s quite famous in the Los Angeles news world, but now all the major TV stations don’t want her anymore, and she can only go to work as an independent investigative reporter.”

After all this time, it was the first time Luke had heard about Parley Jones.

“It’s not me who’s difficult, it’s her.

She’s always trying to get some information out of me, but I’m not a big fan of her style of doing things.”

Nami Inoue put a finger on her chest, “What about my style?”

Luke sized up the other party, unlike the tall and plump bodies of European and American women, Inoue Naomi had a slimness and delicacy unique to oriental beauties, what was even more rare was that her breasts were also very substantial, nodding his head he said, “The first impression isn’t bad.”

“Thank you for your appreciation, it honors me.” Inoue Naomi was satisfied with Luke’s answer, her bright eyes carrying a smile.

The two men drank another toast.

Nami Inoue leaned forward and said softly, “This afternoon, there was another package delivered by a stranger to the TV station.

We were terrified and thought it was another bomb, so we rushed to call 911.

However, it wasn’t the police who were waiting, but the Department of Homeland Security.

The package they tested wasn’t a bomb, but a threatening video.”

Luke pressed, “How did you know what the video was about?”

“The first thing they did when they got the video was to check it out at the TV station, and as journalists it’s our job to dig up the news, and the TV station is our turf, so is it hard for us to know what the video is about?”

“Can I see it?”

“Can’t see it, the DHS people are very careful. We didn’t get the video, only the audio.”

“That’s fine.”

Nami Inoue took out her cell phone and handed Luke another pair of bluetooth headphones, which Luke slipped into his ears, and soon a man’s voice rang through the headphones.

[I’m angry, you ignored my words and not only did you not release L338 from Tanamo Prison, but you got my partner killed, and that makes me very angry, and I’m going to retaliate until you realize your mistake, until you’re willing to release L338 ……

By the way, Luke Lee, yes, that’s the name, you’re the one who messed up my plan, you better watch out and be smart, I’m not going to give you another chance to get in the way of my plan ……

You have 12 more hours, you must release L338, if you don’t do what I say after 12 hours, then pray to God].

Luke listened carefully twice, and he could be sure that the voice in the headset was the same one from the last threatening video.

Tapani Reagan hadn’t lied, he still had an accomplice.

The new threatening video was still credible because the city hall bombing was the best example.

The other guy is not bluffing, but there is a real possibility of a new terrorist attack.

What was even more annoying was that the bastard was actually targeting Luke.

Luke himself is certainly not afraid, he is worried about the safety of his family, the brain is a moment surging through a lot of ideas, and even thought of buying a few tickets to Hawaii, the family first sent to Hawaii.

But think carefully, and dismissed the idea.

Fear of points even if they are staring at themselves, should also be just staring at, still do not know the situation and address of their own family members.

If he rashly find the door or arrange a place for his family, he might instead expose his family’s whereabouts.

More importantly, Los Angeles is his territory, where he can provide maximum protection to his family, but if he goes to Hawaii, it will be a bit beyond his reach.

Luke thought it over but decided to stay put.

Nami Inoue interrupted Luke’s thoughts, “Captain Lee, what do you think?”

Luke took off his headphones and handed them over, “The next part may involve some hidden topics, let’s talk somewhere else.”

“Where to? The safe house?”

Luke saw a hint of excitement in the other man’s eyes and shook his head and lost his smile, “You’ve been watching too many movies.”

“Where to then?”

“My house.”

Inoue Naomi revealed an odd look and snickered, “Isn’t it a bit too soon to go to your house on our first meeting?”

“Do you have a good place to go then?”

“I know a nice restaurant that has private rooms for privacy, how about that?”

“OK,” the two finished their glasses and exited the bar, getting into Luke’s car.

The car started slowly and Nami Inoue sat in the passenger side and pointed out the way.

Nami Inoue asked, “Captain Lee, you managed to stop the Dread Fraction from attacking the city hall and killed a Dread Fraction.

It can be said that you have made a great achievement, but the case was handed over to other departments, will you be a little disappointed in your heart?”

Luke swept his rearview mirror, “Are you asking out of curiosity or as a reporter?”

Naomi Inoue hesitated, “Good question, I honestly don’t know, probably a little of both, is that convenient?”

Luke didn’t answer, a look of concentration grew on his face and his eyebrows furrowed.

Nami Inoue gave him a look, “If the question embarrasses you, you may not answer.”

Luke answered, “We’re being followed!”

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