Chapter 511

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:14:53
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Nami Inoue showed a worried look, “Could it be Fear of Dividing?”

Luke didn’t answer because he couldn’t be sure.

He recalled that when he had talked to Dansley Cobbs, he had told him to be careful, and he had cautioned himself to be careful, whether or not that meant that he was also implying that he might be subject to retaliation from the Dread Score.

Luke then contacted the main desk directly to ask a nearby patrolman to come over for backup, and, at the same time, informed the other party of his car and license plate number.

In the face of Dreadful Fractions, no amount of caution was too much.

Luke didn’t deliberately speed up his car, still driving normally, and reminded Inoue Naomi at the side, “In a moment, if there is a gunfight, you have to pay attention to protecting yourself.”

Inoue Naomi took a deep breath, “Is your life always this exciting?”

“Life is all about experiences, it’s better than seeing the head at a glance.” Luke asked rhetorically, “Are you scared?”

“A little nervous, but feeling a little excited, don’t think of me as a coward, otherwise I wouldn’t be a journalist.” Naomi Inoue rubbed her white, slender hands together, “Can I have a gun?”

Luke gazed into the rearview mirror at the suspect vehicle, a black Ford sedan that looked ordinary, “Have you ever used a gun before?”

“I have a gun, but haven’t practiced much?”

“Then don’t use it, I’ll protect you.” Luke was more worried about having one more piggyback friend who couldn’t use a gun than he was about Fear of Points.

Nami Inoue looked up with big black eyes, “Thanks.”

“Whoops.” Just then, a siren sounded from the rear.

“Take cover, it’s about to start.” Luke turned on his lights and siren as well.

A patrol car drove up behind the suspect vehicle and signaled him to stop.

Instead of stopping, the black Ford sedan sped up.

Luke, on the other hand, reduced his speed and got in front of the Ford sedan.

And the patrol car in the rear caught up and drove to the left side of the Ford sedan, seemingly ready to force a stop on him.

And the Ford sedan is directly behind, another patrol car up.

At this point, the Ford sedan has been surrounded.

Under the pressure of the police car, the black Ford sedan made a right turn and slowly pulled over to the side of the road.

Luke also got out of the car, badge on his chest, gun in both hands, pointing at the driver’s side of the Ford sedan, “LAPD, open the windows so I can see you.”

Two patrol cars stepped out and four patrolmen surrounded them with guns as well.

“Anyone inside, drop your weapons and put your hands up.”

The window of the black Ford sedan slowly fell, a black man raised his hands and squeezed out a smile, “Sir, I was just driving normally, why did you stop me?”

A patrolman pulled open the door, “Get out of the car and put your hands over your head, no unnecessary movements.”

“Hey, I think there might be some misunderstanding here.” The black man in the Ford sedan wanted to argue further.

The burly patrolman yanked him out of the car, “Do as I say, get out of the car with your hands on your head.”

The black man was yanked out of the car and pinned to it, and the patrolman began to frisk him.

A white man got out of the passenger side and protested as well, “Hey you can’t do this, we haven’t done anything wrong, I think you have a problem with law enforcement, I’ll file a complaint against you.”

Luke walked over and pointed to his badge, “Look closely, if you want to file a complaint, file a complaint against me,” Luke added to the patrolman who had stepped aside, “Search him, carefully and thoughtfully.”

“Yes sir.”

Soon, the patrolman searched the black man for weapons, “Sir, I recovered two pistols from him.

And ID.”

Luke took the IDs and glanced at them and asked, “You’re from the Department of Homeland Security?”

The black man nodded, “I don’t want to get into a confrontation with you guys or you won’t catch us that easily.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “So we need to thank you.”

“No, that’s not what I meant.”

Luke got right to the point, “Why are you following me?”

The black man didn’t answer.

Luke looked over at the white man in the passenger side and picked up his credentials and looked at them, again Homeland Security, “You talk.”

Again the other man didn’t speak.

Luke turned to the patrolman next to him and asked, “Have you ever seen a Homeland Security ID?”

The patrolman shook his head with his hands in his belt, “No, Sir.”

Luke nodded, “Neither have I, so I suspect their credentials are fake, likely impersonated by Dread Points, take them back to the station.”

“Yes, Sir.” the patrolmen’s replied with a strong bottom, they all knew that Luke had just killed a Dread Point, if the ones they caught tonight were also Dread Points, then they would have made a merit.

Seeing that he was going to be taken away as a Dread Score, the white man sitting in the passenger compartment got anxious, “Captain Lee, I want to talk to you alone.”

Luke took his Homeland Security ID and slapped it on him, “I gave you the chance, it’s you who didn’t grasp it.”

“Ringing ……,” Luke’s cell phone rang, an unfamiliar number.

Luke hung up directly.

The white man frowned slightly.

“Dingling ……” the cell phone rang again.

Luke hung up again.

It didn’t take long for the phone to ring a third time.

Luke then pressed the answer button, “Who is it?”

The two men who claimed to be from Homeland Security breathed a sigh of relief.

“Captain Lee, this is Assistant Director of Homeland Security, Tan Sri Cobbs, we just met this afternoon.” A man’s voice came from the cell phone.

“What can I do for you?” Luke brainstormed a poker face.

“If I’m not mistaken, you should have just arrested two people, there’s been a misunderstanding, they’re my men, and I apologize if they’ve offended you in any way.”

“This isn’t about apologizing, I need a reason, why are the Homeland Security guys following me?”

“We’re not following you, we’re protecting you.” Tan Sri Cobus sighed and explained, “This afternoon, the Dread Branch sent a new threatening video, the Dread Branch mentioned you in the video, I was worried that the Dread Branch might retaliate against you, and had someone secretly keep you safe.”

Luke laughed, “Since when does the LAPD need someone from Homeland Security to protect them?

We met this afternoon and I even asked you if the Dread Branch would retaliate, why didn’t you tell me then?”

“That threatening video is only known to people in Homeland Security, and I can’t easily reveal it to the public, and besides, I did hint at you.”

“I thank you.” Luke hung up his cell phone.

He turned to the four patrolmen again and said, “Guys, take these two imposters back to the police station, hard work.”

The white man and the black man looked at each other, they were both a little confused, they thought Luke would release them when he received the call, who knew that they still had to be brought back to the police station, they were from the Homeland Security Bureau, they really had to be arrested by the patrolmen, they would not be laughed to death.

“Captain Lee, we really are from Homeland Security.”

“I’m sorry, I’m a person with little knowledge, I’ve never seen a Homeland Security ID, if you guys are really from Homeland Security, call your department head to come and collect them.”

“Guys, meet me at the bar some other time, I’ll buy you a drink.” Luke greeted a couple of patrolmen and got in his car to leave.

Nami Inoue reminded, “Captain Lee, I think it’s likely that they really are from Homeland Security.”

Luke gave her a look, “I know.”

“Then why did you take them back to the police station?”

“To give them a warning about whose turf L.A. is.” Luke finished, flinging a probe card directly at Naomi Inoue.

After all, the two had just met not long ago, and he didn’t really trust the other party, especially when it came to some sensitive topics, wouldn’t it be silly if they were recorded?

Nami Inoue nodded, “That’s right, they did go quite overboard, it’s a matter of your safety, they should have told you.”

Luke saw that there was more to it than that, the fact that Tan Sri Cobus could call himself so quickly meant that he should have sent other people to follow him, and there should be Homeland Security people around, people who were actually following him and sort of protecting him.

If Dreadnought really dared to attack himself, these people would also step in to catch Dreadnought, and they would also be able to follow their eyes to catch the Dreadnought leader behind the scenes.

The reason why Tan Sri Cobbs didn’t make it clear to him, Luke seems to have two possibilities, the first possibility is afraid that he might leak the information, the second possibility, worrying that Luke will take action when he knows about this matter, arousing the suspicion of the Dread Points, and indirectly scaring away the Dread Points.

In the end, he still didn’t trust Luke.

In fact, Luke also had this kind of distrust when dealing with ordinary people involved in the case, a kind of downgraded perspective of professionals looking at non-professionals, Luke disliked this feeling.

Luke wasn’t in the mood to go to the restaurant, and after chatting with Naomi Inoue in the car for a while, he drove her back to the neighborhood where she lived.

Luke looked out the window, “Is this your house?”

Naomi Inoue got out of the car, “Yes, thank you for the ride back.”

“If anything comes up, you can call me.”

“Hearing that makes me feel safe.”

“Thanks for telling me about the threatening video in the first place, keep in touch.” Luke finished and started his car to leave.

After leaving Nami Inoue’s neighborhood, Luke called Reed and told him about the possible retaliation of the Fearful Score against him, asking him to please be able to send officers to protect his family.

As for his own safety, Luke wasn’t too worried; he didn’t think it was very likely that Dread Fraction would retaliate against him.

First of all, if Dread Fraction really wanted to retaliate against himself, there was no need to say so in the threatening video, secondly, the people from the Department of Homeland Security also knew about this matter, and they would send people to follow and protect him, even if Dread Fraction wanted to attack himself, the probability of success would be very low.

In Luke’s opinion, it was more like the Dread Branch was making a sound attack to cover up for conducting the next round of attack, Luke subconsciously speculated, what is the new location and target of the Dread Branch’s attack?

He pondered for a while, and then felt a little meaningless, he has stopped investigating this case, as long as it does not involve the safety of themselves and their families, and why bother.

Luke thought about it, he was not only a LAPD, but also a criminal investigation consultant for the FBI.

The FBI is still investigating the Fear of Dividing case.

Since he knew about the new clue, it was necessary to tell them about it.

Luke called Lynn Blois and told her about the threatening video and the fact that Dreadpoint was likely to carry out a new terrorist attack.

After doing so, Luke returned to his house and scrutinized it inside and out.

It was a moment that felt like he should have gotten a dog, to be able to signal an alarm in a pinch.

With a watchman at night, he could sleep soundly.

The next morning.

The house of the adulterer Yordan Reddy.

Yordan Reddy finished his breakfast and grabbed the hand of his girlfriend who was sitting across from him, “Hey babe, thanks for the loving breakfast, I’m super satisfied with what I ate.”

The girlfriend tilts her head sideways and asks, “Are you still working today?”

“Yes, I have classes today, I’ll pack up and get ready to go, what do you want to eat tonight? I’ll bring it back for you.”

His girlfriend showed a worried look, “Honey, can you not go to school?”

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”

“I’ve been worried since those two cops came by last time, don’t you still have your annual vacation? How about we go out on a trip.”

“Babe, I’d love to go on a trip with you too, but it’ll have to be busy for a while, and don’t you worry, Tapani Reagan is dead, no one’s going to hurt me anymore, it’s over.”

My girlfriend frowned, “But I’m still upset.”

“Relax, I promise you, after a few busy days, I’ll get things set up and we’ll go on a trip.

While you’re at it, you can make some travel plans.”

Yordan Reddy glanced at his watch, “I have to go or I’ll be late.”

His girlfriend was still in love with him, and Jordán Reddy kissed his girlfriend on the cheek, and then, drove to Steven’s Community College.

Yordan Reddy parked his car in the community college parking lot and rushed to the classroom where he was to attend.

Along the way, he greeted familiar students and teachers from time to time.

He enjoyed the job, the steady income and the respect.

The classroom was located on the east side of the third floor.

Yordan Reddy opened the door and entered the classroom.

The classroom was large, the front two rows were empty and most of the students sat in the back rows, about thirty to forty of them.

“Good morning, Mr. Yordan Reddy.” The students offered their greetings.

“Good morning, students.

I remember saying that I like you guys to sit forward, Come on,” Yordan Reddy waved his hand, signaling the students to sit forward.

One by one, the students got up and took their seats in the rows near the front.

“Very well, we’ll start the roll call.” Yordan Reddy revealed a satisfied look.

At this time, a male student wearing a turban stood up, turned around, and seemed to want to walk towards the back row.

Yordan Reddy called out to the other party, “This student wearing a turban, I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”

“Sorry, I’m in the wrong classroom.” The man wearing a turban finished, walked quickly towards the back door and left the classroom.

Yordan Reddy frowned and saw a black box left behind next to where the turbaned male student had sat before.

“Hey classmate, you left your stuff here.”

Yordan Reddy walked over and lifted the case, wanting to chase after it and return it to the other person.

However, he didn’t take two steps when a red smoke suddenly drifted out of the box, spreading rapidly ……

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