Chapter 513

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:14:58
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FBI agent Agent Armand Haynes approached and said, “Sir, there’s a large number of relatives of the victims gathered outside of Steven’s Community College and the situation is a bit chaotic.”

Lynn Blois sighed softly, “What are their claims?”

“After these people learned of the terrorist attack at Steven’s Community College, the first thing they did was to contact their family members who attended the community college, but none of them were able to get in touch, which is why they approached the community college.

They were all desperate to find out what had happened to the families.

There was even an attempt to break into the school, which was stopped by patrol officers assisting with policing.”

Lynn Blois also had a bit of a headache, with the number of casualties from this terrorist attack, identifying the dead and communicating with the families was a big job, which was why she had asked Luke to assist in the investigation.

This kind of case is easily distracted and has a lot of responsibility.

Lynn Blois said to Agent Armand Haynes, “You tell them that the situation at the scene of the terrorist attack is complicated, the FBI is still dealing with the scene, some people can’t be contacted for the time being, it doesn’t mean that something must have happened, when the FBI verifies the identity of the deceased, it will notify the families at the first time, so they can go back and wait for the news.”

Lynn Brower’s face was grim and terrible, she knew very well that it was of little use to say that, those family members could not of easily left.

However, in the scene of the situation is not clear, no confirmation of the identity of the deceased before, she is also not convenient in front of the media to make a public statement, the family’s emotions are very excited, the time to speak absolutely will not be polite, coupled with the media on the sidelines to fan the flames, when it is very likely to be unable to get off the stage.

At this time first stabilize a wave, wait for the families of the deceased to accept the fact, the emotions instead let calm some.

This terrorist attack is a big event, and certainly a big news, if not handled properly, the impact will be very bad.

All Luke and Lynne Blois could do was to catch the terrorist points as soon as possible.

The two then divide up the work, with Lynn Blois investigating the source of the biochemical weapons.

To make a biochemical weapon is not an easy thing, in addition to professional knowledge, it also needs money, laboratories, raw materials, all these things can be the direction of the investigation.

Luke was in charge of tracking down and investigating the terrorist point who had created the terrorist attack, and this was an aspect that Luke was good at.

Luke then pulled up the surveillance of the community college.

On the surveillance, Luke found a suspicious man who wore a bandana and carried a black backpack, which was bulging when he entered the school, but it was noticeably flattened when he left.

And the man’s movements were suspicious.

There was surveillance in the hallway, but because of the angle, it couldn’t capture the doorway where the terrorist attack on the classroom took place, only the nearby area, which the man in the turban had entered.

Also, the time he left was oddly timed to coincide with the time of the terrorist attack, and coupled with his race, Luke guessed that this man was most likely the terrorist point they were looking for.

The FBI then begins an investigation into the man’s.

The investigation is divided into two aspects, one is the man’s identity and the second is the man’s whereabouts.

After a number of school students and faculty identified the man, no one recognized the man in the turban, he should not be a teacher or student at the community college.

Moreover, after testing by the scene investigators, the black box that released the virus, no biopsy material suspected of being a terror point was found.

The FBI could now only look for his true identity through facial recognition.

Luke didn’t have high hopes for facial recognition.

First of all, the database has to have the person’s facial data, and without that person’s data it’s impossible to make a match.

Secondly, it was a matter of probability, it took time to compare the data, and if it took too long, it would also affect the police investigation.

Therefore, Luke still focused his investigation on the whereabouts of the man in the turban.

By checking the surveillance video of the community college, the man wearing a turban left the gates of the community college at 9:10 a.m., and then walked along the road to the east side, and no transportation was found for him for the time being.

Luke sent someone to collect camera surveillance along the way.

The job is tedious and requires some time and patience.

In fact, this was the normal way of working for the police, and police work was rather boring most of the time.

The road surveillance along the way was gathered into Luke’s hands one after another.

Luke personally went through each and every surveillance video, his powers of observation far exceeded those of normal people, and the speed of watching surveillance videos was also much faster than that of an ordinary person.

He needed to surmise the exact whereabouts of the man in the turban through these intermittent surveillance along the way.

Just at this moment, Armand Haynes came over, “Counselor Li, we compared the turbaned man’s appearance with the FBI facial database and found out his identity, Hald Abbas.”

Luke was a bit surprised, “So soon?”

Armand Haynes handed over a file, “Here are his details.”

Luke took the file and checked it.

Name, Hald Abbas.

Age, 21 years old

Ethnicity, Middle Eastern

Date of immigration, March 14, 2020

Contact info, 310 483 9283

Address, Calpe neighborhood, 309.

Looking at it, it suddenly dawned on Luke why this facial data comparison was so quick, because these people were probably key targets themselves.

The FBI had probably categorized them differently.

That’s where the FBI and Homeland Security come in.

That’s what they do.

People who are potentially risky and could be detrimental to the country are supervised to varying degrees in advance.

Once something goes wrong, they look in that circle.

It’s not 100% accurate, but that probability is extremely high.

It was able to shorten the time it took to capture the Dread Points as much as possible.

Luke asked, “Can you locate his cell phone number?”

“No, the cell phone number is no longer in use.”

“What about the address?”

“People like them, odds are they won’t live at the registered address.”

Seeing that the other party was not in a hurry, Luke asked, “You have a way to find him?”

“I don’t have a way, but I know who can find him.”

“OK, then show me how the FBI investigates.”

Difka’s Restaurant.

A black Chevy SUV, parked near the restaurant.

Luke stepped out of the car and looked around, frowning in disbelief at the number of men in turbans standing on the side of the road.

Armand Haynes said, “This neighborhood is full of Middle Eastern immigrants, and as far as I know the LAPD rarely patrols this side of town either.

It’s also rare for these residents to voluntarily call the police.”

“Do they pay taxes?”

“Very little.”

LAPD citizens who don’t pay taxes are not good citizens.

Luke and Armand Haynes entered the restaurant one after the other.

The restaurant was a hundred or ten square meters, and the walls were carved with bas-reliefs that looked like they were depicting ancient wars.

There were a lot of people eating in the restaurant, all of them were men of Middle Eastern descent, Luke didn’t see a single female customer.

Armand Haynes walked up to the front counter and said to a bearded man inside, “I want to see Hassan Hussein.”

The bearded man looked up, glanced at Armand Haynes, and then at Luke, “He doesn’t have time right now.”

Armand Haynes sneered and flashed his FBI credentials, “I’m not negotiating with you, either let me in or I’ll take him with me.”

The bearded man grimaced, “He’s in worship.”

Armand Haynes glanced at his watch, “OK, we’ll wait ten minutes.”

Luke and Armand Haynes found a table and sat down, the diners around them looked at the two men intentionally or unintentionally, and Armand Haynes glared over at them fiercely.

Luke didn’t react too much, the smell of meat was coming from all around them, and the dishes at each table were pretty much the same, lamb, naan, and bean soup.

Luke kinda liked Middle Eastern restaurants, it’s just that this one he was really afraid to eat.

Luke said, “Hassan Hussein is the man you were talking about.”

“That’s right, when the residents here have disputes, they all come to him, and he’s very prestigious.

In the eyes of these people, he can represent the law.”

Luke laughed, “Hearing you say that, I would like to meet this person who can represent the police, prosecutor and law.”

A few minutes later, the bearded man came over, “Hassan Hussein invites you in, follow me.”

Under the watchful eyes of the many diners, the bearded man led the two into the back kitchen, through which was a small courtyard.

The courtyard was paved with stone tiles and bare, in the innermost corner stood a parasol with a thick blanket underneath, on the blanket sat a man with a white scarf on his head and a large white beard.

“Sheikh, I’ve brought the man.” The bearded man leading the way finished and stood behind Hassan Hussein. (Note 1)

Hassan Hussein raised his head and looked at Amand Haynes and Luke, “Gentlemen, what can I do for you?”

“I’d like to ask you a favor.” Armand Haynes didn’t say anything nonsense and directly took out a picture of Hald Abbas, “Do you recognize him?”

Hassan Hussein picked up the photo and looked at it carefully, “Yes, a very thoughtful young man.”

“I would like to ask you to help me find him.”

Hassan Hussey returned the photo to the other party and shook his head, “You’ve come to the wrong place, this is a restaurant, not a detective agency, and just because I know him doesn’t mean I know where he is.”

Armand Haynes sat cross-legged on the carpet as well, “Look, I respect you enough to give you enough time to worship, but I expect you to respect the FBI as well.

The respect is mutual, uh-huh.”

The bearded man standing back said, “The fact that the Sheikh is willing to see you is giving you the utmost respect.”

Armand Haynes looked up and looked at him, “I’m not talking to you, are you the one in charge here?”

Hassan Hussein spoke up and asked, “Why are you looking for this young man?”

“This morning there was a terrorist attack at Sturgeon Community College that killed dozens of people, Hald Abbas was the terrorist who was carrying the biochemical weapon, did you know about this?”

“No, I haven’t been out of the restaurant in a long time, and this incident is none of our business.”

“Then find him and prove your innocence.”

The bearded man was disgruntled, “We were innocent in the first place, first of all, you haven’t caught Hald Abbas yet, you can’t conclude that he is Dreadpoint.

Even if he is Dreadpoints, it has nothing to do with us, I know American law, and if you keep talking in that tone, I will call my lawyer.”

Armand Haynes glared at the bearded man, “What’s your name?”

“Buyita Abbas.”

“Do you have a problem with me?”

Buytita Abbas pointed outside, “I want you out of this restaurant, immediately.”

“No problem, I can leave right now, but I can assure you that if I leave like this, the immigration people will definitely be looking for you before tonight.

Good luck.” Armand Haynes made a move to leave.

Hassan Hussein finally stood up and urged, “Agent Armand Haynes, please wait a moment ……”

Amang Haynes turned his head to look at him.

Hassan Hussain spoke again, “Give me half an hour and I will try to find out where Hald Abbas is, but I can’t guarantee it.”

Buyita Abbas’ face turned a little hard, “Sheikh ……”

Hassan Hussein waved his hand, signaling him not to speak, “Go find him.”

“But ……”

“Do as I say.” Hassan Hussein’s tone was flat, but exuded an unquestionable majesty.

“Yes.” Buytta Abbas glared at Arman Haynes and left the small courtyard with his head hanging down.

Luke didn’t say anything, he just sat on a chair and watched quietly, he was still curious about this group of immigrants.

They were very united and preferred to live in groups, retaining the characteristics and religious culture of their own people.

They didn’t want to integrate into the mainstream American society, and most of them worked in marginal construction-related jobs.

Of course, more people didn’t like to go to work, preferring to stay at home to have babies and eat all kinds of benefits and subsidies.

20 minutes later.

The small courtyard where Buyita Abbas returned, holding a white slip of paper and handing it to Hassan Hussein: “Sheikh, I found Hald Abbas’s address.”

Hassan Hussein did not take the note and waved his hand signaling him to give it directly to Amang Haynes.

With some reluctance, Buytta Abbas handed over the note.

Amang Haynes glanced at it and handed it to Luke, who was on the sidelines, “Thank you, and by the way, your restaurant’s baked naan smells great, and when I have time someday, I’ll come over as a customer and taste it.”

Buyita Abbas wasn’t buying it, “You are not welcome here.”

Amang Haynes glanced at Hassan Hussein, “Sheikh, this guy is far worse than you.”

Luke then walked out of the restaurant with Armand Haynes.

As soon as Luke stepped out, he just happened to see a man walking on the side of the road covered in a black cloak, showing only two eyes.

At this moment, he felt a twinge of disgust for this group.

In the small courtyard of the restaurant.

Hassan Hussein sat down on the carpet again, his face devoid of any expression, as if what had just happened had not happened.

Buyita Abbas still stood next to him respectfully, just a little complicated look, after a long time before saying, “Sheikh, I do not know if I do this right, Hald Abbas is a good young man with ideals, we ……”

Hassan Hussein closed his eyes and said slowly, “It’s good to have ideals, but it needs to be done in the right way, this is America, there are three hundred million people in this country and everyone is armed, trying to rely on the so-called terrorist attacks will never conquer this country, it will only be suppressed and removed by the machine of this country.

That’s why there was just a terrorist attack and they found this place.

They don’t trust us at all, and they wouldn’t hesitate to remove us if we were actually connected to the terrorist attack.”

“In what way should we realize our ideals?” Buyita Abbas was a bit disillusioned and resigned, “Should we really learn and integrate into the American culture?”

“No, I’ve never thought about it that way, as long as we don’t touch the bottom line and develop within the rules of the game, we will one day become a force they can’t ignore, and then the FBI won’t be able to bully us at will.”

“Then what do we need to do? To be able to wait until that day.”

Hassan Hussein slowly opened his eyes, his voice low, “As long as our community continues to grow, as long as we have enough votes, we will have a place in this country, and we will have the capital to fight for more rights.”

A strange light emanated from Buytta Abbas’ eyes, “I understand.”

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