Chapter 518

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:15:12
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The rest area parking lot, inside an old gray RV.

In the front of the vehicle, there was a ceiling-mounted television that was broadcasting the Los Angeles morning news.

A white man with reddish skin was sitting at the table eating a steak, medium rare with blood still on it, the steak looked tender, how it tasted was unknown.

The television was not loud enough to be heard in the quiet of the RV.

[Hello viewers, this is Inoue Naomi, a trainee reporter for CBS TV, and I’m broadcasting a breaking news story.

At 1:00 a.m. this morning, a biochemical terrorist attack occurred in a bar in the city of Los Angeles, and the victims were all infected with the same virus and died in a tragic manner.

The FBI has cordoned off the scene, and according to my sources, the number of victims last night exceeded 40, more than the number of victims of the attack at Steven’s Community College, and this biochemical virus is so powerful that it can kill in a short period of time.

As far as I know, there was only one survivor of last night’s bar terror attack, and he has now been transferred to the hospital for treatment, and I’m calling on everyone here to join me in praying for his speedy recovery, and I’ll be following up with ……]

The white man eating steak raised his head sharply, staring at the TV screen with dead eyes, his eyes looked a little scary, he could no longer listen to the words behind him, his red cheeks showed excitement and thrill, “Survivor?”

He breathed a little heavily, “Finally, I’ve waited. It’s you.”

Three o’clock in the afternoon, Josephine Hospital.

People were coming and going in the corridors on the 5th floor of the hospital, everyone was busy in their own way.

A male doctor in a white coat pushed a medical cart and walked up to ward 505, the man wore a mask that made it hard to see his face, but his bare complexion was slightly reddened as he peered in through the window of the ward.

“Cluck ……” a door slammed and the white male doctor opened the door to the ward and pushed the cart in.

The white male doctor observed the ward, the bed lying on a red skin, emaciated, wearing a respirator of Mexican patients, in addition to no other people to see the figure, he slowly closed the door of the ward, pushed the cart walked to the side of the ward.

The Chicano patient in the hospital bed had his eyes closed tightly and seemed to be in a coma.

The white male doctor checked the name of the patient on the bed and the diagnosis of the disease, and a look of delight appeared on his face.

This was the survivor he was looking for, and the immune body of the Yagola virus.

This white doctor was none other than the biochemical weapons expert, Severo Yuli.

Severo Yuli softly called the patient’s name, and the other party didn’t even respond, still in a coma.

Severo Yuli took out the blood collection apparatus from the cart, and his left hand somewhat clumsily tore open the packaging of the needle.

He wasn’t moving fast, and his left palm looked like it was attached to something.

Just then, the toilet door slowly opened, and a dark-haired youth rushed out from inside: “FBI, don’t move!”

The movement of Severo Yuli’s hand was stalled, looking up in the direction of the toilet, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he coldly grunted, “Heist Murder Division, Luke Lee.”

“You recognize me?”

“I read your news reports. You’re the one who killed Tapani Reagan.”

“He killed himself.”

“You were the one who drove him to his death, and he wasn’t technically a bad person.”

Luke teased, “You’re right, he was just trying to kill a couple dozen people with a bioweapon.”

Severo Yuri questioned, “The news of the survivors was deliberately put out by you to lure me in?”

“It was a reporter who broke the news, I just guessed that you might come and wanted to meet with you.”

Severo Yuri provoked, “And did you guess that I could walk out of here as well?”

“Sure, provided you’re in handcuffs.”

With a slight movement of his left hand and a downward press of his thumb, Severo-Yuri’s right hand undid the white lab coat he was wearing, revealing the bomb inside.

He showed his left hand to Luke, a small remote control device taped to his palm, “I’ve pressed the activation button, and as soon as I release my fingers, the

‘Boom ……’

You, me, everyone on this floor will die.”

Luke slanted a glance at the patient lying in the hospital bed and changed the subject, “So you guessed the FBI would set up an ambush here.”

“I wasn’t sure, but I had no choice.

If the news that there are survivors was leaked by you on purpose, it means that you’ve already seen my cards.

I’ll be a dead sooner or later.

That’s right, I’ve been pushed to the end of my rope by you guys, with Tapani Reagan and that group of brain-dead Middle Easterners out of the way, and I’m going to have to come in person.

But you underestimate me if you think I’m going to fold my arms.

You shoot me, I’ll let go, and we’ll all go to God together, and it’s only a matter of two days sooner or later for me.

I don’t really care. On the contrary, it’s a pity for you, a promising young man.

In the words of those dog-licking reporters, Los Angeles needs you.” Severo Yuri deliberately pinched his nose and laughed.

“You sound disgusting. I’m somewhat regretting meeting you; it might affect my appetite for dinner.”

“Then agree to my conditions.”

“What conditions?”

Severo-Yule pointed his left hand toward the hospital bed, “I’m going to leave with his blood on my hands.”

Luke breathed a sigh of relief, from that statement, the other man thought the Immunity existed and the FBI was just leaking information to set up an ambush.

He didn’t realize that the so-called survivors were fake.

For that matter, it wasn’t really that hard to figure out.

The Immunity was Severo Yuri’s only saving grace, his hope for survival, and he was subconsciously unwilling to believe that the other side was a fake.

He was in the middle of the situation, without a God’s perspective, he couldn’t be a spectator.

Severo Yuri shook his left hand, “Hey, how’s the consideration going? Will you let me leave, or will you let the entire hospital bury me with you?”

Suddenly, a figure flashed by the hospital bed.

The patient with a reddish complexion and wearing a ventilator sat up and took a hold of Severo-Yuri’s left hand.

“Bang, bang, bang ……” Luke fired directly.

One shot hit his right arm and one hit his right shoulder.

“Ah ……”

Severo Yuli screamed, his body trembled in pain, his legs went limp, his body fell on his back, and his eyes looked sinisterly at the patient on the side.

He wanted to loosen his hands and die together.

But the other party was surprisingly strong, where did he look like some kind of patient?

“Fuck, you bastards lied to me, you shall not die, you are the real animals.” Severo Yuli cursed hysterically.

“I’m going to kill you all.

I will die with you all.” At this moment Severo Yuli completely realized that there were no such thing as survivors.

It was also impossible for him to have researched a cure, and this was all a scam from start to finish.

Severo Yuli’s mind collapsed.

Armand Haynes snatches the remote control out of his hand.

Luke handcuffs him.

In fact, the plan wasn’t much of a clever one, and the only reason why Severo Yuri didn’t see through the fact that the Immunity was a fake was because the obsession in his mind was too heavy, and his concern was affecting his thinking.

The gunshots caused a brief agitation that was quickly quelled by the FBI agents lurking outside.

More FBI agents rushed into the hospital room.

Severo Yuri was being held dead center by the agents, his hands and feet cuffed, his jaw removed, and his teeth checked to prevent him from committing suicide.

But in Luke’s view, the other man’s desire to live was so strong that suicide was unlikely.

Luke patted Armand Haynes’ shoulder, “Good acting.”

Armand Haynes grinned a rare grin, “It’s the first time someone has complimented me like that.”

He was originally not very satisfied with the task of pretending to be a patient, he felt like a mascot poser, who had thought that he had taken credit at a critical moment, and felt immediately different.

Because Severo Yuli had suffered a gunshot wound, he was not brought back to the FBI immediately, but was first treated for the gunshot wound in the hospital.

Considering the danger of Severo-Yuli, there were always FBI agents watching over him.

When Severo-Yuli’s injuries were stabilized, he was immediately escorted back to the FBI’s Los Angeles office.

FBI Interrogation Room.

Severo Yuli was handcuffed to the interrogation chair, perhaps due to the pistol wound, with a little more pallor under his red skin.

Luke and FBI Deputy Director Lynn Blois are in charge of the interrogation.

Lynn Blois flipped open her notebook and asked, “Name.”

“Severo Yuri.”

He finished, looked up and asked Lynn Bulova back, “And who are you?”

“Sorry, forgot to introduce myself, Deputy Director of the FBI’s Los Angeles office, head of the Counterterrorism Division, Lynn Blois.”

Severo Ulli spread his hands, “Congratulations, that’s a delivery.”

“It’s not just you we’re after, it’s the Dreadpoint behind you.”

“I’m afraid I’m going to have to disappoint you then, those guys are hiding out in the Middle East, the FBI can’t get their hands on them.”

“Then it’s none of your business, just tell us everything you know.”

“Why should I tell you guys? Will telling you guys keep me from dying?” Severo Yuri let out a cold laugh and laughed at himself, “Your tactics won’t be of any use to a man like me, maybe I’ll die of illness before I can even wait for my day in court.

I’m well aware of my physical condition, and that immune body you guys made up is my only hope.

What a bunch of assholes you are, do you realize how cruel what you did was?”

“You’ve deprived nearly a hundred people of their lives with a biochemical weapon, so what qualifications do you have to talk about cruelty in front of us?” Lynn Blois stood up and walked over to Severo Yuri, “How about we make a deal? Tell us everything you know and I can guarantee you a peaceful time before you die.”

“What if the deal doesn’t work? Will you guys kill me right away?”

“Don’t dream about it, you won’t be able to die even if you want to at that time, we have plenty of means to deal with you, and may even involve your family.”

“I wasn’t wrong, you guys are really despicable.”

“There’s no need to be polite when dealing with people like you, if you really aren’t afraid of death, I might not really have a choice, but people like you who are greedy for life and fear of death can’t carry the FBI’s interrogation, instead of suffering some torture, it’s better to speak up on your own.”

Severo Yuri glared at Lynn Bulova, “You’re really blunt.”

“You are not an ordinary criminal, but a murderous Dread Fraction, no one will hold me responsible even if I dismantle you.”

Although Lynn Blois’ tone was flat, Severo Yuli knew that she was telling the truth, Severo Yuli had seen too many fearful points begging for their lives while in the Middle East.

He knew full well he didn’t have the faith of those people, and there was no way he could walk through those processes.

“I want to be in the best prison in Los Angeles, with the best medical care.”

“I’ll see to the arrangements, it’s not what you want now, it’s what I give you.

And my attitude depends on your performance.” Lynn Blois made her way back to the interrogation table, her tone not to be questioned, “Tell me everything you know, the motive for the terrorist attack, the lab that made the bioweapon, the raw materials, etc., the more details the better.”

Listening to Lynn Blois interrogation, Luke did not interrupt, he was also secretly learning the FBI’s interrogation style.

It had to be said that this department was really cool and violent.

Lynn Bulova’s attitude has always been very clear, if you don’t tell me I’ll mess with you, mess with you as if you were dead, there are no human rights here in Fear of Points.

If it were in the LAPD, a suspect threatened like this would have already called a lawyer.

In terms of deterrence, the FBI is much bigger than the LAPD.

Severo Yuli sighed softly, “In 2018, I was sent to the Middle East to work on biochemical weapons.

We did a lot of experiments, and the experimental subjects were the terror points captured in the region, and the experimental methods were brutal, but they did break through some technical shackles, and the results were outstanding.

In 2020, I felt unwell, and although I had not been diagnosed at that time, I knew my body, and I knew that something was terribly wrong with it, so I applied to return to my country for medical treatment.

Shortly after returning to the country, I was diagnosed with Yagola disease.

I found out that there are only a few cases of this disease worldwide, and that it only takes 3 to 4 years from the onset of the disease to death. Moreover, because there are so few cases, the medical institutions know very little about this disease and there are no medicines for treating Yagola disease.

I didn’t want to die.

I approached several pharmaceutical companies to ask them to develop disease-related treatment drugs, which I knew they were capable of doing, but they invariably refused.

The reason is very simple, too few people have this disease, even fewer people use the medicine, and the funds for the development of drugs are too expensive, they don’t talk about making money, they can’t even recoup the cost, so they disguisedly pronounced a death sentence on me.

I don’t want to die, I can only save myself.

But it’s not easy to save myself, I’m an expert in biochemical virus weapons, but not an expert in developing drugs, in the face of this disease, I’m at my wits’ end, I can only use other methods to save myself.”

Lynn Blois asked, “The way you saved yourself was to create a terrorist attack.”

“Yes, that’s what I do best, don’t those pharmaceutical companies think that there are fewer people with this disease? Then I’ll create more so they’ll have an incentive to develop a cure for it, and even if they don’t want to, the government will force them to do so.

And I also learned that a small percentage of the population is immune to the virus that triggers this disease, so if I can get that person’s blood and bone marrow, I’ll have a chance to develop a potent treatment drug.

I know this plan will be difficult to pull off, but it’s the only way I can do it.”

“How did you and Tapani Reagan meet?”

“We met in the Middle East, the squad he was in did escorts for us and we talked pretty well back then.

Shortly after I came back to the States, he retired.

He was equally unlucky, not much luckier than me. I was dying, he was dying of heart.

When I saw him again, he had become a bum. I bought him a drink and chatted more than misery, and I could sense his hostile feelings toward the government and society.

So I dragged him into the Fear of Dividing organization.

This unlucky man’s idea was to take out his adulterer, and I helped him do it, and if God told him about it, I think he’d be happy.”

Lynn Brower asked, “How did you get involved with the Middle East Dread Branch?”

“Making a biochemical weapon requires money, labs, and raw materials, I can’t do it alone, and besides, I needed to give myself an excuse to create a biochemical attack, that’s why I teamed up with the Middle Eastern Dreadnought, they wanted to save the Dreadnought leader L338, and I simply wanted to create a biochemical attack.

I know the US government, they will never release the leader of the terrorist branch, so I can use this as an excuse to continue to launch biochemical attacks.

Until the U.S. government forces the pharmaceutical companies to research a special drug for the Yagola disease or find someone who is immune to the virus.

If I simply carry out biochemical attacks, it is very likely that you will guess the purpose, and at that time I will be very passive and have no chance of winning at all.

As for that group of Middle Eastern Dreadnoughts, they would be happy to recruit a Dreadnought on American soil, so we can sort of hit it off.”

Luke asked, “Did you kill independent investigative journalist Arnett Stone as well?”

“Yes. That slaughterhouse was one of our strongholds, and Arnett Stone was doing an investigative journalism piece on retired veterans, and he followed Tapani Reagan to the slaughterhouse and saw things he shouldn’t have.

We had to kill him and then disposed of his body using cold storage and machines.

I know it seems a bit brutal, but I didn’t think about it that much at the time, I just wanted to get rid of the body in the easiest way possible.”

With Severo-Yuli’s testimony, the shredding case could also be closed.

The two men then questioned Severo Yuli about the location where he made the biochemical weapons, the raw materials, the source of funds, and so on.

The interrogation lasted for more than two hours.

After leaving the interrogation room, Luke was already hungry.

But his mood was pleasant, the sense of crisis that he might face a biochemical attack at any time was lifted.

The door of the observation room next to him also opened, and an old white woman walked out, not tall, with white hair and a kind face, and took the initiative to shake Luke’s hand, “Hi Luke, nice to see you.”

Luke shook the other woman’s hand and looked at Lynn Blois with a questioning gaze.

Lynn Blois didn’t say anything, just stood quietly, it wasn’t hard enough to guess her reaction to this.

“It’s better if I introduce myself, my name is Ayesha Garde, I’m the supervisor of the FBI’s Los Angeles office.”

“Nice to meet you ma’am.”

“As am I. Handsome boy, welcome to the FBI Los Angeles office.

I’ve got an office ready for you, you can move in anytime.

Come on, I’ll show you around.”

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