Chapter 52

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:52:47
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Matthew plays the road surveillance video.

A black Volvo drove through the intersection, and the man in the driver’s seat was Tony Weir.

The direction of travel was the Lawn’s neighborhood and the time was two o’clock in the afternoon.

David said, “Sophia returned home at 3:20 p.m. The time would be about right.”

The lieutenant looked incredulous, “What a surprise that Tony Weir is still alive and that Dave, the lawyer, didn’t lie.

The fact that Tony has been around Lawn’s neighborhood doesn’t prove that he’s a suspect in Lawn’s attack.

There’s no evidence, at least not yet, that the two men are directly related, it’s likely just a coincidence.”

Luke recalled for a moment, “When Dave was interrogated earlier, he admitted to borrowing the modified Taser from Tony, but did not admit to instructing Tony to purchase the Taser.

If what Dave said is true, then Tony’s real purpose for purchasing the Taser was probably to use it against Lawn.”

The lieutenant shook his head, “But the modified Taser Tony purchased was given to Dave a long time ago, the timing doesn’t add up.”

Luke said, “Maybe Tony has more than one Taser.”

Marcus analyzed, “Earlier, we speculated that the reason why Tony hid his identity was probably because he had a criminal record. Then is it possible that his occupation is not visible, like he is an assassin and needs to cover himself with a false identity.

One of the beneficiaries of the will hired him to take on Lawn.”

The lieutenant said, “Marcus, you have a vivid imagination, but investigating a case is all about evidence. Tony’s lead is noteworthy, but it’s not major at this point, and like I said before, it’s probably a coincidence.

We should still focus our investigative energies on the heir to the will.”

“I agree with the Lieutenant.” Luke responded, turning the conversation around.

“However, it’s been twenty days since Lawn was attacked, and it’s hard to find appropriate evidence. Several of the testamentary heirs aren’t exactly cooperative either, and if they collude and destroy evidence, the investigation will hit a dead end.”

The lieutenant smiled, “I see your point. Most organizations have rivalries and conflicts within them, as do families.

Lawn and Caroline are a reconstituted family and the problems will only get bigger.

The police’s sudden investigation into Lawn’s situation made the family feel threatened and instinctively chose to hold together in unison.

Fortresses are opened from within, and simply breaking the tacit understanding between them minimizes the possibility of collusion.

The police have only known them for a few hours, but they’ve known each other for more than a decade, and their mutual prosecution will likely be a breakthrough in the case.”

Jenny said, “Vice Squad, you also said just now that they are a family after all, it is likely that they have colluded on confessions before, I’m afraid that it is difficult to break their tacit understanding based on the police’s words alone.”

“This kind of reorganized family is unbeatable in front of interests.” The vice squad revealed a disdainful look, “Since the contents of the two wills are different, ask Caroline to help identify the authenticity of the written will. I think she’d be happy to do the favor.”

Marcus a thumbs up, “Wow wow, what a ‘good idea’.”

An hour later, Caroline was invited to the detective bureau.

Carolyn scanned the room and her eyes landed on Luke, “You have my husband’s written will.”

Susan said, “Ms. Caroline, I am Susan, Captain of Squadron One of the ‘Robbery and Murder Division’.

You were asked to come here because I was hoping you could help identify Mr. Lawn’s handwriting and confirm the authenticity of the written will.”

Caroline was a bit dissatisfied, “My husband is only in a coma, he’s not dead yet. Why do you guys keep staring at the will? It makes me feel uncomfortable.”

“SORRY, we don’t mean to be rude, but the contents of the two wills are different and we want to determine the authenticity of the written will.”

“WHAT? you said the two wills have different contents?”

“Yes. Do you recognize Mr. Lawn’s handwriting?”

“Of course, I recognize it.”

“Would you be willing to assist the police in the identification?”

“Bring it over.” Caroline pulled up a chair and sat down, placing her handbag on the table.

Susan pulled out a copy of the will and handed it to Carolyn.

Caroline took out a black-framed glasses from the bag and put them on, began to check the contents of the will, her face became very ugly, her hands trembled slightly, and she muttered, “NoNo …… it can’t be, this must be a fake …… ”

Luke thought, “If it really is fake, you won t be so excited.

Susan continued, “Ms. Caroline, is this your husband’s handwriting?”

Carolyn replied, “Where did you get this will?”

“This will was given to Attorney Daisy by Mr. Lawn for safekeeping.”

“WHY? I was married to him for over ten years, why would he do that? I can’t believe it, I’ve been praying to God again for him to wake up safely, how could he do this to me?”

The lieutenant asked, “Ms. Caroline, haven’t you read this will before?”

“No, he told me that the video will and the written will have the same contents.” Carolyn took a deep breath and a determined look came over her face, “This written will must be fake and forged.”

The lieutenant confirmed, “Isn’t this in Mr. Lawn’s handwriting?”

“It’s very much like Lawn’s handwriting, it should have been deliberately imitated by someone, I’m sure it’s a fake, yes, yes.” Caroline seemed to be cheering herself up.

“And who do you think forged this will?”

“Daisy, didn’t she bring this will? She must have forged it.”

“Daisy was not a beneficiary of the will, what good would that do her?”

“Sophia, she must have colluded with the lawyer to forge the fake will.”

Luke reminded, “Ms. Caroline, do you have proof? You can’t say such things, be careful of being sued by a lawyer.”

“I don’t know if Attorney Daisy was involved or not, but Sophia definitely has a problem. Didn’t you guys say before that Attorney Daisy was attacked and trespassed? It’s not unlikely that Sophia forged a fake will and had someone replace it with a new one.” The more Caroline spoke, the more certain she sounded.

“It has to be, Sophia knows my husband’s handwriting well enough to have the ability to forge a written will.”

Luke nodded, “Your speculation can make sense.

However, whether it is the theft of the will or the attack on Mr. Lawn, it has been a long time in the past, and it is difficult for the police to find the evidence and take the next step in the investigation of Sophia now.

Once Mr. Lawn is dead and the case can’t be further investigated, Attorney Daisy will formally read the written will.”

Caroline’s demeanor changed and changed, the will in her hand had been scratched out of its folds, “I have proof, Sophia lied and made my son take the fall for her.

This woman caused my son to be suspended from his job and is trying to plot against my property, I will never agree to this.”

“What does that mean? How did Sophia lie?”

Caroline took a deep breath and calmed down, “My son Brooke is excellent, he already saw that Lawn had suffered an assault when he was treating him and also filed a police report.

But was stopped by Sophia or things wouldn’t have gotten this far.”

Luke pressed, “Why did Sophia stop it?”

“I don’t know. I wasn’t there and I didn’t hear Brooke mention it until afterward. It had been a couple days by then, and if the police were called at this point it might affect Brooke’s work, so I didn’t pursue it further.

I swear to God, it was all Sophia’s idea and my son just listened to her in a moment of confusion.”

Luke made a note in his book, “Any other evidence?”

Caroline was silent for a moment, not sure if she had calmed down or not, and shook her head, “No, I’m done.”

Luke admonished, “You can also contact us again when you remember any other clues. Also, don’t tell anyone about this or it might jeopardize the police investigation.”

Caroline got up to leave, and as she reached the door, she turned and said, “This written will is definitely a fake, please make sure you check it out.”

Jenny escorted Caroline out of the office.

“Wow wow, this is going to be interesting.” Marcus widened his eyes and gloated a little, “Do you guys believe her?”

“With some credibility.” Luke said thoughtfully.

Earlier, he had thought of a problem, Brooke, as the attending doctor, could have tampered with the diagnostic report if she was bent on concealing Lawn’s injuries, if that was the case the police wouldn’t be able to find out the problem now.

But he didn’t.

This means that he was not trying to hide it when he made the diagnosis.

After making the diagnosis, he likely tried to call the police, but was stopped.

That’s why there is this paradoxical situation.

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