Chapter 520

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:15:18
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke had never been a warm-hearted and abusive person.

But if he could use the authority in his hands to make some extra money, he would still be happy to do so.

He himself had died for this city, so what’s wrong with enjoying it?

Luke didn’t say yes or no, let’s clear things up first, and smoothly asked, “Who are they? What’s the conflict between you guys?”

Zhang said, “Before, I was doing business with a friend in New York, and then the construction worker company grew, and there were more things to do.

We split up, and I brought a group of old folks to Los Angeles to develop.

When I first came here, I was rusty and encountered a lot of trouble. In order to expand the company’s business as soon as possible, we also thought of many ways, such as cooperating with local building materials dealers.

We signed a three-year contract with a local building materials company called Jinlang Building Materials, from which we purchased building materials such as cement, lumber, rebar, and sod, and they helped us deal with some of the problems.

The contract expired last year.

Then some other building materials merchants contacted us, offering prices that were about 30% lower than Jinlang’s, and the quality was a little better.

At this time, our brother heart is a little uncomfortable, your building materials are more expensive than others, but also not as good as the quality of others, that is not to us as the wrongdoer.

Renewal of the contract, we made it clear with Jinlang, hoping that they improve the quality of building materials, but also slightly lower prices, even if it is higher than other building materials dealers one percent we also recognize, but Jinlang building materials company did not agree, they asked for a renewal of the contract in accordance with the previous contract.

Their attitude is more tough, we are not comfortable in our hearts, the negotiations broke down.

Not long after, we signed a new contract with another building materials company, not only the quality is guaranteed, the price is also cheaper by 30%, but we are not happy for a long time, there is a group of people come to the door to look for trouble, to stop us from construction.

The four people you see, they not only come to your home to find trouble, before, we construction place, they also go to make trouble.

I’ve also asked around, this group of people belong to a gang called ‘Asian Boys’.

Jinlang building materials company and this gang called Asian boy relationship is very deep, to put it bluntly, Jinlang company is to eat the difference in price to make money purse company.

I am also aware that this kind of thing is inevitable.

If Jinlang can guarantee the quality of building materials, even if the price of building materials is 10% higher than the market price, I also recognize.

After all, they helped us at the beginning.

But their opening price is not only 30% higher, but also can’t guarantee the quality of building materials, I definitely can’t continue to renew the contract with them for the company’s long-term development.”

Luke frowned slightly, “There is no problem with the building materials I used to build the house, right?”

“This you can rest assured, the ones used for you are absolutely the best, moreover, your friend called John will come every few days. He is a knowledgeable person, you can ask him if you don’t believe me.

We didn’t renew our contract with Jinlang Building Material Company because we want to ensure the quality of the building materials.

The company has to grow and develop, I can’t jeopardize my reputation.

Building your villa, I am definitely 120 attentive.”

Luke pursued, “Do you have other business with Jin Lang Building Materials Company? You don’t want to avoid the issue just to let me help.

If I find out, I definitely won’t bother with this matter anymore.”

“Don’t worry, everything I said is the truth.” Zhang Jianguo sighed softly, “I admit that Golden Lang Building Materials did help us when we first came to Los Angeles, and we fulfilled the three-year contract.

Now that the contract has expired, I cannot still follow the original contract unchanged for the sake of the company’s future development.”

Luke had been staring at the other party, and did not see obvious signs of lying, ‘Asian Boys’ this gang he had heard of, belonging to the more famous Asian gangs in Los Angeles.

The matter was not too big.

It wasn’t difficult for Luke to solve it, but the question was what was in it for him?

He just hired Zhang Brothers to build a house for himself, and the contracting fee was not a penny less, there was no reason to help them settle a personal grudge.

With no benefits, why would Luke need to provoke the gangsters.

Luke tried, “Mr. Zhang, I belong to the Robbery and Murder Division, which mainly deals with homicides and major criminal cases, and gang matters are not under our responsibility.

However, I have a colleague in the Gang Fighting and Narcotics Division, he can handle this matter.”

“Captain Li, I know you and only trust you, as long as the matter can be resolved so that Jin Lang Building Material Company will no longer look for trouble from me.

I’m only responsible for contributing money and effort, I don’t care about anything else.

You take more trouble.”

Luke smiled, this bastard was a good man, knowing that one thing does not bother two masters.

Luke was also willing to deal with smart people and said, “I’ll ask for you and see if he is willing to help.”

Zhang Jianguo revealed a grateful look, “Then please, after this is accomplished, I will surely thank you properly.”

Luke didn’t answer, there are some things that everyone just understands in their hearts.

“Is Mr. Li in? The takeout has arrived.” A takeout boy walked into the courtyard carrying two boxes.

Luke greeted the workers to eat.

He himself walked outside the courtyard and dialed David’s cell phone number.

A few moments later, the cell phone connected and a raspy voice rang out, “Hey, isn’t this the big hero who saved Los Angeles? I saw the news this morning and was just about to get you an autograph, haha.”

“Got time tomorrow? Ask you to go to the range for some gun practice.”

“You busy man, why did you suddenly remember to ask me to practice shooting.”

“I want to practice shotgun.”

“I see, you want a free instructor, the whole detective bureau knows I’m the best shotgun shooter.”

Luke laughed, “Why don’t you say the entire LAPD?”

“Isn’t it a default that the Detective Bureau is the best department in the entire LAPD?”

“You bet.

Do you have time tomorrow?”

“Sure. Enjoy Coach David’s devilish training. Be prepared, I’m not going to be soft.”

Novibar Gun Club.

Luke pulled into the parking lot, his first visit to this gun club.

This club was chosen by David, and according to him, it had the most complete selection of shotguns in all of Los Angeles, and the simulated range was perfect for shotgun training.

Shotguns, known as the sharp weapon of alley warfare, can inflict devastating blows on the enemy at close range, and are extremely powerful and shocking.

It is also the standard for tough guys in movies and TV dramas.

Luke possessed a learning card for the shotgun, but had never had the time to use it to practice.

It just so happened that this time he had something to do with David and asked him to teach himself to practice with the shotgun.

A few minutes later, David drove up to the parking lot as well.

The two met and entered the gun club together.

David asked, “Why did you suddenly remember to practice with your gun? Don’t say you missed me.

“I’ve been exposed to a lot of fear scores lately, and it made me realize that the pistol’s power is a bit lacking, and I need to keep learning to recharge my batteries.”

David patted Luke’s shoulder, “You made the right choice, a shotgun is what a man should use.”

Luke continued, “I’m not done yet, besides practicing with the shotgun, I have another thing for you.”

David bristled and looked like I knew it, “What is it?”

“Let’s practice with the gun first, it’s nothing important, there’s plenty of time to talk about it at lunch.” Luke was still looking forward to the shotgun.

“Come on, I’ll take you to pick out a gun.” David walked while introducing, “There are many types of shotguns, there are police type, military type, hunting type, and different shotguns are used in different areas.

Among them, police type shotguns can have a variety of bullets, the most common ones are lead bullets, rubber bullets, and signal bullets, which are all universal.”

“You can try a few more shotguns as a beginner, but I’ll focus on four commonly used shotguns for you.

Remington 870, Mossberg 500, Beretta 1301, and Burnelli M4.

The first two are pump-action designs that require manual back-and-forth operation after firing, and are suitable for a variety of applications with a bit more reliability.

The latter two are semi-automatic designs and will shoot faster.”

Luke thought about it and said, “Then I’ll try out a few more shotguns this morning and choose a suitable one to focus on this afternoon.”

“Oh, don’t think just because you’re good with a pistol that you’re good with a shotgun, one day is definitely not enough time.

Learn well, rookie.”

Luke shrugged his shoulders without retorting and directly used a learning card for shotguns [Three hours to quickly learn and comprehend shotgun skills].

Luke then started practicing with the shotgun under David’s tutelage.

In Hollywood blockbusters, many protagonists liked to use shotguns, as far away as The Terminator, and as close as The Fast and the Furious.

Luke was no stranger to shotguns, but had not used them in real combat for the simple reason that the advantages of shotguns were obvious, and so were their disadvantages.

The advantages are high power and wide range of attack.

The disadvantages were high recoil, low ammunition capacity, and changing bullets was a learning curve.

Luke was proficient with both handguns and rifles, and had a good base in his own right, so he quickly adapted to the shotgun style.

The first thing he tried was a pump-action shotgun, manually loaded with a great sense of maneuverability, with the obvious drawback of a slow rate of fire.

After that, Luke tried the semi-automatic shotgun, which had a much higher rate of fire, with the disadvantage of being more expensive.

Of course, the price didn’t even matter to Luke.

So, instead of the (manually) more forced pump-action shotgun, he opted for a semi-automatic shotgun.

Luke tried multiple semi-automatic shotguns, and ultimately felt that the Benelli M4 was a better fit.

This is a semi-automatic shotgun designed and manufactured by the Italian company Burnelli, originally developed as a combat shotgun for the U.S. Army, firing 12-gauge shotgun shells, it was adopted by the U.S. Army and named the M1014.

The Burnelli M4 has a modern modular design with a removable stock that allows it to be fired in tight spaces, shoots quickly, holds seven rounds, and has little recoil compared to other shotguns.

Luke himself is a good shot, under the enchantment of the shotgun learning card, he mastered the basic skills of using the shotgun in one morning, gradually adapting to the recoil and shooting style of the shotgun, only the speed of filling the bullets still needs to be strengthened.

At noon, Luke and David ate together at the Gun Club cafeteria.


It was a bit of a hot day, so the two men each served a cold beer.

David drank most of the glass in one gulp and burped, “You boys practiced well this morning.”

Luke laughed, “David, you’re a lucky guy about to witness the birth of a tough guy.”

“Shit, you’re not even close.” David pointed to himself, “It’s guys like me that are called tough guys.”

Luke teased, “If the standard for a tough guy is baldness, then I’m really not even close.”

David rubbed his head without a care in the world, “You’re right, that’s tough guy.”

“Haha ……”

Both laughed.

David asked as he ate his steak, “Man, what else did you want to see me about today besides gun practice?”

“I’m not even in a hurry, what’s your hurry?”

“Come on, your kid is doing well now, not only is he the rising star of the police force, but he has also become the FBI’s criminal investigation consultant, I also want to follow you to get some light.”

Luke was a little surprised, “That doesn’t sound like something tough guy David would say.”

“Or what, to be like Vice Squad? Vice Squad Vice Squad Vice Squad ……

That’s what I’m telling you.

You tell anyone else and I won’t admit it.”

“You’re not having a good time in the Gang and Narcotics Control Division?”

“That’s not true, it’s just that …… I sometimes miss being in the Robbery and Murder Division, and I always feel like there’s something lacking ……

Like the Vice Squad, for example, I didn’t used to like this stubborn old man, but now I think of him a lot instead.”

Luke picked up his glass and clinked it with him, “We’re all in the Detective Bureau and not too far away, I’ll call on you when there’s a chance to take credit for something.” Luke took a sip of his wine and continued, “I’m looking for you today because I have something I want to discuss with you.”

“Cluck ……” David clenched his fist and guessed, “Which gang of ungrateful punks messed with you again?”

Luke gave a brief account of the situation.

David asked, “You want me to help the Zhang Brothers? This is not like your style. You’ve always disliked meddling in other people’s business.”

“If there is no benefit, I certainly won’t be nosy.

Since the other party has something to ask for, it’s not a difficult task for us, so it’s just the right time to make some extra money.”

“How much are they offering us to set this matter right.” David frowned slightly, scanned the surroundings, and said, in a voice only two people could hear, that

“Will this money be solid if we take it? Can the Zhang brothers be relied upon?”

“He just said that there will be a big thank you, he didn’t say how much money he would give, and even if he gave the money, I wouldn’t want it.”

“Then what do you want?”

“We can take a stake in his construction company, the two brothers will be in charge of running it, we will give them protection, and we will all make money together.”

David was a little worried, “I don’t know much about the construction industry, are you sure you won’t lose money? And I don’t have a lot of money for shares.”

“The amount of shares is only symbolic, it won’t be too high, even if you don’t have it I can advance it out for you, and you can give it to me after the dividends.”

David understood, “Will the brothers agree?”

“I want to discuss it with you before I talk to them.

If you don’t want to do it, I’ll just rebuff them.

Besides, they’re the ones who took the initiative to ask for my help. If they feel that the request I made is unreasonable, just reject it.

We can’t take the risk ourselves just to help him.”

David nodded, the Zhang Brothers’ heavy thanks was likely a gratuity.

He also didn’t want to directly accept this kind of money from an unknown source.

Paying taxes was also a hassle.

The best way was like Luke said.

We were all in business together, and David and Luke had a share in the construction company, so if that load of gangsters came back for more trouble, it would be to the detriment of David and Luke, and the two would be able to clean up after them in name only.

As the vice-captain of the Anti-Triad and Narcotics Division, David’s main task is to fight against gangsters, as long as he reveals his identity, he doesn’t have to do anything at all, that group of guys will get as far away as possible, and will definitely not dare to come back to the construction company to look for trouble.

So what happened to Zhang’s brothers was no big deal to David at all.

If it’s really like what Luke said, Zhang Brothers are willing to let them share in the company at a lower price, that’s equivalent to have a long-term income dividends, which is much more cost-effective than taking a gratuity.

David could not help but be a little moved, but also a little muttering, Zhang Brothers can agree?

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