Chapter 521

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:15:20
A+ A- Turn Off Light

David asked, “How many percent of shares do you think it’s appropriate for us to take in Zhang’s Construction Company?”

“I have a certain understanding of Zhang’s Construction Company, the company’s scale is not big, but the business condition is good, I’m not sure about the specific profits, but in just three years, the Zhang brothers have all purchased properties in Los Angeles.

This also shows that they are optimistic about the company’s development in Los Angeles.

We can take a 20% stake, if they think it’s high, my bottom line is 15%.

You take ten percent and I’ll take half a percent.”

Although Luke was also a deterrent to gang members, he belonged to the Robbery and Murder Division and had no direct powerful conflict with the gangs.

David was different, he was from the Department of Triad and Narcotics Control, which was specialized in dealing with gangsters, and resolving the conflict between Jin Lang Building Materials Company and Zhang Brothers was also dominated by him.

Luke was more of just a matchmaker, filling in the blanks, and it was mainly handled by David.

Although Luke had a high position and a big reputation, the county official was not as good as the current administrator.

David thought about it, “Half and half, we take the same shares.”

Luke said, “I’m not being polite to you, this matter still needs to be resolved by you.”

David said, “I’m not being polite to you either, without you, I won’t cooperate with them, besides, you are now very famous, this matter is led by you, it’s not likely that our identities will just appear on the list of shareholders of the company.

Jinlang Building Material Company will then take the initiative to soften up, no need for me to step in at all.

Sooner or later, you will become a senior member of the police force, don’t underestimate your influence, that group of gangsters are shrewd.”

Luke was glad that his old partner had this kind of realization, and he didn’t make any more pretense, “OK, then we’ll each have 10% of the shares, and if the Zhang Brothers aren’t willing to do so, then there’s no need for cooperation.”

David lifted his glass, “You see to it, you use your brain, I’ll put in my effort, we’ll go forward and backward together.”


The two men were friends for life, and it was enough to say the words openly and agree on the opinions, without having too many trials and tribulations.

After eating, the two continued practicing with their shotguns.

Luke used another kind of shotgun learning card.

After a morning’s training, Luke could already familiarize himself with the shotgun.

In the afternoon, there was a practical exercise.

David brought Luke to a constructed practical training range.

The range was separated by walls, kind of like a maze, and every time you turned a corner and entered the next range, you would encounter a different target, a suspect, a hostage, and a jumping target, simulating a real combat situation as much as possible.

David shook his head and said to Luke, “Let’s get started, rookie.”

Luke put on his goggles and said, “Be careful of getting abused by the rookie.”

David laughed, “Haha, I’m looking forward to it.”

Luke loaded the shotgun and loaded another bullet so that there were eight bullets in the gun.

There was also a spare side magazine on the gun with eight spare bullets that could be loaded at any time.


David shouted, and Luke quickly entered the practical training ground.

“Bang!” The sound of a shot hit the target.

Luke moved quickly.

“Bang Bang Bang ……”

Although it was Luke’s first time to use a shotgun in real combat, he had a good base of marksmanship and pushed all the way through flat.

After eight bullets were fired, Luke ducked behind cover to reload, loading the bullets in the spare side magazine into the gun and continuing his training.

“Bang Bang ……”

The entire training range had a total of fifteen targets, and Luke also fired fifteen shots, successfully passing with one bullet left in the chamber.

Luke unloaded the bullet and asked David, who was at the side, “How was it?”

David shrugged, “Your shooting is fine, but the rhythm is off, that’s not how a shotgun works.

Watch me.”

David took the gun from Luke, filled it up, the spare magazine on the side of the gun full, and entered the training range.

“Bang, bang, bang.”

David fired three shots in a row, hitting three targets.

Luke watched from behind him and noticed that after David fired three shots, he used the cover to fill two spare bullets, bringing the gun’s capacity to seven bullets again.

David then continued on, “Bang Bang!”

He hit two more targets consecutively, then once again utilized the cover and filled three bullets.

After that, continuing forward, “Bang Bang Bang Bang.”

This time, he fired four shots and filled three bullets.

Soon, he also completed the entire practical training, taking five seconds shorter than Luke, don’t underestimate these five seconds, it can already determine a person’s life and death.

David tossed the shotgun to Luke, “See the problem?”

“Yes, I shouldn’t reload after using the bullets.”

“That’s right, the pistols and rifles you’re used to using change magazines directly after using the rounds, but unlike the shotgun, it changes the rounds manually.

You must be quick in filling the cartridge, hold the handle with your right hand and fill the cartridge with your left hand, not by eye, but by feel.

One more thing, make sure you don’t wait for the bullets to run out before you fill them, that will be very passive.

The Burnelli M4 only has eight bullets, after using three or four you can find the right opportunity to fill the bullets, don’t let the gun have less than four bullets in the chamber.

Your marksmanship and combat awareness is fine, what needs to be improved is the speed of filling bullets.”


Next, Luke began practicing filling bullets quickly under David’s guidance.

Luke liked the feel of the shotgun and was very interested in learning, plus the learning card, he improved quickly.


By the end of the training, Luke was able to use the shotgun with familiarity, and the speed of loading was greatly accelerated.

Rather than already knowing that Luke had a strong learning ability, David couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

This pervert.

The next day at noon.

Near the Palisades neighborhood, Mao Family Cuisine Restaurant.

Last night, Zhang took the initiative to call and invite Luke to have dinner with him.

Luke drove to the vicinity of the restaurant, and the Zhang brothers were already standing in front of the restaurant waiting.

Without mentioning anything else, this attitude was no match.

Luke just stopped the car, and Zhang’s brothers greeted him, “Mr. Li, I saw your car from afar, don’t say, your temperament and this car really match.”

Zhang spoke Chinese, Luke laughed, “Hearing your familiar country accent, I also feel friendly.”

The three chatted idly as they went up to the private room on the third floor.

Zhang Jianguo said to the waiter at the side, “You can serve the food now.”

“Okay, Mr. Zhang.” The waiter answered and went out of the private room.

Zhang handed Luke the menu, “Mr. Li, I’ve reserved the restaurant’s signature dishes, see what else you want to eat and we’ll add it.”

Luke was not polite, picked up the menu and looked at it, adding two dishes.

Zhang Jianmin carried up a case of white wine and smiled, “Mr. Li, I heard that you don’t like saucy flavors, so I’ll take a case of 30 year old Qing Hua Fen.”

Luke nodded, “This wine has a good taste.”

Zhang Jianmin poured three glasses of wine and the three of them drank a toast.

Because the dishes were pre-ordered, they were served quickly.

After the waiter left, Zhang greeted Luke and ate the dishes.

Luke had a braised pork dish in front of him, which was the restaurant’s must-order dish, as well as chopped pepper fish head, asparagus bacon, black mountain goat, red simmered turtle, roasted goose, seasonal vegetables drizzled in oil, long march chicken, and salmon sashimi.

The food was hearty and flavorful.

Luke’s favorite food is braised pork, chopped pepper fish head and asparagus bacon, sometimes delicious dishes are not necessarily expensive, the key is to eat comfortably.

After a few glasses of wine, the relationship between the two sides was also close, Zhang Jianmin was a bit unable to sit still and poured Luke some wine, “Mr. Li, yesterday, the people from Jinlang Building Material Company called and threatened us again, this matter still needs to ask you to take the trouble to do so.”

Luke used a probe card to make sure that the Zhang brothers did not record before saying, “I was about to say it. Yesterday, I had a meeting with a friend from the Anti-Triad and Narcotics Control Division, he is the Deputy Captain of the Anti-Triad and Narcotics Control Division, and his main duty is to deal with the affairs of the gangs, so it would be more appropriate for him to step in.

I explained the situation to him and he had his own worries.

It is not difficult for him to clean up gang members, but a dog will jump over the wall if it is anxious, let alone a human being.

Without a conflict of interest, he wouldn’t want to provoke the other side.”

“Mr. Li, we understand your friend’s thoughts, and we definitely won’t let him work for nothing.” Zhang Jianmin held a heavy gift bag with both hands and put it in front of Luke, “Mr. Li, it’s not almost the Dragon Boat Festival, so I’ve prepared some dumplings for you and your family, so take them back and try them.

What are the requirements of your friend’s side, you can also mention.”

Luke did not go to pick up the gift box, looked at the silent Zhang Jianguo on the side, and laughed, “Both of you, the dumplings are a good thing, but it’s only April, and it’s still early for the Dragon Boat Festival.

Eating this is a bit out of place.”

After sensing Luke’s attitude, Zhang Jianguo hurriedly stood up and waved his hand at his brother, signaling him to put the stuff away, “Right, right, I told you, what kind of dumplings are you sending, earthy, next time send some red wine.”

Zhang Jianmin revealed a sardonic smile and put the gift box away.

Zhang Jianmin raised his wine glass, “Mr. Li, I’ll toast you again.”

Luke had a good capacity for alcohol and came to drink with the other party.

This matter was also considered to be uncovered.

Zhang put down his glass and asked, “Mr. Li, then what does your friend mean?”

Luke said, “This friend of mine, who has a little money in his hand, has always wanted to do some business, but doesn’t have that energy, so he wants to find a reliable company to invest in.

He heard me mention your construction contracting company, and was quite interested, and wanted to ask if your company needs investment.”

The Zhang brothers looked at each other, and his younger brother, Zhang Jianmin, asked, “Mr. Li, how much money does your friend want to invest in our company?”

Luke said, “Since I don’t know what your side is thinking, I didn’t ask him in detail, but listening to him, he is hoping to take a 20% stake in the company.”

Zhang Jianmin felt something was off, not saying the amount of investment, only mentioning the percentage of shares, how did it feel like he was asking for dry shares.

He looked at his brother again.

Zhang Jianmin also saw that Luke didn’t not want the money, but felt that this tactic was too low, and he wanted longer term benefits.

No wonder he could live in a mansion at a young age, he could indeed calculate.

Seeing that the brothers were a bit nervous, Luke smiled, “My friend just said that, you brothers don’t have to take it seriously, since it’s a business, it’s definitely a matter of you and me, if your company doesn’t lack the investment, I’ll just turn him back and let him invest in other industries, it’s all just a matter of words.”

Luke wouldn’t take Zhang Brothers’ money directly, hotshot.

If the Zhang Brothers had a long-term vision, then we would work together.

If they couldn’t get along, there was no need to force the issue, it was their brothers who took the initiative to beg, it wasn’t like Luke was rushing up to them.

Zhang Jianguo contemplated for a moment and asked, “Mr. Li, Zhang Brothers Construction Company, currently there are only two shareholders, my brother and I. It’s not impossible for your friend to want to invest.

I also hope to find like-minded partners to make the company bigger, so I would like to know what your friend’s outlook is for the company’s future development?”

Luke took a sip of Mao Tip and flirted, “He is just a rough man, what outlook can he have, the company’s business is still up to you brothers, he doesn’t care.

However, if someone comes to the company looking for trouble, playing tricks and using unfair means to compete, then leave it to him, he’s the best at this.”

Zhang understood and deliberated, “Mr. Li, I personally feel that this method of cooperation can be considered, but I don’t know your friends, compared to your friends, I’m still more willing to work with you, in the end, you and I both have Chinese blood, I’m more willing to trust you.

To really set you aside and let me work with him alone, I’m not sure in my heart.”

“You and that friend of mine have come up with the same idea, working with you alone, he is also not solid in his heart, and hopes that I can invest with him as well, and for that 20% share, he wants me to take up a share as well.”

Zhang Jianmin asked, “Mr. Li, I’m also a rough man, so I’ll open up the conversation.

If you guys take shares in our company, this time the matter is settled.

What if you encounter someone causing trouble again in the future, and you guys think it’s too much trouble and aren’t willing to help?

Will you offer to take more shares.”

“You’re asking two questions, I’ll answer the first one first, if we take a stake in Zhang’s Construction Company, then we’ll have a share in the company’s profits, whoever dares to come to the company to cause trouble and affect the normal operation of the company is harming our interests, no matter what, we won’t be polite to such people.

The second issue, the proportion of shares, my friend and I are not insatiable people, we do not know how to operate, how much work, how much money, how many shares.

As long as our obligations remain unchanged, we will not ask for a higher percentage of shares.

As long as we cooperate with each other and make the plate bigger, it’s better than anything.”

“Right, Mr. Li is right.” Zhang Jianguo’s tone was a bit agitated, “As long as the company’s scale gets bigger, what’s 20% of the shares?

I think the issue of investment can be considered.”

Zhang Jianmin pursed his lips and did not answer.

Luke was also observing the two brothers, and raised his glass, “The matter of investment, today we first talked about this, you do not have to rush to make a decision, go back and think about it.

After all, it’s not a one-shot deal, we have to cooperate for a long time in the future, and I don’t want everyone to feel unhappy.

Or that sentence, if you think it is appropriate, we work together.

If you have any concerns, you can tell me directly.

My friend is also a whim, the investment of this kind of thing three minutes of enthusiasm.

It’s fate that we know each other, let’s not get drunk today, come on, I’ll toast the two Mr. Zhangs.”

This construction company is the blood of the Zhang brothers, Luke didn’t think to finalize things in one meal, he had to give them a time to consider and buffer.

Cooperation should still be based on mutual voluntariness.

Zhang picked up his glass and drank it all in one go, “Mr. Li, I am still very interested in you and your friend’s investment, let’s discuss it when we get back and give you an answer as soon as possible.”

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