Chapter 526

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:15:32
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Early morning.

The Chris was traveling quickly across the sea.

Last night, the people had been researching until eleven o’clock at night in order to find the treasure island, and finally managed to over find the island that was suspected to be the location of the treasure.

Perhaps it was the joy of the imminent finding of the treasure that made the members of the treasure hunting team exuberant, although they slept late, they woke up at five o’clock in the morning.

Washing, eating, checking the yacht and equipment, at six o’clock in the morning, driving the Chris towards the unnamed sea island where the treasure was suspected to be hidden.

One hour later.

The Chris arrived at the waters near the nameless sea island.

Yes, it was indeed the nameless island, and even Luke and the others didn’t know if it belonged to the United States.

There were so many nearby islands, remote, uninhabitable islands that few people traveled to.

The aborigines weren’t as eager to explore as the tourists; they were used to it.

And some adventurous tourists can’t get to the remote islands for one reason or another.

Of course, this was not a good thing for the nameless sea island.

“I see it!” Lilith stood in front of the yacht and pointed at the nameless sea island not far away, her tone full of excitement.

Luke also walked to the front of the yacht and looked at the growing sea island, there was also a trace of excitement in his heart, although he was already on his third treasure hunt.

But from Lilith’s description, the scale and value of this time’s treasure is far more than the previous two times. And the Indian treasure left behind hundreds of years ago was much more meaningful than the treasure left behind by the Fen family.

Now the first problem they faced, how to board the island?

Elsa Marin gave two options, the first option to find a natural dock, if you can find a dock for the yacht to dock, is absolutely the best choice.

But this kind of thing is all about luck and the chances are not good, Elsa Marin proposes to spend an hour searching for a natural dock, and if she can’t find one, she will use the second option.

Take a kayak to the island.

Elsa Marin was an aboriginal and had the most experience on the sea, Luke and the others did not object and set out to find a natural dock.

The requirements for a natural dock were simple: the water was deep enough, close enough to shore, free of silt and reefs, and preferably sheltered from the wind.

One of these was easy to fulfill, but together they were not.

It was also a job of experience, and the task of finding a natural dock was still dominated by Elsa Marin.

The area of the nameless sea island was small, roughly estimated at 100 acres, equivalent to the size of more than sixty soccer fields.

Despite its small size, the island was covered with tall tropical trees and the vegetation was thick and dense, adding to the difficulty of exploring the island.

At Elsa Marin’s request, the yacht circled around the unnamed island, and Elsa Marin picked out a few spots that were more suitable for a dock.

She then took a kayak and went to each location to check it out on the ground.

After spending another hour or so, she finally found a natural dock suitable for yachts.

Under the command of Elsa Marin, the yacht docked smoothly and the crowd officially landed on the nameless sea island.

Before officially landing on the island, Luke and the others also made sufficient preparations, carrying as much treasure hunting equipment as possible.

For example, metal detectors, drones, walkie-talkies, compasses, weapons, digging tools, sufficient fresh water and food, first aid kits and so on.

After everything was ready, the crowd boarded the island from the pier on the north side of the unnamed sea island.

The north side of the uninhabited sea island was a tropical rainforest, with tall, leafy trees that covered the sky, so it was easy to get lost once you went deeper into it.

Elsa Marin walked at the front, turning her head to the crowd behind her and said, “From the current situation, this sea island is no obvious traces of human activity found, which means that this sea island is not suitable for habitation, and it also means that there may be potential dangers.

So everyone must be careful and never get separated.”

Glasses Girl said, “I’ve equipped everyone with walkie-talkies.”

Elsa Marin cautioned, “Electronic devices aren’t everything here, and if you want to survive here, you must learn to respect nature.”

Afterwards, the four of them divided up the work and began to formally explore the island.

Elsa Marin was in charge of leading the way, while Lilith and Cobalt used a metal detector to explore the underground on the left and the back.

Luke, carrying a traveling bag with the most gear, was in the back for guard and security.

The treasure hunting plan of the four people was from north to south, landing on the east cliff from the south side, because the terrain and environment on the west side of the island was more complicated and put to the last exploration.

The dense vegetation and tangled vines of the tropical rainforest, coupled with the fact that people were rare and there was not even a road to pass through, required someone to clear the way ahead.

Elsa Marin in the front to lead the way, need from time to time to use the mountain knife to cut off the vines and branches in the way, this is also a strength work, about ten minutes to walk on some physical exhaustion.

And then, she and Luke switched, she carried the bag in the back guard, by Luke in front of the road.

The trailblazer was sharp, and it wasn’t difficult to cut through the branches and vines, but the hard part was the constant chopping, which caused the muscles in both arms to be very tired.

After about twenty minutes, Luke was also a bit overwhelmed.

This made Luke somewhat admire Elsa Marin’s physical strength and endurance, it was really not easy for her to last for ten minutes as a woman.

If they were replaced by Lilith and Glasses Girl, it was estimated that they might not be able to last even five minutes.

“Dripping ……” Suddenly, the metal detector gave out a ringing sound.

Glasses Girl shouted with some excitement, “I’ve got something here.”

Luke breathed a sigh of relief, finally able to rest for a while, both arms were sore.

Glasses girl took out a shovel and dug towards the ground where the metal was found, the top layer was dead branches and rotting leaves, it was only after digging that it was dirt, after digging about half a meter deep, a pointy object was found.

After rinsing it off with mineral water, it was found to be a large bull’s horn with metal set into one end.

Elsa Marin looked at the bull’s horn, a touch of joy appeared on her face, “It should be the bull’s horn of a North American bison, this kind of bull is only found in the North American continent, and it shouldn’t appear here.”

Lilith took the bull horn and scrutinized it, rubbing the metal at the end of the bull horn with her slender fingers, “This is engraved with ancient Indian tribal patterns, this is not an ordinary bull horn, it looks like a ceremonial horn of some kind.”

The glasses girl was straightforward, “Is this thing worth anything?”

“If it is well preserved, it still has some collector’s value, but because of improper preservation, this bull horn has been bent out of shape and cracked.

At least I wouldn’t spend money on such a crippled collector’s item.”

Glasses Girl was a bit regretful, “That means I dug half a day for nothing.”

Lilith encouraged, “No, this dig is valuable, this bullhorn is most likely from the treasure of the Indians five hundred years ago, suggesting that this is the hidden treasure island we are looking for.

The cow horn may be damaged by moisture, but the gold is not.”

“You’re right.” The glasses girl’s eyes were covered with little stars, and she once again gathered her energy.

The group moved on.

The metal detector went off once more, but this time it only unearthed a discarded blade.

After traveling forward for half an hour, because of the compound rainforest environment and the muddy ground, the walking speed was slow and it was hard to walk, everyone was a little tired.

Rested for ten minutes, replenished some food and water, and continued on the road.

“Drip drip drip ……”

The metal detector went off again.

This time Elsa Marin was in charge of the digging, she was a local and had the best stamina and condition.

Luke, although physically stronger, was somewhat unable to adapt to the hot and humid climate of the rainforest.

Elsa Marin dug down sixty centimeters and dug into a hard object, she dug away the surrounding soil and revealed the shape of the hard object.

It was a palm-sized hunk of metal, about fifteen centimeters long, seven centimeters wide, and five centimeters high.

It was heavy in her hand, and after washing it with water, it was a silver brick of extremely high purity.

Lilith received the silver brick with both hands, feeling a bit heavy, placing the silver brick on the ground to carefully check the pattern printed on it, a carved cylinder somewhat similar to a cartoon face, with three pairs of bull horns and bull’s eyes at the top.

Lilith pretty face showed a touch of smile: “This is an ancient Indian totem, with the bull horns just now is likely to be from a tribe, indicating that we are one step closer to the treasure.”

Glasses Girl held up her glasses, “I feel like the treasure is beckoning to us, I can’t believe we actually found it.”

“It’s still a bit early to be happy, finding the treasure location is the real victory.” Elsa Marin squatted down and drew a simple route on the ground with a tree branch, “We landed from the pier on the north side of the sea island and found the North American cow horn not far from the north coast;

After that, it went all the way to the south side of the sea island and found the silver bricks again.

This shows that we were on the right track for the treasure hunt.

The crew that buried the treasure back then should have also landed from the north shore pier, knowing that it’s easy to get lost in the rainforest, so I think it’s highly probable that they wouldn’t have buried the treasure on the north side of the island, because they might not be able to find it either.

They should find some more easily recognizable places as treasure hiding spots.”

“I agree with you.” Lilith took out the treasure map of the island again and pointed to two points on the map, “I think the lake on the south side of the island and the cliffs on the east side are more obvious, and the treasure is most likely hidden in these two places.” Lilith looked at Luke, “What do you think?”

Luke’s eyes scanned the surrounding area, “Find an open area to get the drones up in the air and see how we can get out of the rainforest as quickly as possible.”

“Good idea.” Cobalt had been carrying the drone with her and it finally came in handy.

The group walked forward for a while before they found a relatively open place, and the drone lifted up and looked down, determining the extent of the rainforest and finding the fastest route to drive out of the rainforest.

After determining the direction, the four of them traveled forward for more than twenty minutes and finally got out of the rainforest.

Lilith let out a long breath, “I want to take a bath so badly now.”

Luke climbed up a higher rock and pointed to the south side, “Just ahead.”

Only to see that a small lake appeared in the direction Luke was pointing, about the size of a soccer field, and this was also one of the more obvious marked spots on the treasure map.

The crowd walked around the lake with a little curiosity, the water was not very clear, instead it looked a little turbid.

Glasses girl squatted at the edge of the lake, took out a palm-sized instrument and put one end into the water.

“Drip drip drip ……” the instrument rang out, flashing red, glasses girl frowned: “The water contains a large number of minerals, and may even contain toxic substances, not suitable for drinking. ” She then looked aside at Lilith, “I suggest you return to the yacht before taking a dip.”

Elsa Marin touched the water in the lake with her right hand, “There is no fresh water suitable for drinking, perhaps that is why the island is untouched.”

Lilith stroked her bare chin and said, “From the photos taken by the drone, it doesn’t look like an island formed by a volcano, so why does the water contain a lot of minerals?”

Luke pointed ahead, “Go to the source of the water flow, we might find the answer.”

The group moved forward along the lake, the source was a small stream less than two feet wide, the stream meandered upwards and continued to the east.

The group followed the creek, ahead of them was a rocky surface, somewhat slick, but fortunately the grade was not too steep and did not require the aid of a hiking pick.

It was still Elsa Marin leading the way, she suddenly stopped and pointed ahead, “There is a hole there, the stream is flowing out from the hole.”

Four people walked to the entrance of the cave, it was relatively dark inside, some people turned on their headlamps, some people took a strong flashlight and shone it into the cave.

The entrance of the cave is narrow, the cave is twisted and deep, the underground water is gurgling, and there are round stalactites on it.

The glasses girl revealed a look of realization: “No wonder the water quality here is over the limit, it turns out to be a cave. Now that we’ve figured out the cause, should we leave and continue searching for the treasure.”

Luke shone his strong flashlight into the depths of the cave and said, “Why should we leave? Isn’t this natural cave a good place to hide treasure?”

Lilith chimed in, “Luke is right, there is no better place to hide treasure than here.”

Cobalt looked at the dark cave, “It’s eerie here, I don’t really like it.”

Lilith asked rhetorically, “Do you like gold bricks then?”

Glasses Girl instantly changed her face, “Oh, I suddenly think …… it’s not insurmountable.”

Elsa Marin didn’t talk nonsense and shone her strong flashlight ahead, “I’ll lead the way.

The cave is connected in all directions, it’s easy to get lost, follow me closely.”

The biggest characteristic of the cave is odd, not only are there stalactites in various forms, the terrain is also very peculiar, like a corroded honeycomb, with nine curves and eighteen bends, narrow places where you have to turn sideways in order to pass through, and wide places like a square.

For the unfamiliar environment, Luke instinctively raised his vigilance, and in order to prevent getting lost, he drew a mark every time he walked for a while.

The cave was deeper than expected, after walking for seven or eight minutes, he still couldn’t see the head, the wider and wider in front of him, the creek that was no more than two feet before had turned into a deep pool of water, and walking next to it, he could feel a chill, and the temperature around him dropped a bit.

“Wow ……”

Elsa Marin heard a rattle in the pool of water, stopped and looked to the left side of the pool of water, a strong flashlight shone in the pool of water, the water is more turbid, visibility is less than three feet.

“Clatter ……”

Suddenly a huge figure sprang out of the water pool, opened its mouth, revealing sharp teeth, pouncing and biting at Luke and his party.

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