Chapter 530

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:15:42
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Yacht, inside the luxurious master bedroom.

There was a blonde beauty lying on the bed, her side pressed against the quilt, her long snow-white legs exposed, and her thin waist and arched buttocks forming a tantalizing arc.

Lilith slowly opened her eyes, her consciousness was still not very clear, last night, she had a strange dream.

Some shame, some resistance, but more excitement and thrill.

That dream was so real that it was still a little hard to think about it now, did ……

She felt the other side of the bed with her right hand, thankfully no one was there.

She looked down at her body again, shirtless, with a few bruises and weak legs ……

It was over, it was real.

Lilith’s cheeks instantly reddened.

“Click ……” the bathroom door slammed and Lilith hurriedly closed her eyes.

Luke walked out of the bathroom with a towel around him, tossing and turning until midnight last night, he didn’t sleep for three or four hours before he woke up, and took a shower to be a bit more refreshed.

He looked at the beautiful person on the bed, exquisite face, the single thin sheet could not hide the shapely curves, different from those women who like to be beautiful and black, Lilith’s skin is as white as jade, there is a different kind of beauty.

“What an earthly beauty ……”

Luke saw the slight movement of her eyelashes and knew she was awake, but didn’t reveal her, kissed her cheek, found his clothes from the parlor, closed the door and left.

Lilith let out a long breath, “God, what a crazy night ……”

Half an hour later.

Lilith walked out of the master bedroom and stood on the second deck feeling her legs aching and leaning her arms on the railing.

Cobalt was yawning as well, stepping out of the cabin on the first floor.

Lilith offered a greeting, “Hi, good morning.”

Glasses Girl looked up at her, “No, I’m not very well.”

“You look terrible, didn’t you get a good night’s rest last night?”

Glasses Girl said with an odd look on her face, “Last night, I heard some strange noises that went on for hours, and even sadder, I couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night.

It was a really bad night.”

Lilith was a little embarrassed and gathered her fingers in her blonde hair around her ears, “Could it have been the wildlife on the island?”

The glasses girl shrugged, “I’m not sure, it sounded like a golden Persian cat, the expensive kind.”

Lilith turned around, “I suddenly remembered something I left in the bedroom.”

Glasses flirted, “Hey, can I borrow your earbuds tonight? I think I need it more than anything.”

Lilith “……”

Half an hour later, Luke’s trio gathered for breakfast.

Seeing that the two women were a bit silent, Luke spoke up, “I’m going to go to the caves to bring back the treasure, who’s coming with me?”

Lilith pursed her red lips, “I’m a bit unwell.”

Glasses Girl rolled her eyes with an I knew it look, “I’m going to fix the marine satellite phone.”

Lilith said indifferently, “Throw it away, turn around and I’ll buy you a new one.”

Glasses Girl “……”

After some ‘friendly’ negotiations, it was Glasses Girl and Luke who ended up going to the cavern together to transport the treasure.

With the experience of the previous two times, the two made light work of it this time, and arrived at the cave in less than two hours, carrying one box of gold bricks, two boxes of silver bricks, and some silver bricks in their backpacks, with more than three boxes of silver bricks left in the cave.

After returning to the yacht, Cobalt was exhausted and was no longer able to make a second carry.

Luke looked aside to Lilith, “Are you feeling better?”

“No, I feel like I’ve had a heat stroke and I’m still weak.”

“So, you guys are going to leave me alone.” Luke teased, “You guys aren’t planning on leaving me on the island and sneaking off in a yacht, are you.”

Lilith picked up pen a gold brick to check it out and tossed it back in the woven bag, “Then no one should go.

The value of those three boxes of silver is far from being comparable to the gold bricks, it’s only worth a few tens of thousands of dollars, and after tax deduction it’s estimated to be only 30,000 or 40,000 dollars, it’s simply not worth my hard work to make the trip.”

The glasses girl was surprised, “Is the difference between the price of gold and silver that much?” .

“More than that, the same volume of gold bricks is twice the quality of silver bricks.”

The glasses girl looked like she was asking a question to Lilith, but her eyes were aimed at Luke, “Are we ready to return to St. Thomas?”

Lilith looked at Luke as well, “What do you think?”

“I have no opinion.”

“OK,” Lilith’s tone had a hint of joy in it, “I announce that the Chris is officially returning.”

“As you wish Captain.” The glasses girl saluted and bounced into the cockpit.

After a few minutes passed, the yacht slowly started, Luke stood in front of the yacht and twisted his head to look at the uninhabited island next to him.

Beside him, Lilith asked, “Those bodies won’t be dug up and eaten?”


“How many people did you kill on the island yourself?”


“Those thugs were killed yesterday, but we’re only returning to the ship today, so how are we going to answer the police if they ask?”

“Then we won’t call the police.”

“But with four dead, can we hide it without calling the police?

Elsa Marin is still our guide, and if her family notices that she’s missing, the USVI police will surely look into us.”

Luke explained, “The U.S. Virgin Islands are different from the U.S. mainland, and we’re not familiar with the laws here, Elsa Marin and the others are locals, so we can’t rule out the possibility that the local police will be biased in their favor.

I suggest it’s better to contact the FBI directly and let them handle this case.”

Lilith laughed, “I almost forgot, you’re still the FBI’s criminal investigation counselor, let’s do as you say.”

This is also why Lilith proposed to give up carrying the remaining three boxes of silver bricks, why Luke didn’t raise any objections, since he got help from his brother department to handle the case, he will definitely get some convenience, people are all mutual, he should also leave some benefits for them.

Although the value of those silver ingots is not high, but to the hands of the FBI do not have to pay taxes, is also considered a good amount of extra money.

Luke asked, “What are you going to do with these treasures?”

“First find someone to see if there is any collector’s value, if there is collector’s value, sell it as a collector’s item; if there is no collector’s value, sell it at the price of gold.

I believe grandfather will be more interested in those pottery, it should fetch a good price.” Lilith smiled, and the conversation changed.

“Right, let’s talk about the distribution of the treasure.

Elsa Marin betrayed us, she is no longer entitled to the commission or the treasure.

It was you who saved me and Glasses Girl, so Elsa Marin’s commission and treasure should belong to you.

I negotiated with her for fifty thousand commission and a five percent share of the treasure.

I’ve already paid a ten thousand deposit before, so the remaining forty thousand commission and five percent share of the treasure belongs to you.

In total, you’ll get thirty percent of the treasure share and a commission of four hundred and forty thousand dollars.

Still satisfied?”

Luke nodded, “Very reasonable.”

“It’s good that you’re happy.

Also, I came to you last night to talk to you about this ……”

Luke raised an eyebrow, “Really? I thought you liked me.”

Lilith shrugged, “Maybe, I can’t say.”

“Why don’t you come to my room tonight and we’ll clear things up.”

“No, I’m still a little sore down there and I don’t want to have to go to the gynecologist as soon as I return to L.A. I’ll get laughed at.” Lilith patted Luke on the waist and whispered, “Get some rest too, before you can’t even hold a gun back in LA.”

Luke “……”

While traveling, Luke’s trio made their statements, such as the fact that because Elsa Marin and her accomplices destroyed the marine satellite phone and the yacht, they were unable to call the police and return to the island of St. Thomas at the first opportunity, and they didn’t return to the island of St. Thomas until the next day when the yacht was repaired.

There were also some details about the amount of treasure and other things.

After returning to St. Thomas, Lilith rented another small boat and put some of her personal belongings on it, and then Luke contacted the FBI to call the police and tell the FBI about what had happened on the unnamed island.

The FBI rushed to the marina, reviewed the surveillance video and the photos of the scene taken by Luke, and then took statements from each of Luke’s three men.

Afterward, Luke accompanies the FBI to Whoville to identify the body.

With the surveillance video of Elsa Marin and the tattooed man abducting Lilith and the glasses girl, the three people’s confessions and the complete chain of evidence, this robbery and counter-killing case was directly characterized as self-defense.

The remaining three boxes of silver or so are sealed as evidence and taken away by the FBI.

Luke utilized his relationship in the FBI to streamline the investigation process as much as possible, and finally after four days, the case was officially closed, and Luke and his team returned to Los Angeles on a private jet.

Along with the return was a large amount of treasure.


The champagne cap spread open.

Glasses Girl held a bottle of champagne in her hand and danced with excitement, “The treasure hunting journey has come to a successful end, let’s celebrate.”

Cobalt Girl poured three glasses of champagne.

Luke’s trio raised their glasses together, “Cheers!”

Glasses Girl took a sip and said with a reminiscent face, “Wow, it’s my first time to drink such good champagne, can I take a bottle with me when I get off the plane?”

Lilith shrugged her bare shoulders, “Sure, I’ll deduct it from your share of the treasure.”

“It’s true, the richer you are, the meaner you are.” The glasses girl bristled and asked rhetorically, “How much can I share?”

“Fifty thousand dollars of hire money and five percent of the treasure share.”

“I remember the distribution percentage, I just want to know the exact value of the treasure.”

Lilith put down her champagne, “With nothing to do in the U.S. Virgin Islands for the past few days, I just happened to learn about the value of the treasure.

Those gold bricks don’t have much collector’s value, they can be sold directly at the gold price because the purity isn’t particularly high, and they are worth about eight million dollars or so.

Those gold ornaments have some collector’s value and could probably be sold for around 3.5 to 4 million dollars.

Those two boxes of silver bricks are less than fifty thousand dollars.

The two boxes of pottery have some collector’s value and could be worth about three million dollars.

The total value of the treasure is close to fifteen million dollars.

After the government deducts taxes, there will be about nearly eight million dollars left.”

The glasses girl did some simple math, after the hiring money and the treasure tax, she could probably get more than four hundred thousand dollars, although it wasn’t a lot, she was already satisfied, “Next time you go treasure hunting, you have to look for me again.”

Luke also briefly calculated, his earnings will be more complicated, divided into three parts, the first part is the hiring money of 400,000 dollars, because it is through the Pinkerton Detective Agency to hire himself, so the hiring money should be deducted a part of the agency fee, Luke’s net income is 280,000 dollars, which is also before tax, a rough estimate of about two hundred thousand dollars after tax.

The second part, from Elsa Marin’s share of the treasure, was forty thousand dollars in hiring money and a five percent share of the treasure.

The third part, his own twenty-five percent share of the treasure.

In other words, Luke gets a total of over two hundred thousand dollars in hiring money and a thirty percent share of the treasure, which adds up to about two and a half million dollars or so.

After taxes, that was the point, real income.

And that’s pretty impressive.

Oh yeah, the twenty thousand dollars from the sale of the bluefin tuna.

With that money, Luke would not only be able to finish paying off the rest of the construction contracting fees, but also pay off the mortgage early, and Luke would have no debt to his name, and still hold over a million dollars in stock and cash.

It was a nice, easy feeling.

On the way back the glasses girl did not offer to fly the plane again, has been non-stop drinking champagne, has a few drunkenness, her more than 400,000 U.S. dollars, although not yet arrived, but has been arranged in a clear way.

Luke had a feeling that in less than two months, no, it should have been a month, she would be able to spend that money.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, the airplane stopped smoothly at LAX.

When the cabin door opened, the glasses girl grabbed her backpack and ran out of the cabin excitedly, “Los Angeles, I’m back.

I’ve never loved you more than I do right now.”

Luke stood up as well and looked aside at Lilith, “I remember you saying that you met Elsa Marin through an elder?”

“Yes, is there a problem?”

“What do you think?”

“I don’t know. ……

But thanks for the heads up.” Lilith stepped closer and her delicate red lips took the initiative to kiss Luke.

Luke, though somewhat surprised, smoothly wrapped his hand around her thin waist and responded passionately.

“Bare ……” Luke felt some pain in his lips, the two separated, and with a touch of his hand, his lips were bitten and bled, “What does this mean?”

“It doesn’t mean anything, it’s a parting gift for you, BYE,” Lilith returned to her haughty demeanor, put on her delicate khaki backpack, and elegantly walked down the private plane.

Luke was also too lazy to dig deeper, everyone was an adult, it was only a night’s sleep, and he didn’t feel that the two would necessarily do anything.

Luke had investigated the Finn family, and found that this family was not as simple as imagined.

Just like Bill Gates, everyone knew that Bill Gates was rich, but some of the media deliberately ignored his parents.

The Finn family was the same, the media only reported that Lilith’s grandfather was a rich man who liked treasure hunting and burying treasures everywhere, and many people thought that his grandfather started his business by his own ability, but in fact, the Finn family was originally a European aristocrat with a rich heritage, and his first start-up capital also came from the family.

Take this private plane for example, even if it was given to Luke for nothing, he couldn’t afford to keep it.

Lilith in no man’s land in desperate situation, is Luke suddenly appeared to save her, in that kind of crisis situation, she may be Luke produce love, attachment or simply want to find a sense of security.

But now that they’ve returned to Los Angeles, the rules of society have changed and may also have an effect on their relationship as well.

Just go with the flow.

After parting ways with Lilith and Cobalt, Luke returned home, took a shower, and lounged on the couch.

He still preferred the climate of Los Angeles.

“Ringing ……”

Luke’s cell phone rang, it was Chang’s cell phone number.


“Mr. Lee, are you back in LA?”

“I just got off the plane.”

“That’s great, do you have time tonight? I’ll give you a reception.”

“Not tonight, I have a date.”

“Then when is convenient for you?”

Luke had left for a few days, and Zhang’s brothers had pretty much hung out to dry, “Let’s do it tomorrow at noon, I’ll treat you brothers to dinner.”

Zhang felt flattered, “How can I be so kind as to let you break the bank?”

“Last time your brothers treated you, this time it’s time for me to do the same.

It’s settled.”

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