Chapter 532

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:15:47
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Early morning, Detective Bureau.

Luke walked into the Robbery and Murder Division office and greeted the crowd, “Hey guys, good morning.”

“Captain, good to see you.” Blackie pouted, holding the desk with one hand while greeting Luke with the other.

“What happened to you the last couple days while I was gone? Injured?”

“Hemorrhoids, my hemorrhoids are acting up.” Black waved his hand, not seeming to want to talk much, “What’s that bag you’re holding?”

Luke placed the bag on the table, “Food for you guys, wife cakes.”

“WHAT? Did I hear you right, wife cakes?”

“You didn’t hear it wrong, it is indeed called wife cake, a Chinese specialty.”

Xiao Hei near the water first, picked up a piece and took a bite, “It’s very crispy and soft, there is filling inside …… Is it bean paste?”

Luke smiled and didn’t say anything.

The lieutenant also came over, picked up a piece and put it in his mouth, “I suggest you not only look at the ass, it is better to look at the oral cavity again, here is clearly a creamy flavor.”

Jackson said, “I’m eating what looks like coconut.”

Jenny nodded, “This is salty for me, I like the flavor.”

Luke laughed, “You’re all right, wife cakes come in many flavors.”

The others curiously came over to taste it as well, Matthew took a piece and dished out a thumbs up, “This one tastes great, just the right amount of sweetness, better than a donut.” Seeing the lieutenant glare at him, Matthew rushed to say, “Captain, do you have a minute? I’d like to show you something.”


Luke followed Matthew to his computer desk.

Matthew opened his computer screen, clicked on the retouching software, and said, “The last time we investigated a terrorist attack case, we successfully prevented Terrorist Points from attacking the city hall, and the police department is going to present us with a commemorative pistol, and is asking for our design opinions.

What do you think?”

Luke stared at the screen, it was a classic Colt police revolver, 9mm bullets, about 182mm long, six round capacity, silver body, wooden grips, and some letters and special patterns engraved on the body, representing the reason for customizing this pistol.

Because of performance reasons, fewer people use revolvers in the police, but revolvers are still one of the most classic pistols.

Since it was a commemorative pistol, it definitely wouldn’t be used on a daily basis, this pistol was stable and still very suitable for collection.

“Not bad, I like it, that’s it.”

“OK, I’ll send it to the logistics department as soon as possible.”

“Hard work.” Luke patted his shoulder and returned to his office.

It had been some days since he had been here, so Luke simply cleaned up, made a cup of coffee, and sat in his comfortable office chair.

He had already talked to the Zhang Brothers, and David’s side was not a big problem, but he still needed to talk to him personally, such as the two hundred thousand dollars to acquire twenty percent of the shares.

Each of the two men would take up 10% of the shares, and each of them would have to come up with one hundred thousand dollars, and if David couldn’t come up with it, Luke would help him to pad it out, of course, this matter had to be made clear in advance, after all, it wasn’t a small amount of money.

Luke some days did not come to the robbery and murder division office, some documents waiting for him to sign, processing.

In the afternoon, he attended another departmental meeting and went to Reed’s office to sit for a while.

After work, he asked David to meet him for lunch and they met in the parking lot.

David walked into the parking lot with his bag on his back and greeted him, “Man, you haven’t been here in a few days.”

“Yeah, I took some time off after the terror attack case.

What do you want to eat tonight?”

“I know a nice steakhouse that’s relatively clean.”

“You lead the way.” Luke had just finished speaking when his cell phone rang, “Ringing ……”

He pressed the answer button, “This is Luke.”

Reed’s voice rang from the phone, “Don’t tell me you’re off duty already.”

“Of course not, I’m still at the station.”

“There’s a new case.

A female police officer was just killed.”

“OK, I’ll be right back in the office.” Luke hung up his cell phone and turned to David, “Sorry man, won’t be able to join you for dinner, a tough case has come up.”

“Do you need any help?”

“I’ll let you know if I need anything, call.” Luke said and walked quickly to the office building.

Godwin Community neighborhood.

A gray two-story house was surrounded by police cars, and several patrolmen were policing the area.

Luke stepped out of the police car and observed the surrounding crowd.

A middle-aged black patrolman with a big belly approached and greeted him, “Captain Lee, my name is Evan.

At 6:00 p.m., my partner and I were patrolling the neighborhood when we received a call from the main desk about a home invasion robbery and murder in the neighborhood, and we rushed to the scene at the first opportunity.

The victim was a female prison guard named Latifa Gallo, and the informant was her daughter.” Evan pointed to a girl covered in blood in the yard, “She’s terrified, it’s not something that should have happened to her at her age.”

Luke surveyed the girl in the yard, white, appeared to be twelve or thirteen, brown hair, tears blurring her tender cheeks, and covered in a lot of blood, most likely her mother’s.

Next to the girl stood a white man in his thirties, medium build, wearing a short blue shirt, standing next to the girl whispering comforting words.

Luke walked into the yard and turned to the white man and asked, “What is your name, sir?”

“My name is Alec Wyatt.” The white man glanced toward the house, “I’m Latifah Gallo’s husband.”

“My name is Luke Lee, I’m the Captain of the Robbery and Murder Division, I’m in charge of the investigation in this case right now, may I speak with your daughter?”

Alec Wyatt looked down at the little girl and nodded, “Yes.

But she is frightened, and I am concerned that questioning may cause her secondary damage.”

“I’ll be careful how I ask.”

Alec Wyatt nodded.

Luke pulled up a chair and sat down next to the girl, “Hey, I’m Luke, what’s your name?”

“Theresa Lewis.”

“Did you call the police?”


“Can you tell me what happened?”

Theresa Louise’s voice choked up, “I was playing in the park with my friends after school, and when I got home around six o’clock, I saw …… the living room was covered in blood, and my mom was laying on the floor …… I called out to her ……

but she didn’t seem to hear.

I ran to her and hugged her hard, calling out to her ……

She didn’t respond to me and she wasn’t breathing …… oooh.”

Theresa Lewis was a little emotional and her answers were incoherent.

Jenny came over, patted the girl’s shoulder and comforted her, “Teresa, don’t be afraid.

We are your mother’s coworkers and we will protect you.”

Jenny walked over to Luke again and said softly, “Theresa Louise is only twelve or thirteen years old, and has just seen her mother killed, her heart must be in great pain, and now she should be given heart counseling and patience to calm her down in order to complete the statement.”

But Luke, as the person in charge of the scene, had a lot to do and didn’t have the time to pacify her all the time.

Jenny also understood this and took the initiative to say, “Captain, let me talk to Theresa Lewis.”

Luke nodded, he wasn’t a very patient person in this regard, leaving it to Jenny was more appropriate.

The deputy team on the side also said to Alec Wyatt, “Sir, what is your relationship with the informant, Theresa Louise?”

“I’m her father.”

The lieutenant glanced down at the file, “But you have different last names.”

“I’m her stepfather.”

The lieutenant raised one eyebrow, “Can I ask you something about the deceased?”


“This way.” The vice squad called Alec Wyatt aside to make a statement.

Luke walked into the house and smelled a rush of blood, the living room was a mess, things were scattered all over the place, a white woman was lying on the floor, her hands and feet bound with ropes, blood sprayed on her head, body, the floor and the furniture around her.

Luke put on his gloves and picked up the golf club next to the body, the club was stained with blood and some biological tissue, in Luke’s experience the golf club was probably the murder weapon.

Luke handed it to Mary from the tech team, “It’s yours.”

Mary bristled, “You’re so sweet.”

“You’re welcome.”

Afterwards, Luke searched all over the house, which was a bit messy, with cupboards showing signs of having been rummaged through and many items scattered on the floor.

In addition, Luke also found some special clues that made him feel that this case was not an unusual home invasion robbery and murder case, he feared.

Luke gathered the people together and asked, “Tell us about your findings?”

Blackie said, “A very typical robbery and murder scene, there are obvious traces of rummaging and burglary in the house, in addition, from the fatal wound on the victim’s head, it is speculated that she was most likely forced to ask about the whereabouts of her belongings before she died.”

Jackson countered, “Come on, the victim was a prison guard, what burglar would dare come into her house and rob her.

I think this is more of a revenge killing, the victim suffered multiple blows to her head wound, most likely the killer was venting his anger.

As for the burglary marks, they were either incidental to the murderer, or the scene was deliberately faked.”

Blackie glared at Jackson, “Kid, do you have to go against me?”

Jackson shrugged, “I’m just being factual.”

Blacky looked over at Luke, “Captain, what do you think?”

Luke said, “I think that what you two are saying is possible. But both are also overlooking some clues.”

Jackson had expected Luke to back him up, but he didn’t expect him to have a new opinion, “What clues?”

Luke led them over to the wall and snapped at the wall socket “Click” The socket was pried open, revealing two black wires, which were neatly cut as if they had been cut straight through.

Luke said: “I checked the house sockets, found that there are three sockets are not screwed, and there are traces of being pried open, respectively, the living room, the master bedroom, the side bedroom, and these three sockets are left in some black wire.

I guess these black wires, at one time, were likely to have been installed with listening or monitoring equipment.”

Blackie said, “That means that the murderer’s crime was probably filmed.”

Jackson asked, “Who installed these surveillance or listening devices?”

Luke said, “I’m guessing it was probably the murderer.

Normal people rarely install surveillance in their bedrooms, and if they do, it won’t be pinhole cameras, and even fewer install listening devices.

Moreover, if the homeowner installed it herself, it most likely captured the murderer in action, and it’s unlikely that she would have told the murderer about it.

And how did the killer know there was a pinhole camera in the place and take the camera gear away in time?”

Jackson said smoothly, “That means the murderer had been monitoring the victim’s family through the camera so that he could know every move in their house before waiting for the opportunity to kill the victim.”

Luke nodded, “It’s entirely possible.”

Jackson said, “That is to say, the murderer should have come to the victim’s house before, stepped in advance, and installed surveillance or listening devices, and collected the relevant devices after killing the victim.”

Blackie said, “It could also be an acquaintance who committed the crime and installed surveillance or listening devices.”

“What equipment?” Just then, Jenny walked over.

Luke said, “I found some residual black wires in the sockets in the living room and bedroom, and it’s likely that surveillance or listening devices had been installed at one time, but the relevant equipment was taken away.

Does Theresa Lewis know about this?”

Jenny stepped in to check the sockets and shook her head, “She didn’t mention it, I don’t think she’s aware of it.

Only a pervert would do something like that.”

Luke asked smoothly, “How did your talk go?”

“Not too bad, but it was difficult for her.” Jenny glanced out the window and sighed, “Originally, it was going to be a normal day for her.

She took the school bus back home as usual, and according to her it would have been after four twenty.

She had also arranged to go to the community park with her classmates.

But she didn’t realize that her mother was also at home, and over something the two got into an argument and Theresa Lewis said something like ‘I never want to see you again’.

Around 4:40-4:40 she left the house and sulked in the community park for a while before finding a classmate to play with.

When she returned home around six, she found Latifa Gallo’s body ……”

Jenny took a deep breath, “She regretted it and felt she shouldn’t have argued with her mother, let alone said those things ……”

Luke pressed, “Why did they fight?”

Jenny said, “The victim wanted Theresa Louise to come home earlier in the evening, and Theresa Louise felt that her mother was being too controlling, and was a little rebellious, so they argued.”

Luke distilled the valuable information and said, “That means the victim would have been killed between four forty and six o’clock in the afternoon.”

“Wow wow, Captain Lee, you’re very accurate in your judgment, it’s a shame you’re not a forensic pathologist.” The forensic pathologist, Sheila, came over, “I’ve found some clues that I believe you’ll be interested in.”

“What clues?”

“Come on,” Sheila led the group over to the body, “I just had the body moved and found some blood letters underneath the body that I’m guessing were probably left by the victim himself.”

Luke observed the victim’s fingers, which did have blood on them, and then looked at the bloody letters on the ground, “Serdar.”

Blackie said, “Looks like a person’s name.

If it’s really a clue left by the victim, according to our speculation the murderer could be an acquaintance and the victim must have known each other.

Could this be the murderer’s name?”

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