Chapter 54

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:52:53
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The following morning.

In front of the Hilton Hotel.

Luke got out of the car and observed the surroundings, “Are you sure she’s here?”

Since they started investigating Lawn’s will case, the police had never seen Lawn’s youngest daughter, Emma, and the phone was not answered, so in order to learn more clues, they could only take the initiative to ask at the door.

David nodded: “It’s a message from Marcus’ informant.”

Luke did not ask more questions, directly into the hotel, Marcus’s informant can be more reliable than Marcus.

Luke walked to the front desk of the hotel and flashed his badge at the customer service girl, “We’re looking for Emma Bull.”

“One moment, please.” The front desk girl operated on the computer and picked up the landline to make a call.

After a while, the front desk customer service put down the phone, “SORRY, no one is answering the phone in Emma Bull’s room.”

Luke pressed, “Which room is she in?”

“SORRY, the hotel has a rule about not revealing customer information freely.”

“We called Emma’s cell phone before we came to the hotel, but there was no answer. Now no one is answering the phone in her room either. If something happens to Emma, can your hotel take the responsibility?”

The front desk girl asked back, “Would she be in danger?”

“We are investigating an important case, no comment.”

The front desk girl made another call, seemingly asking for instructions, and hung up and said, “Emma is staying in room 704.”

“Thanks.” Luke left a comment and went into the elevator with David.

Getting off the elevator, the two found room 704 and knocked on the door, “Knock knock ……”

There was no response.

“Knock knock ……” Another knock on the door, still no response.

David asked, “No one opens the door for such a big commotion, could it be out?”

Luke couldn’t say, in the absence of a search warrant, the hotel could not help open the door and would not provide surveillance.

An older black woman pushed a cleaning cart out of the elevator.

Luke waved, “Hey, you want to clean?”

“Yea sir, can I help you?”

Luke flashed his badge, “I want to ask you a favor.”


“I’d like you to clean room 704 first.”

The older black woman frowned with a worried look, “Why?”

“We are investigating a criminal case, and the lady in the room is a witness related to the case, but we can’t contact her right now and would like you to confirm if she is in the hotel room.”

“Is there any danger?”

“No, there won’t be any danger.”

The black amah put the cleaning cart at the door, took out her room card and swiped the lock: “Click!”

The black amah slowly pushed open the door and carefully walked in.

However, after walking less than two meters, the black amah was shocked and rushed out, “Even buy Karma, there’s a woman lying on the bed, blood flowing all over the place.”

“FUCK!”David took out his pistol, gestured at Luke, and the two entered the hotel room one after the other.

Once inside, to the right was the bathroom, which Luke quickly searched, “Clear.”

David searched the closet, “Clear.”

The two then entered the room together, the room was a bit cluttered with items, a woman sprawled out on the bed in her underwear and dark red stains on the covers and floor.

Luke walked over to the bed and felt the girl’s pulse and breathing, “Breathing normally, not life threatening.”

David knelt down, rubbed the red stain and sniffed it, “It’s not blood, it looks like red wine.”

Luke scanned around and found the red wine bottle at the foot of the bed, “False alarm, drunk like that, how much did she have to drink.”

A small round table sat next to the balcony, some white powder remained on the black top, David rubbed his finger over it and put it under his nose, “She’s high.”

Luke said, “If I remember correctly, she would have been eighteen this year.”

“Sucks that people don’t know any age.” David grabbed a bottle of mineral water from the TV stand, unscrewed it and spilled it directly on Emma’s head.

“Oh, what happened? It’s raining?” Emma exclaimed, rolling over into a comfortable position and seeing Luke and David next to her.

“Ah! Who are you guys and why are you here?”

Luke flashed his badge, “LAPD, I’m Detective Luke and this is Detective David.”

“Why are you guys in my room? Who gave you the right?” Emma wiped the water from her face, “And splashing me with water? I’m going to sue you guys.”

“The hotel cleaning staff came in to clean and saw the red stains on the bed and floor and thought you were hurt, we’re here to protect you.”

Emma looked at the dark red supplies and bristled, “Comeon, that’s not even blood, it’s red wine.

You have disturbed my rest, now please get out. Otherwise I’ll sue you all anyway.”

David glared at Emma accusingly, “Your father is still lying in a hospital bed and you’re here getting high and drinking, what a daughter you are.”

Emma was unappreciative, “I don’t need you to tell me what to do, who told you I wasn’t worried about Lawon, I was just drinking my way through it.”

Luke said, “Ms. Emma, we came to see you today to talk about your father.”

“I don’t see what there is to talk about, you should be looking for Caroline or Brooke or Sophia.”

“Your father left a different written will than the video will, and we would like your assistance in identifying if it is in his own handwriting?” Luke handed her a copy of the written will.

Emma half-heartedly took it into her hands and after reading it her face turned very ugly and she cried out, “Where did you get this will? My father loved me the most, why do I get less than Sophia?

The will is absolutely fake, there is no way my father would do that.”

Luke replied, “Look closely, is it in Lawn’s handwriting?”

“It kind of looks like it, but there’s no way my father gave Sophia all of his inheritance, why should she get more than both Caroline and I. It’s impossible, I’m my father’s favorite daughter, I don’t believe it.” Emma got angrier and angrier as she spoke, tearing the will in her hands to shreds.

“Ms. Emma, if you have doubts about the will, please produce evidence to prove it, or else when your father passes away. Your father’s estate will be distributed according to this will.”

“Even buy a will!” Emma scratched her hair, looking even more disheveled, “Sophia, it must be Sophia who switched the real will.”

“Do you have proof?”

“No. Shouldn’t you police be the ones to find the evidence?”

“The duty of the police is to investigate the case, the will is a private matter of your family, if you think the will is fake, take the initiative to provide the police with a clue, understand?”

Emma thought for a moment, “There’s something wrong with Sophia and Brooke, they’re both disgusting, they’ve been getting together for a long time, they must have replaced my father’s will, absolutely.”

“Buzz ……”

A cell phone vibration sounded, Emma took out her cell phone and looked at it, pressed the answer button and scolded, “Brooke, you bastard, did you replace the will with Sophia ……”

“I don’t believe your bullshit, I’m not going to the hospital ……”

The two spoke for a few moments before Emma angrily hung up her cell phone, “FUCK, they’re all liars!”

Last night, Brooke was led away by her lawyer and Luke asked, “What did he say.”

“He said Caroline was hurt and is in the hospital.”

“How did Caroline get hurt?”

“I don’t know.”

“In which hospital?”

“St. John’s Hospital.”

Luke gave Emma a business card, “Call me if you think of any new leads.”

Luke and David got up and left the room.

Emma called out, “Where are you going?”

“The hospital.”

“I’m coming with you guys.”

David glanced at her, “It’s so rare that you still care about your old mom.”

Emma gave a middle finger, “FUCK!”

The three of them then drove to St. John’s Hospital.

Just as they walked to the door of the ward, they heard Caroline’s screams, “Ah …… don’t kill me.

I didn’t see anything, I don’t know anything.

Don’t chase me, please let me go, PLEASE ……”

Push open the door of the room, Caroline hands and knees cowering in the corner, dirty body, snot and tears wiped a face.

A far cry from the noblewoman of yesterday.

Luke looked aside at Brooke, “What happened to her?”

Brooke shook her head, “I don’t know, she was a bit delirious when I found her, her mouth kept shouting not to kill her.

It felt like being scared!”

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