Chapter 552

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:16:35
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After Reed leaves, Luke tells the team about taking over the arson case.

At first, they didn’t have much of a reaction, and when they learned that there was a high reward for the arson case, they were energized and motivated to investigate the case.

The vice squad continues to be in charge of tracking down Walda Baker.

Luke takes the men to take over the arson case.

He first went to the fire station to get information.

According to the Fire Department’s professional tests, the source of the fire was the new antihypertensive drug lab on the sixth floor, and they found a large amount of accelerant at the scene, which was why the fire was so rapid.

The Fire Department also looked at the surveillance before the fire and found that there was a power outage in the Kalman Pharmaceuticals building before the fire. Kalman Pharmaceuticals does have a backup power source, but this backup power source mainly powers the labs and does not include camera surveillance, which didn’t capture the pre-fire scene.

The Fire Department also sent a team to investigate the cause of the power outage and found signs of vandalism.

The Fire Department’s final finding was that someone intentionally disconnected the power and used an accelerant to set the fire at Kalman Pharmaceuticals.

It was also based on this conclusion that Kalman Pharmaceuticals asked Luke to take over the investigation of the case.

Luke scrutinized the information he obtained from the Fire Department. Kalman Pharmaceuticals had security, the power supply room was relatively remote, and it was difficult for outsiders to destroy the power supply facilities while avoiding the security guards.

Luke guessed that there should be a mole inside the company.

With the mole leading the way and Walda Baker providing the accelerant, the two set fire to the new antihypertensive drug lab one inside and one outside.

After coming out of the fire station, Luke did not return to the police station, but went to Kalman Pharmaceuticals to investigate.

This time, the person responsible for receiving Luke and others is still the head of the research and development department, Fred Kramer.

Luke came to Kalman Pharmaceuticals for two reasons, the first reason, Kalman Pharmaceuticals spent a lot of money to hire the Robbery and Murder Division to investigate the arson case, and since Luke had already taken over the case, he always had to show up.

The second reason, Fred Kramer was the head of research for the new antihypertensive drug, Luke wanted to get some clues from him about the mole.

After meeting and exchanging pleasantries, Luke directly asked, “Supervisor Kramer, has your company ever had a blackout before?”

“Yes, it has happened twice before.”

“Have you sent anyone to investigate?”

Fred Kramer thought for a moment, “The first time it tripped was also at night, and it was discovered by the security guards, it was just tripped, and they closed the power switch.

The second time the power went out, also because of a trip, we had a professional repairman and they replaced some equipment to make the circuit more stable.”

Luke pressed, “When were the first two power outages?”

“One was in early May and the other was around June 10th.”

“Do you think the two power outages were man-made, or accidents?”

“Our company has a lot of experimental equipment, and we work at night, so the power consumption is not small. I originally also thought that it was an overuse of electricity ……

But now it seems likely that it’s a human cause.”

“Do you think it was done by someone inside the company, or by an outsider?”

Fred Kramer shrugged, “I don’t know.”

Luke said, “From the available clues and evidence, I suspect that Kalman Pharmaceuticals probably has an insider.

Do you have someone you suspect? Or someone who feels more suspicious.”

Fred Kramer was silent for a while and shook his head, “Look, it’s hard to answer that question from where I’m standing right now.

Because of this arson, the company has lost a large amount of research materials, and the atmosphere is tense.

We have to unite and gather people’s hearts, and if I suspect my colleagues for no reason, the company will have bigger problems ……”

“OK, then I’ll change the question.

What do you think is the cause of this arson?”

“It’s obvious that someone is trying to sabotage the research and development of the new antihypertensive drug, our company has paid a lot of money, manpower and time for this, if the drug development fails, there will be a series of chain reactions within the company, and we might even go bankrupt.”

“If the research of the new antihypertensive drug fails, who will benefit the most?”


“Yes. Only the two of us know.”

“Gelson Pharmaceuticals.

The Nebivolol antihypertensive drug developed by their company has a high market share, once our company’s new antihypertensive drug is developed, it will definitely have some impact on the Nebivolol antihypertensive drug.

This is a huge blow to Jelsen Pharmaceuticals.”

Two days ago, Luke had just been to Gelson Pharmaceuticals and had also met their company’s vice president, Royce Woodman, and Luke inquired about the murder of the deceased, Roher Horn, but the other party was not clear about it.

Luke also didn’t see any obvious signs of lying on the other side.

Moreover, the reason why Luke had looked into the Kalman Company was also the clue provided by the vice president of the Jelson Company.

It was reasonable to say that if Jelson Company was behind the arson case, there was no reason for him to tell the police about the clues from Kalman Pharmaceuticals so that the police could launch an investigation into the arson case in time, which was tantamount to indirectly increasing the risk of Jelson Company being exposed.

Luke suppressed the speculation in his mind and took out the photo of the suspect Walda Baker, “Do you recognize him?”

Fred Kramer picked up the photo and looked at it, shaking his head, “Don’t recognize him. Does he have anything to do with the arson?”

“He’s probably one of the suspects in the arson?”

Fred Kramer was a little surprised, “You guys found out so quickly.”

Luke nodded noncommittally and asked, “Is the head of the drug testing department, Cam Smith, at the company?”

“Yes, he has been contacting the trial drug personnel for the past two days, inquiring about their health conditions and instructing them on some precautions to avoid another Rohel Horn tragedy.”

“OK, I want to talk to him again.”

Soon, Luke met Cam Smith in the conference room.

It wasn’t the first time Luke and Kem Smith had met, the last time they met, Luke had asked him about the situation of the deceased Rohrer Horn, in addition, he also asked about the situation on the night of the arson, Luke always felt that the other party had something to hide, and this was one of the reasons why he was looking for the other party to talk to him today.

Cam Smith looked a little tired and took a big sip of coffee, “Captain Lee, what is it that you want to see me about?”

“I heard from Fred Kramer that you’ve been contacting the drug testers for the past two days, how are they doing?”

“They’re all pretty good, no particularly noticeable adverse reactions have been found so far.

When do you think the drug will be available?”

Fred Kramer sighed, “It’s hard to say, all the experimental data for the new antihypertensive drug has been burned, a lot of things have to be redone, and a lot of money and manpower has to be invested.

Moreover, Roher Horn’s death is also related to the new antihypertensive drug in some way ……

I’m afraid it’s going to be hard to get it on the market anytime soon.”

Luke took out a picture of Walda Baker, “Have you seen him?”

Cam Smith pursed his lips, picked up the photo and examined it, frowning slightly, “I don’t recognize him.”

Luke repeated the question, “Have you seen him?”

“No, I haven’t seen him.” Cam Smith handed the photo back to Luke.



Luke saw signs of lying on the other man’s face.

That was interesting; it was the second time he had lied about the arson case.

He was supposed to have met Walda Baker, but was not supposed to be familiar with each other.

So, the first time Luke asks him if he’s ever met Walda Baker, he replies that he doesn’t know him, but he supposedly did meet him.

Luke pushed the photo over again, “Might I suggest you identify it more closely?”


“Because he’s seen you.”

Cam Smith shrugged, “That’s possible, I’m a bit face-blind and even if I’ve seen someone on the street, I may not remember.”

Luke said, “That’s not someone in the picture, but one of the suspects in the arson case.

So, I suggest you try to remember again.

Did you see him the night of the arson? Or anyone else for that matter?

Don’t lie.”

Cam Smith stared at Luke, “Can I call a lawyer?”

Luke smiled, “Of course, I’ve heard that you pharmaceutical companies have great lawyers.

I’d also like to know if they look after the company’s interests or the employees’ interests more.”

“I have my own lawyer.”

“Suit yourself.” Luke stood up and made a move to leave, “Looks like I should talk to Fred Kramer.

Help him reintroduce you as a dedicated employee.

Maybe, he’ll even give you a promotion, who knows?”

“Captain Lee, please don’t go.

I don’t want a lawyer, we can talk.”

“What do you want to talk about?”

“Can our conversation be kept confidential?”

“Of course.” Luke resumed his seat.

“I …… did see two suspicious people on the night of July 11th, one of them is the man in your picture, and the other is a researcher from our company …… “Cam Smith took a deep breath, wanting to say something.

“What’s the researcher’s name?”

“Lydia Cooney.”

“Describe the circumstances?”

“I couldn’t sleep that night, so I took a walk in the courtyard, and when I came near the west side of the building, I saw the side door on the west side of the building open, and two people came out of it, one of them being the man in the picture, and the other being Lydia Cooney.

Since it was dark at the time, I don’t think they saw me.

I was kind of wondering why Lydia Cooney would come out of the building in the middle of the night, and the next thing I knew, I saw a fire in the building, and I realized that the building might be on fire.”

“Where did they escape from and what mode of transportation did they take?”

“I don’t know, I saw the building on fire at the time and was so intent on putting out the fire that I didn’t bother to look for Lydia Cooney.”

“What time was it?”

“A little after eleven.”

“The exact time?”

“It was about twenty past eleven.”

Luke made a note of the time, “Now that you’ve seen Lydia Cooney, why didn’t you say anything the last time we talked?”

“She’s a very good woman, and has put a lot of effort into developing new drugs, and I’ve seen that the new antihypertensive drug is also her brainchild.

Although I saw her coming out of the building ……

But I always felt that she would not do such a thing.

I was going to ask her for confirmation myself, but I haven’t been able to reach her.”

“You’re close to Lydia Cooney, you know her well?”

“Yes, we used to date and broke up about three months ago, and it’s because I know her that I don’t think it’s possible for her to do something like this, there’s probably some kind of misunderstanding.

If I had told you right then and there, it would have reflected badly on Lydia Cooney.

I originally wanted to verify it before saying anything, but I haven’t been able to contact her ……

In fact, even if you guys didn’t come today, I probably would have taken the initiative to explain the situation.

I’ve been very torn about this matter ……”

“Why did you guys break up?”

“Her daughter doesn’t like me …… “Kem Smith shrugged his shoulders and helplessly said, “Obviously, to her, her daughter is more important than me.”

“Has Lydia Cooney been at work the past two days?”

“No, because the building is on fire and it’s impossible to continue working, many of the employees are taking a temporary break.”

“You said you tried to contact Lydia Cooney, how?”

“I called her phone number, but was never able to reach her.”

“Do you know where her home is?”


“Why don’t you go to her home?”

“I …… don’t dare, and I’m worried that she’s really involved in the arson and will do something irrational.”

Luke said, “I’m sure Fred Cramer would be disappointed if he heard that.”

“Please, don’t tell Professor Fred Kramer or the company about this, I know what I did was wrong, but Lydia Cooney and the company are important to me.

I’m a human being with feelings …… that’s why I hesitated.

I’m sorry.”

Luke didn’t feel sorry for the bastard, he had only just taken over the case, and if Cam Smith had confessed before, then the local police must have already intervened in the investigation and even caught Lydia Cooney.

Then, Fred Cramer wouldn’t have made a special trip to the Detective Bureau to ask the Robbery and Murder Division to take over the case investigation, and the high reward would have nothing to do with Squadron One.

“Where is Lydia Cooney’s house?”

The Mauldin neighborhood.

This is a white community, only a twenty-minute drive from Kalman Pharmaceuticals, with neat two-story villas built on both sides of the road, with very neatly tended lawns and a nice environment.

Xiao Hei looked out the window with some envy, “I kinda like this neighborhood, I’m also considering changing to a house with a better environment.”

Luke said, “Then investigate the case well, as long as we can catch the suspect of the arson case, the reward of one million dollars can be shared by everyone.”

Xiao Hei revealed an excited look, “You’re right, I’ve saved some money recently, if I can get this reward, I can think about changing my house.”

At the mention of the bounty, Xiao Hei’s energy was obviously more energetic, and he was the first one to get out of the car after it stopped at the side of the road.

In the car, Luke had already arranged the task, Ramon and Jenny went to the back door to keep an eye on it, while he and Blacky called the door from the front.

Blacky walked to the door and pressed the doorbell: “Dingdong ……”

There was no response.

Luke listened with his ear to the side and heard no movement.

“Dingdong ……” Blacky rang the doorbell again.

Still no response.

Luke circled around the house, all the windows were closed and the curtains were drawn, so he couldn’t see what was going on inside.

The more he did, the more Luke felt that there was something wrong with the house.

Luke said over the intercom, “Ramon, no one in the house is responding, we’re ready to enter the house and search.”

“Copy that, stay safe.”

Luke turned to Blackie on the side and asked, “Can you unlock the door?”

“Could try.” Blacky pulled out a lock picking tool from his coat pocket and tried to open the door lock.

Xiao Hei drummed for two minutes.

“Click ……”

The door lock opened.

Blacky grinned, showing a few large white teeth in a you-are-going-to-praise-me look.

Luke gave a thumbs up, gestured at the house, opened the door, and entered the house one after the other.

The two of them cooperated with each other and searched the living room on the first floor before opening the back door and Ramon and Jenny entered the room as well.

With the four of them dividing up the work, the speed of the search was sped up quite a bit.

Luke searched while paying attention to the environment inside the room, the house was cleaned up very well.

The entire villa had a total of four rooms and two toilets, two of the rooms were obviously inhabited, judging from the clothes and belongings, the master bedroom should be inhabited by an adult female.

The side bedroom should be inhabited by a girl, not too old, with many stuffed toys and Barbie dolls placed on the bed and table.

Soon, the four people finished searching the room.

Jenny put away her pistol, “Captain, no one was found in the house.”

Black shrugged, “Neither did we, maybe that guy has already run away.”

Luke didn’t reply, searching the house for suspicious people was only the first step, the next step was to carefully survey the scene.

A cup of coffee sat on the coffee table, Luke ran his hand over the cup.


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