Chapter 555

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:16:43
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The sudden letter of report complicated the case and Luke had more things to consider.

He pondered for a long time and asked, “How was the letter mailed to your TV station?”

“It was sent through Parcel Courier, we went to the courier company to investigate, and according to the courier, it was indeed Roher Horn himself who sent the courier, along with his photo ID.

The time of sending was on the morning of July 10th, the place of sending was located in the community of Tarip, and the courier arrived on the morning of July 13th.”

Luke’s first impression was that the courier was too slow.

But thinking that the other party was sent by Parcel Courier, he thought it was within reason.

This courier company is indeed slow, suitable for items that are not in a hurry or heavy goods, and charges according to weight and distance.

Luke now had a number of problems to face, firstly, confirming whether the letter had been mailed and written by Rohrer Horn himself, and secondly, whether the contents of the letter were true.

If the content of the letter was true, that Kalman Pharmaceuticals was doing illegal human experiments, and that the experiments had failed before they killed and burned the information by arson in order to avoid being exposed, then it was likely that all three cases had been directed by Kalman Pharmaceuticals themselves.

If the content of the letter is false, then the content of the letter was published by the media, it will certainly have an extremely bad impact on the Kalman Pharmaceutical Company, and the development of new drugs may be called off, even if it can be marketed, it may be boycotted by people.

Whoever could benefit at this time might be the black hand behind the scenes.

Luke asked, “Where is that whistleblower letter now?”

“It’s in the hands of the newly appointed head of our news department.”

“When is he going to release the news?”

“Any day now.”

“I see, after your station releases the news, I will send someone to your news department to investigate the report letter.”

This matter was secretly told to Luke by Nami Inoue, if Luke sent someone to CBS TV to investigate the whistleblower letter now, then it would probably expose Nami Inoue and affect the cooperation between the two in the future.

From Nami Inoue, he could hear that there should be quite a few people who knew the content of the whistleblower letter, and they were all reporters from the TV station, and Luke would not be able to stop them from broadcasting the content of the letter even if he ran to the TV station at this time.

“Thanks.” Knowing that Luke was protecting himself in disguise, Inoue Naomi then asked, “Captain Lee, do you think what the letter says is true?”

“From what I know about this case, it’s unlikely that it’s true, at least part of it is false.” Luke couldn’t conclude whether Kalman Pharmaceuticals had a problem or not, but the police certainly hadn’t been bribed by Kalman Pharmaceuticals, and he would never admit it.

As for the charitable donations, they were all reasonable and legal.

Nami Inoue revealed an expectant look, “Captain Lee, can you disclose something about the case to me?”

Luke thought about it and didn’t refuse, news sharing was mutual, Inoue Naomi wasn’t a thunderbolt, it was impossible to keep unilaterally providing information to himself.

Afterwards, Luke told Naomi Inoue some clues that would not involve the core of the case and could be investigated by spending some time, such as the identity information of the deceased Rohrer Horn, his family’s situation, as well as gambling and owing loan sharks.

In addition, Luke also asked Naomi Inoue to help investigate which forces would be most favorable to Kalman Pharmaceuticals if the development of the company’s new drug failed and the company’s reputation went bad.

Reporters also had their own investigative channels, and could probably provide Luke with some valuable clues.

“Ringing ……”

At two o’clock in the morning, Luke was woken up by a cell phone ringing.


Luke muttered under his breath, touched the cell phone on his pillow and pressed the answer button, “Hello, this is Luke.”

“Captain Lee, this is Kem Smith, the head of drug trials at Kalman Pharmaceuticals.”

Hearing this name, Luke was a bit surprised and asked, “Supervisor Smith, is there something you want to find me at this late hour?”

“I …… my girlfriend is missing.”




“I called her this afternoon and I haven’t been able to reach her since, and when I got home in the evening, I didn’t find her either.

I have a feeling …… something may have happened to her.”

“Did you call the police?”

“No. I trust you more than a regular patrolman.

I hope you can help me find her.”

Luke asked back, “What’s your girlfriend’s name?”

“Elvira Gandhi.”

“Send me your home address and I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“Thanks, thank you so much.”

Luke hung up his cell phone, the news was a bit sudden, but it was also likely to be a breakthrough in the case.

Luke had become suspicious of Cam Smith yesterday afternoon after talking to Lydia Cooney, who had implicitly lied when talking about the night of the arson.

Luke thought about talking to him, but the problem was that Luke didn’t know what to talk about?

Although Cam Smith hadn’t been telling the truth about the arson, the problem was that he had nothing to do with the arson, and it hadn’t been found out that he had anything to do with the murder of Rohrer Horn, and without proof, Luke wouldn’t tell the truth even if he approached him for questioning.

Therefore, Luke just let Little Darkness investigate him.

Luke also had some speculations about Elvira Gandhi, who was missing from Kem Smith’s mouth.

According to Lydia Cooney’s description, the reason why she broke up with Kem Smith in the first place was because Kem Smith had an affair with a woman named Elvira, and this missing Elvira Gandhi was probably the third party in the first place.

This case is getting more and more interesting.

After Luke rationalized his thoughts, he contacted Blackie, Jackson, and Porter and told them to meet near Kem Smith’s house.

Forty minutes later.

Candace neighborhood.

Luke’s four people met near Cam Smith’s house, Luke didn’t go directly to Cam Smith’s house, but first talked to Blacky.

Luke asked, “On Kem Smith’s side, what clues have you found out?”

“Cam Smith stayed at the company this afternoon and returned home at 6:00 p.m. Porter and I staked out the place for two hours and didn’t find anything out of the ordinary, then we went home.”

“Have you seen Cam Smith’s girlfriend?”

“No, however, I found out some information about Cam Smith’s girlfriend, her name is Elvira Gandhi, she is a foreign student from India, she is quite pretty and has a good figure, no wonder Cam Smith would break up for her.” Blackie handed a profile to Luke.

Luke looked at Elvira Gandhi’s profile and photo, Elvira Gandhi had a head of dark hair, straight features, wheat skin color, very pretty looking, and belonged to the high caste at a glance.

Luke handed the information to Black, “Let’s go in.”

The four of them walked to the door of Cam Smith’s house, and Jackson pressed the doorbell.

Soon, the door opened.

Cam Smith stood at the door with an anxious look, “Captain Lee, I’ve been waiting for you guys, come on in.”

Luke entered the living room and observed the environment of the house, there was no smell of blood or disinfectant.

Cam Smith invited the group to sit on the couch, “Captain Lee, I’m sorry to call you all here so late.

But I haven’t been able to find my girlfriend, Elvira Gandhi, and I’m worried something might have happened to her, which is why I called the police.”

Luke pressed, “What do you think happened to Elvira Gandhi?”

“I don’t know, but I haven’t been able to reach her and she’s never been like this before.

I’m worried about her safety, please you must help me find her.”

Luke soothed, “Just take it easy for a moment and answer me a few questions.”


“When was the last time you saw each other?”

“Yesterday morning, she dropped me off at the door while I was at work, and was still fine, but when I called her in the afternoon I couldn’t reach her.

When I got home, I realized she wasn’t home, and contacted everyone she knew, and none of them knew where she was.

I figured she might have had an accident and that’s why I called you.”

Luke said, “There are many kinds of accidents, but usually in a situation like the one you described, Elvira Gandhi is likely to have suffered a kidnapping.

Did you get a call from the kidnapper?”


“Does she have any other relatives in Los Angeles?”


“Did she have any plans yesterday?”

“She was home resting yesterday and said she would make me a lamb curry and rice in the evening.”

“That means she was probably in an accident at home.”

“That’s what I thought.”

“Are there any signs of outsiders entering your home? Were any of the door locks broken? Or bloodstains of any kind?”

“I …… didn’t find any.”

Luke turned to Xiao Hei who was on the side, “You lead a search of the room.” After Luke finished speaking, he looked to the side of Kem Smith: “No problem.”

Kem Smith hesitated slightly and nodded, “It’s okay.”

Luke continued to ask, “Have you lost any valuable belongings in your home?”


“Usually, kidnappers are seeking money, but you neither received a blackmail call nor lost any valuable belongings, so it shouldn’t fall into this situation.” Luke turned the tables, “What does Elvira Gandhi do for a living?”

“She’s still a student.”

“Has she offended anyone recently?”

“Not that I know of.”

“Have you?”

Cam Smith shook his head, “Neither have I.”

Luke kept his eyes on the other man, seeing signs of lying on his face.

Luke changed the subject, “I went to Lydia Cooney’s house today and talked to her.”

Cam Smith froze for a moment, seemingly unsure why Luke had brought up Lydia Cooney, “What about her?”

“She admitted her involvement in the arson.”

Cam Smith sighed in disbelief, “Even though I saw her that night, I still can’t figure out why she did it.”

“Her daughter was kidnapped and someone threatened her with her daughter’s life.”

“That’s horrible, to kidnap a little girl in order to achieve their goal, what kind of person would do such a despicable thing?”

Luke shook his head, “We’re furious too.”

“Can you guys save Lydia Cooney’s daughter?”

Luke’s complexion darkened, “She was kidnapped on July 10th, three days have passed, missing the best time to rescue her, the situation is not very optimistic ……”

“What about my girlfriend? She only disappeared yesterday afternoon, it shouldn’t be too late for me to call the police.”

“Twenty-four hours after being kidnapped is the prime time for rescue, there’s still a chance now, however, we have to understand the whole case and know the reason why she was kidnapped.

If you conceal the real reason why she was kidnapped, leading to a deviation in the direction of our investigation, it’s likely that we’ll miss the best time to rescue her ……”

“Oh my god, why is this happening?” Cam Smith scratched his forehead hard.

“Do you have a suspect for Elvira Gandhi’s kidnapping?”

Cam Smith gave Luke a look and didn’t say anything.

Luke stared at the other man and continued, “In fact, I know, even if you don’t say it, that you lied in your description of the arson.

After Lydia Cooney and the other suspect committed arson, they escaped through the east door of the building, not the west door of the building.”

Cam Smith defended, “I’m sorry, the fire that night freaked me out and I may have been misremembering.”

“No, you’re not misremembering, you did see Lydia Cooney and another suspect near the west door of the building, but at that point they weren’t leaving the building, they were just entering the building to set fire to it after the power went out in the switch room, you could have stopped them from setting the fire, but you didn’t.


“I …… I didn’t know they were going to commit arson at the time, and I …… I regret it.”

“Even if you didn’t know they were going to commit arson, you knew that it couldn’t have been a good thing for them to sneak into the building at night, so why didn’t you call the police or notify security immediately?”

Cam Smith shook his head and remained silent.

Luke continued, “Actually, we have been investigating you.

The reason why you appeared on the west side of the building that night was not a coincidence, but the fact that you were also preparing to go to the power distribution room to cut off the electricity, and you just happened to see Lydia Cooney near the power distribution room.

The reason why you didn’t stop Lydia Cooney that night and didn’t call the police was because you were weak and you wanted to sneak into the office building too.

Am I right?”

Sweat slid down Cam Smith’s cheeks.

Luke struck while the iron was hot, “Now that we suspect you, it’s only a matter of time before we find out what’s wrong with you, but what Elvira Gandhi lacks the most right now is time.

If you continue to hide it, you will probably miss the best time to rescue her.

When we find out the real reason, you still have to pay the corresponding responsibility, and Elvira Gandhi ……”

“Stop it, I tell you.

I did do something wrong ……” Cam Smith took a deep breath, as if making up his mind, and continued, “You’re right, I did try to sneak into the building that night.

I wanted to copy some data, but Lydia Cooney and that suspect got into the building first and interrupted my plans.”

“What data did you want to copy?”

“Data on the development of a new antihypertensive drug.”


“I was going to would sell the data on the black market for money.”

Luke shook his head, “You’re still lying.”

“I’m not.”

“You are.

You may not have succeeded on July 11th, but there were two similar power outages in May and June that should have been done by you as well.

You should have succeeded on those two occasions.

Where’s all that copied data?”

“I told you, I sold them on the black market.”

“No, you’re still lying.

If you don’t tell the truth, there’s no way I can help you.” Luke stared at the other party and said in a cold voice, “Before, the reason why you broke up with Lydia Cooney shouldn’t be because of Lydia Cooney’s daughter, and you should have been hooking up with Elvira Gandhi at that time.

Not long after you and Elvira Gandhi got to know each other, you moved into the company’s dormitory to live, and you also entered the office building to steal the research and development data of the new antihypertensive drug.

If I’m not mistaken, you should have given the stolen R&D data to Elvira Gandhi.

That’s the real reason why she was kidnapped.

Am I right?”

Cam Smith’s eyes flickered and he looked a little flustered.

Luke continued to press, “If you want to save Elvira Gandhi, tell me who she really is.”

Under Luke’s forceful questioning, Cam Smith was pressed a bit out of breath and breathed heavily, “She ……

was sponsored by Sun Pharmaceuticals to study in Los Angeles.”

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