Chapter 559

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:16:59
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke contacted Matthew and asked him to check the road surveillance along the Dolittle neighborhood to find out where the black Chevy sedan had traveled.

Also, mark the locations of car washes along the route, especially self-service car washes.

Luke guessed that the person washing the car was most likely Thomas Coley, and as for the reason, it was simple: either to wash off his marks or the dump site had soiled the car.

The police marked out several possible locations for the body dump through the car’s road surveillance and the surrounding car washes.

The police then split into three groups and split up to search for Walda Baker’s body.

At 5 p.m., in a wooded area a few kilometers away from Thomas Colley’s house.

Several police cars were parked on the side of the road, and Blackie and Porter stepped out of them.

This was the second possible dump site that Blacky searched for.

Xiao Hei briefly arranged a search plan, which was mainly divided into two aspects, on the one hand, it was a man-made search to check if there were any newly excavated places around.

On the one hand was to have the canine search for Walda Baker’s scent or blood.

Marcus arranged the tasks and took a group of men to search as well.

Marcus had been a detective for some time now, and had matured in the flesh, but of course, it might have had something to do with him becoming a father.

Marcus search is not fast, this is also Luke explained, Walda Baker is dead and can not run away, it is okay to be slow, but the search must be careful, if missed clues, but will delay the investigation.

To his own good partner Xiao Hei has always been convinced, to his words, naturally, is also heard in the heart.

“Woof woof woof ……”

Not far away came a barking sound, “Inspector, there is a discovery here.”

Xiao Hei quickly walked over and saw a Beagle dog was lying on the ground and digging up the soil, the soil was a new layer of soil and obviously showed signs of having been turned over.

“Inspector Marcus, there’s probably something suspicious down here.”

Marcus nodded and greeted the men digging with shovels.

The dog trainer pulled the Beagle aside and fed it a handful of dog food.

The two strong-built police officers dug together, coupled with the loose soil, the digging was fast, and I don’t know if it was a psychological effect, but Blackie vaguely smelled a bloody odor.


A patrolman shouted, and Xiao Hei came over to check.

Only to see that the patrolman peeled off the top layer of soil, revealing a piece of brown fur, which was still stained with blood, a small teddy that had just died recently.

The crowd couldn’t help but be a little disappointed.

“Poor little guy, we didn’t mean to disturb you.” Xiao Hei sighed and waved his hand, “Bury it on.”

The patrolman took a shovel and refilled the pit with the surrounding dirt, which spilled over Teddy’s body.

Blackie always felt something was wrong, was it too much of a coincidence?

“Wait, get Teddy’s body out and keep digging down.”

The dog trainer reminded, “Inspector Marcus, the police dog smells Teddy’s body and will also signal the police.”

Blackie didn’t answer, “Keep digging.”

The two patrolmen looked at each other and could only continue to dig down.

After a while, one patrolman’s shovel seemed to have dug into the object, he plucked away the top layer of soil, it was a black bag, all of a sudden, the surrounding people were excited.

The two patrolmen continued to dig, and dug out the entire black bag, Black put on gloves and opened the bag, it was a male body.

Walda Baker.

The following day, early morning.

Robbery and Murder Division, Squadron One office.

At nine o’clock in the morning, Luke called a meeting.

The lieutenant took out a piece of information, “Let me start.

Yesterday, I took someone to the CBS TV news department to investigate.

I also got the letter from the head of the news department, and the content of the letter is much the same as what was broadcast on the news, and the whistleblower signed his name with the name of the deceased Rohrer Horn.

The investigation into the letter was twofold, the authenticity of the letter on the one hand, and the identity of the sender on the other.

The letter was delivered by Parcel Express, and I contacted the courier and gave him a statement.

The place where the letter was sent was the crime scene of the deceased Roher Horn, and in addition, I asked the courier to identify the photo, and it was indeed Roher Horn himself who delivered the letter.

Afterwards, I met with Roher Horn’s family, and according to Roher Horn’s wife, the letter resembled Roher Horn’s handwriting.

I took some pieces of Rohrer Horn’s handwritten letter from Rohrer Horn’s home and have sent it to the technical team for note identification and I am sure that the results will be available soon.”

The Vice Squad concluded, “From what is available, the probability is that the letter was mailed by Rohrer Horn.

As for whether the illegal human experiments described in the letter are true, I didn’t bother to investigate, it’s better to let the relevant departments have their headaches.”

Jackson said, “A lot of people like conspiracy theories, what with the Rothschilds controlling the United States, the moon landing being a fake, and so on.

Now that Rohrer Horn is dead, Kalman Pharmaceuticals, even if they haven’t done illegal human experiments, even if the relevant departments have clarified.

Some people still won’t believe it.

Instead, they’ll think that the government departments are helping to cover it up, and that there must be something shady going on.”

“Come on, we are only responsible for investigating the case, it’s better to let Kalman Pharmaceuticals go through the headache of these matters.” Black interrupted Jackson and smiled, “Guys, I have something important to announce.

I’ve found Walda Baker’s body.”

Jackson bristled, “Congratulations Detective, you got lucky.”

Black wiggled his right index finger, “No No No, it wasn’t just luck, Thomas Colley was very cunning, he put a dead dog on top of the body, which an average person would have probably missed.

I spotted the problem with it, had the dog moved and continued digging, which led me to Walda Baker’s body ……”

The lieutenant interrupted, “Come on kid, save that kind of bragging for the bar.

All I want to know now is if any evidence of the killer was found around the body.”

“Sure.” Blackie flipped through the information, “According to the medical examiner’s tests, Walda Baker’s time of death was around one a.m. yesterday, and the fatal wound was a strangulation mark on his neck.

To be exact, he was strangled by a belt that detected the deceased’s DNA in the middle of the belt and Thomas Colley’s DNA on both sides of the belt,” Blacky made a strangling gesture, “It’s safe to assume that he’s the killer.”

The lieutenant nodded and praised, “Very good, you got the credit, kid.”

Blackie revealed a smug look, “I have a feeling that it won’t be long before I’m Vice Squad Marcus, haha.”

Vice Squad “……”

Interrogation room.

The ones in charge of the interrogation were Luke and Blackie, the two were organizing the case information when Thomas Collie was brought into the interrogation room.

Blacky greeted himself with a smile, “Hey man, how’d you sleep last night?”

Thomas Colley grimaced, “The beds were hard and smelled sour, but it was a solid night’s sleep.”

Xiao Hei said, “If you don’t do anything wrong, you will naturally sleep soundly, if you had this kind of realization earlier, you wouldn’t need us to spend so much effort on investigating the case.”

Thomas Colley disdainfully said, “When you watch TV, do you take a small notebook to excerpt lines?

That line of talk sucks.”

Uninterested in the malnourished conversation between the two men, Luke interrupted, “We found Walda Baker’s body.”

Thomas Corley’s face froze immediately and he seemed a little disoriented.

Black added, “I found it, to be exact.”

Thomas Colley was silent for a moment, slowly raised his head and frowned, “How did he die? When did he die?”

Blackie reached out and pointed at Thomas Colley, “That’s for you to ask, murderer!”

“No, I didn’t even know he was dead, much less kill him.” Thomas Colley’s eyes widened and he said somewhat angrily, “Come on, I’ve had enough of your baseless accusations.”

As if he was watching a play, Blackie laughed, “Your acting is good, haha.

But it’s no use, we’ve already found Walda Baker’s body, and by the way, a poor little Teddy.”

Thomas Colley sighed and sat down in his chair somewhat dejectedly, before, he still held a slight chance that the police were bluffing him, now he knew that the police had indeed found Walda Baker’s body.

After a long silence, he took another deep breath, “Even if you found Walda Baker’s body, it has nothing to do with me, I didn’t kill anyone.”

Luke pulled out a picture of a brown belt, “Look familiar?”

Thomas Colley scanned the photo and averted his gaze.

Luke continued, “The belt was identified by the medical examiner as the murder weapon that killed Walda Baker; he was strangled to death.

And your DNA was found on both sides of the belt, enough to prove that you are the murderer who strangled Walda Baker.

There’s no need to try to weasel your way out of this, it won’t work.”

Thomas Colley let out a grunt through his nose and glared at Luke, “I wasn’t supposed to be in the yard, and if I hadn’t been there, maybe you wouldn’t have been able to trace me.

I can’t even figure it out now, how did you detect that something was wrong with me?”

Luke didn’t answer and asked instead, “You kidnapped minors and allegedly set fire to the Kalman Company building, and now you’ve killed Walda Baker.

Oh yeah, and Roher Horn, you killed him too, didn’t you.

What was the reason for doing that?”

Thomas Colley let out a long sigh, “It’s a long story, can I have a cigarette?”

Luke nodded and gestured for Black to hand him a cigarette.

“Thanks.” Thomas Collie took the lit cigarette and took a drag, “This matter started about ten years ago, at that time, Rohel Horn and I were about the same age, and our encounters were similar.

I was unemployed, with a wife and kids to support, and I needed money.

I sent in a lot of resumes with no response, and I was on the streets for a while and met some homeless people.

Later, someone was handing out flyers to the homeless, and I was a little surprised at the time who would be handing out flyers to the homeless.

After reading it, I realized that it was Kalman Pharmaceuticals looking for drug testers.

That’s right, I was also a trial medication worker for Kalman Pharmaceuticals, and, they were offering a very generous package.

I really needed the money and I went for it.”

Thomas Colley wiped his eyes and laughed to himself, “I can’t remember the last time I shed a tear?

I knew that the job as a drug tester was dangerous, so I never gave up looking for a job while I was working as a drug tester.

After about four months, I found a new job, which I cherished and put a lot of effort into.

My work and life also got back on track.

However, three years later, I felt unwell and went to the hospital to find out that I had liver disease.

At first, the doctor said that it was found in time and could still be cured, but over the past few years my disease has gotten worse and worse and has progressed to the advanced stage of liver cancer.

The doctor was also puzzled, thinking that this is a very rare case, and asked me in detail about my past experience.

After learning that I had worked as a drug tester at Kalman Pharmaceuticals, he felt that the reason for my deterioration was probably related to this experience.

I was furious.

Over the years, because of my illness, I was unable to function, I was short-tempered, and my wife had left me with my children.

I have nothing left.

Don’t you guys think I should take revenge?”

Luke asked, “Do you think all of this was caused by Kalman Pharmaceuticals?”

“Kalman Pharmaceuticals is the direct cause, along with the damn system of drug testers, a job that shouldn’t even exist, and I’m going to change all that.”

“Tell me about your plan of action and process?”

Thomas Collie put out the cigarette in his hand, “I knew that if I wanted to make this happen I couldn’t rely on me alone, so I found Walda Baker, this guy is profit-oriented, as long as he gives enough money, he can be easily bribed.

With Walda Baker’s help, I then found Roher Horn, who was a lot like me back in the day, out of work and trying to support his family, and had to become a drug tester, and I know how people like that think.

It’s pathetic and sad.”

Luke smoothly asked, “How did Roher Horn die?”

“He committed suicide.”

“Why did he kill himself?”

“He owed a lot of money to loan sharks for gambling, which he couldn’t pay off even as a drug tester, and the interest was only growing.

The six months of scribbling had almost crushed him, and he was tired and wanted to rest.

I told him that he was now a drug tester for Kalman Pharmaceuticals, and that Kalman Pharmaceuticals would pay a large sum of money if he died because of the drugs.

Also, I promised to give a large sum of money to his family.

That way his family will have something to live on and he won’t have to work as hard as he did before.

Some good married men are really boring, they have lost the joy of living and live more because of their responsibilities.

That was the case with Rohel Horn.

He had no road ahead of him and he didn’t want to disappoint his family, so he agreed.

I have to admit that he was brave in that last moment, there are many people similar to him, but very few who dare to take that step.”

Luke asked, “How much did you give Roher Horn?”

“Two hundred thousand dollars, that’s all I had, I even mortgaged my house to raise the money.”

“Where is that money?”

“I don’t know, maybe Roher Horn hid it somewhere or gave it to his family.

He deserved that money, and I’m not going to cheat a poor man like me.

On the contrary, I did it to save more people like me.”

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