Chapter 560

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:17:01
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“Isn’t your aim to take revenge? Why do you say you want to save more people? “Luke heard the implication, a person’s motive of committing a crime changes, so does the way of committing a crime.

Thomas Colley’s gaze flashed a flash of sternness, “It’s not just Kalman Pharmaceuticals that I loathe, it’s also the system of drug testers that goes against morality, and I want to use Rohrer Horn’s death to trigger more people’s attention to the industry of drug testers.

This will make it possible to outlaw the industry, which is my ultimate goal.”

“That whistle-blowing letter against Kalman Pharmaceuticals for doing illegal human experiments was also something you had Roher Horn mail to the TV station?”

“That’s right, it was only through this way that Rohrer Horn’s death would be brought to the attention of more people, and more people would boycott Kalman Pharmaceuticals and the drug tester system.

It seems to be working pretty well now.

The citizens of Los Angeles still have a sense of justice, and I’m sure they’ll soon be flooding the streets.” A smirk appeared on Thomas Colley’s face.

Luke switched to his next question, “Why did you kidnap Lydia Cooney’s daughter?”

“I’d like to tell the girl I’m sorry in person if I can, I never meant to hurt her, I just had to.” Thomas Colley spread his hands and explained.

“The death of Roher Horn will ruin the reputation of Kalman Pharmaceuticals, but I don’t think that’s enough, I also want to destroy the results of their experiments, that’s why I came up with the idea of arson and burning down the Kalman Pharmaceuticals experimental building.

We needed an insider to lead the way, that’s why we kidnapped Lydia Cooney’s daughter, in fact, even if you guys didn’t rescue that little girl, I would have sent her away in a couple days.”

Kuro said sarcastically, “You’re such a nice guy, I’m kind of wondering now if letting you sit in that chair was a mistake.”

“I know you probably don’t believe me, but what I’m saying is true.”

Luke crossed out another question, “Why did you kill Walda Baker?”

Thomas Colley rubbed his chin, “That guy deserved to die, he wasn’t much of a good guy in the first place, profit oriented and greedy as hell.

Then again, if he wasn’t greedy, he wouldn’t be doing this with me.

However, I simply don’t have that much money to give him, or rather, I’m not as rich as he thinks I am, and in that situation, I can only finish him off.

Otherwise, he would have made a mess, and then the whole plan would have failed, and Roher Horn’s death would have been worthless.”

“Were there others involved in your plan?”

“No. There are too many people, instead, it is easy to leak the news.”

Luke summarized, “So the case of Rohrer Horn’s murder, the kidnapping of Lydia Cooney’s daughter, the Kalman Pharmaceuticals arson, and the murder of Walda Baker were all planned and executed by you behind the scenes.”

“Yes.” Thomas Colley nodded vigorously, “I believe it was worth it, Kalman Pharmaceuticals got what they deserved, and more people began to pay attention to the job of drug testers, a job that goes against humanity.

Even though I was caught, my purpose was accomplished.

Believe me, the world will be a better place without the job of drug testers.”

Blackie said, “Look, I don’t like the job of drug tester either, and I know that it can cause harm to some people.

But you also have to realize that the development of new drugs is to save lives, and once the drugs are on the market, they can save more patients.

In a sense ……”

Thomas Coley’s tone steeply rose, interrupting Xiao Hei: “Birth, old age, sickness and death is originally a part of life, people can be treated when they are sick, but don’t over-treat them.

The human body itself has a certain degree of self-healing, and overdosing on medication will only make the body weaker.

If you really have an incurable disease, then go to die gracefully.

Is there any point in lying in bed and relying on medication to sustain your life?

Moreover, all human lives are equal, and no one is obligated to try drugs to cure other people’s ailments.

It is immoral and punishable by God.”

Thomas Corley gazed at Luke and Black, as if he wanted approval or expected a rebuttal.

Luke shrugged, “I’m not interested in that lofty topic, you might as well save it for the jury and judge in court.

If you can convince them, maybe you won’t have to go to jail.”

Thomas Colley sounded firm, “I will!”

Luke then gathered his things and left the interrogation room with Blackie.

Blackie caught up with Luke and pointed to the head, “Captain, do you think this guy is out of his mind?”

“No, he’s wide awake.”

“Then what do you think of what he just said?”

Luke sneered, “Lies.”

Black frowned, “What do you mean?”

“Forget what he just said, he was just distracting you with that rhetoric earlier.”

“Did Walda Baker not kill him?”

“Walda Baker should have killed him, but there are truths and lies in his words, and he must be hiding some important clues ……”

There were three reasons why Luke didn’t point out the other party during the interrogation, first, the other party had already confessed.

Second, in order to paralyze the other party, let the other party mistakenly think that the police believed his words, and see if he would reveal his footsteps.

Third, Luke just saw that the other party lied, and there is no evidence to prove that the other party lied, even if the point out the other party will not recognize, then Luke in turn passive.

What Luke has to do now is to collect more clues and evidence to find the truth that Thomas Collie is hiding.

Rohel Horn’s house.

“Knock knock ……”

A few moments later, the door opened.

The one who opened the door was Roher Horn’s wife, Christian Horn.

She had met with Luke earlier when she went to the Robbery Murder Division.

Christian Horn looked at Luke and Blackie both with some surprise: “Captain Li, why are you here?

Is there any result in my husband’s case?”

Luke sized up the other party, the woman’s face was a bit haggard, her mental state was not very good: “Yes, the case of your husband’s murder has indeed made progress, we came here today because we want to look at his relics, perhaps we can discover some new clues.”

“Come on in, you guys.” Christian Horn stepped aside and invited Luke and Blackie to sit on the couch in the living room, “What relics of my husband’s do you want to see?”

Luke’s eyes scanned the living room, “Can I just wander around the house?”

“I’m sorry, this house contains nothing but my husband’s things, and mine and my children’s things, especially since I have a girl.

I’m really sorry, it really isn’t very convenient.” Christian Horn revealed a difficult look and proposed, “Captain Li, why don’t you have a cup of coffee first, and I’ll go take out my husband’s belongings.”

“That would be fine.

Coffee is not necessary, we drank it on the way here.” Luke politely declined.

“Excuse me.” Christian Horn nodded in greeting, then went into the first floor bedroom.

Black whispered, “Why do I get the feeling she’s a little cold?”

Luke didn’t answer because the purpose of their visit this time was to investigate the two hundred thousand dollars of employment paid by Thomas Collie to Roher Horn.

Christian Horn’s attitude indicated that the other party had already found that money and guessed the purpose of Luke and the others’ visit.

After a while, Christian Horn came over with a paper box and put it on the coffee table: ”These are what my husband left behind, I ……

I put them away ahead of time, but haven’t figured out what to do with them yet.

If you guys need them, take them.”

Luke looked through the contents of the box, there were photo albums, books, some papers, not a lot of stuff, “Is that all?”

“There’s some clothing and tools, they’re all in the garage.” After Christian Horn finished, she changed her words, “Captain Lee, have you found out my husband’s murderer?”

Luke nodded, “Sort of, the case is a bit complicated.”

“What do you mean?”

“Your husband probably didn’t kill himself, but committed suicide.”

Christian Horn shook her head, “That’s impossible, my husband would never kill himself, we were very close and had two lovely children.

I knew him, there is no way he would leave without us by himself.”

Luke said, “When your husband lost his job, he lost his financial resources and had to rely on gambling to support the family expenses, he made some money at first but then lost more.

As a last resort he borrowed from loan sharks, and to pay them off he went to work as a drug tester.

But this still couldn’t pay off the loan sharks, and in the past six months he lived a hard life with a lot of pressure.

At this time a man approached him and told him a way to make money, as long as his death was related to the trial drug, he could get compensation from the pharmaceutical company.

And, the man promised to give him two hundred thousand dollars.

Mrs. Christian Horn, have you seen that two hundred thousand dollars?”

Christian Horn’s eyes flickered and sweat began to break out at her temples as she shook her head, “No, I haven’t seen it …… If our family had that large amount of money, I wouldn’t be worried about my life in the future.”

Luke stared at the other party, clearly sensing the other party’s panic, and advised, “Ma’am, I suggest you look harder, maybe it’s left behind somewhere.”

Christian Horn stood up and took two steps back, “You must be mistaken, our family doesn’t have that kind of money.”

Luke rose as well, “Mind if we search?”

“I decline.” Christian Horn walked to the door and opened it, “Please leave my house, right now.”

Luke flashed a search warrant, “I suggest you go and look again properly, otherwise we’ll have to do it ourselves.

I’m sure you wouldn’t want to be taken into custody on the charge of harboring stolen property.”

Christian Horn covered her mouth, “Why are you doing this to me? My husband is dead, and my children and I have no one to turn to ……

Do …… you want to see us on the streets?

Why don’t you give us a way to live?”

Luke put away the warrant, “Mrs. Christian Horn, I understand your situation, but it may not be a good thing to leave money of unknown origin.

Can you spend it without fear?”

“I don’t have any financial resources right now, and my husband gave his life for this money, please ……”

“I know you are having a harder time making ends meet, and there are ways I can help, but not with that two hundred thousand dollars.”

“Can I trust you?”

“My patience is limited.

You know that I have the right to search it myself.”

“I’ll get it.”

Christian Horn took a deep breath, hesitated in his place for a moment, then went into the basement, and when he came up again he had a traveling bag in his hand that looked very heavy.

Fondly, Christian Horn placed the travel bag on the coffee table and unzipped it, “It’s all here.”

Blackie leaned over and inspected it, it was twenty bundles of brand new green bills.

Luke, on the other hand, picked up a notebook on the side and flipped it open, on it was a diary written by Roher Horn, which also recorded the psychological process of his suicide, which was roughly the same as that described by Thomas Collie.

Luke closed the diary, “When did you find the diary and the money?”

“Yesterday, I found the money and the diary when I was packing up my husband’s belongings, and I thought about giving these to the police, but …… my children and I really needed the money.”

Luke nodded, “I know your lives aren’t easy and I don’t want to take this money, but the suspect who gave your husband this money has been arrested.

His testimony is on record and this money has to be filed.”

“Oh my God, how are we going to live from here on out?” Christian Horn whimpered.

“I have an idea that might help you ask for a sum of money, it may not be much, but it should be enough for you to live on for a while.”

Christian Horn looked at Luke with an expectant look, “What way?”

“Kalman Pharmaceuticals.”

Christian Horn thought for a moment, “You’re asking us to sue Kalman Pharmaceuticals?”

Luke shook his head, “The case is clear by now, your husband knew that he was not allowed to drink or take drugs during the trial phase, but he did it on purpose in order to cheat the compensation from Kalman Pharmaceuticals.

Now that the police have figured it out, that approach won’t work.”

“So what do I do?”

“I can help you settle with Kalman Pharmaceuticals, you can tell the family’s difficulties, and perhaps, they are willing to compensate some from the humanitarian aspect.” Luke was not an abusive person, Kalman Pharmaceuticals was not in a good situation right now, and the negative news had brought a lot of trouble to their company.

If at this time, the widow of the deceased came forward to speak and deny the rumor that Kalman Pharmaceuticals was doing illegal human experiments, it would be beneficial to Kalman Pharmaceuticals, and to a certain extent, it could turn around the image of Kalman Pharmaceuticals.

Moreover, a small sum of money is nothing at all to Kalman Pharmaceuticals, but it is related to the livelihood of Christian Horn’s family.

Both sides got what they wanted, and it was good for everyone.

Luke believed that the top management of Kalman would definitely agree.

Christian Horn would also be able to obtain a sum of money to ensure the livelihood of herself and her children, killing two birds with one stone.

Of course, Luke was just pulling the strings, the specifics still needed to be talked about by them.

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