Chapter 563

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:17:09
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Robbery and Murder Division office.

There was still about an hour before the end of the day, Luke called for a meeting.

“Guys, how’s the Worcester Corporation situation coming along?”

Jackson said, “After returning to the police station from Georgina Coley’s house, I gathered all the information I could on Worcester Corporation.

It’s an investment company that focuses on investing in the technology, beauty, and fitness industries, but didn’t find that the company had any dealings with Kalman Pharmaceuticals.”

Luke asked, “Has this company invested in any other pharmaceutical companies?”


Jenny said, “I went to Kalman Pharmaceuticals with Ramon because Fred Kramer, the head of R&D, was wounded by a gunshot, and we were greeted this time by Harrington Roger, the vice president of Kalman Pharmaceuticals.

We first confirmed the identity of Thomas Coley, and Kalman Pharmaceuticals went through a lot of files and finally found a list of drug testers from ten years ago, which did have information about Thomas Coley, who tried a drug for lung disease, which would not have much effect on the liver.

Also, we asked about the Worcester Company.

He hadn’t heard of the company and there was no business dealings between the two.”

Luke asked, “What are everyone’s thoughts now?”

Jenny said, “Could it be that our previous assumptions were wrong or a little preconceived.

It is likely that Georgina Colley did rise through the ranks on her own merit and was not directly related to her ex-husband, Thomas Colley.

It was Thomas Colley who saw what his ex-wife was capable of and knew that even without him his daughter would be just as well off.

It was only then that he had no worries about retaliating against Kalman Pharmaceuticals.”

The lieutenant nodded, “That’s a good idea.

Captain, what do you think?”

“I still think that Thomas Colley is hiding something.

There should be others involved in the three cases against Kalman Pharmaceuticals.” Luke thought carefully, “In that case, since the Worcester Company can’t be found out.

Then let’s continue to investigate Kalman Pharmaceuticals, and if this company loses a lot of money due to the failure of developing a new drug, who would benefit from it.”

“YES, Sir.”

“Jenny, what about the hospital? When can we get a statement from the shooting suspect, Ricardo Solu?”

Jenny replied, “According to Ricardo Solu’s attending physician, Ricardo Solu’s gunshot wounds are no longer serious, but he’s been screaming that he doesn’t feel well, and he’s had multiple tests today.

If the tests come back okay, we’ll be able to question him normally tomorrow morning.”

The lieutenant grunted, “I know this asshole too well, he’s just stalling for time.

Don’t worry about the damn test results, go straight to the hospital for interrogation tomorrow morning.”

The following morning.

Garrett Hospital.

Luke found Ricardo Solu’s attending doctor and asked him about Ricardo Solu’s condition, learning that the other party’s injuries had stabilized.

Afterwards, Luke brought Blackie into Ricardo Solu’s ward.

Inside the ward, Ricardo Solu’s left hand was cuffed to the hospital bed and his right hand was bandaged.

When he saw Luke he protested, “Hey, I got a gunshot wound to my right hand and my left hand is cuffed to the hospital bed, how do you expect me to eat and drink?”

Blackie teased, “It’s not like you’re hungry or thirsty by the sound of your middle voice.”

“I want to pee.”

Kuro laughed, “I’ll suggest the nurse get you a large diaper, I’m sure you’ll like it.”

“I just want you to uncuff me.”

“Why don’t you just say you want to escape.”

Ricardo Solu looked at his injured arm, “Where am I going to escape in this condition, I just want to be comfortable.”

Luke walked over and uncuffed Ricardo Solu, “As long as you’re willing to assist the police in their investigation, we can give you some preferential treatment as well.”

Ricardo Solu gave Luke a look, “Of course, I’m willing to assist your investigation.”

Luke stared at his expression, “Very well, tell me, who told you to kill Fred Kramer?”

Ricardo Solu shook his head, “I don’t know.”

“You really don’t know?”


When he had just arrested Ricardo Solu, Luke had also asked him this question, and he had said he didn’t know then as well.

Because at that time, Ricardo Solu had just been arrested, and his own emotions were very panicked and tense, coupled with the fact that he had suffered a gunshot wound, the pain was unbearable, and his face was distorted, Luke could not tell if he was lying or not.

But today was different, his injuries were largely stabilized, his emotions were stabilized, and Luke could see the signs of a lie in his face.

“Why did you kill Fred Kramer?”

“I don’t know, I was just a driver.”

Luke pulled out a picture of Thomas Colley, “Did you recognize him?”


“What about him?”

“Don’t recognize him either.”

This time, Luke didn’t see the signs of lying on his face.

In other words, Ricardo Solu didn’t know much about the incident and was just a hired assassin.

The problem now was that he knew who the hired man was, but wouldn’t say.

Luke thought for a moment and advised, “You’re just a driver, you didn’t shoot anyone that night, and as long as you’re willing to assist the police investigation in identifying the mastermind behind the crime, I’ll help you get a favorable plea deal.”

Ricardo Solu hesitated for a long time and pursed his lips, “I’m just a driver, the person who hired me has already been killed by you, and I really don’t know who’s behind this.”

Luke shook his head, “I know, you’re not as simple as you make yourself out to be, and it’s clear to me that you know who’s behind this.

Why are you carrying this off yourself, what favors have you been promised by the other side.”

Ricardo Solu sneered, “Nothing favorable, I just want to stay alive.”

Kuro said, “Hey man, as much as I don’t like you, I’ll keep you safe as long as you assist us in our investigation.”

“Maybe, but you guys can only protect me for a while, what about when I’m in jail, who’s going to protect me?

You guys get out, I’m a little unwell.” Ricardo Solu cocked his head to the side and stopped talking.

Luke picked up the handcuffs and re-cuffed Ricardo Solu, “I still think this suits you better.”

Blackie also teased, “Enjoy your last moments, we’ll pick you up in a couple days.”

Exiting the hospital room, Blacky followed up, “Captain, we’re leaving now?”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Do you have a way to pry him into talking?”

Blackie thought for a moment, “Not for now.”

“Then we’ll wait until we get back to the station.”

Detective Bureau.

After Luke returned to the police station, he first went to the deputy commissioner’s office to report the progress of the case to Reed, in addition, he felt that Ricardo Solu’s injuries had stabilized, and proposed to be escorted back to the police station as soon as possible to stand trial.

The hospital was inconveniently crowded, and this was their home turf.

Leaving the deputy commissioner’s office, Luke went to have lunch.

In the United States, the lunch meal is relatively simple, most people are eating a burger or sandwich, but Luke does not like to settle, as long as there is time to eat something good.

After the meal, Luke went back to his office for his lunch break.

“Knock knock ……”

At two o’clock in the afternoon, Luke was awakened by a knock on his door.

He yawned, refreshed for a moment, and said, “Come in.”

Matthew pushed open the door to his office, “Captain, I’ve got a lead.”

Luke exited the captain’s office and asked, “What lead?”

Matthew replied, “I’ve found out that a company is hemorrhaging stock in Kalman Pharmaceuticals.”

The lieutenant said, “With such a big mess at Kalman Pharmaceuticals, the stock is bound to go down and it would make sense to dump the stock now.”

“You’re right, it does make sense to sell off the stock now, but this company started selling off its stock on July 7th, before the crime was committed and Kalman Pharmaceuticals’ stock hadn’t been affected yet.” Matthew paused and continued.

“What’s more, this company hadn’t really purchased shares of Kalman Pharmaceuticals. Instead, it borrowed a large amount of Kallman Pharmaceuticals stock from Merrill Lynch.

And then on July 7, it sold them at $100 per share for a total value of about half a billion dollars.”

The vice squad opened the computer and stared at the screen, “Now the stock price of Kalman Pharmaceuticals is $80/share, if he re-buys the stock now and then returns it to Merrill Lynch he can net nearly $100 million.

According to my estimation, the stock price of Kalman Pharmaceuticals should not have reached its lowest point, he still has something to earn.”

Blackie was a little confused: “Wait, hasn’t this company already sold its shares? Why would it still make money if it re-bought?”

Matthew explained, “To put it simply, this company just borrowed 5 million shares of Kallman Pharmaceuticals stock from Merrill Lynch and turned around and sold it for half a billion dollars.

When the stock price of Kalman Pharmaceuticals fell, he would just buy back the 5 million shares and return them to Merrill Lynch.

The difference in price is the profit of this company.

So the harder the stock price of Kalman Pharmaceuticals falls, the more difference this company makes.”

Luke asked, “What is the name of this company?”

From what Matthew’s found out, this company had a clear motive.

“Puhuik Investment Company.”

Luke pressed, “Is this company related to Worcester in any way?”

Matthew a thumbs up, “You guessed it.

The chairman of Pwick Investments is named Lennon Ochoa, and his wife’s brother is a director of Worcester.”

The lieutenant walked over to the whiteboard and drew a tree diagram of the case, “This lead that Matthew picked up is crucial.

Suppose this Lennon Ochoa is the man behind all the cases, and his purpose is to short Kalman Pharmaceuticals and wait until Kalman Pharmaceuticals plummets to make a big profit.

First, he found Thomas Corley and used Thomas Corley’s hatred for Kalman Pharmaceuticals to convince him to short Kalman Pharmaceuticals with himself.

At the same time, in order to solve Thomas Coley’s worries, but also Thomas Coley’s ex-wife arranged to his wife’s brother’s company as the assistant to the president, improve the salary.

So that on the surface of the two do not have any interests, even if Thomas Coley was arrested, it will not affect his ex-wife and daughter’s life.

On the contrary, with Lennon Ochoa’s care, Thomas Colley’s ex-wife and daughter’s life will be better.

After that, Thomas Colley began to sell out for Lennon Ochoa and created a series of cases against Kalman Pharmaceuticals in order to stink up Kalman Pharmaceuticals resulting in a drop in the stock price.

From what’s available, their plan is still successful.”

Luke nodded, “There is no problem with this speculation, but after all, speculation is just speculation, we still need evidence to prove it.” Luke also walked over to the whiteboard and pointed to Thomas Colley’s name, “Thomas Colley is now terminally ill, his only hang-ups should be his wife and daughter, and now that his wife and daughter have been well organized, he has no worries left.

Even if our speculation is correct, there is a high probability that he will carry on to the end.”

Blackie suggested, “Can we use Thomas Collie’s ex-wife and daughter as a breakthrough.

Previously, we visited the wife of the deceased Roher Horn, and after some patient persuasion on our part, she also voluntarily took out the two hundred thousand dollars of stolen money.”

Luke shook his head, “The two situations are different, Rohrer Horn is directly left his wife a stolen money and diary, which wrote his suicide heart activities, that stolen money is hidden in Rohrer Horn’s home, even if Rohrer Horn’s wife does not take it out, we can still search it.

But the case of Thomas Coley’s ex-wife is different. Thomas Coley’s ex-wife did not know what Thomas Coley had done, and she thought that she was promoted to assistant to the president because she was appreciated by the president by virtue of her ability, and she was contentedly enjoying the pay rise and treatment.

Moreover, this kind of benefit output is reasonable and legal, we can’t search anything even if we have a search warrant.”

Hearing Luke’s words the crowd was silent for a while, although they might have speculated the real situation of the case and found the mastermind behind it, but the other party had already eliminated the hidden dangers in advance, and the police simply couldn’t find any evidence or witnesses.

After a long time, the vice squad said, “Actually, I’ve encountered similar cases before, where the big boss plotted behind the scenes, and once the incident happened, he let his own men take the blame.

There is some kind of agreement between them, and the only way to get the henchmen to identify the big boss is to break that agreement.”

Luke said, “The agreement between Thomas Corley and Lennon Ochoa is not hard to guess.

Thomas Colley helped Lennon Ochoa to do his job and make the stock price of Kalman Pharmaceuticals drop; Lennon Ochoa secretly took care of Thomas Colley’s wife and daughter and got Thomas Colley’s ex-wife promoted to assistant president.

Lennon Ochoa stood tall enough that he had reasonable and legal ways to funnel benefits to Thomas Coley’s wife and daughter, and it was a matter of hands up for him.

We’d have a hard time breaking that kind of agreement.”

“You’re right.” The lieutenant took a small comb, gathered his thinning gray hair, and continued, “But agreements are only verbally binding.

In the face of profit, many people will still choose to break the agreement, such as the big boss who doesn’t want to take care of Thomas Colley’s ex-wife and daughter anymore.

Not everyone keeps their word, and some big bosses will still choose to take out their underlings to eliminate the hidden dangers outright.”

Jackson said, “Even if Lennon Ochoa wants to take out Thomas Colley, it can’t be now, it will also wait until he goes to prison, which is for us ……”

“I know.” The lieutenant interrupted him and continued, “That’s not the point I’m trying to make, what I’m trying to say is that the people who took the fall aren’t stupid, and they would have left some backstabbing to prevent them from being silenced.

If, however, they are silenced, these backhanders left behind can become evidence to identify the mastermind behind the scenes.

And these evidences are usually left to a close relative or someone he can trust.”

Luke recalled the scene of this morning’s meeting and said, “Thomas Colley’s ex-wife and daughter acted normal, and they shouldn’t know anything about it.

I don’t think that evidence should be in their hands, at least not right now.”

Jackson spread his hands, “I’ve looked into it carefully, and I don’t think Thomas Colley has any other close relatives.”

Luke suddenly thought of something and said to Jenny who was beside him, “Contact Thomas Colley’s lawyer and ask him to come to the police station.”

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