Chapter 564

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:17:11
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Half an hour later, the door to the Robbery and Murder Division office slammed.

“Knock knock.”

“Come in.”

A few moments later, a white woman in her thirties walked into the office, dressed in a black professional skirt suit and carrying a briefcase, she was tall, and although she wasn’t exactly pretty, she was well-dressed and had a competent demeanor.

“Hi, my name is Vicki Saber and I’m Thomas Colley’s attorney.”

“Hello, Attorney Saber, my name is Jenny, we just spoke on the cell phone.

Please come with me.”

Jenny ushered her into the break room and asked, “Would you like something to drink?”

Vicki Saber placed her briefcase on the table, “No, thank you, where is Thomas Colley?”

“Just a moment.” Jenny said and exited the office.

After a moment, the door to the break room was pushed open.

Luke and Jenny walked into the lounge one after the other, “Hello Counselor Sapper, my name is Luke Lee, I’m in charge here.”

“I’ve heard great things about you, Captain Lee.” Vicki Saber stood up and offered to shake Luke’s hand, “Did Thomas Colley invite me here?”

“No, I invited you here, rather I wanted to talk to you.”

“Talk about what?”

“About Thomas Colley.”

Vicki Saber laughed, “You want to pry your client from a lawyer.

Are you questioning my professionalism?

Look, don’t try to get anything out of me against my client.”

“Thomas Colley has pleaded guilty to all the charges, and could there be any more unfavorable news for him than that?”

“Then what did you seek me out for?”

“To help Thomas Colley.”

Vicki Saber gave a wary look, “I don’t understand what you mean?”

“We found some clues in our investigation that favor Thomas Colley, but we can’t be sure because of insufficient evidence, so we need your assistance.”

“If the circumstances are favorable to Thomas Colley, why don’t you talk to him personally?

I don’t know much about the case he committed, and I’m not sure how I can help you.”

“Do you know Thomas Colley’s wife?”

“Yes, I first met Georgina Colley first before I became their family lawyer, and although the two of them are divorced, that hasn’t changed.

They both trust me.”

“Did you know that Thomas Colley used to test drugs at Kalman Pharmaceuticals?”

“Yes. He once even thought about suing the company, but it was almost impossible to win; these big pharmaceutical companies invariably have powerful teams of lawyers.

I talked him out of that idea.”

“What do you think about the case of Thomas Colley’s kidnapping, robbery, and arson?”

Vicki Saber shook her head, “I have no opinion.

I will help Thomas Colley fight for his rights if he needs to, that’s all.”

Luke turned the tables, “Did Thomas Colley leave a will?”

Vicki Saber shrugged, “I’m sorry, that’s private to him and I’m not authorized to tell you.”

Luke pulled out a document and handed it to Vicki Saber, “I want to see Thomas Colley’s will.”

Vicki Saber took the document and looked at it, and after a long time said, “Thomas Colley did leave a will, but I didn’t bring it with me, and it’s still in the law office.”

“I’ll follow you to the law firm.”

Half an hour later, Luke rushed to the law firm where Vicki Saber was and got Thomas Colley’s will from her.

Thomas Colley’s will was divided into three main areas, the first of which was the mortgaged house, with the money from the sale of the house and the payment of the arrears going to his daughter.

In addition, he had fifty thousand dollars in cash, which also went to his daughter.

Finally, he leased a warehouse at Tabor Storage Company, Inc. and the contents of that warehouse went to his ex-wife as a bequest.

The first two wills didn’t interest Luke very much, but the warehouse leased in the third one piqued Luke’s interest.

The police had not previously known that Thomas Colley had leased the warehouse.

Previously, according to the vice squad’s speculation, usually the person who took the blame for the crime would leave behind evidence identifying the other party in order to prevent the person behind the crime from breaking the will, and it was highly likely that such evidence would be in the hands of a close relative or trusted friend.

Luke had met Thomas Coley’s ex-wife and daughter, and from talking to the two, Luke felt that the two should not know about Thomas Coley.

Luke speculated that there were two scenarios; the first, Thomas Coley had given the evidence to someone else who was trusted, but Luke had not checked on that person’s existence.

The second possibility is that Thomas Colley just didn’t give the stuff to his ex-wife and daughter for a while, and once something bad happened to him, the stuff went to his wife and daughter, which is why Luke remembered the will.

Luke guessed that the evidence identifying the man behind it was probably in that rented warehouse.

Tabor Storage Company.

This is a California chain of storage companies, headquartered right in Los Angeles, the storage company is located in the southern suburbs of Los Angeles, covering an extremely large area.

Luke led a team to Tabor Storage Company and presented a search warrant.

The head of the storage company immediately took Luke and the others to the warehouse rented by Thomas Colley.

The person in charge of the storage company was also unable to open the door of the warehouse, and after confirming the location of the warehouse, Luke had someone use a battering ram to knock down the warehouse door.

The warehouse was not large, only about ten square meters.

There were not many things in the warehouse, only three boxes stacked in the innermost corner of the warehouse.

Luke began to check the items in the three boxes, the leftmost box contained some old dolls and toys, all of which were played by little girls.

The middle box contained some clothes, books and photos that the little girl had worn, and the girl in the photos looked a lot like Thomas Colley’s daughter.

The box on the far right contained some photos and miscellaneous items, the photos were of Thomas Colley’s family of three, and the miscellaneous items were also mostly gifts, most likely from him to his ex-wife.

After carefully rummaging through it, Luke found a cell phone in a black gift box, Luke tried to open it but it was dead, he got a charger before he could turn on the Apple phone.

Luke scrutinized the phone and found several valuable voices and videos from inside.

He opened one of the voices and Thomas Corley’s voice rang out, [My darling, allow me to address you one last time.

I love you, always have, never have.

When you hear this recording it means I’m dead, and it’s an unnatural death.

I …… did something, and I don’t know if it was right or wrong.

By this time, you should already know that I took revenge on Kalman Pharmaceuticals.

That’s right, I did it.

However, I didn’t tell the truth to the police, in fact, there was a point man behind me, and his purpose was to short Kallman Pharmaceuticals.

I’ll take the fall for him and in exchange, he’ll help take care of your mother and daughter.

His name is Lennon Ochoa.

You may not remember the name, but his wife’s brother is a director of Worcester Investments.

As you may have guessed ……

That’s right, the reason you were promoted to assistant to the president was because Lennon Ochoa was helping.

If I had died a normal death, I would have changed my will and you would not have heard this recording.

If I didn’t die a normal death, then I was probably silenced.

Be careful, dear. Take care of your daughter. ……]

This recording proved Luke and the others’ suspicions, and their hard work today was worth it.

But based on this recording alone, the evidence was still insufficient.

Luke clicked on another video, from the background, this place is very empty, it should be in some plaza, the surrounding is empty, a man appeared in the picture, wearing a decent suit, blonde hair is meticulously taken care of.

[“Mr. Thomas Colley, how do you do?”

“It’s an honor to meet you, Mr. Lennon Ochoa.”

“How have you thought about us joining forces to retaliate against Kalman Pharmaceuticals?”

“I’m retaliating against Kalman Pharmaceuticals for revenge, are you?”

“Oh, I’m more simple, profit.

You take revenge, I make money, we each get what we want.”

“To take revenge, I can do it myself, why should I join forces with you.

I can provide you with money, and I can also share some of your benefits.

Even if you don’t need money, your family always needs it.”

“Mr. Lennon Ochoa, why did you choose me?”

“Mr. Thomas Colley, I’ve been following you for a long time, perhaps that’s not even clear to your own.

You and I share a common passion, and that is gambling.

I’ve known you for a long time, and I’ve also learned about your experiences, and I know that you’ve always harbored a grudge against Kalman Pharmaceuticals, and you’ve only delayed taking action because you couldn’t part with your wife and daughter.

Now you are suffering from a terminal illness and have little time left, what else is there to worry about.

Moreover, I can guarantee that as long as you cooperate with me, after your death, I can take care of your ex-wife and daughter, so that they have nothing to worry about.

Although we can’t talk about great wealth and prosperity, it’s certainly better than the life we have now.

Think about it.

Even if you die, you have to die worthily.”]]

With this video evidence, Luke’s heart was in the right place.

It was basically certain that Lennon Ochoa was the mastermind behind the series of attacks against Kalman Pharmaceuticals.

However, before formally arresting Lennon Ochoa, he still has to talk to Thomas Coley, similar to Lennon Ochoa, this kind of tycoon has a powerful team of lawyers, dead may be said to be alive, want to have full certainty, it is best to let Thomas Coley come forward to identify each other.

Robbery and Murder Division, interrogation room.

Thomas Coley was brought into the interrogation room, handcuffed to the interrogation chair Hassan.

Luke put down the papers in his hand and offered a greeting, “Good afternoon, Mr. Colley.”

Thomas Colley yawned, “Is it afternoon? I can’t even remember the time anymore.”

Blackie teased, “Don’t worry, when you’re transferred to the prison, you’ll get a wake-up service and won’t mess up your routine anymore.”

Thomas Colley shrugged as if he didn’t care, “Can I get a cup of coffee?”

Luke nodded his head in greeting.

“You’re pretty demanding.” Black grumbled and poured him a cup of coffee.

“Thanks.” Thomas Collie took a sip with a look of enjoyment, “As long as there’s coffee, it’s the same everywhere for me.

What is it that you guys are looking for me for?

Is it that you need me to identify the scene?

No problem, I was just about to go out for some air, one less time out, I still cherish it.”

Luke didn’t bullshit him anymore, “Do you know Lennon Ochoa?”

Thomas Colley’s face changed and he took a sip of his coffee, “No, is that the name of some movie star? I’ve stopped paying attention to that in the last few years.”

“He’s not a star, he’s the chairman of Pohick Investments, or an associate of yours.

We’ve found out about your teaming up to get back at Kalman Pharmaceuticals.

You’re in it for revenge, and he’s in it for profit.”

Thomas Colley pondered for a long time, “If you’ve found out, what are you doing here with me?”

“We need you to identify Lennon Ochoa.”

Thomas Colley laughed, “So what just happened was all speculation on your part, and you have no proof.”

“No, we found evidence and more than you think, I’m just giving you a chance to get credit for turning tainted witness and getting a favorable plea deal, think about it.”

“I’m terminally ill, any plea deal is meaningless to me anymore.”

“I know that you cared about your ex-wife and daughter and made a will leaving them all your property and a storage unit.

We found that warehouse and evidence of premeditation between you and Lennon Ochoa.”

Thomas Collie revealed a disheveled look and smiled bitterly, “Since you guys have already found the evidence I left behind, does it still matter whether I identify Lennon Ochoa or not?”

If he was facing an ordinary suspect, Luke might have already arrested him by this time.

But Lennon Ochoa, as a tycoon, Luke had to face not only Lennon Ochoa, but also his team of lawyers, and the slightest mistake could be caught by the other side as a loophole.

The best way is for Thomas Coley to identify Lennon Ochoa, and let Thomas Coley draw the fire of Lennon Ochoa and the lawyer team, so that Luke and the police can have an easier time.

“I think it’s the best option for you, and for us.”

Thomas Collie was silent for a while and finished the rest of his coffee, “OK, I’ll think about it.”

Luke heard the perfunctory nature of the other man, “Look, we’re going to take action against Lennon Ochoa whether you cooperate or not.

Even if you don’t want to identify him, he will still not appreciate your feelings and will still feel that you betrayed him.

At that time, your ex-wife and daughter could be affected.” Luke gave a you-know-what look.

“It’s only by cooperating with the police early that you can minimize that effect.”

Thomas Colley looked at Luke angrily and said coldly, “Are you threatening me?”

“No, the real threat to your ex-wife and daughter is Lennon Ochoa, which you know very well, or else you wouldn’t have left all that evidence in the warehouse.

Your ex-wife and daughter will also be protected by the police if you are willing to turn tainted witness.” Luke leaned forward physically and intoned.

“Hey, you’re a smart guy, I’m sure you should know what to choose.”

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