Chapter 565

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:17:14
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Pohick Investments was located in a five-story office building in downtown Los Angeles.

The first to fourth floors of the office building were used for offices, and on the west side of the fifth floor was a gym where employees came to work out during breaks.

It was still work time and the gym was very empty, with only one white man running on a treadmill with headphones on.

While the white man was running, he seemed to be talking to someone, “Hey man, long time no see, how about a bet sometime? I’ve been getting a little itchy lately.

Haha, I did make a small fortune recently.

It’s not a vision, it’s just after much knowledge and research.

No No No No, now is not the time to buy, I think the price can still be lower ……”

Just then, a tall white female secretary walked in, “Boss, there’s something that needs to interrupt you.”

The white man glanced at the female secretary, “I have something to take care of, let’s talk about this first.”

He turned off the headset call and then the treadmill and asked, “What’s going on?”

“There are police outside.”

“Police?” The white man reached for his towel and retracted.


He sat down on the treadmill and pulled out a cigarette, “What are they doing here?”

“They said they had a case they wanted your assistance in investigating, I asked for specifics and they wouldn’t say.”

The white man took the cigarette, didn’t light it, and tapped it in his hand, “Just say I’m not here, and tell them to come back ……”

Before the white man could finish, a voice rang out from outside.

“Hey, nice workout equipment here.

You can still work out while you’re at work, I like this company.” Xiao Hei walked in with a loud voice, “Hey, isn’t this the beautiful secretary?

Do you like to work out too? We can make a date sometime and exchange fitness tips.”

The white man frowned, “Who let you in, get out.”

“Whoa, don’t be mad!” Blackie stared at the white man, “You must be Lennon Ochoa.

I’ve seen your picture before.

To be exact, I’m here to see you.”

“You’re a cop?” Looking at the other party’s playful appearance, it was hard for the white man to connect him with the police.

Blackie flashed his badge, “Robbery and Murder Division, Detective Marcus.”

The white man stood up, he was not tall, half a head lower than Blackie, however, his shoulders were broad and strong, “Hello, Mr. Detective, what can I do for you?”

“Would like to invite you back to the station for a chat.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t like to go into unfamiliar surroundings and talk to strangers.

If you really want to chat, you can go to my lawyer.”

Blackie bristled, “You know what? I don’t really like dealing with rich people, it’s not that I’m discriminating against rich people or jealous.

Rather, the fact that they can’t move to get a lawyer is disgusting.”

Lennon Ochoa smiled, “I’m not obligated to live as a stranger likes.

So you either talk to my lawyer or leave.”

“I choose neither.” Blackie flashed the warrant and raised an eyebrow, “You choose to come with me on your own, or be taken away in public in handcuffs.

Actually, I’m kinda looking forward to the latter, so your employees can see a different boss.”

Half an hour later.

Robbery and Murder Division interrogation room.

Lennon Ochoa was brought into the interrogation room and looked at the interrogation chair with some disgust, taking out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiping the chair before sitting down.

Luke sized up the other man and asked, “What’s your name?”

“Lennon Ochoa.”

“Any idea why you’re being arrested?”

“No, and you don’t have to ask.

I won’t say anything until I see a lawyer.” Lennon Ochoa finished and began to close his eyes.

Luke turned on the television behind him and played a video of none other than Lennon Ochoa and Thomas Corley plotting revenge against Kalman Pharmaceuticals.

Lennon Ochoa grimaced, the fist of his right hand involuntarily clenched.

Blackie teased, “Haha, you’re quite photogenic, I like that shirt in your video, where did you get it?”

Lennon Ochoa held his left hand to his forehead, “FUCK, this asshole actually stole the video!”

Luke said, “Not only did he film the transaction between you, but he also came forward and identified you as the person behind all the cases against Kalman Pharmaceuticals.

That’s why we arrested you.”

Lennon Ochoa shook his head, “He’s lying. What he’s saying isn’t true.”

“Then you say it.”

Lennon Ochoa looked at his watch, “When is my lawyer arriving?”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Thomas Colley has identified you and produced a video of your transaction.

With all the evidence, even if the lawyer comes, what do you think he can do?

Help you clear your name?

No, the only person who can help you now is you, working with the police for a favorable plea deal.”

Lennon Ochoa took a deep breath, “I still want a lawyer present.”

Luke didn’t say anything else and looked down and started going through the information.

After about ten minutes or so, a knock sounded on the door outside the interrogation room, “Knock knock.”

“Come in.”

A white man with gray hair stood in the doorway, carrying a briefcase in his hand, “My name is Gerald McGee, I’m Mr. Lennon Ochoa’s lawyer.”

“Please come in.”

Gerald McGee looked at Lennon Ochoa sitting in the interrogation chair and asked, “Mr. Lennon Ochoa, are you okay?”


Gerald McGee sat in the chair next to him and looked at Luke and Blackie and asked, “I heard you arrested my client?”

Blacky nodded, “Would you like to see the warrant?”


Blacky found the arrest warrant from the table and handed it to him.

Gerald McGee put on his glasses, looked down at the warrant, and shook his head, “You think my client was involved in arson, solicitation of murder, and kidnapping?”

“Yes, it says so right there.”

Gerald McGee snorted and slapped the arrest warrant onto the table, “My client is a wealthy, kind-hearted gentleman with noble sentiments who donates up to ten million dollars a year to charities alone.

You guys are actually arresting him on such a trumped up charge.

Are you cops kidding?”

Black mocked, “You’re right, we were joking, and then he called you in, so you’re the joke.”

Gerald McGee said with a serious look on his face, “You better take that back or I’ll file a complaint against you.”

“Feel free, I don’t care.”

“OK, who is your supervisor’s supervisor?

Given this unfriendly attitude of yours, I feel the need to talk to him.”

Black made a face, “Do you deserve it?”

“Mr. Lennon Ochoa.” Luke raised his voice and questioned, “This is the lawyer you got, and to be honest I’m a little disappointed.

He’s been arguing since he entered this room and I have my doubts about his professionalism.

If you have to have a lawyer present to talk, I suggest you get a professional.”

“A professional?” As if feeling insulted, Gerald McGee questioned, “And who are you?

I’m a lawyer, and I know better than you how to defend my client’s interests ……”

“Attorney McGee.” Lennon Ochoa made a stop sign and turned to Luke again, “Captain Lee, I’d like to talk to the lawyer alone.”

“Sure, give you twenty minutes, no, given how professional your attorney is, I think ten minutes will suffice.” Luke glanced at his watch and took the information with him and Blackie out of the interrogation room.

Luke went to the observation room for a cigarette and ten minutes later, pushed right into the interrogation room.

“Mr. Lennon Ochoa’s time is up.

Can we start the statement?”

Lennon Ochoa glanced at Gerald McGee and nodded slightly.

Gerald McGee said, “Captain Lee, I heard that you are in charge of the case?”


“I heard you have a copy of the video evidence, I’d like to see it.”

“I’m sorry, I’ve already shown it to Mr. Lennon Ochoa, and I don’t see the need to play it again.

If you really want to see it, you can request it in court.” Luke spun his pen and looked aside at Lennon Ochoa, “Lennon Ochoa, do you know Thomas Colley?”


“How do you know each other?”

“I go to the casino occasionally for pleasure and met him there a few times.”

“Did you offer to invite him to join you in your vendetta against Kalman Pharmaceuticals.”


“Why did you do that?”

“I don’t like the pharmaceutical company.”

“So you admit to directing Thomas Coley to carry out a number of listed acts of revenge against Kalman Pharmaceuticals, such as inducing the suicide of a drug tester on the afternoon of July 10th, the kidnapping of a Kalman Pharmaceuticals employee’s family member on July 11th and the arson that was created on the evening of July 11th?”

“No, I deny it.” Lennon Ochoa shook his head.

Luke asked rhetorically, “Don’t you find your words somewhat contradictory?”

Gerald McGee said, “Captain Lee, it is true that my client does not like Kalman Pharmaceuticals, that’s why he invited Thomas Corley to take revenge on Kalman Pharmaceuticals together, just because the two of them have different life circumstances, the two of them have different understandings of ‘revenge’.

My client just wanted Thomas Colley to collect some black information about Kallman Pharmaceuticals, which he would broadcast through the media, that’s all.

As for the crimes committed by Thomas Colley were all of his personal will and subjective behavior, my client was never involved.”

Lennon Ochoa nodded his head, revealing a remorseful look, “That’s right, I wouldn’t even dare to think about what he did. I was just trying to make some money, I never thought he would do these horrible acts. If I had known that he was such a person, I don’t think I would have approached him for cooperation.”

Luke pulled out a recorder and played an audio clip, [“Hey Mr. Lennon Ochoa, it’s Thomas Colley.”

“I know, what can I do for you? Didn’t I tell you not to contact me by phone without an emergency.”

“I was giving you a report on the plan of action.”

“No, we’re working together, not in a superior-subordinate relationship, so hurry up with what’s going on.”

“I found out that Kalman Pharmaceuticals is developing a new type of antihypertensive drug, I want to set fire to Kalman Pharmaceuticals’ research data, it will bring huge losses to their company, what do you think?”

“I said, you don’t need to tell me the specific actions. Just watch yourself, I only ask for results.”

“But the problem now is that I don’t understand the situation of the Kalman Pharmaceuticals building, I need an insider to lead the way, do you have an insider in Kalman Pharmaceuticals?”


“Then this operation will be difficult to accomplish.”

After a moment of silence, Lennon Ochoa’s voice sounded again, “It’s nothing difficult, you just need to kidnap a researcher or researcher’s family member from Kalman Pharmaceuticals and have him lead the way.”

“That’s easy for you to say, why don’t you do it?”

“Don’t forget our agreement, you do the work and I take care of your family.

I have things to do, wish you all the best, hang up now.”]

After playing this recording, Lennon Ochoa’s face turned white and his lips trembled slightly as he muttered, “This asshole ……”

Gerald McGee was also a bit surprised, looking at Lennon Ochoa: “You didn’t say ……”

“I forgot, I can’t possibly remember all the conversation, FUCK!

This asshole killed me.”

Luke shook the thick information bag, “Lennon Ochoa, we have more evidence than you can imagine, stop weaseling.

That recording just now is enough to show that not only did you know the plan of action, but you also gave Thomas Colley advice.

You are the mastermind of the kidnapping and arson.”

Lennon Ochoa shouted, “No, I’m not!”

Gerald McGee glanced at Lennon Ochoa, “That’s right, my client is not a mastermind, but an accessory.”

“What!” Lennon Ochoa looked at Gerald McGee with some shock, “Are you asking me to confess?”

Gerald McGee said softly, “You don’t have a choice now.

Thomas Colley has already identified you.

The police have evidence of your involvement in the case again, and now we have no choice but to plead guilty.

Try to get a favorable plea deal as an accessory.”

“No No No, I don’t want to go to jail.” Lennon Ochoa shook his head, breaking down a little.

“Calm down.” Gerald McGee grabbed Lennon Ochoa’s shoulder and whispered, “If you voluntarily plead guilty as an accessory, it won’t take more than a couple of years to get bail or parole, trust me.”


With a lawyer present, the interrogation usually went on for a long time and didn’t end until two hours later.

Lennon Ochoa admitted that he was involved in planning the kidnapping and arson scheme as an accessory, but did not admit to being the mastermind of the case.

After leaving the interrogation room, Black asked, “Do you think this guy will be released on bail in a couple years?”

Luke shrugged, “It’s not that simple, he’ll have to live until then first.”

The case investigation to this is not finished, the Economic Crime Division will definitely also conduct a joint investigation, and Kalman Pharmaceuticals will also sue for compensation, Kalman Pharmaceuticals’ team of lawyers is only stronger than Lennon Ochoa, and the capital behind it is even stronger.

Plus Lennon Ochoa this time to do some out of the ordinary, has broken the rules, he has to refuse to hemorrhage, it is difficult to live out of prison.

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