Chapter 566

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:17:17
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First Squadron Office.

Luke and Blackie had just returned to the office when the crowd gathered around.

The vice squadron asked, “Did Lennon Ochoa confess?”

Luke pulled a chair and sat down, “He admitted that he was involved in the planning of the arson and kidnapping, but he didn’t admit to being the mastermind, only that he was an accessory.”

Jackson said, “The case started out with Lennon Ochoa getting to Thomas Colley first, and I think that guy is considered the real mastermind.

He’s obviously avoiding the case.”

The lieutenant said, “The determination of a mastermind is not set in stone; the person who plays an organizing and leading role in the overall case is usually judged to be the mastermind, and looking at it, Thomas Colley meets the criteria as well.

Lennon Ochoa’s lawyers will certainly pull their punches on this one.

So it’s not easy to define; let’s leave this one to the judge’s headache.”

Jackson laughed, “So can we close the case?”

Black glared at him, “Rookie, as a detective, you must take things seriously.

Lennon Ochoa only admitted to being involved in the arson and kidnapping, not to hiring the gunmen who attacked Fred Kramer and the captain.”

Jackson analyzed, “I think he should be the one who did it, and he won’t admit to it just because the killer didn’t identify him.

And we don’t have enough evidence to prove it.”

Luke also thought at first that the shooter that night was hired by Lennon Ochoa, but he questioned the other man carefully and found no signs that he was lying, which made him rethink.

Luke reasoned the case out some more and found that Lennon Ochoa indeed didn’t seem to have a motive to do so, Lennon Ochoa’s purpose was to short the stock of Kalman Pharmaceuticals, and Kalman Pharmaceuticals had already seen its stock fall due to negative news, so there was no need for him to take the risk of hiring someone else to shoot Fred Kramer.

“From the course of the interrogation, it seems likely that Lennon Ochoa was not the one who hired the shooter, and he didn’t have enough motive to do so.”

The lieutenant said, “That means there was someone else who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to take out Fred Kramer, who could that be?”

“I’m afraid the shooting that night will have to be investigated in terms of the surviving driver.” Luke swept his gaze over the crowd and arranged, “Everyone get ready, I’ll go back to the hospital tomorrow morning to talk to the driver of the shooting, Ricardo Solu.

If he doesn’t cooperate, we’ll take him back to the station for questioning.”

“YES, Sir.”

Garrett Hospital.

At ten o’clock in the morning, Luke once again came to the ward where Ricardo Soru was.

Ricardo Solu was lying on the hospital bed watching TV.

Blackie flirted, “Wow, you’re having a good day, living more leisurely than me.”

Ricardo Solu glanced at Blackie and continued to watch TV.

Blacky simply turned off the TV, “Listen, your good days are over.

Either assist the police investigation or come back to the police station with us.”

Ricardo Solu shook his head, “My gunshot wound hasn’t healed yet, I’m not going anywhere.”

Luke pulled out a picture of Lennon Ochoa, “Do you recognize him?”

Ricardo Solu looked at the picture and shook his head, “No.”

Luke didn’t see any signs of lying on the other side and advised, “In the shooting that night, you only drove the car and didn’t shoot.

As long as you are willing to assist the police, I can help you turn into a tainted witness, which is the best option for you.”

“I am willing to assist the police in their investigation.”

“Then tell us who was behind the shooting?”

Ricardo Solu sighed, “I’m sorry, as much as I’d like to tell you, I really don’t know.”

Luke stared at the other man’s face and saw a hint of a lie.

It was obvious that the other party did not want to cooperate with the police.

Luke said with a straight face, “Ricardo Solu, I am now officially informing you that given that you have recovered from your injuries.

In ten minutes, you will be transferred to the Detective Bureau for custody.”

Ricardo Solu’s face changed slightly, “You can’t do that, my gunshot wound hasn’t healed yet.”

Blackie laughed, “Man, don’t be shy, I’ll take good care of you when we get to the Detective Bureau.”

Ricardo Solu shouted, “I want to see a doctor, I’m feeling some pain in my wound, and I’m going to have some tests done ……”

“No more excuses, the doctor said all your tests came back normal.” Luke pointed to his watch, “There are now nine minutes to go, Inspector Marcus, help him pack.”

“YES, Sir.”

Nine minutes later, Ricardo Solu was escorted in handcuffs to a police car.

There were three police cars in total for the escort, with Luke sitting in the first car in front leading the way.

Blackie sat in the middle car escorting Ricardo Solu.

Jackson sat in the last police car.

Blackie’s mouth hardly stopped talking to Ricardo Solu the whole way, “Hey man, take a good look at this bustling city, you’re not going to see it anytime soon.

Have you ever been in a prison before?

I’m sure you’d like it there.

I know you’re hiding the case from the police, it’s not too late for you to speak up, once you turn tainted witness, life will be a lot easier ……”

Black muttered all the way, Ricardo Solu seldom responded, some boredom will head twisted to the side, out of the window, do not know what to think.

Half an hour later, the car’s speed dropped, and Blackie smiled, “Man, welcome to the Detective Bureau.

I’m sure you’ll have a great time here.”

Blacky stepped out of the passenger side and opened the rear side door, “Come on, we’re here.”

Ricardo Solu stepped out of the car and looked around at his surroundings with some bewilderment.

Luke stood forward and waved, “Marcus, take him straight into the interrogation room.”

“Okay Captain.” Blackie pushed Ricardo Solu, “Don’t dawdle, hurry up.

This is not a hospital, hehehe.”

Ricardo Solu took a deep breath and had a bad feeling.

Suddenly, he felt his eyes being shaken by the sunlight and slightly sidestepped his head, then heard a gunshot, “Bang!”

Ricardo Solu didn’t even have time to react before he felt a bullet fly past him.

Luke also heard the gunshot and took out his pistol at the first opportunity, “There’s a gunman!

Take care to take cover.”

Blackie, on the other hand, dragged Ricardo Solu’s arm and ran towards the police station building.


Another gunshot rang out.


A scream rang out from the side, a police officer was hit in the shoulder, blood staining his clothes.

Ricardo Solu looked back and his body couldn’t help but tremble, as if he recalled some more horrifying images.

“What are you still standing there for? Hurry up!” Xiao Hei dragged and dragged him into the police station building.

“Pay attention to concealment!”

“Watch out!”

“Where is the shooter?”

“Seems to be in the building across the street! I’ll bring someone over to search ……”

Ricardo Solu was brought into the police building, already out of danger, but still felt his heart palpitating as he listened to the shouts outside.

Blackie brought him into the interrogation room and said angrily, “Fuck, one of our officers was injured trying to protect you assholes!”

Ricardo Solu shook his head, “I didn’t want that.”

Black questioned loudly, “Who was the shooter? Did he come to your rescue?”

“No, I haven’t contacted anyone in the time I’ve been in the hospital.”

“What’s his next plan?”

“I don’t know.”

“Cluck ……” the door to the interrogation room opened and Luke walked in, “The gunman wasn’t rescuing him, he was trying to silence him.”

As if he understood, Black pointed at Ricardo Solu, “The gunman is here to kill him?”

“That’s a strong possibility.”

“Then why didn’t they hit him?”

Ricardo Solu replied, “Before the gun went off, I felt my eyes being shaken and a little uncomfortable, so I twisted my head.

Maybe it was just enough to avoid the bullet.”

Black looked at him, “What kind of people are trying to kill you?”

“I don’t know.”

“Look at me.” Luke stared at the other man and questioned, “Do you know who was behind the shooting?”

“I don’t know.”

“You must know that the other guy is just worried that you’re going to tell and that’s why he’s here to silence you.

Man, put on some smarts.

Since they are already preparing to silence you, they will definitely not let you go.

If you want to live, you’d better tell that person out so that we can save you.

Otherwise, it’s impossible for us to protect you all the time.”

Ricardo Solu covered his forehead and was a bit incredulous, “Oh my god, why is that so?”

Luke said, “Because only the dead are the most reliable.

If you don’t even understand such a simple truth, then you didn’t die unjustly at all.”

Ricardo Solu bit his lip, took a deep breath, and uttered a name, “Gil Warren.”

“Who is he?”

“The man behind the shooting.”

“Where is Gil Warren?”

“109 Marco Street.”

“Give us his identifying information?”

“He has a black Mercedes, license plate number, 4wsa328.”

“Why didn’t you give his identity earlier?”

“I didn’t dare, he has a gang background, not someone I can mess with.

He was the one who reached out to us and instructed us to shoot Fred Kramer.”

“Why did he do it?”

“I don’t know.

He promised us a sum of money when it was done, and said that even if we were caught, the money would be given to our families somehow.

And if we dared to betray him, he would not only kill us, but also take revenge on our families.

That’s why I didn’t dare to identify him.”

Luke asked some more questions about Gil Warren before leaving the interrogation room.

When he returned to the Robbery and Murder Division office, Reed was there and asked, “Did Ricardo Solu confess?”

Luke smiled, “Yes, it went well.”

Reed handed Luke a document, “Remember to sign him out.”

Luke took the document, it had a few large letters on it, ‘Emergency Drill for Prisoner Escort Emergencies’.

Luke grabbed a pen from the table and signed it.

That’s right, the shooters that were responsible were all arranged by Luke, and the person who fired the shots was none other than Ramon, and the injured officers were also fakes.

Luke was a little worried, “Chief, the gunshots didn’t cause any trouble, did they?”

Reed replied, “Don’t worry, I’ve already notified the other departments beforehand that there will be a drill at eleven o’clock this morning, and there might be gunshots, so that the other departments don’t have to be nervous.”

Blackie smiled and said, “Chief, did you see that just now? How was my acting?”

“Not bad.”

Jackson wasn’t shy either, “It was my idea to have the officers use blood packs to pretend to be injured, it makes it easier to convince Ricardo Solu.”

“Good idea.”

“Hey.” The lieutenant interrupted them, “Now is not the time to fight for credit, I’m more curious about the identity of the person behind the shooting.

It’s not too late to rejoice when we catch the mastermind behind it.”

Luke said, “The name of the man behind the shooting is Gil Warren and he lives at 109 Marco Street.

He has a black Mercedes with the license plate number, 4wsa328.

Matthew, check his identity.”

It didn’t take long for Matthew to look up the other party’s information and projected the information onto the projector.

Name, Gil Warren

Gender, male

Date of birth, March 2, 1984

Cell phone number, 310 876 2533

Residential address, 109 Marco Street.

Prior convictions, engaging in human smuggling, willful injury, false imprisonment, robbery

License plate number, 4wsa328

Matthew said, “I also found out that he purchased a ticket to fly to Brazil at eight o’clock this evening.”

The lieutenant said, “Obviously, this guy is trying to make a run for it.”

Luke then pondered for a moment, “Lieutenant, you take someone to keep an eye on 109 Marco Street;

I’ll take someone to the airport to keep an eye on it.

The rest of you get ready to move.”

“YES, Sir.”

Ten minutes later.

The Vice Squad took Ramon, Jenny, and Porter in two police cars to 109 Marco Street.

The Vice Squad sat in the black Dodge in the front, with Porter driving in the cab.

Porter glanced at the Vice Squad in the passenger side and asked, “Vice Squad, do you have any plans?”

The lieutenant bristled, “Don’t be silly, do you think Jill Warren is likely to stay at 109 Marco Street at this hour waiting for us to catch her?

Our mission is just a stakeout, just in case.

Know what just in case means?”

Porter asked rhetorically, “And where do you think Jill Warren is hiding right now?”

The lieutenant shook his head, “I don’t know, maybe at an accomplice’s house, maybe hiding in a motel somewhere, waiting to get on a plane to escape Los Angeles.

Of course, it’s also possible that he didn’t intend to leave on a plane, but was just deliberately trying to set a trap for the police, to attract their attention, and then secretly abscond in some other way.”

Porter frowned slightly, “Should we alert the captain and the others?”

“No need, that Luke guy is spooky as hell, surely he can think of it.

But thought for thought, it’s time to investigate.” The lieutenant sighed, “Just like what we are doing now, knowing that Jill Warren can’t be waiting at 109 Malcolm Street, but we still have to investigate when we know the clue.

It’s really like life, even if you know it’s pointless, you still have to live it the way it’s set out to be.”

Potter said, “I think life still has meaning.”

The lieutenant gave him a look, “That’s why you’re just a detective.”

Porter froze and opened the window of the car, looking behind him.

The vice squad shouted, “Hey, you kids drive properly, don’t want to die.”

“Lieutenant, I think I saw Jill Warren’s black Mercedes drive by.”

“Are you sure the license plate number is the same?”


The lieutenant mused darkly that this was not far from 109 Marco Street, and the opposite lane was headed toward the airport, which fit the suspect vehicle, “What are you waiting for, turn around!”

“YES, Sir,” Potter grinned, “So life has meaning after all, right?”

The lieutenant smiled back at the thought that he could possibly catch someone before Luke did.


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