Chapter 567

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:17:20
A+ A- Turn Off Light

At the intersection ahead, Porter made a sharp U-turn and turned around, driving directly into the opposite lane.

The lieutenant took out his walkie-talkie, “Ramon, we’ve spotted suspect Gil Warren’s black Mercedes in the opposite lane.

Don’t lose him.”

“Copy that.”

The lieutenant looked over at Porter in the driver’s seat, “How’s your driving skills, kid?”

“Before I was transferred, the Fast and Furious program asked me to be a technical director, which I turned down.”

The lieutenant laughed, “You made the right decision, coming to the Heist and Murder Division can be a lot more exciting than making a movie.

Come on, show me what you can do.”

“Sit tight!”

Porter slammed on the gas and the black Dodge sped up a few more points and had regained sight of the black Mercedes with license plate 4wsa328.

The Dodge chased after the Mercedes and turned on its lights and siren to signal the other party to stop.

However, not only did the Mercedes not stop, the speed of the car instead got faster.

“Stop it!”

The lieutenant gripped the armrest and muttered, “It’s been a long time since this was really exciting.”

Potter also stopped hesitating, stepped on the gas, and slammed into the left rear of the Mercedes.


The body of the Mercedes shook and directly lost control, crashing into the green belt on the right side.

“Nice job!” The lieutenant was a little excited.

Porter stopped the car and the two men walked over to the Mercedes with their guns.


“Police, freeze!”

“Hey, let me see your hands in the air.”

Porter opened the driver’s door and yanked the driver out from inside.

The lieutenant opened the rear side door and held up his pistol, “Hey, hurry up and get out of there.”

Ramon and Jenny also arrived on the scene and approached with guns.

The two men in the Mercedes were handcuffed and searched.

The lieutenant stared at one of the white middle-aged men and asked, “What’s your name?”

“Gil Warren.”

“That’s right, you’re the one we’re looking for.”

“Where are you going with this?”

“To the airport.”

“Let me guess, you’re planning to flee Brazil for shelter?”

Jill Warren shook her head, “No, I’m going to Brazil on vacation.”

“Huh.” The lieutenant laughed, “I have two pieces of news for you right now, good news and bad news.

The bad news is that you can’t go to Brazil.

The good news is that I can get you a different vacation spot.”

The lieutenant finished and then looked aside to Ramon, “Man, you stay and handle the scene.

Porter, escort this guy to the car, I can’t wait to interrogate him.”

“Okay, Lieutenant.”

Forty minutes later.

Robbery-Murder Division, Interrogation Room One.

Gil Warren was already handcuffed to the interrogation chair.

The Vice Squad and Porter walked into the interrogation room talking and laughing.

The Vice Squad asked, “Captain are they back from the airport yet?”

“Should still be on their way.”

The lieutenant smiled, “Good, let’s try to get the interrogation done before they get back.”

“We’ll have to work harder then.” Porter placed the information on the table, he valued the opportunity to perform just as much.

The lieutenant stared across the table at Gil Warren and asked, “Any idea why you’re being arrested?”

“No. In fact, I’d say there’s supposed to be a misunderstanding and you’ve got the wrong guy.”

The Vice Squad asked, “Do you know the three men Ricardo Solu, Goddard Simon, and Grainne Laws?”


“What is your relationship?”

“Ordinary friends who occasionally run into each other for a drink at the bar.”

“But according to the three of them, you directed the three of them to shoot Fred Kramer on the night of July 16th.”

Jill Warren shook her head, “They lied, I didn’t.”

“All three lied together?” The lieutenant sneered, “Do you think the judge will believe three men, or one?”

Jill Warren shrugged, “Maybe the three of them conspired to make me a scapegoat on purpose, who knows?”

The lieutenant flipped through the information, “Do you know anything about Fred Kramer?”

“No, I’ve never even heard of him.”

“Let me introduce you, Fred Kramer is the head of research and development at Kalman Pharmaceuticals, he is in charge of developing a new type of antihypertensive drug, and in order to develop this antihypertensive drug Kalman Pharmaceuticals has invested billions of dollars.

If Fred Kramer has an accident at this time, the research and development of the new antihypertensive drug will probably fail, and the billions of dollars will also go down the drain.

Someone has to be responsible for this matter.”

Gil Warren shrugged, “It’s none of my business.”

The vice squad sneered, “You haven’t realized the seriousness of this matter.

You didn’t offend a single person, and it wasn’t just Kalman Pharmaceuticals, but the capital behind this company.

You caused them to lose billions of dollars, do you think they will let you go?”

Gil Warren’s face became a bit ugly, “I’m just a minor character, there’s no conflict of interest with Kalman Pharmaceuticals at all …… I ……”

Seeing that the other party was about to speak, the vice squad advised, “I know that there is someone else behind you, name him and leave the rest to us to investigate.

If you refuse to give an account, then we can only investigate to you, this pot will have to be taken by you, and those capitals will also use you as an object to vent.

Don’t you understand such a simple reason?”

Gil Warren showed hesitation, but still couldn’t make up his mind.

The vice squad spread their hands, “OK, if you don’t say it, forget it.

Then we can only investigate you as the mastermind behind the shooting.

You’re on your own.” The vice squad walked up to him and whispered in his ear, “A kind reminder, the power of those capitals is terrifying, it’s best to get your family out of the US.

The farther away the better.”

Gil Warren took a deep breath and gripped the arm of his chair tightly with his right hand, “If I tell you guys, can you guarantee my safety?

That man ……

is not someone I can mess with either, he’s just as likely to kill me.”

“Of course, we’ll help you convert to a tainted witness, and we can even offer protection to your family if necessary.”

Gil Warren was silent for a moment and seemed to make up his mind, “Royce Woodman.”

The lieutenant scratched his thinning hair, “That name sounds somewhat familiar.”

“He’s the vice president of Gelson Pharmaceuticals.”

Eight o’clock in the evening.

Royce Woodman’s house.

This was a villa that covered an extremely large area, the overall style of the villa was on the modern side, white walls, tall floor-to-ceiling windows, and a semi-circular swimming pool in the front yard, which accounted for more than half of the entire yard area.

Xiao Hei walked to the front of the courtyard gate, looked inside through the iron fence door, enviously said: “You know what? I can’t even dream of imagining myself living in a house like this.”

Luke laughed, “Raise your daughter well, she still has a chance.”

“You’re right.” Blackie smiled and pressed the doorbell, “Dingdong.”

A few moments later, a Latina woman appeared on the visual doorbell, “Hello, this is Royce Woodman’s house, who are you looking for?”

“LAPD, we’re looking for Mr. Royce Woodman.”

“Just a moment.”

After a moment, the barred gate opened and a voice rang from the visual doorbell, “Come on in.”

The two men stepped into the courtyard, which was paved in the middle with gray flagstones and stretched to the entrance of the villa.

The door to the villa opened and the Latina woman led the two men into the house, invited them to sit on the couch in the living room and served them coffee.

After a while, Royce Woodman came down from the second floor, “Captain Lee, good evening.”

“Good evening, Mr. Royce Woodman.”

When Luke first investigated the case of Rohel Horn’s murder, he only found out that Rohel Horn was a drug tester and was taking a drug of the antihypertensive class, which was somewhat similar to the ingredients of the antihypertensive drug produced by Jelsen Pharmaceuticals, so Luke had brought people to Jelsen Pharmaceuticals to investigate, and at that time, it was Royce Woodman who received him.

“Is there anything you want to do at my house this late?”

“Two things.

The first is the murdered test drug operator named Roher Horn, thanks to your tip, he was indeed a test drug operator for Kalman Pharmaceuticals, and now we’ve cleared up the cause of his death as well.”

“You’re welcome, it’s what I’m supposed to do as a good citizen of Los Angeles.

Tell us about the other incident.”

“On the night of July 16th, there was a shooting near Kalman Pharmaceuticals, the victim was Fred Kramer, the head of research and development at Kalman Pharmaceuticals, are you aware of this?”

“Yes, I heard about it.

I knew Fred Kramer, he was a very talented man, how is his health now?”

“Still in the hospital under treatment.”

Royce Woodman said, “I hope he gets out of the hospital soon.

By the way, what did you guys want to see me about?”

“In our investigation of this case, we have identified an agency killer named Gil Warren, and according to him, he was paid half a million dollars to kill Fred Kramer.

And that person who hired him was Royce Woodman, vice president of Gelson Pharmaceuticals.”

“Me?” Royce Woodman seemed as if he had heard something unbelievable, “Captain Li, you’re not kidding, how could I possibly do such a thing!

This is absolutely a false accusation, although I know Fred Kramer, I don’t know him well, there is no reason to kill him at all.”

Luke said, “On the night of July 15th, you drove under the Marta Bridge and got into a Mercedes, and it was in the car that you made the deal with Gil Warren.

You took a deposit of two hundred thousand dollars for Gil Warren to send someone to kill Fred Kramer, after which you would pay him another three hundred thousand dollars.

The scene of your deal at that time was filmed by Gil Warren.

Would you like to see it and read it?”

Royce Woodman was silent, his face turning a little hard.

Luke took out his cell phone and played a video, the background of which was precisely in a car, and the two parties to the transaction were two men, one of whom was talking to none other than Royce Woodman.

Royce Woodman’s face collapsed, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Luke turned off his phone and said, “Mr. Woodman, you are also too careless to make such a low-level mistake.”

Royce Woodman let out a long sigh and laughed to himself, “You’re right, I was careless ……

Everything was rushed, but I had to take this chance, it was the only chance.”

Luke smoothly asked, “What chance?”

“You know what?

The international antihypertensive drug market right now is highly dominated by our Nebivolol antihypertensive drug made by Jelsen Pharmaceuticals, which brings in billions of dollars in profits every year.

Do you realize what a concept this is?” Royce Woodman pinched his forehead and said helplessly.

“We have known for a long time that Kalman Pharmaceuticals is developing a new type of antihypertensive drug, and we have been paying attention to it, and according to the information we have gotten, this antihypertensive drug’s composition is similar to the Nebivolol antihypertensive drug, but to the efficacy of the drug will be better, and it even has a certain chance of curing high blood pressure.

We know very well that once this drug is successfully marketed, the blow to Nebivolol antihypertensive drugs will be huge, and will definitely take away the antihypertensive drug market that originally belonged to our company.

Our company will face a huge loss.” Royce Woodman shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, “But we can’t do anything about it, we can only pray that their R&D fails.

It wasn’t until you brought people to Gelson Pharmaceuticals that we learned of the death of Kalman Pharmaceuticals’ drug trialist, which gave us a renewed sense of hope.

Then someone else set fire to the Kalman Pharmaceuticals building and burned the research data on the new antihypertensive drug.

You know what?

When I heard the news, I just went crazy with joy, I felt that even God was helping us.”

Royce Woodman became a little crazy and waved his fist hard, “I know, I can’t just sit around now, I have to do something about it.

The research data of Kalman Pharmaceuticals has been destroyed, if the drug wants to be marketed, a lot of money and manpower must be reinvested in research and development, and it can only be marketed if the complete research data is obtained.

This was not easy.

And Fred Kramer, as the head of research and development, plays a pivotal role in this, as long as he dies the risk of this project will increase greatly, and the capital behind it may also withdraw its investment.

The new antihypertensive drug would never have made it to market.

Our Jelsen Pharmaceutical Company’s interests will also be preserved.”

Xiao Hei looked at the luxurious living room and said enviously, “Mr. Woodman, you are already living in such a nice house and enjoying a king-like life, why do you still want to take the risk of killing someone?

This will most likely leave you with nothing.

Honestly, it’s hard for me to understand.”

Royce Woodman looked at his house, and then at Luke and Blackie, and flirted, “If I don’t take risks, what gives me the right to live in such a nice house?

Besides, it’s a multi-billion dollar a year benefit!

Do you understand what that concept is?

I believe that if you truly understand it, you will make the same choice as you did with me.

I don’t regret what I did.

It’s just a pity that this opportunity was rushed and I wasn’t well prepared.

Otherwise, you guys might not have been able to check up on me!”

The benefits of billions of dollars were indeed mind-blowing, and it was good that Luke didn’t have to face such a choice.

He stood up and took out his handcuffs, “Mr. Royce Woodman, you are under arrest!

Regardless of whether or not the new antihypertensive drug will be developed, it’s none of your business now.”

Royce Woodman looked like he was answering Luke and comforting himself, “As long as you give, you will get, I have done so much for the company, they won’t give up on me.”

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