Chapter 569

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:17:24
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Early morning.

Luke opened his bedroom window and a blast of fresh, moist air hit his face, with a ‘clean’ scent of earth.

It had rained all night last night, and Luke slept soundly in his new home.

Los Angeles was predominantly sunny, it rarely rained, and the occasional downpour felt pretty good.

I don’t know if it was because of the rain, Luke was a bit lazy, and today was a vacation, so he was just going to stay home, pick a good TV show, cook a few of his favorite dishes, drink a few cups, and then take a nice nap in the afternoon.

Luke was a man who liked to enjoy himself, and when he thought of it, he did it, he first went to the underground wine cellar, ready to choose a good bottle of wine.

Wine cellar has four hundred square feet, constant temperature, put all kinds of liquor, white wine, red wine, whiskey, rum, etc., the variety of liquor is rich, but the stock is not big, the whole cellar looks empty, later when there is a chance, Luke will also hoard a batch of wine again.

Especially white wine, as long as the environment for preservation is suitable, the more you put it, the better it gets.

“Jingle bell ……”

Luke had just picked up a bottle of Celadon when his cell phone rang.

He took out his cell phone and saw that the number displayed on the screen was Lilith Finn’s number.

Since the last time, she invited Luke to a party and was rejected by Luke, the two hadn’t contacted each other.

Luke thought about it and pressed the answer button, “Hello, this is Luke.”

“It’s Lilith, have you been busy lately?”

“I did get a little busy the other day, but I’m off today, what’s up?”

Lilith said in a playful tone, “Can’t I call you if there’s nothing?”

“Of course I can, I just moved to a new home and was thinking of inviting you as my guest.

Do you have time for lunch today?

Let’s have a few good drinks.”

Lilith paused for a moment as she didn’t know what had occurred to her, “I recently quit drinking.”

“That’s not a good habit.” Luke returned to the living room with a bottle of wine and asked, “Or did you purposely decline my invitation.”

“No, I wanted to go.

However, I’m in some trouble right now and I’d like to ask you for a favor.”

“What is it?”

Lilith sold the idea, “It’s kind of an alternative treasure hunt, I wonder if you’re interested?”

“Forget about treasure hunting, I don’t have similar plans lately.”

“Hmph.” Lilith lightly grunted, not expecting Luke to refuse so dryly, last time treasure hunting, money you earned, this lady you also slept with, what other dissatisfaction?

“The last treasure hunt, where does it make you dissatisfied?”

Luke smiled, “For the last treasure hunt, I was very satisfied and exciting, it was an unforgettable trip.

However, I’m not short of money right now.

Just want to enjoy my new mansion.”

Lilith said, “No one is not short of money, including me.”

“I don’t have a lot of personal expenses and I don’t like any designer luxuries, my current savings are enough for me to live in style for a few years.

So why not take a little vacation for yourself?”

“Maybe you have a good idea, but …… I need your help.” Lilith said in a sappy tone, “You’ll come right?”

Luke didn’t answer positively, “Things like favors are used less than once.”

Lilith laughed, “You’re right.

But think of it the other way around, seeing each other is the only way to enhance the friendship, isn’t it?”

The Baggs Club.

It was a private club located in Los Angeles, covering an extremely large area, the clubhouse had a racetrack, a golf course, and also hosted concerts and auctions, and the club’s members were either rich or wealthy.

Luke drove his newly purchased Ford Raptor pickup truck to the outside of the club, and after reporting his name, the doorman let him through.

Luke entered the club and followed the signs to the parking lot.

A blonde beauty in a long blue dress was already waiting there, with her fair skin, shapely figure, and elegant temperament, like a genie coming out of an oil painting.

Luke just stepped out of the car and Lilith greeted him, smiling, “Luke, you’re finally here.”

Luke looked around and asked, “Is this club yours?”

“I wish it was.

It’s owned by the Finn family and I’m just managing it for them now.

I’ve just taken over the club and it’s a mess, so I guess there are a lot of people waiting to see what’s going to happen to me.

Luke, you’re the only one who can help me now.” Lilith curtly said, “It’s nice of you to come.”

Luke wasn’t coaxed by her words and asked lightly, “Tell me the specifics.”

“Last night, the club held a small auction and one of the items was stolen, that item was of high value and the auctioneer is going to claim it from the club, this is the first challenge I’ve faced since I took over the club.

I would like your help in recovering that stolen auction item.”

Luke asked, “Have the police been called?”

“Yes, the police were called last night.

But until this morning the police had no leads on the stolen auction item.

And with the club’s guests likely to leave at any time, I’m worried that some of them are connected to the theft, and if they guests leave with the auction items, they’ll likely never be recovered.

And I can’t keep the guests at the club all the time.

So it’s important to retrieve that auction item as soon as possible.”

Luke asked, “You are expecting me to assist in the investigation in a private capacity?”

“Can the Robbery and Murder Division take over the case?”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Is someone dead?”

“No, I wouldn’t want that to happen at the club, it’s horrible.”

“The Robbery and Murder Division doesn’t usually take on theft cases.”

“But that auction item was worth a lot.”

“Would he donate that auction item to the police department?”

“How could he?”

“And what does the value of the stolen auction item have to do with the Robbery and Murder Division?”

“OK, then I’ll ask for your help in recovering the auction item as a detective for hire, and as for the hiring fee it will definitely satisfy you.”

Luke nodded and did not pursue the exact amount of the hiring money, after all, the relationship between the two was a bit complicated and talking about money hurt his feelings.

Of course, if Lilith was not satisfied with the commission she gave this time, and there was no way to maintain the human relationship between the two, Luke would not help her next time.

However, judging from how the two had gotten along before, Lilith was a smart woman and should not go back on her word.

“If you trust me, I can help investigate.

However, I can’t guarantee that I will retrieve the auction item.” Luke’s investigation in his private capacity would have certain limitations, and it was not good to trespass on the police’s power and resources.

“I believe you can.” Lilith put her arm around Luke’s shoulder, “Come on, I’ll take you to meet the relevant people.”

As the two of them walked, Lilith introduced the club, which was a member’s club and was not accessible to outsiders.

There were a variety of facilities and services within the club, the environment and living conditions even exceeded that of a five-star hotel.

In the middle of the conversation, the two walked into the club’s lobby.

A tall white woman walked over quickly, she had short black hair, wore a dark blue tight tank top and green yoga pants, and her curvaceous figure was outlined to the fullest.

It was eye catching.

“Lilith, where have you been, I’ve been looking for you.”

“Hi Cheryl, can I help you find me?”

“Yes, there’s something I have to talk to you about, I lost my necklace.”

Lilith sighed softly and glanced at Luke, then turned to Cheryl, “Let’s go over to the couch and talk.”

The two women walked over to the couch and sat down, Luke followed suit and sat down next to Lilith.

Cheryl glanced at Luke, “Is he a friend of yours?”

“Yes.” Lilith gave the two a brief introduction, “His name is Luke, and he’s a friend I trust.

If there’s anything you need, you can just say so.”

Lilith introduced Luke again, “Her name is Cheryl Ganassi, she’s my BFF.”

Cheryl Ganassi sized up Luke and said to Lilith, “I know almost all of your friends …… but have never seen him before.

It can’t be your new boyfriend.”

Luke laughed, “I’m just an admirer of Ms. Finn.”

Lilith was satisfied with this answer from Luke, but she wasn’t in the mood to continue this topic right now, “Cheryl, what’s going on?”

Cheryl Ganassi sighed and said with some anxiety, “Do you remember that sapphire necklace I wore at the ball the night before last?”

“The Aquamarine?”

“Yes. After the ball, I put it in my room safe.

I went to check on it this morning and found the Aquamarine Star missing.

I originally wanted to call the police, but considering that you are now in charge of the club, I came to talk to you.”

Lilith froze for a moment, as if digesting the news, and confirmed, “Cheryl, are you sure the Aquamarine Star was stolen and not something you put somewhere and forgot about?”

“There’s no way I’d leave a necklace that precious lying around, I confirm that it was stolen.

Lilith, shouldn’t we contact the police immediately?”

Lilith was feeling a bit tired, the theft of the auction item had not yet been dealt with, and now another precious gemstone necklace had been stolen, if this news also spread out, her ability would definitely be questioned again.

“Call the police for sure, but keep it quiet for now, leave this matter to me, I will definitely help you find the Aquamarine Star as soon as possible.” Lilith pacified Cheryl Ganassi, and then looked at Luke on the side: “Luke, what do you think?”

“You’re doing a solid job.” Luke responded and looked at Cheryl Ganassi on the side again, “When did you find out that the Heart of Aquamarine was stolen?”

“Ten minutes ago.”

“Do you have a suspect?”


“What about the exact time of the theft?”

“I don’t know.

I went to the gym this morning to exercise and heard about the theft of the auction items, and when I got back to my room, I felt a little uneasy, checked the safe for valuables, and realized that the Aquamarine Star was missing.”

Lilith said softly, “Luke, I don’t want word to get out about the theft of the necklace, it will make the club guests feel unsafe, so can you investigate the theft of the Aquamarine Star first?”

Luke nodded, anyway, the police had already started the theft of the auction item case, that case was rather not in a hurry, “Ms. Ganassi, can I go to your room to have a look?”

Cheryl Ganassi vaguely heard the conversation between the two and asked to Lilith, “Who the hell is he?”

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