Chapter 572

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:17:31
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Half an hour later.

A Mercedes Maybach parked next to the wooden house.

Cheryl Ganassi stepped down from the passenger side and was followed by a white man in his twenties, black suit pants, white shirt, well-dressed, tall and handsome.

Cheryl Ganassi put her arm around the white man’s shoulder, “Honey, don’t worry about it.

Lilith said the police have caught the thief who stole the necklace and recovered the Aquamarine Star as well.”

The white man nodded, “Baby, a necklace is nothing, you’re the most important thing to me.

It’s not the necklace I’m worried about, it’s the fear of you being in danger.”

“Honey, you’re so good to me.” Cheryl Ganassi smiled sweetly, two dimples showing at the corners of her mouth.

The white man stroked her head and looked at the cabin in front of him, “Is this the place?”

“Yes, I came here for a drink the last time I watched Marseille, it has an interesting western style decor.”

“Why did you pick this place to talk?”

Cheryl Ganassi bristled, “It’s probably because Lilith doesn’t want too many people to know about it, after all, the theft of the auction was enough to upset her.

As long as I can retrieve the Aquamarine Star, I don’t want to make a big deal out of it either.

She is my good girlfriend after all.”

“OK, let’s go inside.” The white man took Cheryl Ganassi’s hand and entered the cabin.

At this point, there were three people sitting in the cabin, Luke, Lilith, and John, as Lucy escorted the female suspect into the house inside.

“Lilith, we’re here.” Cheryl Ganassi walked briskly into the cabin and looked at John and then at Lilith, “Did you find my necklace?”

Lilith pointed to the cookie tin on the table, “The Aquamarine Star is right here.”

Cheryl Ganassi reached for the tin box and Luke stopped her, “Ms. Ganassi, the necklace is now physical evidence and should not be touched.”

“I just want to make sure it’s my necklace, isn’t that even allowed?”

“Of course you can, but you have to put on gloves first.” Luke took out a pair of plastic gloves and handed them to her.

“Thanks.” Cheryl Ganassi said somewhat reluctantly, then put on the gloves and couldn’t wait to open the iron box, she gently picked up the necklace to check it, her face suddenly changed, “Oh my God, my sapphire is damaged, who did this?”

John replied, “It was like this when we found it.”

Cheryl Ganassi questioned, “Did a thief break it? Who the hell stole my sapphire?”

John said, “At noon today, we stopped a speeding car owned by Mary Larson, who is a janitor at the Baggs Club.”

“Mary?” Cheryl Ganassi muttered, looking over at Lilith and Luke, “Is that the black cleaning woman who stole my necklace?”

Luke said, “We just interrogated her and Mary Larson denied stealing the necklace, saying that she had picked it up from the trash and, it was damaged when she saw it.”

“That’s impossible, she’s lying, how could I have thrown the necklace in the trash, she must be avoiding responsibility.

I’m going to confront her.”

Lilith advised, “Cheryl, don’t be in a hurry, calm down and see if this necklace is the one you lost.”

Cheryl Ganassi picked up the necklace and carefully observed, “The necklace has the same shape as the Aquamarine Star, but why is this broken Aquamarine Star like this? It feels ……”

Cheryl Ganassi hands the necklace to her boyfriend, “Honey, can you see if it’s the Aquamarine Star you gave me?”

“Hey, don’t touch that necklace.” John hands a pair of gloves to the white man.

The white man puts on the gloves to check out the necklace, “It’s the same style as the Aquamarine Star, but a real gemstone wouldn’t break so easily ……

I have a feeling this sapphire is fake.”

Cheryl Ganassi’s face became a bit ugly, “I also feel the same way, this necklace is very much like a fake, the real gemstone has a hard texture, even if it is more brittle, it won’t look like this when damaged.” Cheryl Ganassi pondered for a moment, “I know, it must be that cleaning lady named Mary who stole the real necklace and replaced it with a fake one.

Where is she?

She must have hidden my real necklace.”

Luke waved his hand, “Ms. Ganassi, you need to hurry, we have Mary Larson under control and I’ve talked to her.

Before you confront her, I’d like to talk to your boyfriend.

After all, he’s the one who had the last contact with the Aquamarine Star necklace.”

Cheryl Ganassi looked over at her boyfriend.

The white man said, “No problem, but it’s been two days since it happened and I’m not sure if my memory is accurate.”

Luke sized up the other man, “What’s your name?”

“Marshall Wilson.” The white man responded and asked rhetorically, “Are you a cop too?”

“Luke Lee, Robbery-Murder Division.”

Cheryl Ganassi muttered softly in her boyfriend’s ear.

Marshall Wilson’s face changed slightly, then returned to normal, “Captain Lee, I’ve heard of your great name a long time ago. This morning I even talked to a friend about Kalman Pharmaceuticals.

Their company’s stock dropped another five points.”

The word another indicated that Kalman Pharmaceuticals was not in a very good situation right now, at least, that’s how it seemed to the outside world.

Because the police had been keeping the case secret from the outside world, now that the case had been solved, some news had gradually been made public, for example, the Kalman Pharmaceuticals building catching fire was not a mere accident, but someone had intentionally targeted the new antihypertensive drug that Kalman Pharmaceuticals was newly developing and burned up all the new antihypertensive drug research and development data.

Moreover, Fred Kramer, the director in charge of the new antihypertensive drug development, was shot and his life is uncertain.

The research and development of the new antihypertensive drug will probably fail, and the billions of dollars invested in research and development police will also go down the drain, so the stock of Kalman Pharmaceuticals has fallen all the way down, and has almost reached the bottom.

The news about Kalman Pharmaceutical Company is confusing, there are people who are optimistic about Kalman Pharmaceutical Company, think that as long as the new antihypertensive drug research and development is successful, Kalman Pharmaceutical Company’s stock is bound to soar, but the outside world’s news is ultimately slower than the beat, while there are true and false, most people still do not look favorably on the development of the Kalman Pharmaceutical Company, there are a lot of people who sell their stocks.

Luke as the Kalman Pharmaceuticals series of cases of the operator, he for the Kalman Pharmaceuticals company’s situation is still relatively understandable, the new antihypertensive drug has reached the trial stage, a few involved in the research and development of the new antihypertensive drug are full of confidence, but also because of the new antihypertensive drug will soon be successfully developed, a series of targeting events will occur.

Now the outside world is most concerned about two points is that the fire destroyed all the research and development data of the new antihypertensive drug, which is the new antihypertensive drug for the impact of how big.

The second point is whether Fred Kramer, the head of the R&D department, is physically capable of continuing to lead the R&D work of the new antihypertensive drug.

These two points have a great impact on the success of the development of the new antihypertensive drug.

And Luke happened to be one of the few people who could understand the truth, although the R&D data of the new antihypertensive drug had been burned by the fire, but the head of the trial drug, Cam Smith, had been bribed by Sun Pharmaceuticals and had been stealing the R&D data of the new antihypertensive drug, and had also left a backup.

Luke had already helped Kalman Pharmaceuticals retrieve most of the R&D data, and Kalman Pharmaceuticals didn’t lose much.

Secondly, Luke had just met Fred Kramer, the head of research and development of Kallman Pharmaceuticals, and sold him his Mercedes Benz, and he was recovering well, and couldn’t wait to continue the research and development of the new antihypertensive drug.

Summarizing the above, Luke felt that the new antihypertensive drug research and development is very likely to be successful, when the time comes, the stock of Kalman Pharmaceuticals will certainly rise, and Kalman Pharmaceuticals stock has been falling for a period of time, it is the bottom of a good time.

There is another point, Luke now has a million dollars in cash in hand, can’t always be put in the bank, this is a good opportunity to invest, is not it?

Luke has decided to contact his father tonight to see how to operate more appropriate.

He suppressed the distractions in his mind and asked to Marshall Wilson, “Mr. Wilson, I heard that you gave this necklace to Miss Cheryl Ganassi?”

“Yes, I love her and she is the only one who deserves this precious necklace.”

“Did the police find this necklace as the one you gave to Miss Ganassi in the first place?”

Marshall Wilson shook his head, “Obviously, it’s a fake necklace and my real one was dropped.

I hope you can retrieve it soon.”

Luke said, “According to Miss Cheryl Ganassi, she gave you the Aquamarine Star necklace the night before last when she returned from the ball?”

“Yes, I put the necklace in the safe in a square gift box.”

“You are sure you put the Aquamarine Star necklace in the safe?”


“Did you lock the safe?”


“Did you take the necklace out of the safe afterward?”

“No, I had absolutely no reason to do so.”

“But according to Mary the cleaner, she picked up the necklace from the trash.”

“She must have lied, how could I have thrown such a precious necklace into the trash.”

Luke kept staring at Marshall Wilson’s cheeks, vaguely seeing traces of lying from the other’s face, and laughed, “Perhaps, you knew from the beginning that this necklace was fake?”

Marshall Wilson was disgruntled, “Hey, Captain Lee, I respect you.

I hope you respect me as well.

There’s no way I would give a fake necklace to the woman I love.”

Cheryl Ganassi also walked over and stood next to Marshall Wilson, looking up at him, “I’m sure Marshall Wilson would never cheat on me.”

Luke didn’t bother to say anything more, “Officer John, state your findings.”

John stood up and crossed his arms, “We took biopsies from that necklace and extracted fingerprints from two people, and after comparing them one of the fingerprints belongs to Mr. Marshall Wilson.”

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