Chapter 573

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:17:34
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“He just ……”

Cheryl Ganassi was tempted to say that her boyfriend had just touched the necklace, but the second half of her sentence was silenced when she saw the gloves her boyfriend was wearing.

Cheryl Ganassi glanced at her boyfriend with a slightly complicated look, and then looked back at John, “Whose is the other fingerprint?”

“The fingerprint database doesn’t have it. ” John looked at Cheryl Ganassi, “Ms. Ganassi, can I compare your fingerprints?”

Cheryl Ganassi hesitated for a moment and nodded slightly.

John then took Cheryl Ganassi’s fingerprints and compared them with a portable fingerprint collector, and Cheryl Ganassi’s fingerprints matched perfectly with the other fingerprint found on the necklace.

Cheryl Ganassi held her forehead and looked at her boyfriend and then at Luke and the others, “I’m a little messed up in the head, what the hell is going on?

Why are my fingerprints on the fake necklace.”

Luke said, “I don’t know how to authenticate gemstones, and from the looks of things, this necklace should be the one you lost.”

Cheryl Ganassi whipped her head around to look at her boyfriend, “Marshall, what the hell is going on here?”

Marshall Wilson sighed, “Honey, let’s change places and I’ll tell you everything.”

John said, “Mr. Marshall Wilson, it would be best if you didn’t leave here until this case is resolved.”

Marshall Wilson said, “Now that the necklace has been found, we’re withdrawing the police report.”

John said, “Even if you want to revoke it, you still need to find out the circumstances of the case first, reporting a false police report is equally illegal.

Moreover, we have already arrested Ms. Mary Larson, again, we have to give her a statement.”

Marshall Wilson helplessly said, “I didn’t even think about calling the police …… It was simply an accident.”

John said, “Since it was an accident, you should have made it clear.”

Marshall Wilson let out a long sigh, “OK, I admit that I was the one who threw the necklace into the trash.

Before I threw it, I also put it in an opaque bag.

Who knew that black woman would go through the garbage, and she got me killed.”

Cheryl Ganassi questioned with red eyes, “So, you gave me a fake necklace?”

“Some time ago, my investment failed and I lost a lot of money.

I can’t even get money for an expensive engagement gift right now ……

I love you and I didn’t want to disappoint you, so that’s why I hired someone to make a fake necklace.” Marshall Wilson grabbed Cheryl Ganassi’s shoulders, “Baby, this is only temporary.

As long as we’re married, everything will turn out fine.

According to my father’s will, as soon as I get married, I’ll inherit a large sum of money, and I’ll make sure to buy you a better necklace then.”

“Marriage?” Cheryl Ganassi broke away from Marshall Wilson’s arm and shook her head, “No, I’m not going to marry someone who cheats on me, never.

You go to hell, cheater.” Cheryl Ganassi finished and left the cabin in tears.

“Baby ……”

Marshall Wilson wanted to chase him out, but was stopped by John: “Man, don’t rush off yet, this matter is not yet finished.”

“I admit that the necklace is fake, what else do you guys want?” Marshall Wilson was a bit chagrined and gave John a hard look.

“It’s not what I want, it’s that you have to give Mary Larson a statement and fight for her understanding.

I think you understand what I mean.”

“That fucking janitor?” Marshall Wilson became even angrier and shook his head, “No, if it wasn’t for her this whole thing wouldn’t even be in the shape it’s in.”

John shrugged, “Even if Mary Larson hadn’t taken that necklace from the trash, Miss Cheryl Ganassi would have realized it was missing just the same and called the police anyway.”

“Fuck! This should never have happened, it’s all because of that damn auction last night.” Marshall Wilson waved his fist hard, “The night before last, Cheryl wore the necklace I gave her to the ball, and immediately became the center of attention at the ball, everyone loved the necklace, and Cheryl reaped a lot of compliments, and she even said she wanted to reward me, originally, it was supposed to be a wonderful night.

When we got back to the room, Cheryl went to the bathroom to take a shower and asked me to put the necklace away.

I was in a state of ambivalence; I was happy to see Cheryl happy.

At the same time, I knew very well that the necklace was fake, and that made me feel guilty.

At that time, my mood was a little bad, and I didn’t take the fake necklace seriously, and I accidentally touched the safe on …… and broke it.

I couldn’t let Cheryl know about it, otherwise, she would know that the necklace was fake, so I put the necklace back together, threw it away, and customized another fake necklace.

As soon as the fake necklace is done, I put it back in the box that held the necklace.”

John asked, “Aren’t you worried that Cheryl Ganassi will find out?”

“Huh.” Marshall Wilson laughed, “Man, you don’t know anything about rich women.

They’re so vain that they won’t wear the same clothes or the same jewelry anytime soon.

In my experience, when Cheryl opens the safe, it’s enough for her to see the box with the necklace, she won’t open it.

When the new necklace I customized comes back in a couple of days, I can just put it back and no one will find it.

But alas ……

The auction items were stolen last night, which made Cheryl a little uneasy, which is why she checked her valuables before accidentally realizing the necklace was missing.

Damn, I’m so unlucky.”

John corrected, “No, you’re not unlucky, lies have to be caught one day.”

Marshall Wilson pointed at John, “You’re in no position to lecture me and I don’t need your admonishment, I’m just unlucky.

If Cheryl and I could have consummated our marriage, I would have inherited what was left of my father’s estate and none of this would have been a problem.”

John said, “There are no ifs in this world.

The reality is that you and Cheryl Ganassi filed a false police report and the police followed the tip you gave them and caught a suspect who actually broke no laws, and there’s no way this could have been treated as if it hadn’t happened.

The suspect we apprehended became the real ‘victim’, do you understand what I mean?”

“Yes, I understand.

Isn’t it just the settlement fee?

You can contact my attorney, I still have that small amount.” Marshall Wilson left a business card and turned to leave.

John questioned, “You’re just going to leave? I suggest you apologize sincerely to Ms. Mary Larson first, perhaps she will choose to forgive you.”

Marshall Wilson shook his head, “I’ve already said too many sorry words today, I don’t want to say any more.

Moreover, you’d better make it clear that I’m not the one who said that the necklace was lost, I’m not the one who called the police, and I didn’t break any laws.

It was a complete misunderstanding.

And, Mary Larson did take the necklace didn’t she?”

John said, “But you concealed the actual facts.”

“SORRY, this is the last time I will say SORRY.

It’s true that I did wrong before, but I’ve told you all about it now. As for the settlement, you guys can contact my lawyer.” Marshall Wilson finished and left the cabin straight away.

John looked at Luke, “I would love to put a pair of silver bracelets on him.”

Luke laughed, “You could arrest him for obstructing law enforcement.”

John thought for a moment, “Forget it, he’s had enough bad luck now, losing his girlfriend and losing face.

May not be able to take another hit, what he needs most right now is a good drink.

Poor guy.”

Luke patted him on the shoulder, “Your biggest flaw is being too nice.”

John countered, “Whoa whoa, are you giving me a compliment?”

“You think it is is what it is, thanks to you and Lucy for helping out this time, I’ll buy you guys a drink some day.”

“No, we’re the ones who should be buying you drinks, you’re the one who’s giving us the chance to take credit.”

“Then let’s buy one for each of us.”

“Good idea.” The two clinked fists.

Lilith looked at the two men, “Gentlemen, what should we do next?”

Luke said, “Talk to Mary Larson and see what she wants?”

Lilith walked over to Luke, “If Mary Larson doesn’t agree to a settlement, will it involve Cheryl Ganassi or your cop friend?”

Luke shook his head, “Cheryl Ganassi, although she was the one who called the police, didn’t intend to file a false police report, the fault lies with Marshall Wilson for withholding crucial information.

The police are also just investigating the case according to the law, all the procedures are fine, there is no problem.

Even if Mary Larson were to be held responsible, it would be Marshall Wilson’s responsibility.

Moreover, Mary Larson was not blameless in this matter, she did take the necklace and lied about it.

Technically, all three are at fault.”

Lilith nodded, “You’re right, she also violated the club’s employee rules from that point on.”

After the three were unified, Luke had Lucy bring out Mary Larson.

Luke told Mary Larson everything that happened.

Mary Larson revealed an aggrieved look, “Miss Finn, I said that I really didn’t steal from the guests, and I wouldn’t do that.”

Lilith showed a disappointed look, “I know.

But you did take that necklace and you lied to me about it.”

“I’m sorry, it’s true that I was wrong, but I didn’t mean to deceive you ……

That necklace was so beautiful that I couldn’t help myself.

Can you forgive me?”

Lilith looked at her with a serious face and said after a long time, “Just this once.”

“Thank you, thank you so much.”

“Mary Larson, if this gets out, it won’t do you or the club any good, I hope you can keep it a secret.”

“I know, I’ll be sure not to tell anyone.”

Lilith glanced at Luke and continued, “Because the two guests didn’t communicate well, it caused them to report the wrong police report, and they are at fault for this incident.

One of the guests is willing to settle with you and compensate you for some damages.

What are your thoughts?”

“I’m all ears.” Mary Larson treasured her job at the club, with a good working environment, good pay, and lots of vacations, and she had worried before that Lilith would fire her because of this incident.

Lilith said, “The other side will have an attorney come out and talk to you about a settlement.

Do you want to talk in person, or do you want the club’s lawyer to come out and help you fight for your rights?”

“A lawyer?” Mary Larson frowned slightly, “Ms. Finn, I don’t have much money.”

“This matter happened at the club, you are an employee of the club, the lawyer’s fees will be covered by the club.”

“Thank you, thank you so much Miss Finn.” Mary Larson had an inexplicable reverence for lawyers, for her to personally talk to the other party’s lawyers, she didn’t have a clue in her heart, and for her to hire a lawyer to do so, she couldn’t afford to part with the lawyer’s fees.

Moreover, even if she got a lawyer, she wasn’t as good as the club’s lawyers.

Lilith also breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid that Mary Larson would be unrelenting and make a scene, after all, Mary Larson had a racial addition, and the club would still be in chaos for a few days if she really wanted to make a scene.

By the club’s lawyer stepping in to settle the case, Lilith can control the whole situation, and turn the big matter into a small matter, which is the most favorable to the club.

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