Chapter 575

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:17:38
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Lilith let out a long sigh, somewhat depressed.

The advantage of being born in a big family was that there were no worries about food and clothing, and one could live their life in style, but the big family was crowded and there was a lot of competition.

There were a dozen siblings in Lilith’s generation, and if she wanted to be nurtured by the family and get more say, she needed to fight for it herself and show enough ability.

If one was not capable enough, one could only be a second generation rich kid who waited for death.

Lilith was only about twenty years old now, she didn’t want to start her retirement life now.

This matter must be dealt with as soon as possible and properly.

“Ta-da ……” There was a sound of footsteps from outside.

A curly-haired man wearing a badge walked into the auction room, he was in his late thirties, not very tall, and his face looked a little serious.

“Ms. Finn, I hear you’ve hired a detective?”

“Hello, Detective Yarrow.” Lilith put away her cell phone and smiled, “You’re very well informed. I did hire someone to assist in finding the stolen auction items, but it’s not considered hiring a detective, but asking a friend to help.”

“Ms. Finn, is it my work that gives you something to complain about?”

“No, as I said, he’s my friend.

I just want to find that stolen auction item as soon as possible, that’s all.”

“OK, did that friend of yours find anything?”

“He said he was going to go outside to check it out, so I called and asked him to come back. I’m sure he’d like to talk to you as well.” Lilith took out her cell phone and dialed Luke’s number.

But Luke didn’t answer, and not long afterward, a young brunette walked into the auction house, “Lilith, what can I do for you?”

Lilith pointed to the curly-haired middle-aged man next to her, “Luke, let me introduce you to Detective Nicolin Yarrow of the Canyon Precinct.

Detective Yarrow, this is my friend that I asked to look into the case, Luke Lee.”

Nicolin Yarrow looked at Luke and frowned slightly, “You’re Captain Lee from the Heist and Murder Division?”

“That’s me, hello Inspector Yarrow.”

“Sir, it’s nice to meet you in person.” Nicolin Yarrow shook Luke’s hand.

“Just call me Luke, Ms. Finn is a friend of mine, I’m only here to help in a personal capacity, it’s up to you to investigate the case.”

“YES SIR,” Nicolin Yarrow responded, and then looked at Lilith on the side and smiled, “Ms. Finn, it’s really surprising that you were able to enlist Captain Lee’s help.”

Lilith teased, “It really wasn’t easy to ask for his help, I begged for a long time before he was willing to come.

However, having him here is indeed very reassuring.”

At this, Nicolin Yarrow sounded a little uncomfortable, but he could only admit it, he couldn’t afford to mess with either of these two.

Luke took the initiative to ask, “Inspector Yaro, can you tell us about the progress of your investigation?”

“Of course.” In the face of Luke, Nicolin Yarrow had nothing to hide, for one thing, the other party was higher than his own position, and secondly, the Robbery and Murder Division were both handling major cases, and wouldn’t grab this credit with himself.

“Last night, we arrived at the club at nine-thirty, verified the identities of the people present, and found that during the blackout, two employees and six guests left the venue.

One of the employees was going to the power distribution room to check on the situation.

Another employee was going to the restroom.

The remaining six guests had their own reasons.

All of these people who left during the power outage are highly suspect.

The difficulty in the investigation now is because of the power outage, which caused the cameras to lose power and didn’t capture whether or not these people were carrying suspicious items when they left.

The only thing we can do now is to verify it through the statements of the people present, however, the venue was dark and chaotic after the power outage yesterday, and no one could describe the situation in detail, which is one of the difficulties in the investigation.” Nicolin Yarrow looked at Lilith, “Also, Ms. Finn wants us to not cause as much disturbance to the guests as possible during the investigation, which has also led to a slower progress of the investigation.”

Luke asked, “Any key suspects?”

Nicolin Yarrow replied, “Yes. The employee who took advantage of the power outage to go to the bathroom and the two guests left alone, and there is no way to prove whether or not they were carrying suspicious items when they left, and the other guests left in pairs and can testify against each other, which makes the suspicion a little less.”

Luke said, “From the current situation, the theft of the auction items should be a gang crime, and the possibility of accomplices perjuring themselves against each other cannot be ruled out.”

“This is something I have also taken into consideration, since the power outage was caused by human beings, it means that one suspect was in the power distribution room when the power was cut off, and the other suspect was operating in the auction venue, and after the power was cut off, he stole the enamels on the auction table, and quickly left the auction venue.”

Speaking of which, Nicolin Yarrow sighed, “We checked the power distribution room for fingerprints, but we didn’t find any suspicious biopsies, and the other suspect was most likely wearing gloves when he cut the power.”

Luke pondered for a moment, “Was the auction venue carefully surveyed, is it possible that the suspect didn’t take the auction items at that time, but left them somewhere, waiting for the crowds to leave, and then secretly removed the auction items.”

“Impossible, we had the auction venue carefully surveyed, all the places where the enamel could be hidden were checked, and this possibility has been ruled out.” Nicolin Yarrow finished and looked at Luke, “Captain Li, although we have looked for key targets for investigation, we lacked key clues and evidence, resulting in slow progress of the investigation.

You are experienced in handling cases, and I would like to hear your suggestions.”

Luke walked to the auction venue to look around, “I’ve been wondering if the suspect would not have left the scene after stealing the enamel.”

Nicolin Yarrow asked, “And how did he take the enamel with him?”

Luke pointed to a side window, “By giving the enamel to his accomplice from here.”

Nicolin Yarrow walked over to the window and yanked on it, “That’s something I’ve considered, but the window gap is fixed, the maximum opening size is 6 inches, and the enamel has a belly of 9.5 inches, there’s no way to get out.”

Luke looked to Lilith, “Get me a bottle similar to the size of the enamel and a woven bag.”

Lilith walked to the door and barked a few orders at an employee, and it wasn’t long before an employee came trotting back, holding a clear glass vase.

Lilith took the vase and walked into the auction room and asked, “Luke, is this bottle okay?”

“It’s okay.” Luke took the bottle and walked over to the window, the bottle was about eight or nine inches around the belly and really wouldn’t fit through the window gap.

Luke then grabbed a woven bag over the bottle and slammed it to the ground, the glass bottle made a cracking sound and easily passed through the window gap.

Luke clapped his hands, “The bottle is out, the person is still in the auction house.”

Lilith frowned slightly, “But the bottle is broken, and the enamel is no longer worth anything even if it was stolen.

What’s the point of the suspect doing this?”

Luke said, “I’m just offering an investigative idea.”

Nicolin Yarrow looked outside the window and said faintly, “Captain Li, this is an interesting investigative idea of yours, but if you can’t find any relevant evidence, speculation is just speculation.”

Nicolin Yarrow didn’t really agree with Luke’s speculation, this kind of reasoning that only emphasized on the outcome and crime techniques was commonly seen in detective-themed movies and TV dramas, while the police paid more attention to the suspect’s motives and evidence.

Usually thieves committed the crime for profit, and the enamel was worthless once it was broken, so it made no sense at all to do so.

“Follow me.” Luke led the two men downstairs, below the windows of the auction house to be exact.

The window was paved with stone tiles right below it, next to a green lawn, and Luke crouched down on the stone tiles, pointing to the muddy area of the lawn, “Inspector Yarrow, what do you see here?”

Nicolin Yarrow also squatted down to check, his face revealed a surprised look, then put on his gloves and picked up a piece of green debris from the muddy area of the lawn, and asked to Lilith who was on the side, “Miss Fenn, is this a fragment of an enameled porcelain vase?”

Lilith also walked over to check and nodded slightly, “From the color and texture, it looks very much like a fragment of enamel.” After saying that, Lilith was surprised, “Could it be that Luke’s speculation was correct, and someone really broke the enamel and threw it out of the window.”

Nicolin Yarrow also looked at Luke, he had heard of Luke’s great name before, but only heard of it, to be able to achieve the position of Inspector’s ability are not bad, it is inevitable that there are a few points of arrogance.

However, Luke just viewed the scene, speculated on the suspect’s modus operandi, but also found the key evidence, so he had to admire.

Luke continued: “Last night it was not only raining, but also thundering and flashing, I think that after the suspect used the bag to cover the enamel, he took advantage of the thunder to crack the enamel, plus the auction venue was more chaotic after the power outage, so the crowd didn’t notice this.

The suspect then threw the bag containing the enamel out the window. It is likely that the mouth of the bag was not tied tightly and some pieces of enamel fell out.

It was dark at that time, so the suspect’s accomplice might not have noticed this, or he might have noticed it, but the situation was so urgent that he could only leave with the bag containing the enamel.

I was just looking around and I just happened to find these enamel shavings and that’s how I came up with this modus operandi.”

Nicolin Yarrow said smoothly, “Why would the suspect do that?”

Luke shrugged, “I don’t know, that’s for you to investigate.”

Nicolin Yarrow stroked his chin and said thoughtfully, “That is to say, the person who stole the enamel didn’t leave the auction venue at all, and my investigation was in the wrong direction, but instead, I overlooked the real burglar.”

Luke laughed, “Inspector Yarrow, I haven’t talked to the people involved in the case. So it’s just to provide an investigative idea, and it’s still up to you to make your own judgment on how to investigate the case.”

Nicolin Yarrow said solemnly, “Thank you Captain Li, this investigative idea of yours is very important to me.

I will have someone carefully survey around the porcelain shards and carefully verify this possibility.”

“Wait for your good news.” Luke smiled and left with Lilith.

“Thank you, Sir.”

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