Chapter 576

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:17:41
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Baggs Club.

A Spanish-style restaurant built on the coast, the restaurant was divided into two parts: indoor and open-air.

Luke and Lilith sat at the open-air table and chatted, next door was the endless sea, the sea breeze brushed against their faces and the sound of waves lapping against the shore could be faintly heard, it was very healing.

Lilith lifted her red wine glass, “Cheers.”

“Cheers!” Luke also raised his glass and took a sip, savoring the taste of the red wine.

After coming to Los Angeles, Luke also followed the customs of the country and gradually got used to drinking wine.

Lilith asked, “When do you think Inspector Yarrow will catch the burglars?”

Luke gazed at the sea level, “This case isn’t that difficult and the modus operandi isn’t that smart.

Previously, Inspector Yarrow delayed the progress of the investigation only because the other party misunderstood the suspect’s motive and kept thinking that the suspect was trying to steal the complete enameled gourd vase.

Now that Inspector Yarrow has set a new direction for the investigation, the investigation should progress quickly.

My guess is that there might be results tomorrow.”

Lilith rubbed her temples, “I’m relieved to hear you say that.”

Luke picked up an olive and took a bite, “Your grandfather gave you this club to take care of?”

“Yes.” Lilith smiled, “I have you to thank for that.

I gave my grandfather a portion of the treasure we found on the nameless island and told him about our treasure hunt, he was so happy to hear it and asked me about the process and details of the hunt like a child.

I haven’t seen him so happy for a long time.

My grandfather also told me that business is as much about the spirit of discovery as it is about treasure hunting.

I told him that as his granddaughter, a member of the Finn family, I never lacked the spirit of exploration, and this treasure hunt was proof of that.

I got the old man happy and he left the club in my care.”

Luke asked with some envy, “What do you mean you’ve been handed over to take care of it? Gave it to you?”

“It’s a little early to tell, Grandfather may be old, but he’s still in good health and has a clear head ……

All I have to do now is to take care of the club, that’s the basics.

If I can’t even do that ……,” Lilith showed a you-know-what expression.

Luke laughed, “Looks like being the heir of a big family isn’t easy either.”

“Yes, I haven’t managed a family business before and I still have a lot to learn.” Lilith said softly, “To be honest, suddenly parachuted into this position, I’m also a bit flustered.

Especially the theft of the auction items has made me very passive, if I don’t handle it well, I’ll definitely be ridiculed by those nasties at the next family gathering.

Thank you again for your help, my knight.”

Luke grabbed her white palm and kissed the back of it, raising one eyebrow, “Just talking about thanking you isn’t sincere, it takes action.”

Lilith smiled, “I haven’t had a good rest since the auction was stolen last night, and now that I can finally rest, I need to get a good night’s sleep.

I don’t have the energy to go crazy with you tonight.”

“What about tomorrow night?”

Lilith blinked her big eyes, “Depends on my mood.”

Luke teased, “There’s a Chinese saying that says a rabbit dies when a dog dies, and I’m experiencing it now.”

“Come on, I’m not who you say I am, why don’t you let’s talk about what you’re getting paid for.”

Luke picked up his glass of red wine and clinked it with her, “Isn’t it a little early to be talking about this when the burglary suspect hasn’t even been caught yet.”

Lilith took a sip of her red wine, “How can there be a suspect that can’t be caught when Captain Luke is on the job, let alone a minor burglar.

I have confidence in you.”

Just then, a waitress came over and nodded, “Miss Finn, Mr. Lee, your dinner is ready.”

“Serve the meal.”

“Okay.” A few moments later, several waiters walked over with trays, placing an exquisite dish on the table.

Paella, Iberian ham, Galician octopus, stewed oxtail, Spanish fish soup, Spanish roasted pork loin, Asturias stew, and so on.

“Please enjoy your meal, both of you.”

After the waiters served the food, they left the restaurant one after another, and only two people were left in the entire open-air restaurant again.

Luke asked, “Did you pack the place today?”

“Yes. Don’t say anything about the rabbit’s death, but I value you.” Lilith lifted her wine glass, clinked it with Luke, and smiled, “How’s the taste of the dishes? It’s my first time to try the dishes as well.”

Luke first had a piece of roasted pork loin, which was only good while it was hot, it was charred and soft in the mouth, and there was a faint aroma of wine, “It tastes good.”

Lilith ate a mussel shell and nodded slightly, “Not bad.”

Luke ate another piece of ham, the meat was soft, slightly chewy and melted in his mouth; with salty and sweet flavors, it had a rich taste and was good for wine.

Lilith finished tasting a few dishes, put down her fork and took a sip of red wine, “What do you think of these dishes?”

Luke nodded, “Except for that octopus which is average, the others are quite tasty, overall the flavor is good.”

“Since Captain Lee said so, let’s keep him.” Lilith smiled, “Let’s talk about your payment, you can just mention whatever you want.”

“I came here because of your face, so it doesn’t matter how much money.” Luke showed a look of you watch and give.

Lilith leaned her body forward and said in a petulant tone, “Is it okay not to give it then?”

Luke shrugged, “It’s okay to manage the food.”

“Haha ……”

Lilith laughed softly, “That’s enough with you, I’m not going to save the club money with my favors.

So, it’s better to save your gratuitous help for later when I need it.”

“I have two options, the first is a half million dollars in consulting fees;

The second option is a four hundred and fifty thousand dollar consulting fee plus a one year membership to the Baggs Club.” After finishing, Lilith added, “I suggest you choose the latter because the annual membership fee for the Baggs Club is usually around one hundred thousand dollars.”

“That expensive? Are there any services?”

“Membership is just a threshold to enter the club, in addition, you can stay in the club for twenty days free of charge within a year, and enjoy all the public facility services, such as golf, gym, racetrack, buffet, and so on.

As long as there are no additional services, you basically don’t have to pay anything.”

Luke thought briefly and decided to choose the second option for two reasons.

The first was the issue of paying taxes, although it looked like the first option was fifty thousand dollars more, it was before taxes, and after taxes it came to just over thirty thousand dollars, buying a year’s membership of the club with over thirty thousand dollars was still a good deal.

Among other things, it is also free to stay for twenty days, Luke is tired of working, but also can come here to take a vacation break.

Secondly, the threshold of this club is very high, those who can come here are either rich or noble, Luke spends thirty thousand dollars to feel the rich people’s circle of life is still very necessary.

What’s more, isn’t making money about enjoyment?

Luke smiled, “I’m vacationing here alone, can I ask you out for afternoon tea when I’m bored?”

Lilith said arrogantly, “If all the guests want to ask me out for afternoon tea, then I don’t need to do anything else every day.

However, you are an exception.

As long as I’m in a good mood, of course I can.”

“Why does it feel like you’re being fickle?”

Lilith was unimpressed, “Is there a woman who isn’t fickle?”

Luke raised his glass and laughed, “To your emotional stability, cheers!”

The following morning.

Luke slept until he woke up naturally and looked at his somewhat unfamiliar bedroom before remembering that this was not his new home, but the club house.

Luke walked over to the window and pulled open the curtains, the sunlight shone into the room, opening the window, a fresh air hit his nose.

Luke lived in a detached house as well, and outside the window was a separate courtyard, planted with many small purple and yellow flowers that looked vibrant and beautiful in the rising sun.

Luke stretched his back, washed up, changed into clean clothes, and went to the cafeteria to eat.

The cafeteria had a good selection of food, and Luke asked for a glass of milk, a cup of coffee, French fries, fried eggs, bacon, ham hocks, sandwiches, blueberries, and oranges.

Luke ate slowly, enjoying a leisurely meal while admiring the view out the window.

Luke was halfway through his breakfast when Lilith arrived and sat down across from Luke with his dinner plate, “Good morning.”

“Eating so little?” Luke saw that Lilith’s plate contained only an omelette, a vegetable salad and a cup of coffee.

“I just woke up from a nap and don’t have much of an appetite yet.”

“Did you sleep well last night?”

“Pretty good, I could have slept another hour if I hadn’t been woken up by my cell phone.” Lilith took a sip of her coffee, “By the way, I have good news for you, Inspector Yarrow has caught the suspect in the enamel theft.

Would you like to come with me to check it out?”

“Why not?” Luke also wanted to know the suspect’s motive.

After the meal, Luke and Lilith once again went to the auction venue.

There were several police officers standing inside and outside the auction venue, and Inspector Yarrow was leading two handcuffed men who seemed to be identifying the scene.

Luke didn’t enter the auction house right away, but stood in the doorway and watched.

Lilith did the same, except that her willow brows were slightly knitted as she looked at the two handcuffed men, a touch of disquiet on her face.

Luke asked, “You recognize them?”

“Yes. The older white man is a member of the club, I met him that night at the auction venue.

The other handcuffed man was a guest he brought with him, as far as I remember, he should not have been at the auction venue at that time, and was most likely the one who met them outside.”

Ten minutes later, the two handcuffed white men were taken directly to the police.

Nicolin Yarrow walked over to Luke and Lilith and pointed at the backs of the two white men, “Those two guys are the suspects for the theft of the auction items, and they’ve already confessed to the crime.”

Lilith asked, “How did you catch them?”

Nicolin Yarrow replied, “I followed Captain Li’s speculation and changed the direction of the investigation, re-interviewing the guests at the auction venue.

After verification, I found two suspects who fit the characteristics of the crime.

I questioned the two of them separately, and with the eyewitness testimonies and confessions, these two climbed on top of each other.

I also found the enamel that had been broken, and the two of them are guilty as charged.”

Lilith was curious, “What was their motive?”

“Fred Conley, the older suspect, this guy was rich and a successful businessman.

He loved enameled porcelain and had a collection of similar gourd vase enamels, very similar to the one that was damaged.

When he heard that the club was having an auction of similar enamels, he rushed to the club wanting to capture the enamel and make a pair.

After he came to the club, he began to inquire about the enamel, and also had contact with the owner of the damaged enamel.

To his dismay, the price of the enameled gourd vase far exceeded his expectations, and he likely could not afford it.

So, before the auction house started, he made two preparations, if the auction price was not too high and within his affordability, he would shoot the enamel to make a pair.

If, on the other hand, the auction price exceeded his ability, he would steal the enamel by means of a crime.

I have to say, this guy is indeed a bit crazy.”

Lilith asked, “What good does stealing the damaged enamel do to him?”

Nicolin Yarrow explained, “In his words, these two enameled gourd vases are very similar, and it would be best if they could be made into a pair.

If they cannot be put together as a pair, the greater the number, the lower the price will be instead.

The smaller the number, the more treasured.

By destroying the enameled porcelain vase at auction, his enameled gourd vase will be an orphaned piece, and the collection value will be greatly increased.”

Luke said, “If you can’t get it, destroy it.”

Nicolin Yarrow nodded, “That’s right, that’s what he said.”

In Luke’s opinion, the argument that orphaned pieces appreciated in value was a bit taken for granted, only to say that it was possible, and ultimately it was up to the buyer’s market.

This approach by Fred Conley was damaging.

Luke felt that he initially wanted to make a pair of the two enameled gourd bottles, but unfortunately, he was shy, and the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, the reason why he damaged the enameled gourd bottles for auction, in addition to the interests, there is also a certain psychology of revenge.

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