Chapter 582

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:18:00
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Inside a business-type police car.

Luke surveyed Wolold Russell across the street, the other party did not have the slightest fear or anxiety on his face, his eyes looked out of the window from time to time, Luke followed his line of sight to the exact location where Forest Park was on fire.

Luke asked, “Warold Russell, what is the reason for your arson?”

Wolloyd Russell didn’t answer, as if he hadn’t heard him, and continued to stare out the window.

Porter nudged Warold Russell’s shoulder, “Hey, our captain is asking you a question, why did you set the fire?”

Worod Russell asked back, “Why did you eat?”

“Because I was hungry.”

“Why did you drink?”

“It’s natural to drink water when you’re thirsty, does that have anything to do with your arson?”

“Of course.” Wolloyd Russell looked at Luke and Potter and said with a serious look on his face, “Eating and drinking are your biological instincts, arson is mine.

There’s no reason for it, it’s just an instinct.”

Wolod Russell said it so naturally that Luke saw no signs of lying on his face.

Luke whispered into Porter’s ear, “Is this guy in his right mind?”

“Uh …… he was supposed to be in his right mind when he was last arrested.” Porter sounded a little uncertain.

Luke stared at the other man for a moment, contemplating, “Describe what happened when you set the fire?”

Volodya Russell glanced out the window, “I don’t like the dark, not since I was a kid, so I usually go to bed early.

However, last night I had insomnia, I was so upset that I couldn’t sleep no matter what.

Then, I came out for a walk and went into the Mogaro Forest Park.

The Mogaro Forest Park was very thickly wooded and it was very dark around me, so I smoked a cigarette and that was the only light of the fire.

The firelight was small and could be swallowed up by the darkness at any moment ……

Soon, that cigarette was going to run out, and I knew I had to make a choice, light, or darkness.

In the end, I chose the light!” Volodya Russell looked out the window, both as if talking to himself and to Luke, “Don’t you think it’s beautiful?”

Luke asked, “What time did you light the fire?”

“I can’t remember, it must have been less than nine o’clock, maybe around eight-fifty.”

“What time do you usually go to bed?”

“I go to bed as soon as it gets dark, about eight o’clock.”

“You went out for a walk because you couldn’t sleep?”


“What time did you leave the house?”

Warold Russell thought for a moment, “I can’t remember, it might have been about ten minutes past eight, it shouldn’t have been more than twenty past eight.”

“Where does your family live?”

“The Ibarra neighborhood.”

Luke looked up the neighborhood on his cell phone.

“Do you walk when you sneak out?”

“Sometimes on foot, but last night I wanted to take a drive, so I drove out.”

“I just checked and it takes twenty minutes to drive from the Ibarra neighborhood to Mogaro Forest Park, and you left your house at ten past eight and lit the fire around eight-fifty, don’t you think that’s too much time to rush?”

Warold Russell shrugged, “I think it’s just right.”

“Where in the park did you light the fire?”

“The valley.”

“It’s a twenty-minute drive from the neighborhood where you live to Mogaro Forest Park, which is where we are now, and from here it takes at least ten minutes to try to get into the valley, and considering it’s nighttime, it could take even longer.

Do you still think that’s enough time?”

Warold Russell licked his lips and continued, “I often come to Mogaro Forest Park Park, I am very familiar with this place, for me this time is enough.”

“OK,” Luke stared at him and followed up, “What kind of car did you drive when you came to Mogaro Forest Park?”

“A dark blue pickup truck.”

“License plate number?”


Luke had just written down the number when there was a knock on the door outside.

Luke opened the door and Jackson was standing next to the car, glancing inside, “Captain, I have something to report.”

Luke got out of the car and stepped aside, “What is it?”

“The preliminary autopsy results are in.”

“What was found was a male body, the body was not burned to death or suffocated by smoke, but was incinerated after death, because the body was charred, the exact cause of death and time of death still need further testing.”

“What about the identity of the deceased?”

“The items related to the body were charred, and the identity of the deceased cannot be confirmed for the time being.”

Luke sighed, “I see.”

Jackson looked over at the commercial vehicle, “Captain, is this guy an arsonist?”

Without answering, Luke turned back to the business car and turned to Volodya Russell, “Did you just say that you set fires out of instinct?”

“Yes. I’ve loved light since I was a kid.”

Luke opened his cell phone and pulled out the picture of the charred body, “Is this what you call caused by light?”

Volodya Russell looked at it and quickly turned his head aside, “It’s none of my business, I blame the unlucky bastard for being a slow runner, rather than burned, he died of stupidity.”

“Did you want to burn him on purpose before you set the fire?”

“No, I didn’t even know him.

I even admitted to arson, there’s no need to lie about it.”

“Whatever the reason, he was killed by the fire you set, you’re a murderer.”

Warlord Russell sighed, “I’m sorry too …… I just like fire, I didn’t mean to kill anyone.”

Luke turned to Potter, who was off to the side, “Watch him.”

“YES, Sir.”

Luke stepped out of the commercial vehicle, recalling the conversation between the two men, he saw no obvious signs of lying from the other man, but there were contradictions in his statement.

Firstly, the crime was committed in a hurry, and secondly, that body was not burned, but incinerated after death.

Then who was the murderer who killed that body?

Luke didn’t think it was Wolloyd Russell.

He even admitted to arson, so if he really was the killer of the body, there was no need to lie.

Subsequently, Luke sought out his lieutenant and put him in charge of investigating Wolloyd Russell’s whereabouts last night to determine whether the other party had the time and motive to commit arson.

Luke himself continued to keep an eye on the scene.

The fire continued for another three hours, and it wasn’t until 5:00 a.m., when a sliver of fish-belly white appeared in the sky, that the firefighters were able to completely extinguish the blaze.

During that time, two firefighters were injured and sent to the hospital for treatment because the fire was too big.

Eight o’clock in the morning.

Luke led a team into the Mogaro Forest Park to search and investigate the cause of the fire.

The originally lushly wooded Mogaro Forest Park now became bare, with dark trees everywhere, and the road under his feet was very muddy, and it was very laborious to walk with a foot of black mud.

Blackie shook his head and sighed, “That asshole actually burned half of the park bald for his own perverted fetish, he should really be sent to the electric chair.”

Jackson sniffs hard, “I smell a burning odor.”

Black sniffs hard, “It smells burnt everywhere here, I don’t smell anything different.”

Jackson didn’t say anything and walked forward quickly, seeing a charred black mass next to a large burnt tree, Jackson plucked it with his stick and frowned, “Looks like a boar.”

Blackie came over as well, “Wow wow, it’s really a roasted boar, your kid’s nose is catching up to a police dog.”

Jackson had an unforgiving look on his face, “Poor little guy, it must have been in a lot of pain and helplessness.”

Blacky shook his head, “You’re not God, you can’t save every pig.”

Jackson sighed, “I don’t want to talk to you right now, no compassion.”

“No, I’m not the one without compassion, I’ve always been kind as a person, it’s just that my compassion wouldn’t be used on a pig.

I don’t think, either, that it’s any different from a pig at the dinner table.

Of course, maybe the pork on the table would smell better, who knows.”

Jackson crossed his arms and asked rhetorically, “So do you still want to take a bite and taste it?”

“Hey, knock it off.” Luke interrupted the two and pointed ahead, “Go see what that is?”

Blackie made a face at Jackson and turned in the direction Luke was pointing, and before he could get close, he stopped and even took two steps back, shouting, “Fuck, what the hell is this ……

It looks like a person!”

Luke also walked over and saw a charred black object that did look like a humanoid object when carefully identified, “Get the forensics and tech team over here.”

Soon, the forensic and technical teams arrived at the scene, and after forensic identification, it was indeed a charred body.

After another twenty minutes, Raymond also found a body on the other side of the valley.

After investigating the scene, the police left Mogaro Forest Park with the two newly discovered bodies.

Black sniffed at his clothes, “I feel like my whole body stinks.”

Jackson shrugged, “You’re always thinking about things from a new perspective, the point now is that a fire killed three people.

And because the bodies are charred, we can’t even identify the dead.

Don’t you think that’s the point?”

The lieutenant walked over with his nose covered and laughed, “Marcus is right, you two guys do stink!”

Blackie added, “I just got the burnt smell, and this rookie has bad breath.”

Luke briefly washed up, changed his clothes and shoes from the car, and asked, “Lieutenant, how’s the investigation going?”

“We found Wolod Russell’s house and I talked to Wolod Russell’s wife.

According to her, Wolod Russell didn’t leave the house last night after eight o’clock, and only hurried out after seeing the fire broadcast on the TV news.

It would have been about nine-thirty.

From the description of Worold Russell’s wife, Worold Russell did not have the time to commit the crime.”

Blackie said, “Could it be that Worold Russell’s wife lied to protect him?”

The vice squad continued, “I guessed that possibility as well.

We then checked the surveillance and found the dark blue pickup truck with license plate number Hxeb328 that Wolod Russell was driving.

That vehicle left the neighborhood at 9:32 p.m. and arrived in the vicinity of Mogaro Forest Park around 9:55 p.m.

And the road surveillance caught Warold Russell driving the car.

This guy lied, he’s not an arsonist at all.”

Jackson spread his hands, “Arson is a felony, so why would he admit to the charge if he didn’t do it?”

The lieutenant rubbed his chin with his right hand, “In my experience, this guy is probably taking the fall for someone else.”

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